Thomas de Greystoke (Abt 1180-1203 - 1232-1247)
William de Greystoke (Abt 1158-1161 - 1209)
William De Greystoke (1430 - ____)
William de Greystock, 2nd Lord of Greystoke (6 Jan 1320 - 10 Jul 1359)
Margaret Grice (ABT 1569 - ABT 1612)
Elizabeth Ely Gridley (16 Jun 1826 - 22 Dec 1921)
Walter Griepentrog (____ - ____)
Nicola Grierson (____ - ____)
Elizabeth Grietes (ABT 1595 - BEF 1638)
Lora Griffin (8 Jan 1890 - 6 Feb 1973)
Amos Griffith (ABT 1798 - 10 Sep 1871)
Elizabeth Griffith (1675 - 1752)
Elizabeth Price Griffith (28 Apr 1827 - 3 May 1923)
Gruffudd ap Madog (Gruffydd MAELOR II) Griffith (ABT 1218 - 7 Dec 1269)
Henry Griffith (1557 - ____)
Henry Griffith (1603 - ____)
Jacob Griffith (ABT 1756 - ____)
John E Griffith (ABT 1923 - ____)
Llewelyn Ap Griffith (1394 - 1418)
Mary Griffith (BET. 1703 - 1748 - ____)
Samuel Griffith (1655 - 1717)
Idonea De Grimerges (1265 - ____)
Robert De Grimerges (ABT 1233 - ____)
Elmina B. Grimes (____ - ____)
William Grimes (1828 - ____)
Mary E. Grinder (____ - ____)
Alvin Gringerich (____ - ____)
Edith Vallie Grisham (2 Nov 1901 - 17 Jan 1968)
UP (Jane Gifford - Jean Guay Guillet )
BACK (Edward Grey - Ralph de Greystock, 3rd Lord of Greystoke )
NEXT (Ann Gristy - Debbi Anne Grover )