_Roger De Mortimer _____________________+ | m 1190 _Ralph De Mortimer ____________________|_Isabel De Ferrers _____________________ | (1172 - 1252) _Roger de Mortimer Lord Of Wigmore_| | (.... - 1282) | | | _Llywelyn 'the Great', Prince of Wales _ | | | (1173 - 1240) | |_Gwladus Dou "The Dark Eyed"___________|________________________________________ | (.... - 1251) _Edmund De Mortimer Lord Mortimer I_| | (.... - 1303) m 1270 | | | _Reginald De Braose ____________________ | | | | | _William de Braose Lord Of Abergavenny_|_Gwladus Dou "The Dark Eyed"____________ | | | (.... - 1251) | |_Maud De Braose ___________________| | (.... - 1301) | | | _William Marshall Earl Of Pembroke 4____+ | | | (1146 - 1219) m 1189 | |_Eva De Marshall ______________________|_Isabel De Clare Countess Strigoil______ | (1206 - 1246) (1174 - 1220) | |--Roger de Mortimer Earl Of March I | (1287 - 1330) | ________________________________________ | | | _______________________________________|________________________________________ | | | ___________________________________| | | | | | | ________________________________________ | | | | | | |_______________________________________|________________________________________ | | |_Margaret (Eleanor) De Fiennes _____| (1252 - ....) m 1270 | | ________________________________________ | | | _______________________________________|________________________________________ | | |___________________________________| | | ________________________________________ | | |_______________________________________|________________________________________
[3455] English Magnate. He led the baronial opposition to Edward II's favourites (1320-22) and was imprisoned before fleeing to France. There he became the lover of Edwards Queen Isabella with whom he secured Edward's deposition and murder in 1327. He then ruled England in the name of Edwards son Edward III, until the latter caused him to be executed. Lord of Leix.
Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, maintained by Brian Tompset, University
Ancestral Roots Of Sixty Colonists Who Came To New Englan d Between 1623 And 1650
Ancestral Roots Of Sixty Colonists Who Came To New Englan d Between 1623 And 1650
__ | __|__ | _John Lindley _______| | (1615 - 1641) | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _James Lindley ______| | (1641 - 1714) m 1669| | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |_Alice Lindley ______| | (1628 - 1645) | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Margery Lindley | (1712 - ....) | __ | | | __|__ | | | _Thomas Walsmith ____| | | (1625 - ....) | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Alice Walsmith _____| (1644 - 1691) m 1669| | __ | | | __|__ | | |_Unknown Walsmith ___| (1620 - ....) | | __ | | |__|__
Margery Lindley was married several times. She also had an out of wedlock son by the name of Joshua Hadley who appears in several records with James Ashmore, Richard's son.
From Gover Pope:
Now the first thing I found to make me wonder about the father of James Ashmore was a clipping from Allie Marie Ashmore Pharr from Tx. she also desc from Joshua Bloomer Ashmore. This clipping tells of a James Ashmore and a Joshua Hadley who were half brothers that burn the ammunication wagon of Col Waddel to fight against the British rule. I decided to try and find the father of this James Ashmore. One thing is the James Ashmore son of Walter Ashmore was b in 1742 , it is recorded in the St.Paul Church as well as rest of his children . I got to looking and found where a Margery Lindley b in 1710 Ireland got preg by a Joshua Hadley and confessed to the Quakers in Jan of 1736. The father ran off an m a younger female and lived with her until his death.
Next I found a will for a Richard Ashmore dated in 1747 in Lancaster Co. Pa. he named his wife and a step son Johua, did not name his children, just all my children. He specified that step son was to get an equal share of his estate. I figured the children were minors in 1747 and Margery had to go to orphan court to get the inheritance for the minors. Another cousin has been helping Mary Ashmore Sewell and I with this, he is Wayland Ashmore. Wayland found the orphan court records for York Co. Pa. in these records it names Margery Ashmore as widow of Richard Ashmore, Widow of John Nelson, Widow of William Mcgarraugh, Widow of James Dickson. Ashmore died in 1747, Nelson died in 1754, McGarraugh died in 1759, Dickson died in 1767 Dickson did not name a wife but in the court records he is named.
It seems that John Nelson took pocession of the Ashmore inheritance and Margery had a hard time of getting the money, McGarraugh started the court action to her get the money plus interest, but died before she got it. Then after she m James Dickson in 1760 he went to court with her and she finally got the inheritance for herself, Joshua Hadley, James Ashmore and Edy Ashmore.. All names are plain to read.
