_____________________ | _____________________|_____________________ | ______________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _Glenn D. Grossenbacher _| | (1917 - 1958) m 1947 | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |______________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Living | | _John W. Auker ______+ | | (1823 - 1900) m 1848 | _Lucian Auker _______|_Elizabeth Landis ___ | | (1855 - 1934) m 1880 (1821 - 1895) | _Stanley Abram Auker _| | | (1892 - 1972) m 1916 | | | | _Thomas Benner ______+ | | | | (1830 - 1889) | | |_Frances Benner _____|_Mary Auker _________ | | (1859 - 1940) m 1880 (1834 - 1877) |_Phyllis M. Auker _______| (1926 - 2015) m 1947 | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Nora Etta Barnhart __| (1896 - 1945) m 1916 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
[10189] living - details excluded
_Reinhart Custer ____+ | (1542 - 1616) _Johannes Custer ____|_____________________ | (1576 - 1649) m 1598 _Arnold Arets Custer _________| | (1606 - 1679) m 1629 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Walburgis Unknown __|_____________________ | (1575 - 1650) m 1598 _Paulus Custer ______| | (1644 - 1707) m 1668| | | _____________________ | | | | | _Christof Van Haren _|_____________________ | | | (1580 - ....) | |_Catharina Van Haren _________| | (1610 - 1677) m 1629 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Margaret Custer | (1690 - ....) | _Tisken An Gen Door _ | | (1550 - 1614) | _Peter Doors ________|_____________________ | | (1595 - 1638) | _Theiss Doors ________________| | | (1614 - 1663) m 1640 | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Elizabeth Grietes __|_____________________ | | (1595 - 1638) |_Gertrude Doors _____| (1646 - 1707) m 1668| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Agnes Nessgen OP DEN GRAEFF _| (1614 - ....) m 1640 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
_Jonathan Delano ___________+ | (.... - 1720) _Thomas Delano ______|_Mercy Warren ______________ | (1704 - 1798) (1656 - 1727) _Ephraim Delano _____| | (1733 - 1815) | | | _Stephen Peckham ___________ | | | (1652 - ....) | |_Jean Peckham _______|_Mary Pope _________________ | (1702 - ....) _Warren Delano ______| | (1779 - 1866) m 1808| | | _Eleazer Cushman ___________+ | | | (1656 - 1733) m 1687 | | _James Cushman ______|_Elizabeth Coombs (Combes) _ | | | (1690 - 1778) m 1733 (1662 - 1723) | |_Elizabeth Cushman __| | (1739 - 1809) | | | ____________________________ | | | | |_Sarah Hatch ________|____________________________ | (1700 - ....) m 1733 | |--Warren Delano | (1809 - 1898) | ____________________________ | | | _____________________|____________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | ____________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|____________________________ | | |_Deborah Church _____| (1783 - 1827) m 1808| | ____________________________ | | | _____________________|____________________________ | | |_____________________| | | ____________________________ | | |_____________________|____________________________
[15792] Grandfather of U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
_Hans Jost Theiss ______+ | (1642 - 1676) m 1668 _Hans Matthes Theiss ___|_Maria Muller __________ | (1670 - 1732) (1644 - 1735) _Johann Matthias Theiss _| | (1704 - 1748) m 1726 | | | ________________________ | | | | |_Maria Margretha Engel _|________________________ | (1672 - 1738) _Matthias Dice ________| | (1732 - 1799) m 1763 | | | _Johannes Lauer ________+ | | | (1634 - 1698) m 1658 | | _Hans Peter Lauer ______|_Catharina Seibert _____ | | | (1665 - 1715) m 1691 (1638 - 1669) | |_Susanna Barbara Lauer __| | (1705 - 1748) m 1726 | | | _Jacob Kohl ____________+ | | | (1645 - 1681) m 1665 | |_Maria Barbara Kohl ____|_Maria Barbara Schwieg _ | (1670 - 1709) m 1691 (1648 - 1671) | |--Anna Christiana Dice | (1770 - 1852) | ________________________ | | | ________________________|________________________ | | | _Nicholas Harper ________| | | (1706 - 1803) m 1724 | | | | ________________________ | | | | | | |________________________|________________________ | | |_Eva Catherine Harper _| (1744 - 1799) m 1763 | | ________________________ | | | ________________________|________________________ | | |_Elizabeth Berhn ________| (1708 - 1804) m 1724 | | ________________________ | | |________________________|________________________
