Dorothy Gascoine (ABT 1463 - ____)
William Gascoine (ABT 1419 - ABT 1464)
William Gascoine (ABT 1440 - 4 Mar 1487)
Richard Gaskalla (____ - ____)
Provided Gaskill (CIR CA 1704 - ____)
Tiliman Gass (____ - ____)
Ora Dean Gastineau (____ - ____)
Hildegarde De Gastinois (ABT 1041 - 1063)
Jane Gatehouse (1762 - 23 Jan 1823)
Margaret Elizabeth Gates (4 Aug 1862 - 5 Dec 1952)
Mary De Gatesbury (ABT 1429 - ____)
John de Gatesden (1226 - ____)
Margaret de Gatesden (1251 - ____)
Aubri Count of Gatinais (0950 - AFT 0990)
Geoffroy I "Ferreol" Count of Gatinais (ABT 0970 - 1000)
Adele De Gatinois (ABT 0848 - ____)
Aubri-Geoffrey II "Ferreol" Count of Gatinois (ABT 1000 - 1 Apr 1046)
Geoffrey II "Ferreol" Count of Gatinois (ABT 1000 - 1 Apr 1046)
Michael Gatlin (____ - ____)
Katherine Gator (1580 - ABT 1627)
Hilda Gaugler (____ - ____)
Alice de Gaunt (ABT 1140 - ____)
Gilbert De Gaunt (ABT 1118 - ____)
Demaris Gayer (24 Oct 1673 - 6 Sep 1764)
Dorcas Gayer (____ - 11 Oct 1747)
Edward Gayer (____ - ____)
Humphrey Gayer (1615 - ____)
John Gayer (ABT 1520 - 1593)
UP (Mercy Or Mary Fleming - Hugh Gifford of Yester)
BACK (June A. Garner - William Gascoigne )
NEXT (John Gayer - Gerrit Geestdorp )