Jane Gifford -- to -- Ann Gilpin
Darias Gilpin -- to -- Gabby Glasco
Gene Glasco -- to -- Henry Glover
Jane Glover -- to -- Jane Godfrey
Jonathan Godfrey -- to -- Nancy Goggin
Parmela Goggin -- to -- Catharina Goodnight
Catherine Goodnight -- to -- Richard Goodwin
Sarah Goodwin -- to -- Thomas Goolsby
Thomas Goolsby -- to -- Elizabeth Gordon
Elizabeth Gordon -- to -- Richard of Gordon
Thomas of Gordon -- to -- Anna Marie Goshus
Gertrude Mabel Goslaw -- to -- THURSTAN (Toustien) le Goz
Unknown Goz -- to -- Agnes Graham
Agnes Graham -- to -- Marion Graham
Mariota or Margaret Graham -- to -- Adam Grant
Anna Grant -- to -- Noah Grant
Noah Grant -- to -- Patrick, Master of Gray
Susan Gray -- to -- Henry De Greene
John Greene -- to -- Alzada Greer
Harriet Louisa Gregg -- to -- Dorothy Grey
Edward Grey -- to -- Ralph de Greystock, 3rd Lord of Greystoke
Thomas de Greystoke -- to -- Edith Vallie Grisham
Ann Gristy -- to -- Debbi Anne Grover
Flo Grover -- to -- Cadwaladr Ap Gruffudd
Dafydd Ap Gruffudd -- to -- Jean Guay Guillet
UP (Abigail - Sarah Holcombe )
BACK (Mercy Or Mary Fleming - Hugh Gifford of Yester)
NEXT (Michel Guay Guiet Guillet - Dolly Hayes )