_____________________ | ______________________________|_____________________ | ___________________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |______________________________|_____________________ | _Ray C Foote ___________| | (1895 - 1964) m 1919 | | | _____________________ | | | | | ______________________________|_____________________ | | | | |___________________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |______________________________|_____________________ | | |--Charles A Foote | (1920 - ....) | _William J Sawyer ___+ | | (1805 - 1886) m 1826 | _James Newton M Sawyer _______|_Lucinda Sawyer _____ | | (1826 - ....) m 1846 (1805 - 1849) | _Harvey Washington Sawyer _| | | (1857 - 1930) m 1881 | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Harriet Elizabeth Henderson _|_____________________ | | (1823 - 1899) m 1846 |_Mary Elizabeth Sawyer _| (1896 - 1973) m 1919 | | _____________________ | | | ______________________________|_____________________ | | |_Mary Eliza McPhaill ______| (1862 - 1925) m 1881 | | _____________________ | | |______________________________|_____________________
JOHN (DE SAINT JOHN), LORD SAINT JOHN OF LAGEHAM, son and heir, said tobe aged 15, June 1323, and 26 in February 1331/2, did homage fortwo-thirds of Stanton in 1331. The only record found of public activityon his part is a summons to him, as banneret, to be ready to go (abroad)with the King in August 1345. Perhaps he suffered through life from theill-health, which prevented his crossing to do homage to the King onsucceeding to his mother's lands, 1346.
He married, about 1320, Katharine, daughter of Geoffrey (DE SAY), LORDSAY, by Idoine, only daughter of William (DE LEYBURN), LORD LEYBURN; anddied 8 April 1349.[j] His widow was living, 29 September 1355. [CompletePeerage XI:350, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
[j] The year of the Black Death, when all the tenants who used to grindat the mill of Marden (in Godstone), and almost all the tenants ofLageham, were dead
[2263] alias Dudley
________________________________________ | _Adalbert I, Margrave of Tuscany ___________|________________________________________ | (0820 - 0884) _ADALBERT II, Marquis Of Tuscany _| | (0855 - 0915) m 0890 | | | _Gui II, Duke of Spoleto King Of Italy _ | | | (0810 - ....) | |_Rothielde of Spoleto ______________________|_Angiltrude ____________________________ | (0830 - ....) (0810 - ....) _BOSO Marquis Of Tuscany _| | (0899 - 0938) | | | _Lothaire, Emperor of the West _________+ | | | (0795 - 0855) m 0821 | | _Lothair II King Of Lorraine _______________|_EMENGRARDE "Empress" de Tours _________ | | | (0835 - 0869) (0800 - 0851) | |_Bertha Of Lorraine ______________| | (0863 - 0925) m 0890 | | | ________________________________________ | | | | |_Waldrada (Waldrade) (d'Alace) of Lorraine _|________________________________________ | (0836 - ....) | |--WILLA of Tuscany | (0924 - 0974) | ________________________________________ | | | ____________________________________________|________________________________________ | | | __________________________________| | | | | | | ________________________________________ | | | | | | |____________________________________________|________________________________________ | | |_WILLA of Burgundy _______| (0906 - ....) | | ________________________________________ | | | ____________________________________________|________________________________________ | | |__________________________________| | | ________________________________________ | | |____________________________________________|________________________________________
Kathleen's Kousins