Scott Co., IN Cemetery Records
_Winifred Barcelona _____________ | (0840 - ....) _SUNIFRED, Count de Urgel ________|_________________________________ | (0878 - 0948) m 0920 _Raymond II Borrell, Count of Barcelona _| | (.... - 0992) m 0968 | | | _Armengol ' Toulouse ____________ | | | (0854 - 0937) m 0882 | |_Richilde de Rouergue ____________|_Adelaide de Toulouse ___________ | (0892 - 0954) m 0920 (0858 - ....) _RAYMOND Borrell I of Barcelona _| | (0972 - ....) | | | _Raymond II of Toulouse _________+ | | | (.... - 0924) m 0921 | | _Raimond III Toulouse ____________|_Guidenilde of Toulouse _________ | | | (0921 - ....) m 0946 (.... - 1060) | |_Ledgarde de Rouergue ___________________| | (0954 - 0997) m 0968 | | | _________________________________ | | | | |_Garsinde Bertha De Gascogne _____|_________________________________ | (.... - 0972) m 0946 | |--Godehilde\Adelaida Borrell | (.... - 1077) | _Asnarius Comminges _____________ | | | _Arnaud-I Count of Comminges _____|_________________________________ | | (0898 - 0957) m 0940 | _Roger I Count of Carcassonne ___________| | | (0945 - 1012) m 0970 | | | | _Acfred II Count of Carcassonne _+ | | | | (0890 - 0937) | | |_Arsinde Countess of Carcassonne _|_________________________________ | | (0920 - ....) m 0940 |_Ermensinde of Carcassonne ______| (0975 - ....) | | _________________________________ | | | _Bernard II Comte de Melgueil ____|_________________________________ | | (0933 - 0989) |_Adelaide de Saintonge Melgueil _________| (.... - 1011) m 0970 | | _________________________________ | | |_Senegunde _______________________|_________________________________ (0937 - ....)
Also Known As:<_AKA> Stephanie /Bigorre/ [jweber6A.ged]
[g] Roger, son of Count Rodulf married, in Spain, Stephanie, sister of Raymond Berenger; which lady afterwards m. Garsias, King of Spain. This agrees with the statement of Ademar, that he m. a da. (unnamed) of the widowed Ermensede, Countess of Barcelona, the mother of Raymond above named. If this Roger were Roger de Toeni, he married Godeheut while his 1st wife was alive, and Stephanie m. Garsias III, King of Navarre,while Roger was living. [Complete Peerage XII/1:756 note (g)]
Roger Toeni's 1st wife, Stephanie, is questioned by some; especially her 2nd marriage to Garcias of Spain while Toeni was still alive. I agree that it does not make much sense. However, Roger was fighting battles in Spain and could have "married" a Spanish lady whom he later "divorced" when he returned to Normandy. It has been speculated that Stephanie was mother of Robert de Toeni of Belvoir (as opposed to the younger son Robert deStafford) and of a Berenger de Toeni, whose ancestry is not known, but is likely (especially with the name) to be a son of Roger & Stephanie.
!Following copied from a post by Bryant Smith to the soc.genealogy.medieval newgroup: From:Bryant Smith (skip31@racsa.co.cr) Subject: STEPHANIE OF BARCELONA AND HER FOURFATHERS Newsgroups: soc.genealogy.medieval Date: 2001-12-12 09:14:14 PST
"Success has a thousand fathers but failure is an orphan" (JFK,misquoting Count Galeazzo Ciano's "Victory finds a thousand fathers but defeat is always an orphan") and by that measure Estafania was moderately successful, for she has found at least four fathers. These four alternative fathers, with samples of their sponsors, are:
1. Bernard-Roger de Foix. Said by TAF to be the "traditional" one, and found as such in ES and, probably based on that, in Brian Tomsett's database, in the Theroff text files, in the Roglo database, andelsewhere.As recently as July 14, 1999, TAF was able to write "... all Iberian works with which I am familiar (and as recent as 1996) are unitedin calling the Queen of Navarre the daughter, not of Ramon Borrel and Ermesende, but of her brother Bernard, Count of Bigorre, and sister of the Queen of Aragon." This is vintage TAF obscurantism, but becomes clear when you read "Queen of Navarre" as Sephanie the wife of Garcia IV/VSanchez of Navarre and "Queen of Aragon" as Gerberge, undoubted daughter of Bernard-Roger and wife of Ramiro I Sanchez of Aragon,
2. Ramon I Borel of Barcelona, husband of the Ermesinda rejected by allIberian works with which TAF was familiar in mid-1999. This pastDecember 8TAF wrote that the Roger-Bernard paternity "is based on a late source, and a more contemporary one calls her daughter of the Countess Ermesende. (This Catalonian variant has only become popular within the last several years.)" Tempora mutantur et nos in eis mutamur?
