Richard Austin

[19844] [19845] [19846] [19847]

ABT 1566 - Feb 1622

Family 1 : Annis Unknown
  1. +Annis Austin


[19844] Genealogical Research in England, 1913, NEHGR Vol. 67, pg 345:
The will of Rychard Asten of Titchfield [undated]. My wife Anes to be
sole executrix. To my son Daniel a bullock. To my son Peter a bullock. To
my son Richard L20. To mydaughter Joan 5p. To my daughter Ellen, 5p. To
my daughter Annes a cow and abullock. All these legacies to be paid at
the end of my lease. To my daughter Elsabeth 12p., my executrix to have
the disposing of it to her
use. To myson Daniel's sons Richard and Peter two sheep each. To my son
Peter's two children a sheep each. To my daughter Joan's children a sheep
each. To my daughter Anesses three children three bullocks, to be paid at
the end of my lease."I giue to my sonn in lawe Edmond litlefeld a coult
of thre yeas ould." To my man John Shackaford 5s. To my man William
Hocraft 3s. To my boy John
Lodgyer a sheep. To my maid Catorn a sheep. To all my godchildren 6d.
each. Overseers: my son Richard and my neighbor Peter Faythfull, and to
each I give 3s 4d. [Signed] Richard Astin. Witnesses : Richard asten,
Peter faithfull, and Edmond litlefeld. Proved 4 June 1623 by Agnes Astin,
executrix named. Bonds: said Agnes and Edmond Littlefeild, clothier.
Inventory of the goods of Richard Attnoke alias Austin, taken by Peeter
faithfull and Stephen Pearcey, Daniell Austin, Edmund Littellfild, and
Richard Austin 20 February 1622/3 L123.12s.6d. (Archdeaconry of
Winchester 1623, original will and inventory)
NEHGR Vol 67, pgs 346, 347:
1622 Feburary, buried Richard Austen the XVth day (1622/23)
Littlefield Family Newsletter by Dorothy Keyes and by Charles L. Seaman,
1994, Vol 4, pg 33:
Richard Austin (aka Asten, Attnoke, Awstyne) was prob. born in the late
1560's. Unfortunately his first record is that of his burial in
Titchfield (Hampshire) England, which took place on Feb. 15th, 1622/3.
Hiswill was allowed on June 4 of that same year, 1623. The most
significant item in Richard's will is his advise to his "sonn in lawe
Edmund littlefeld." Daughter Annes is mentioned, and well as her 'three
children' (Littlefield) who are not named.
Richard named his wife Anne as his executrix, and she survived him, but
when she served in her capacity she is called Agnes.

[19845] [S221] John Kahlerl (

[19846] [S221] John Kahlerl (

[19847] [S166] Sharon Bearce


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Raymond De Bourgogne

[7458] [7459]

ABT 1065 - 24 May 1107

Father: WILLIAM I "The Great" Count Of Burgundy
Mother: Stephanie De Vienne De Longwy

Family 1 : Urraca Alfonsez Of Castile & Leon
  1. +ALFONSO VII of Castile & Leon

                                                                            _OTTO William (Guillaume) King Of Lombard _|___________________________________________
                                                                           | (.... - 1026) m 0983                                                                  
                                            _RENAULD I, Count Of Burgundy _|
                                           | (0986 - 1057) m 1023          |
                                           |                               |                                            _Renaud Raimond De Roucy __________________+
                                           |                               |                                           |  m 0945                                   
                                           |                               |_Ermentrude (Irmtrude) De Roucy ___________|_Alberade De Lorraine _____________________
                                           |                                  m 0983                                     (0930 - ....)                             
 _WILLIAM I "The Great" Count Of Burgundy _|
| (.... - 1087) m 1060                     |
|                                          |                                                                            _Richard I The Fearless Count Of Normandy _+
|                                          |                                                                           | (0933 - 0996)                             
|                                          |                                _Richard II Normandy Duke Of Normandy _____|_Gunner Of Crêpon ________________________
|                                          |                               | (.... - 1026)                               (.... - 1031)                             
|                                          |_ALICE "Adelaide" of Normandy _|
|                                            (1003 - 1037) m 1023          |
|                                                                          |                                            _Conan Le Tort I Duke Of Bretagne _________+
|                                                                          |                                           | (0937 - 0992) m 0980                      
|                                                                          |_Judith Of Brittany _______________________|_Ermengarde Irmgard D'Anjou _______________
|                                                                            (0982 - 1017)                               (0952 - 0992)                             
|--Raymond De Bourgogne 
|  (1065 - 1107)
|                                                                                                                       ___________________________________________
|                                                                                                                      |                                           
|                                                                           ___________________________________________|___________________________________________
|                                                                          |                                                                                       
|                                           _______________________________|
|                                          |                               |
|                                          |                               |                                            ___________________________________________
|                                          |                               |                                           |                                           
|                                          |                               |___________________________________________|___________________________________________
|                                          |                                                                                                                       
|_Stephanie De Vienne De Longwy ___________|
  (1035 - 1109) m 1060                     |
                                           |                                                                            ___________________________________________
                                           |                                                                           |                                           
                                           |                                ___________________________________________|___________________________________________
                                           |                               |                                                                                       
                                                                           |                                            ___________________________________________
                                                                           |                                           |                                           


