Alexander Livingston (1500 - ____)
Alexander Livingston (1561 - 24 Dec 1621)
Alexander Livingston of Callendar, Justiciary (____ - ____)
Christine of Livingston (ABT 1375 - ____)
George Livingston (ABT 1560 - ____)
Henry Livingston (ABT 1559 - ____)
Isabel Livingston (of Saltcoats) (____ - 1475)
Janet Livingston (ABT 1390 - ____)
John Livingston (ABT 1557 - ____)
Margaret Livingston (____ - ____)
Margaret Livingston (1565 - ____)
Margaret Livingston (ABT 1587 - AFT 1634)
Robert Livingston of Easter Wemyss and Drumry (____ - 9 Sep 1513)
William Livingston (ABT 1528 - 1592)
William Livingston (ABT 1562 - ____)
Eupheme Livingstone (1441 - ____)
James Livingstone (____ - ____)
Jane Livingstone (ABT 1555 - ____)
Jean Livingstone (1555 - 15 Sep 1621)
Marian Livingstone (____ - ____)
Dorothy Lizars (25 Aug 1903 - ____)
Valentine Lizars (____ - ____)
Jerimiah C. Lizenby (____ - 8 Dec 1910)
Unknown Verch Llandilo (0943 - ____)
Caradog Ap Llawdearg (ABT 0845 - ____)
Gruffydd Griffith Ap Llewellyn (Abt 1000-1011 - 5 Aug 1063)
Llewellyn Vychan ap Llewellyn (____ - ____)
Alice verch Llewelyn (ABT 1306 - ____)
UP (Hamon Le Strange - Dorothy Lowry )
BACK (John H. Lindsey - Mary Littleton )
NEXT (Angarad (Agnes) verch Llewelyn - Alexander Lockhart )