3. Ramon Berenguer I of Barcelona, grandson son of Ramon I Borel andErmesinda. Keats-Rohan is said to have called him the father of Stephanie in K S B Keats-Rohan *Domesday People: A Prosopography of Persons occurring in English Documents,1066-1166* (The Boydell Press: Woodbridge, 1999), according to Richard Borthwick who said in this NG,January 14 1999(in anannotated AT of William (II) d' Aubigny of Belvoir) that "The wife of Roger was Estefania/Stephanie (not Adelaide) sister of Ramon Berenguer I and not his daughter as claimed by Keats-Rohan."
4. Berenguer Ramon I of Barcelona, son of#2 and father of #3. This is Borthwick's horse and is, incidentally, also backed by a pre-1996 Iberian work with which TAF was evidentally unfamiliar in 1999, even though ithad been mentioned in this NG on 19 January 1997 by Valerio P.Lucchinetti: "According to Diccionario de Historia de Espana, dir.by German Bleiberg, Madrid 1979, Queen Estefania,
__ | __|__ | _____________________| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Richard Bourne _____| | (1610 - 1682) m 1637| | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Job Bourne | (1639 - 1677) | __ | | | __|__ | | | _Andrew Hallett _____| | | (1590 - 1648) | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Bathsheba Hallett __| (1616 - 1670) m 1637| | __ | | | __|__ | | |_Mary Unknown _______| (1595 - 1660) | | __ | | |__|__
_Randolf De Neville _______________+ | (1262 - 1332) m 1282 _Ralph De Neville __________________|_Eupheme Fitzroger Clavering ______ | (.... - 1367) (1267 - 1329) _John De Neville ___________________| | (1328 - 1388) m 1357 | | | ___________________________________ | | | | |_Alice Audley ______________________|___________________________________ | (1304 - 1373) _Ralph De Neville Earl Of Westmoreland 1st_| | (1364 - 1426) m 1396 | | | ___________________________________ | | | | | _Henry De Percy ____________________|___________________________________ | | | (1300 - 1351) m 1314 | |_Maud De Percy _____________________| | (1335 - 1378) m 1357 | | | ___________________________________ | | | | |_Idonea De Clifford ________________|___________________________________ | (1300 - 1365) m 1314 | |--Catherine de Neville | (1401 - 1478) | _Edward II Of England _____________+ | | (1284 - 1327) m 1308 | _Edward III Of England Plantagenet _|_Isabella De France _______________ | | (1312 - 1377) m 1328 (1292 - 1358) | _John Plantagenet Duke Of Lancaster_| | | (1340 - 1399) m 1396 | | | | _William III The Good Of Hainault _ | | | | (1280 - 1337) m 1305 | | |_Phillipa Hainant __________________|_Jeanne De Valois _________________ | | (1311 - 1369) m 1328 (1294 - 1342) |_Joan De Beaufort _________________________| (.... - 1440) m 1396 | | ___________________________________ | | | _Payne Roet Of Guienne, Sir_________|___________________________________ | | |_Catherine Swynford Roet ___________| (1350 - 1403) m 1396 | | ___________________________________ | | |____________________________________|___________________________________
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _William Hamelyn ____| | (1500 - 1566) | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--John Fitzwilliam Hamelyn | (1530 - 1580) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Joan Gworde ________| (1510 - 1550) | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
_Aubri Count of Gatinais ________________________ | (0950 - 0990) _Geoffroy I "Ferreol" Count of Gatinais __|_________________________________________________ | (0970 - 1000) m 0999 _Geoffrey II "Ferreol" Count of Gatinois _| | (1000 - 1046) m 1035 | | | _Alberic II Count of Macon ______________________+ | | | (0953 - 0981) | |_Beatrix (or Beatrice) de Macon __________|_Ermentrude (Irmtrude) De Roucy _________________ | (0975 - ....) m 0999 _FULK IV "Rechin -The Rude Count" D'Anjou _| | (1043 - 1109) | | | _GEOFFREY I Grisconelle "Grisegonnelle" D'Anjou _+ | | | (0958 - 0987) | | _Foulques III (Fulk) "the Black" D'Anjou _|_Adelaide De Vermandois _________________________ | | | (0967 - 1040) m 1000 (.... - 0976) | |_Ermangarde (Hermengarde) D'Anjou ________| | m 1035 | | | _________________________________________________ | | | | |_Lorraine Hildegarde (de Metz) D'Anjou ___|_________________________________________________ | (0964 - 1046) m 1000 | |--FOULQUES V Count D'anjou King Of Jerusalem | (1092 - 1143) | _Guillaume (William) Baron de Montfort __________+ | | (0960 - 1003) | _Amauri II (or Amaury) de Montfort _______|_Unknown de Nogent ______________________________ | | m 1022 (0975 - ....) | _Simon I Seigneur de Montfort ____________| | | (.... - 1087) m 1058 | | | | _Guillaume Seigneur de Gometz ___________________ | | | | (0975 - ....) | | |_Bertrade (Berteis) De Gometz ____________|_________________________________________________ | | (.... - 1051) m 1022 |_Bertrada De Montfort _____________________| | | _Robert D'evreux ________________________________+ | | (0964 - 1035) | _Richard d'Evreux ________________________|_Havlive de ROUEN _______________________________ | | (0986 - 1067) (0968 - ....) |_Agnes d' Evereux ________________________| (.... - 1087) m 1058 | | _RAYMOND Borrell I of Barcelona _________________+ | | (0972 - ....) |_Godehilde\Adelaida Borrell ______________|_Ermensinde of Carcassonne ______________________ (.... - 1077) (0975 - ....)