Ref; The Pa Quaker book by Hinshaw tells of Margery and her preg by Joshua Hadley in 1736 Have copies of all four wills of Margery's husbands. Have copy of Pa. Orphan court records to prove the above marriages and who was who. Have documentation times two on the burning of the ammunication wagons in Carrabus Co.NC. The book, Sketches of Western NC. by Syrus Hunter says that James Ashmore and Joshua Hadley were half brothers and from the same rotten material.........Not so......
There were two James Ashmores in NC. at the same time, 1771, one in Orange Co. the other in Mechlenburg where Walter Ashmore Jr. was. Walter's son James Ashmore also m an Elizabeth ?? same name as did the other James. Now James Ashmore who m Elizabeth Balch went to the state of Georgia when he got in trouble by burning the Ammun wagons, he bought land next to Frederick Ashmore the son of the old Walter and Margaret, they lived and died in Baltimore, Md. Frederick was a brother to the Walter in Mechlenburg, NC. James stayed in Ga. for a few years, Walter in Mechlenburg sold land for James while he was in GA. James came back to the state line of NC and then into Tn. This James owned a Tavern in Jefferson Co. Tn. after the death of the Orange Co. NC. James that died in Chatham Co. NC. Another thing the James that was in Ga. with Frederick m Elizabeth Balch and came into Tn. as most of his children
carried the name of the siblings of Elizabeth Balch, Hezekiah, Amos, Rhoda , another two or three just can't remember of the top of my head.
I have been researhing the Ashmore surname for many years as my mother was an Ashmore, decided to do this in her memory as she dearly loved her people. Most researcher say that the James Ashmore we desc from was the son of a Walter and Margaret Ashmore found living in Baltimore Co. Md. in the early 1700;s Walter was b abt 1700 son of poss a John Ashmore. His son James was born in 1742 according to the church records there. They had this James producing his first child at age 14, this I could never accept. I got some inf from a cousin several years ago, written in a book, Sketches of Western NC. by Syrus L. Hunter. Hunter tells of nine young men dressing in ragged clothing, putting black something on their hands and faces so no one would reconize them, they sneaked into Col. Waddel's camp and blew up a wagon train full of ammunication on its way to SC. to bring the Regulatory movement under control. Now he says that two of the men were a James Ashmore and a Joshua Hadley. There were two James Ashmores in NC. at the same time, one James in Mechlenburg Co. where this event happened, the other lived in Orange Co. NC. Many of the Ashmores, Lindleys and Hadleys had moved abt the same time from Pa/Md. to NC. This was not to go unnoticed, I got the Va. Quaker book and no luck, another cousin got the Pa Quaker book. Well there was mention of a Mary Ashmore along with a Walter Ashmore who attended the Quaker wedding of a Joshua Hadley in 1752 in Pa. don't remember the township off hand. A margery Lindley also attended the wedding, then later there was Margery Lindley confessing to the Quakers that she was with child by Joshua Hadley son of Simon this was in Jan 1736, said Joshua Hadley had run off and married another younger woman, he m Patience Brown in 1735, his first wife Mary Rowland died in 1734 leaving him with three children. Joshua Hadley lived with Patience Brown Hadley until his death in Orange Co. NC. in abt 1769. Thus Margery Lindley had an illig son by Joshua who was never accepted by the Hadley family. Then a cousin found a will of a Richard Ashmore dated in 1747 in Lancaster Co. Pa. He named his wife Margery and a stepson Joshua, did not name his own children, just all my children. If Joshua Hadley was born in 1736 then Richard's children would be probably younger that him, thus I felt Margery would probably have to go to Orphan Court to make it possible for her to settle Richard's will as she was the Adm. To make the rest of the story short, have found where Margery m a John Nelson after Richard's death, John Nelson's will was dated in 1751 in York Co. Pa. He named Margery and two children in his will,one was not a Nelson. Then Margery m a William McGarraugh, after marry him she went to court to get the inheritance for her self an son Joshua Hadley, James Ashmore and Edy Ashmore. The court not only gave all four their inheritance according to Richards will but added interest to the amount.
