_____________________ | _____________________|_____________________ | _Michael W. Martin ______| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _Noah Z. Martin _____| | (1902 - ....) | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Magdalena M. Zimmerman _| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Living | | _____________________ | | | _Isreal B. Sensenig _|_____________________ | | | _Isaac K. Sensenig ______| | | (1875 - 1956) | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Rebecca Keller _____|_____________________ | | |_Susanna Sensinig ___| (1901 - 1965) | | _David B. Weaver ____ | | | _Jacob B. Weaver ____|_Elizabeth Brubaker _ | | (1844 - ....) m 1865 |_Catherine A. Weaver ____| (1866 - 1926) | | _Joseph Auker _______+ | | (1798 - 1871) |_Suzanna A. Auker ___|_Catherine Rupp _____ (1844 - 1919) m 1865 (1805 - 1882)
[10787] living - details excluded
_Robert Church ______+ | (1505 - 1551) _John Church ________|_____________________ | (1525 - 1547) m 1547 _John Church ________| | (1548 - 1593) | | | _Thomas Swan ________ | | | (1500 - ....) | |_Catherine Swan _____|_____________________ | (1526 - 1548) m 1547 _Richard Church _____| | (1570 - 1623) m 1592| | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Joan Titerele ______| | (1550 - 1570) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Alice Church | (1602 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _Henry Vassell ______| | | (1550 - ....) | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Alice Vassell ______| (1572 - ....) m 1592| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Elizabeth __________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
_William Henderson _____________+ | (1518 - 1547) m 1543 _James Henderson ____|_Elizabeth Scott _______________ | (1544 - 1610) m 1564 (1519 - ....) _John Henderson, Sir _| | (1565 - 1618) m 1588 | | | _William Murray of Tullibardine_+ | | | (.... - 1562) m 1538 | |_Jean Murray ________|_Katherine Campbell ____________ | m 1564 _John Henderson Sir__| | (1600 - 1650) m 1625| | | ________________________________ | | | | | _____________________|________________________________ | | | | |_Agnes Balfour _______| | (1568 - ....) m 1588 | | | ________________________________ | | | | |_____________________|________________________________ | | |--James Henderson | (1630 - 1675) | ________________________________ | | | _____________________|________________________________ | | | ______________________| | | | | | | ________________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|________________________________ | | |_Margaret Monteith __| (1611 - 1653) m 1625| | ________________________________ | | | _____________________|________________________________ | | |______________________| | | ________________________________ | | |_____________________|________________________________
James Henderson had to make a submission along with his brother, William,
before the congregation of Daigety Church, 30 April l649, for taking part in
the "engagement" with Charles I, m. Margaret Scott, and d 2 May 1675, leaving
issue a son, John Hernderson of Inverkeithing
_____________________ | _____________________|_____________________ | _Richard Higgins ____| | (1609 - 1675) m 1634| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _Jonathan Higgins ___| | (1637 - 1711) m 1660| | | _____________________ | | | | | _Edmund Chandler ____|_____________________ | | | (1587 - 1662) m 1610 | |_Lydia Chandler _____| | (1613 - 1650) m 1634| | | _____________________ | | | | |_ Unknown ___________|_____________________ | (1590 - 1632) m 1610 | |--Jemima Higgins | (1667 - 1723) | _William Rogers _____+ | | (1540 - 1585) m 1569 | _Thomas Rogers ______|_Eleanor Unknown ____ | | (1571 - 1621) m 1597 (1545 - 1607) | _Joseph Rogers ______| | | (1603 - 1678) m 1633| | | | _George Cosford _____ | | | | (1545 - 1608) | | |_Alice Cosford ______|_Margaret Wills _____ | | (1573 - 1622) m 1597 (1545 - 1615) |_Elizabeth Rogers ___| (1639 - 1679) m 1660| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Hannah Unknown _____| (1615 - 1678) m 1633| | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
_Muiredach Mac Bran Ardchenn O'Muiredaig of Ireland _ | (0770 - 0813) _Dunlaing Mac Tuathal O'Muiredaig of Ireland _|_____________________________________________________ | (0800 - 0869) _Oilliol Mac Dunlaing O'Muiredaig of Ireland _| | (0830 - 0871) | | | _____________________________________________________ | | | | |______________________________________________|_____________________________________________________ | _Augaire Mac Ailill O'Muiredaig of Ireland _| | (0860 - 0915) | | | _____________________________________________________ | | | | | ______________________________________________|_____________________________________________________ | | | | |______________________________________________| | | | | _____________________________________________________ | | | | |______________________________________________|_____________________________________________________ | | |--Dunlaing Mac Tuathal O'Muiredaig of Ireland | (.... - 0956) | _____________________________________________________ | | | ______________________________________________|_____________________________________________________ | | | ______________________________________________| | | | | | | _____________________________________________________ | | | | | | |______________________________________________|_____________________________________________________ | | |____________________________________________| | | _____________________________________________________ | | | ______________________________________________|_____________________________________________________ | | |______________________________________________| | | _____________________________________________________ | | |______________________________________________|_____________________________________________________
_William Overall ____+ | (1650 - 1726) _William Overall ____|_____________________ | (1680 - 1726) m 1697 _John Overall _______| | (1701 - 1743) m 1722| | | _John Jones _________ | | | (1660 - ....) | |_Mary Jones _________|_Mary UNKNOWN _______ | (1684 - 1728) m 1697 (1660 - ....) _John William Overall _| | (1729 - 1821) | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Mary Edna Ellis ____| | (1703 - 1738) m 1722| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Thomas Overall | (1777 - 1817) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Frances Whitledge ____| (1732 - 1814) | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
_Edmund Of Langley, Duke Of York, Plantagenet _+ | (1341 - 1402) _Richard Of Conisburgh, Earl Of Cambridge, Plantagenet _|_Isabella Of Castile __________________________ | (1375 - 1415) (1355 - 1392) _Richard Of York, Duke Of York 3rd Plantagenet _| | m 1424 | | | _Roger De Mortimer Earl Of March IV____________+ | | | (1374 - 1398) | |_Anne De Mortimer Lady__________________________________|_Eleanor (Alianore De Holland _________________ | (1388 - 1411) (1373 - 1405) _Edward IV, King Of England, Plantagenet _| | (1442 - 1483) m 1464 | | | _John De Neville ______________________________+ | | | (1328 - 1388) m 1357 | | _Ralph De Neville Earl Of Westmoreland 1st______________|_Maud De Percy ________________________________ | | | (1364 - 1426) m 1396 (1335 - 1378) | |_Cicely De Neville Lady_________________________| | (1415 - 1495) m 1424 | | | _John Plantagenet Duke Of Lancaster____________+ | | | (1340 - 1399) m 1396 | |_Joan De Beaufort ______________________________________|_Catherine Swynford Roet ______________________ | (.... - 1440) m 1396 (1350 - 1403) | |--Elizabeth Of York Plantagenet | (1466 - 1503) | _______________________________________________ | | | ________________________________________________________|_______________________________________________ | | | ________________________________________________| | | | | | | _______________________________________________ | | | | | | |________________________________________________________|_______________________________________________ | | |_Elizabeth Woodville _____________________| (1437 - 1492) m 1464 | | _______________________________________________ | | | ________________________________________________________|_______________________________________________ | | |________________________________________________| | | _______________________________________________ | | |________________________________________________________|_______________________________________________
Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, maintained by Brian Tompset, University