My Miniatures

1/2000 Sailing ships, 15mm and 25 American Civil War Infantry, Artillery, and Cavalry


From 1975 to 1980 I was in a board gaming and war gaming club which met at Schrock's Hobbies, Canton OH and later at the National Guard Armory in Canton, OH. We played D&D, multiple board games, battles with D&D fantasy and American Civil War miniatures, and fought naval battles with 1/2000 ships ).

In 1975-1980 I painted 30-50 orcs, goblins, trolls, etc from the D&D fantasy world; 10 Valiant Fighting Sails 1/2000 scale ships; 3 Confederate infantry regiments, a cavalry regiment, and a artillery battery from Heritage Models.

The reason I did Confederate Civil War units is because 2/3 of the game club members had Union units and they needed some more Confederate units. Since I had a Gr. grandfather in the 101st Indiana regiment and another Gr. grandfather in the 1st Kentucky Cavalry CSA it didn't really make a difference for me. I painted three of the five Confederate infanty at that time and two more regiments in December of 2022.


Below are the Valiant Fighting Sails 1/2000 scale ships I currently have.
Click on the image to see a lager version.

In the left picture, the back row, the two ship are a 130 gun
SOL (Ship of the Line)and a 120 gun SOL. The ships in the
front row are a 74 gun OL and two 44 gun frigates.

In the right had picture above back row are two 36 gun frigates,
a galley andan Algerian Xebec. In the front row is a 20 gun brig,
a 13 gun sloop an another galley. The 130 gun SOL and the 120 gun
SOL were not finished in 1975-1976, they were just finished in the
fall of 2022.


Here are the 15mm American Civil War minuatures I have from Valiant Miniatures.
Click on the image to see a lager version.

On the left is the 4th Texas Volunteers and on the right is a generic   
Texas regiment.

On the left is a generic Alabama regiment wearing a 1861 era
Butternut uniform and on the Charleston Zouave

On the left is the Battery A, Tennessee Light Artillery and on
the right is generic Kentucky Cavalry regiment.

  This is a generic Florida regiment.


In December of 2022 and February of 2023 I ordered 20mm American Civil War miniatures from SHQ Minatures LTD. I received 6 infantry and 2 cavalry regiments.
Click on the image to see a lager version.

On the left is Company H, 10th Tennessee and on the right is the
4th Mississippi
On the left is Company H, First Arkansas and on the right is the
1st Texas as they would have been after 1863 and at Gettysburg.
On the left is the 17th Virginia Infantry Company G "Emmett Guards"
On the right is the 5th Virginia Infantry Campany C "Mountain Guard"
  On the left is the 5th Virginia Cavalry
On the right is the 8th Texas Cavalry Regiment
also know as Terry's Texas Rangers



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