This makes me believe that John Nelson took charge of their inheritance and used it as his own. Not done yet??????/ This court record names Margery as the late widow of John Nelson and before that the late widow of Richard Ashmore of Lancaster Co. Then Margery widow of William McGarraugh m a James Dickson , his will is dated in 1767 in York Co. Pa. This fourth husband did not name a wife, so Margery must have died but did name three daus in the will. Margery Lindley was an unwed mother then a widown three times from 1747----1759. Guess she was worn out from having so many husbands and kids by 1767. I have a copy of Richard;s Ashmores will, have ordered the wills and settlement records of the other three husbands , all in York Co. Pa. James Ashmore and Joshua Hadley were in Mechlenburg Co. NC. by 1771 when the burning of the ammunication wagons took place. Have a copy of Joshua Hadley's will dated in 1805 in Carrabus Co. NC. he lived on Rocky River near the Rochy River Presbyterian Church where one of James Ashmore;s wife's brothers preached. Both James Ashmores in NC m females name Elizabeth , my James m Elizabeth Balch b abt 1740 north of Deer Creek in Baltimore Co. Md. Their first child , Hezekiah was born in 1756, where they m or where Hezekiah was born ,just don't know. I have the Balch of America Book, and Elizabeth Balch had abt seven brothers,
four were Presbyterain ministers, one name Hezekiah Balch. Seems Elizabeth name most of her children after her family. One of James and Elizabeth's son was named Joshua Bloomer, this one we desc from, he was b 1761 in NC. according to census records. Elizabeth's gmother was Martha Bloomer and the name Bloomer has been pasted down in the Ashmore and Balch line. Martha must have been dearly loved to have some many desc named for her. James Ashmore named a son Joshaua and Joshua Hadley named a son James, seems they were very close in real life. One James Ashmore died in Chatham Co. N.C. but our James Ashmore lived to come to Tn with all his family as he owned a Tavern in Greene Co. Tn. and has been found in counties of middle Tn.
After the trouble in Mechlenburg Co. NC. the Governor gave orders to hang all involved in the burning of the wagons, James Ashmore moved his family to Ga. and bought land next to a Fredrick Ashmore one of the sons of the old Walter Ashmore in Md. a brother to the Walter Jr. in Mechlenburg Co. NC. While in Ga. he had a couple children born there and got Walter Ashmore of NC. to sell some land for him in NC. A few years later James came back to the edge of NC and then into Tn. I have contacted many of the Hadley researcher, none seem to have ever heard of this Joshua Hadley when all the time the data was in the Pa.
Quaker book. None of the Lindley's have any information on Margery Lindley, some say she died in childhood.
The early spring 1760 Orphan court records of York Co. Pa. show where
William McGarraugh and wife Margery went to court to get the
inheritance from Richard Ashmore's estate. Willaim died before they
could get the money. Then in the late fall of 1760 James Dixon and
wife Margery, late widow of William McGarraugh, former widow of John
Nelson and Richard Ashmore went to court to get the Ashmore
inheritance. They got the money plus interest for; Margery, Joshua
Hadley (he was grown at this time and probably left the Lindley name
off), son James Ashmore and daughter, Edy Ashmore. James Ashmore and
Joshua Hadley were both on the tax list for York Co. Pa. in 1760,
living seperate from each other and mother, Margery, so I assume they
had both married. Since James Dixon did not name a wife in his will I
assume Margery had died by 1767 or she could have migrated with her
two son who were found in 1771 in Mechlenburg Co. N.C. Joshua Hadley
died in Cabarrus Co. N.C. but James Ashmore migrated to Tn. The
Orphan court records also reenforce the fact that Margery was the
widow of Richard Ashmore, John Nelson and William McGarraugh.
[25595] An extract from Thomas Stobie's GEDCOM created 28 Mar 2003. Thomas canbe contacted at stobie@sprynet.com.
(1) Source: "The Ancestry of President Donald John Trump - an Initial Exploration," American Ancestors, Vol. 18, No. 1 (Spring 2017), p. 51.
(2) "Frederick Trump," from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Frederick Trump (born Friedrich Trump, March 14, 1869 - March 30, 1918) was a German-born American businessman. He was the father of Elizabeth, Fred Trump, and John G. Trump and grandfather of businessman Donald Trump. Trump made his first fortune operating boom-town hotels, restaurants and brothels in the northwestern United States and western Canada. He later returned to Germany and married, before returning to the United States.
Early life
Friedrich Trump was born in the town of Kallstadt in the Palatinate, to Christian Johannes Trump and Katherina Kober. Kallstadt, a relatively impoverished region, was known for its viniculture since the Roman Empire. Trump's ancestor, Hans Drumpf, first settled in Kallstadt in 1608, and his family owned a vineyard. In 1871, the Palatinate became part of the new German Empire. Trump's son Fred later denied his German heritage, instead claiming his father had been a Swede from Karlstad.