[7458] [S37] Ancestral File (R)

[7459] [S166] Sharon Bearce


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Mary Butler

CIR CA 1698 - 9TH 8 MO 1756

Family 1 : William Worth
  1.  Jerima Worth
  2.  Damaris Worth


[23252] [S171] Linda Brittain (from

[23253] [S171] Linda Brittain (from


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Nora M. Dismore

2 Dec 1891 - ____

Father: William D. Dismore
Mother: Elizabeh Jane Hauk

                                                                   _John H. Dismore ____+
                                                                  | (1791 - 1822) m 1820
                                             _William Dismore ____|_Susan Deal _________
                                            | (1816 - 1866) m 1837  (1800 - ....)       
                       _John Riley Dismore _|
                      | (1841 - ....)       |
                      |                     |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     |                     
                      |                     |_Catherine Blaze ____|_____________________
                      |                       (1813 - 1897) m 1837                      
 _William D. Dismore _|
| (1862 - ....) m 1888|
|                     |                                            _____________________
|                     |                                           |                     
|                     |                      _____________________|_____________________
|                     |                     |                                           
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |                      _____________________
|                                           |                     |                     
|                                           |_____________________|_____________________
|--Nora M. Dismore 
|  (1891 - ....)
|                                                                  _____________________
|                                                                 |                     
|                                            _____________________|_____________________
|                                           |                                           
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     |                     
|                     |                     |_____________________|_____________________
|                     |                                                                 
|_Elizabeh Jane Hauk _|
  (1869 - ....) m 1888|
                      |                                            _____________________
                      |                                           |                     
                      |                      _____________________|_____________________
                      |                     |                                           
                                            |                      _____________________
                                            |                     |                     


[28840] [S112] Shelby Co, IN Civil Records


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Agnes Harris

ABT 1710 - 1781

Father: William Harris
Mother: Mary Giles

                                             _Thomas Harris ______|_____________________
                                            | (1580 - 1658) m 1623                      
                       _William Harris _____|
                      | (1629 - 1678) m 1667|
                      |                     |                      _Thomas Hoare _______
                      |                     |                     | (1570 - 1627) m 1592
                      |                     |_Audry Hoare ________|_Julyan Tripplett ___
                      |                       (1604 - 1635) m 1623  (1572 - ....)       
 _William Harris _____|
| (1672 - 1746) m 1694|
|                     |                                            _____________________
|                     |                                           |                     
|                     |                      _____________________|_____________________
|                     |                     |                                           
|                     |_Alice Unknown ______|
|                       (1640 - 1704) m 1667|
|                                           |                      _____________________
|                                           |                     |                     
|                                           |_____________________|_____________________
|--Agnes Harris 
|  (1710 - 1781)
|                                                                  _____________________
|                                                                 |                     
|                                            _____________________|_____________________
|                                           |                                           
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     |                     
|                     |                     |_____________________|_____________________
|                     |                                                                 
|_Mary Giles _________|
  (1679 - 1757) m 1694|
                      |                                            _____________________
                      |                                           |                     
                      |                      _____________________|_____________________
                      |                     |                                           
                                            |                      _____________________
                                            |                     |                     