Fulk V Count of /Anjou/ "The Younger" He was also the KIng of Jerusalem, 1131, after the death of his 2nd Father-in-law.
Sources: RC 53, 152; 4 Kings; A. Roots 103A, 118, 129-24, 169; Kraentzler 1062, 1067, 1081, 1146, 1333; AF. Roots: Fulk V, the Young,
Count of Anjou and King of Jerusalem. Through his marriage to Melisende de Rethel the royal line of Jerusalem continued. He was born 1092 and died 10 Nov. 1143 in Jerusalem. "Le Jeune" (the Younger). Count of Anjou. King of Jerusalem, 1131. Crusader. RC 152 also calls him Count of Aragon. 4 Kings: As Count of Anjou had been a vassal of Louis the Fat. At about age 40, "after a successful career in his own provinces, he had folded his tents in Anjou, distributed his estates among his heirs, and gone out upon invitation from King Baldwin II to marry hisdaughter," Melisende. AF record says died 13 Nov. 1142. 4 Kings says in 1144.RC 152: 1143 or 1144. 4 Kings says he had a daughter, apparently by first marriage, who was the Countess of Flanders and who had sons Henry and heodoric. Sybil married a Count of Flanders, according to an AF record. K: Foulques V,"Le Jeune," Count d'Anjou, King of Jerusalem.
_Thomas Mildenhall __ | (1590 - 1673) _Thomas Mildenhall __|_____________________ | (1633 - 1682) m 1649 _Benjamin Mendenhall _| | (1662 - 1740) m 1689 | | | _William Strode Jr.__+ | | | (1589 - 1666) | |_Joane Strode _______|_Joane Barnard ______ | (1635 - 1682) m 1649 (1607 - 1649) _Robert Mendenhall __| | (1713 - 1785) m 1734| | | _____________________ | | | | | _Robert Pennell _____|_____________________ | | | | |_Ann Pennell _________| | (1668 - 1749) m 1689 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Hannah Hyandson ____|_____________________ | | |--Rebecca Mendenhall | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _Philip Taylor _______| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Phoebe Taylor ______| (1715 - 1761) m 1734| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Ann Conway __________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
_Hugh pugh __________+ | (1745 - 1818) _Moses pugh _________|_Elizabeth Davis ____ | (.... - 1848) m 1806 (1747 - 1840) _Aaron pugh _________| | (1813 - 1888) m 1837| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Christina Baker ____|_____________________ | (1788 - 1848) m 1806 _Alford Bailey pugh ____________| | (1852 - 1922) m 1877 | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Mary Jane Jackson __| | (1817 - 1885) m 1837| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Erma D Pugh | (1881 - 1966) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _Huston M. Burgan ___| | | (1820 - ....) | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Luretha Kentiah "Kate" burgan _| (1859 - ....) m 1877 | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Miranda Croninger __| (1822 - 1866) | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
[32964] Marital Status: Single; Relation to Head: Daughter
[32967] Relation to Head: Head; Residence Marital Status: Married
[32969] Marital Status: Divorced
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-2007
1920 United States Federal Census
1900 United States Federal Census
Ohio, County Marriages, 1774-1993
Mike Powell Gedcom
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-2007
1920 United States Federal Census
[32956] Year: 1920; Census Place: Detroit Ward 2, Wayne, Michigan; Roll: T625_802; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 66
1900 United States Federal Census
Ohio, County Marriages, 1774-1993
1900 United States Federal Census
1920 United States Federal Census
[32966] Year: 1920; Census Place: Detroit Ward 2, Wayne, Michigan; Roll: T625_802; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 66
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-2007
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-2007
1920 United States Federal Census
[32961] Year: 1920; Census Place: Detroit Ward 2, Wayne, Michigan; Roll: T625_802; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 66
1900 United States Federal Census
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-2007
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Aaron Van Cleave Jr Jr_| | (1745 - 1813) | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Sarah Miranda Vancleave | (1822 - ....) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Rachel Brent __________| (.... - 1823) | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__