After being sick with emphysema for ten years, Trump's father died on July 6, 1877, at the age of 48, leaving the family in debt from medical expenses, although biographer Gwenda Blair described Trump's family as "relatively prosperous". While all five of his siblings worked in the family grape fields, Trump was considered too sickly to endure hard labor. In 1883, Trump, then aged 14, was sent to nearby Frankenthal by his mother to work as a barber's apprentice and learn the trade. Trump worked seven days a week for two and a half years under barber Friedrich Lang. After completing his apprenticeship, he returned to Kallstadt, but quickly discovered that there was not enough business to earn a living. He was also approaching the age when he would have to serve a mandatory three-year military service. He quickly decided to immigrate to the United States, later saying, "I agreed with my mother that I should go to America"; years later, his family members said that he left secretly in the night and left his mother a note without consulting her.
Move to the United States
In 1885, at age 16, Trump emigrated from Bremen, Germany, to the United States aboard the steamship Eider, departing on October 7 and arriving at the Castle Garden Emigrant Landing Depot in New York City on October 19. U.S. immigration records list his name as "Friedrich Trumpf", last place of residence as "Kallstadt", country of birth as "Germany", and his occupation as "farmer". He moved in with his older sister Katherine - who had emigrated in 1883 - and her husband Fred Schuster. Only a few hours after arriving, he met a German-speaking barber who was looking for an employee and began working the following day. He worked as a barber for six years. Trump lived with his relatives in the Lower East Side of Manhattan in a neighborhood with many Kallstadt immigrants, at 76 Forsyth Street. Because the cost of operating at 76 Forsyth Street was getting expensive, they later moved to 606 East 17th Street and to 2012 2nd Avenue.
In 1891, Trump moved to Seattle, Washington. With his life savings of several hundred dollars, he bought supplies, such as tables, chairs, and a range, and purchased the Poodle Dog, which he renamed the Dairy Restaurant. Located at 208 Washington Street, the Dairy Restaurant was in the middle of Seattle's Red Light District; Washington Street was nicknamed "the Line" and included an assortment of saloons, casinos, and brothels. Blair, the biographer, called it "a hotbed of sex, booze, and money, was the indisputable center of the action in Seattle." The restaurant served food and liquor and was advertised to include "Rooms for Ladies", a common euphemism for prostitution. Trump lived in Seattle until early 1893 and voted in Washington's first presidential election in 1892. That same year he became a U.S. citizen.
On 14 February 1894, Trump sold the Dairy Restaurant, and in March, he moved to the mining town of Monte Cristo, Washington in Snohomish County. Monte Cristo was expected to produce a fortune of gold and silver because evidence of mineral deposits were discovered in 1889. This led to many prospectors moving to the area in hopes of becoming rich, with the financial investment of billionaire John D. Rockefeller in the entire Everett area creating an exaggerated expectation of the area's potential. Before leaving Seattle, he bought 40 acres (16 ha) in the Pine Lake Plateau, twelve miles east of the city, for $200, representing the first real estate purchase of the Trump family. In Monte Cristo, Trump found a plot of land near the train station that he wanted to build a new hotel on, but could not afford the $1,000-per-acre fee to purchase it. Instead, he filed a Gold placer claim on the land, which allowed him to claim exclusive mineral rights to the land without having to pay for it even though the land had already been claimed by Everett resident Nicholas Rudebeck. At that time, the US Land Office was known to be corrupt and allowed such activity frequently. Despite the placer's claim having given Trump no right to build any structure on the land, Trump quickly bought lumber to build a new hotel and operate it similarly to the Dairy Restaurant. He never attempted to mine gold on the land. Blair described Trump as "mining the miners", since even if they never found any gold, they still needed a place to sleep at night when they were mining. While running the profitable hotel, Rudebeck filed to incorporate the land and then sent agents to collect rent in July 1894. Trump finally bought the land in December 1894. While in Monte Cristo, Trump was elected to office, winning the 1896 election for justice of the peace by a 32-to-5 margin.