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Salome Higgins


1823 - ____

Father: Nathan Higgins
Mother: Anna Leland

                                                                    _Theophilus Higgins _+
                                                                   | (1698 - 1780) m 1724
                                             _Levi Higgins ________|_Joanna Young _______
                                            | (1743 - 1825) m 1767   (1703 - 1767)       
                       _Elkanah Higgins ____|
                      | (1769 - 1847) m 1787|
                      |                     |                       _Elkanah Young ______+
                      |                     |                      | (1711 - 1763) m 1736
                      |                     |_Bathsheba Young _____|_Mercy Mayo _________
                      |                       (1742 - 1799) m 1767   (1719 - ....)       
 _Nathan Higgins _____|
| (1788 - 1880) m 1808|
|                     |                                             _Thomas Knowles _____+
|                     |                                            | (1702 - 1759)       
|                     |                      _Henry Knowles _______|_Elizabeth Snow _____
|                     |                     | (1729 - 1810) m 1749   (1703 - 1769)       
|                     |_Azubah Knowles _____|
|                       (1767 - 1860) m 1787|
|                                           |                       _James Knowles ______+
|                                           |                      | (1704 - 1732) m 1726
|                                           |_Mary Knowles ________|_Ann Doane __________
|                                             (1730 - 1772) m 1749   (1706 - 1777)       
|--Salome Higgins 
|  (1823 - ....)
|                                                                   _Amariah Leland _____+
|                                                                  | (1710 - 1790) m 1734
|                                            _Abner Leland ________|_Ursula Lovett ______
|                                           | (1735 - 1783) m 1757   (1712 - ....)       
|                      _James Leland _______|
|                     | (1767 - 1845) m 1786|
|                     |                     |                       _____________________
|                     |                     |                      |                     
|                     |                     |_Unknown Fairweather _|_____________________
|                     |                       (.... - 1782) m 1757                       
|_Anna Leland ________|
  (1789 - 1870) m 1808|
                      |                                             _Ebenezer Salisbury _+
                      |                                            | (1704 - 1787) m 1730
                      |                      _Ebenezer Salisbury __|_Susanna Round ______
                      |                     | (1739 - 1825) m 1763   (1714 - 1786)       
                      |_Mary Salisbury _____|
                        (1765 - 1865) m 1786|
                                            |                       _____________________
                                            |                      |                     
                                            |_Mehitable Hawkins ___|_____________________
                                              (1740 - 1825) m 1763                       


[29705] [S1120]


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John II Johnson


____ - ____

Father: Father Johnson
Mother: Mother

                      |  |
                      |  |   __
                      |  |  |  
                      |  |__|__
 _Father Johnson _____|
|                     |
|                     |      __
|                     |     |  
|                     |   __|__
|                     |  |     
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |   __
|                        |  |  
|                        |__|__
|--John II Johnson 
|                            __
|                           |  
|                         __|__
|                        |     
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |   __
|                     |  |  |  
|                     |  |__|__
|                     |        
|_Mother _____________|
                      |      __
                      |     |  
                      |   __|__
                      |  |     
                         |   __
                         |  |  


[33382] [S1130] Mike Powell Gedcom


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Baldwin Malet


ABT 1448 - ____

Father: Thomas Malet
Mother: Joan Wadham

                                                                   _John Malet _________+
                                                                  | (1323 - ....)       
                                             _Baldwin Malet ______|_Elizabeth Kingston _
                                            | (1361 - ....)         (1325 - ....)       
                       _Hugh Malet _________|
                      | (1399 - ....)       |
                      |                     |                      _Richard Lyffe ______+
                      |                     |                     | (1340 - ....)       
                      |                     |_Amicia Lyffe _______|_Margery Stanwell ___
                      |                       (1380 - ....)         (1355 - ....)       
 _Thomas Malet _______|
| (1428 - 1502) m 1460|
|                     |                                            _John Roynon ________
|                     |                                           | (1345 - ....)       
|                     |                      _John Roynon ________|_____________________
|                     |                     | (1375 - ....)                             
|                     |_Joan Roynon ________|
|                       (1408 - ....)       |
|                                           |                      _John Longland ______+
|                                           |                     | (1330 - ....)       
|                                           |_Joanne Longland ____|_Isabel Beaupre _____
|                                             (1370 - ....)         (1335 - ....)       
|--Baldwin Malet 
|  (1448 - ....)
|                                                                  _____________________
|                                                                 |                     
|                                            _____________________|_____________________
|                                           |                                           
|                      _William Wadham _____|
|                     | (1400 - ....)       |
|                     |                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     |                     
|                     |                     |_____________________|_____________________
|                     |                                                                 
|_Joan Wadham ________|
  (1431 - ....) m 1460|
                      |                                            _____________________
                      |                                           |                     
                      |                      _____________________|_____________________
                      |                     |                                           
                                            |                      _____________________
                                            |                     |                     


[22442] [S455] Sherry Huggins


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Robert Willoughby

[16250] [16251]

1428 - 30 May 1465

Family 1 : Cicely de Welles
  1. +Christopher Willoughby


[16250] [S233] Geneanet

[16251] [S234] Famous Kin


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