Martha Ellen Fox (19 Jul 1870 - 8 Jun 1931)
John Foxwell (1627 - 21 Sep 1646)
Martha Foxwell (24 Mar 1638 - BEF 12 Apr 1699)
Mary Foxwell (17 Aug 1635 - 31 Oct 1688)
Richard Foxwell (1584 - 1676)
Richard Foxwell (ABT 1610 - May 1668)
Ruth Foxwell (25 Mar 1641 - 1726)
Bernice Foy (12 Apr 1913 - 8 Mar 2002)
Norman Preston Fraley (18 May 1911 - ____)
Alix (Alice) of France (1151 - AFT 1195)
Beatrice of France (0939 - 23 Aug 0987)
Constance of France (1014 - ____)
Dangerose France (ABT 1080 - AFT 1119)
Emma of France (0895 - ____)
Ermentrud of France (0875 - 0952)
ERMENTRUDE of France (ABT 0910 - ____)
Frederick of France (ABT 0912 - 23 Aug 0994)
Frederuna of France (0885 - 10 FEB 916-917)
Hughes "The White" "The Great" of France (897-900 - 16 Jun 0956)
Louis I The Pious Of Aquitaine, King Of France (Aug 0778 - 30 Apr 0840)
Louis IX of France (25 APRIL 1214 - 25 AUGUST 1270)
LOUIS of France (0967 - BEF 22 May 0987)
Louis VI Capet The Fat Of France, King Of France (ABT 1081 - 1 Aug 1137)
Louis VIII Capet The Lion Of France, King Of France (5 Sep 1187 - 8 Nov 1226)
Mary (Marie) Capet Of France (1145 - 11 MAR 1197-1198)
MATILDE of France (0946 - 1016)
Philip II Capet, Augustus Of France, King Of France (21 Aug 1165 - 14 Jul 1223)
Philip IV The Fair Of France (1268 - 29 Nov 1314)
UP (Mercy Or Mary Fleming - Hugh Gifford of Yester)
BACK (Emma Fossard - Kaden Fox )
NEXT (Philippe I The Fair Of France - Alexander Fraser 4th Lord of Lovat)