Years of mining had revealed that there was not nearly as much gold and silver in Monte Cristo than had once been believed, and in August 1894, Rockefeller pulled out of most of his investment in the area, creating the "Everett bubble burst". By the spring of 1896, most of the miners had left Monte Cristo, causing a labor shortage and less business for Trump, despite his being one of the few people to make money in Monte Cristo. Trump prepared for the bubble burst by funding two miners in the Yukon in exchange for them staking a claim for him. In July 1897, the Klondike Gold Rush began with the arrival of boats with gold in San Francisco and Seattle, resulting in thousands of people rushing to the area to make their fortune. Trump sold off most of his property in Monte Cristo a few weeks later and moved back to Seattle.
In Seattle, Trump opened a new restaurant at 207 Cherry Street. Business was so good that he paid off the mortgage in four weeks. Meanwhile, on July 7, the two miners that Trump had funded staked his claim at Hunker Creek, a tributary of the Klondike. After spending $15 to register the claim, they sold half of it for $400 the next day. A week later, another miner sold it for $1,000. On September 20, they staked a second claim, at Deadwood Creek. Half of it was sold in October for $150, while the other half was sold in December for $2,000. By early 1898, Trump had made enough money to go to the Yukon for himself. He bought all the necessary supplies, sold off his remaining property in Monte Cristo and Seattle, and transferred his 40 acres in the Pine Lake Plateau to his sister Louise. In 1900, Louise sold the property for $250. In the years following Trump's departure from Monte Cristo, Rockefeller canceled plans for a railway through the town, and it subsequently experienced some of the worst avalanches and floods in its history.
Role in Yukon gold rush
Blair, the biographer, stated that after Trump left for the Yukon, he "had no plans to mine himself." He likely travelled the White Pass route, which included the notorious "Dead Horse trail", so named because drivers whipped animals of transport until they literally dropped dead on the trail and were left to decompose. In the spring of 1898, Trump and another miner named Ernest Levin opened a tent restaurant along the trail. Blair wrote that "a frequent dish was fresh-slaughtered, quick-frozen horse."
In May 1898, Trump and Levin moved to Bennett, British Columbia, a town known for prospectors building boats in order to travel to Dawson. In Bennett, Trump and Levin opened the Arctic Restaurant and Hotel, which offered fine dining and lodging in a sea of tents. The Arctic was originally housed in a tent itself, but demand for the hotel and restaurant grew until it occupied a two-story building. When describing the Arctic in a letter to the Yukon Sun newspaper, [a journalist?] wrote: "For single men the Arctic has excellent accommodations as well as the best restaurant in Bennett, but I would not advise respectable women to go there to sleep as they are liable to hear that which would be repugnant to their feelings - and uttered, too, by the depraved of their own sex." The Arctic House was one of the largest and most decadent restaurants in that region of the Klondike, offering fresh fruit and ptarmigan in addition to the staple of horsemeat. The Arctic was open 24 hours a day and advertised "Rooms for ladies," which included beds and scales for measuring gold dust. The local Mounties were known to tolerate vice so long as it was conducted discreetly.
In 1900, the 150-mile-long White Pass and Yukon Route, a railroad between Bennett and Whitehorse, Yukon, was completed, allowing Trump to establish the White Horse Restaurant and Inn in Whitehorse. They moved the building by barge, relocated on Front Street, and were operational by June. The new restaurant, which included one of the largest steel ranges in the area, prepared 3,000 meals per day and now included gambling. Despite the enormous financial success, Trump and Levin began fighting due to Levin's drinking. They broke their business relationship in February 1901, but reconciled in April. Around that time, the local government announced suppression on prostitution, gambling and liquor, though the crackdown was delayed by businesspeople until later that year. In light of this impending threat to his business operation, Trump sold his share of the restaurant to Levin and left the Yukon. In the months that followed, Levin was arrested for public drunkenness and sent to jail, and the Arctic was taken over by the Mounties. Blair wrote that "once again, in a situation that created many losers, [Trump] managed to emerge a winner."
Marriage and family
Trump returned to Kallstadt in 1901 a wealthy man. Blair, the biographer said that "the business of seeing his customers' need for food, drink and female companionship had been good to him." He quickly met and proposed to his old neighbor, Elizabeth Christ (October 10, 1880 - June 6, 1966). Trump's mother disapproved of Christ because she saw Christ's family as being from a lower social standing. Despite this, they married on August 26, 1902, and moved to New York City. In New York, Trump found work as a barber and a restaurant and hotel manager. They lived at 1006 Westchester Avenue in the German-speaking Morrisania neighborhood of the Bronx. Their daughter Elizabeth was born on April 20, 1904. Due to Elizabeth Sr.'s extreme homesickness, they returned to Germany later that year. In May 1904, when he applied in New York for a U.S. passport to travel with his wife and his daughter, he listed his profession as "hotelkeeper". In Germany, Trump deposited into a bank his life's savings of 80,000 marks, equivalent to $505,248 in 2016.
