William Stewart of Jedworth (____ - ____)
William White Stewart (2 May 1856 - 6 Mar 1920)
Jacob Stiff (____ - ____)
Agnes Stigand (ABT 1098 - ____)
Margaret Stighull (1374 - ____)
William Stighull (ABT 1345 - ____)
Alexander E. Stimson Jr. (1900 - ____)
Alexander, 3rd of Cadder, Sheriff of Stirling (____ - 1244)
Catherine Stirling (____ - ____)
Christian Stirling (ABT 1510 - ____)
Elizabeth Stirling (____ - ____)
William Stirling 1st of Keir (____ - BEF 1471)
William Stirling 2nd of Keir (ABT 1473 - 1505)
Agnes Stith (____ - ____)
Anderson Stith (1730 - ____)
Ann Stith (1739 - ____)
Ann Elizabeth Stith (____ - ____)
Ann Hall Stith (12 Nov 1757 - 14 Jan 1831)
Anne Stith (1665 - ABT 1710)
Bathurst Stith (19 Sep 1729 - 1801)
Benjamin Stith (28 Aug 1766 - 18 Mar 1837)
Benjamin Stith (1804 - ____)
Benjamin S Stith (____ - ____)
Benjamin W Stith (____ - ____)
Buchner Stith (31 May 1807 - 1 Sep 1856)
Buckner Stith Sr. (1722 - ____)
Buckner Bathurst Stith (12 Sep 1796 - 26 Oct 1807)
Caroline Stith (1822 - ____)
UP (Sarah Stanton - John De Stuteville )
BACK (Mathew Earl Of Lennox II, Stewart - William Stewart 2nd of Traquhair)
NEXT (Caroline George Stith - Jane Drury Stith )