_Roger de Mortimer Sn de Mortemer-sur-Eaulne_+ | (.... - 1086) _Ralph de Mortimer _____________________|_Hawise de Valois ___________________________ | (.... - 1104) _Hugh de Mortimer _____| | | | | _____________________________________________ | | | | |_Melisande or Milicent Unknown _________|_____________________________________________ | (.... - 1088) _Hugh De Mortimer Lord of Wigmore_| | (1085 - ....) m 1160 | | | _____________________________________________ | | | | | ________________________________________|_____________________________________________ | | | | |_______________________| | | | | _____________________________________________ | | | | |________________________________________|_____________________________________________ | | |--Roger De Mortimer | | _Ranulf De Meschines ________________________+ | | (1050 - 1129) m 1069 | _RANULPH "De Briquessart" De Meschines _|_Maud De Avrances ___________________________ | | (1070 - ....) m 1072 (1054 - ....) | _William De Meschines _| | | m 1125 | | | | _Ives (Ivo) de Taillebois ___________________+ | | | | (1036 - 1094) m 1074 | | |_Lucy (Lucia) Taillebois _______________|_Lucia of Mercia ____________________________ | | (1074 - 1136) m 1072 (.... - 1136) |_Maud (Matilda) De Meschines _____| (1126 - 1190) m 1160 | | _____________________________________________ | | | ________________________________________|_____________________________________________ | | |_CECILY de Rumilly ____| (1095 - 1155) m 1125 | | _____________________________________________ | | |________________________________________|_____________________________________________
Roger de Mortimer, Lord of Wigmore, a feudal baron who, like his predecessors, was in constant strife with the Welsh. At one time he sustained a great defeat in conjunction with Hugh de Say, but in the end he was victorious and took twelve of their principal leaders in one battle. He also enlarged considerably his territories and drove thieves and robbers from those pars. Being at one time present at the solemn anniversary of his father, he confirmed all his grants to the canons of Wigmore, adding, of his own gift, a spacious and fruitful pasture lying adjacent to the abbey, called the Treasure of Mortimer, upon which occasion, his steward remonstrating with him for parting with so valuable a treasure, he replied, "I have laid up my treasure in that field,where thieves cannot steal or dig, or moth corrupt."
This Roger m. Millicent, dau. of --- Ferrers, Earl of Derby, and had issue, Hugh, his successor, and two daus., the elder m. to Stephen le Gross, the younger to Walchelinede Beauchamp. He m. 2ndly, Isabel, sister and heir of Hugh de Ferrers, of Oakham, in Rutlandshire, and of Lechelade and Lagebury in Gloucestershire. All which lands he inherited upon the death of the said Hugh de Ferrers, and by that lady he had three sons, Ralph, Robert, and Philip. He d. in 1215, and was s. by his eldest son, Hugh de Mortimer. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage Ltd, London, England, 1883, p. 383, Mortimer, Barons Mortimer, of Wigmore, Earls of March]
_____________________________ | _____________________|_____________________________ | _____________________| | | | | _____________________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________________ | _Robert MacKay ______| | (1658 - ....) | | | _____________________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | _____________________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________________ | | |--Alexander MacKay | (1685 - ....) | _____________________________ | | | _Alexander Munro ____|_____________________________ | | (1590 - ....) | _Hugh Munro _________| | | (1608 - 1698) | | | | _James Cumming ______________ | | | | (1573 - 1597) | | |_Janet Cumming ______|_Margaret Fraser ____________ | | (1595 - ....) (1573 - ....) |_Isabella Munro _____| | | _Huistean Du MacKay of Farr _+ | | (1560 - 1614) | _Donald MacKay ______|_Jame Gordon ________________ | | (1590 - 1648) (1574 - 1614) |_Anna MacKay ________| (1631 - ....) | | _____________________________ | | |_Elizabeth Thomson __|_____________________________ (1594 - 1637)
Huppe / Mailhot / Royals
________________________ | ______________________|________________________ | _William Raleigh ____| | | | | ________________________ | | | | |______________________|________________________ | _Edward Raleigh _____| | | | | _Thomas Grene __________ | | | | | _Thomas Grene Sir_____|_Mary Talbot ___________ | | | (1399 - 1461) m 1420 | |_Elizabeth Grene ____| | | | | _Robert De Ferrers _____+ | | | (1357 - ....) | |_Philippa De Ferrers _|_Margaret Le Despenser _ | (1393 - 1458) m 1420 (1365 - 1415) | |--Edward Raleigh | | ________________________ | | | ______________________|________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | ________________________ | | | | | | |______________________|________________________ | | |_Margaret Verney ____| | | ________________________ | | | ______________________|________________________ | | |_____________________| | | ________________________ | | |______________________|________________________