Soon after returning German authorities determined that Trump had emigrated from Germany to avoid his tax and military-service obligations, and he was labeled a draft dodger. On December 24, 1904 the Department of Interior announced an investigation to expel Trump from the country. Officially, they found that he had violated the Resolution of the Royal Ministry of the Interior number 9916, a 1886 law that punished emigration to North America to avoid military service with the loss of German citizenship. For several months, he unsuccessfully petitioned the government to allow him to stay. He and his family finally returned to New York on June 30, 1905.
Trump's son Fred was born on October 11, 1905, in Queens, New York. The family lived at 539 East 177th Street. In 1907, his second son John was born. Later that year they moved to Woodhaven, Queens. While living in Queens, he opened a very successful barber shop at 60 Wall Street in Manhattan.
Later life and death
In 1908, Trump bought real estate on Jamaica Avenue in Woodhaven. Two years later, he moved his family into the building on the land and rented out several other rooms. He also worked as a hotel manager at the Medallion Hotel on 6th Avenue and 23rd Street. He had plans to continue buying more land, but during World War I, he was compelled to keep a low profile because Americans were suspicious of German-born citizens.
On March 30, 1918, while walking with Fred, he suddenly felt extremely sick and was rushed to bed. He died a few hours later of pneumonia during the 1918 flu pandemic. He was 49 years old.
At his death his net holdings included a 2-storey, 7-room home in Queens; 5 vacant lots; $4,000 in savings; $3600 in stocks; and 14 mortgages. Altogether his net value was $31,359 (equivalent to $428,503 in 2015). Elizabeth Sr. and Fred continued his real estate projects under the Elizabeth Trump & Son moniker.
Surname . . .
The immigration records list his name as Friedr. Trumpf, but sources including the genealogy organization FamilySearch, a genealogist at About.com, and the 2013 book America's Obsessives concluded that both his father and his aunt's surname were Trump; while the 2001 book The Trumps: Three Generations of Builders and a Presidential Candidate wrote that the family name was changed from Drumpf to Trump during the Thirty Years' War of the 1600s.
(3) New York, New York, Death Index, 1862-1948 [database online], Provo, UT: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014:
Name: Frederick Trump
Birth Year: abt 1869
Age: 49
Death Date: 30 May 1918
Death Place: Queens, New York, USA
Certificate Number: 2660
(4) www.findagrave.com:
Friedrich "Fred" Trump
Birth: Mar. 14, 1869, Kallstadt, Bad Dürkheimer Landkreis, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Death: May 30, 1918, Woodhaven, Queens County, New York, USA
In memory of Frederick Trump
Age: 49 years old
Husband of Elizabeth Christ Trump
Aka: Friedrich Drumpf . . .
Family links: Spouse: Elisabeth Christ Trump (1880 - 1966); Children: Elizabeth Trump (1904 - 1961), Frederick Christ Trump (1905 - 1999), John George Trump (1907 - 1985)
Burial: Lutheran All Faiths Cemetery, Middle Village, Queens County, New York, USA
Created by: New York Historian
Record added: Oct 12, 2009
Find A Grave Memorial# 43004916
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Miles Sire de Venoix _| | (1016 - 1070) m 1035 | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Geoffrey De Venuz | (1049 - 1086) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Lesceline ____________| (1018 - ....) m 1035 | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
MISC: Domesday tenant in East Worldham,Hampshire,ENG
Alternate name found in file: Geoffrey "The Marshal" De Venuz
Geoffrey the Marshal, son and heir [of Miles], succeeded his father in or before 1070, and with his (unnamed) brother or brothers sold to St. Stephen's, Caen, a strip of cultivated land situated between the 2 branches of the Odon at Venoix and a tenant there. He gave abbot William (1070-79) the land in which the monks had made a channel of the Odon and the claim derived from it. In 1086 he held land in chief at East Worldham, Hants, as Geoffrey the Marshal, and as Geoffrey he held lands at Draycot, Wilts. His wife's name is unknown, but he is presumably father or grandfather of Robert de Venoix, who unsuccessfully claimed the office of Master Marshal against Gilbert the Marshal under Henry I. [Complete Peerage XI:Appendix E:123]