________________________________ | ___________________________|________________________________ | _____________________| | | | | ________________________________ | | | | |___________________________|________________________________ | _Troy Vernon Miller _| | (1924 - ....) m 1946| | | ________________________________ | | | | | ___________________________|________________________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | ________________________________ | | | | |___________________________|________________________________ | | |--Living | | ________________________________ | | | ___________________________|________________________________ | | | _Otha W Douglas _____| | | m 1924 | | | | ________________________________ | | | | | | |___________________________|________________________________ | | |_Floy Marie Douglas _| (1925 - 1985) m 1946| | ________________________________ | | | _Charles Elliott Rennison _|________________________________ | | (1874 - 1949) m 1903 |_Veva June Rennison _| (1904 - 1940) m 1924| | _Henry Americus Sawyer _________+ | | (1855 - 1913) m 1878 |_Floy D Sawyer ____________|_Martha Jane (Mattie) McLemore _ (1886 - 1945) m 1903 (1861 - 1952)
[12119] living - details excluded
_____________________ | _____________________|_____________________ | _Richard Cocke ______| | (1600 - 1665) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _Richard Cocke ______| | (1659 - ....) m 1680| | | _Walter Aston _______+ | | | | | _Walter Aston _______|_Joyce Nason ________ | | | (1607 - 1656) | |_Mary Aston _________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Hannah Jordan ______|_____________________ | | |--Anne Cocke | (1682 - 1749) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Elizabeth Unknown __| (1664 - ....) m 1680| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
_Tristram Coffin Sr._+ | (1605 - 1681) _Peter Coffin Sr.____|_Dionis Stevens _____ | (1631 - 1715) _Jethro Coffin ______| | (1663 - 1726) | | | _Edward Starbuck ____+ | | | (1604 - ....) | |_Abigail Starbuck ___|_Katherine Reynolds _ | (1609 - 1690) _Robert Coffin ______| | (1704 - 1757) m 1728| | | _Thomas Gardner _____+ | | | (1592 - 1674) m 1616 | | _John Gardner Sr.____|_Margaret Frier _____ | | | (1624 - 1706) m 1654 (1594 - 1659) | |_Mary Gardner _______| | (1670 - 1767) | | | _Joseph Grafton _____ | | | | |_Priscilla Grafton __|_____________________ | m 1654 | |--Susanna Coffin | (1731 - ....) | _Tristram Coffin Sr._+ | | (1605 - 1681) | _James Coffin Sr.____|_Dionis Stevens _____ | | (1640 - 1720) m 1663 | _Jonathan Coffin ____| | | (1692 - 1773) | | | | _John Severance _____ | | | | (.... - 1682) | | |_Mary Severance _____|_Abigail Kimball ____ | | m 1663 (1617 - 1658) |_Susanna Coffin _____| (1712 - 1795) m 1728| | _____________________ | | | _Ebenezer Harker ____|_____________________ | | |_Hephizabah Harker __| (.... - 1773) | | _Peter Folger _______ | | m 1644 |_Patience Folger ____|_Mary Morrill _______
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _William de Bruce 3rd Lord of Annandale_| | (.... - 1215) | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Robert De Bruce 4th Lord of Annandale | (.... - 1245) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Christina Unknown _____________________| | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
[4332] Lord Annandale
Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, maintained by Brian Tompset, University
_Patrick Graham of Kincardine_________________________+ | m 1260 _David Graham of Kincardine _________________|_Annabella of Strathearn _____________________________ | _David Graham of Kincardine and Old Montros_| | | | | ______________________________________________________ | | | | |_____________________________________________|______________________________________________________ | _Patrick Graham of Kincardine and Dundalf_| | | | | ______________________________________________________ | | | | | _____________________________________________|______________________________________________________ | | | | |____________________________________________| | | | | ______________________________________________________ | | | | |_____________________________________________|______________________________________________________ | | |--Patrick Graham Earl of Strathearn | (.... - 1413) | _James Stewart 5th High Steward of Scotland___________+ | | (1243 - 1309) | _Walter Stewart 6th High Steward of Scotland_|_Cecilia of Dunbar ___________________________________ | | (1293 - 1326) | _John Stewart of Ralston or Railston________| | | | | | | _Nicholas de Graham of Dalkeith, Abercorn and Eskdale_+ | | | | (.... - 1306) m 1269 | | |_Isabella Graham ____________________________|_Maria of Strathearn _________________________________ | | |_Eupheme or Egidia Stewart _______________| | | ______________________________________________________ | | | _____________________________________________|______________________________________________________ | | |_Alicia Mure _______________________________| | | ______________________________________________________ | | |_____________________________________________|______________________________________________________
Washington and his Neighbors, by Lyon G. Tyler, William and Mary CollegeQuarterly Historical Magazine, Vol 4, no 1 (Jul, 1895.) pp 28-43.
22. Thomas Speke (born in 1603, died 1659) married Francis, daughter ofCol. Valentine Peyton, on Nominy (did he marry the daughter of the widowof Valentine?) He had son, Thomas, and brother, John, which last livedat Bath and Plymough, England. In 1650, Col Thomas Speke patented 1,000acres, which, "by several descents, came to Hugh Spek, late of Bath,Sommerset, England," who, in 1690, made it over to Henery Tattersall, ofBristol, which last conveyed it to William Hardidge. Westmoreland CountyRecords. In "Inquisitions Post Mortem," County Wilts. - Index Library,British Record Society - Hugh Speke, esq., died seized of lands at Bath,in Somersetshire, January 25, 1623-24, leaving son and heir George, aged26, Henry and Francis Speke.
I think that the line of Col Thomas died out with no direct heirs for hisson or his brother John. His 900 acres at Curryoman Bay in WestmorelandCo, VA on Sept 16 1651 and in his will dated Dec 1 1659 left the land tohis son Thomas, but stated that if Thomas died without heirs, hald was togo to his brother John Speke, and the other half to his godson, ThomasGerard, the uounges son of Col Thomas Gerard) and in case of his death,to John, the next younges son of Thomas Gerard. the land descended toJohn Gerard who sold it to John Chilton who made his will Nov 15, 1706.Genealogies of Virginia Families, Vol I.
Pat Obrist (iobrist@mail.win.org]
Frank Bradley bradleyfm@aol.com
widow of Col Thomas Speke