__________________________________________________ | _____________________________|__________________________________________________ | _______________________________________________________| | | | | __________________________________________________ | | | | |_____________________________|__________________________________________________ | _William De Albini _____________________| | | | | __________________________________________________ | | | | | _____________________________|__________________________________________________ | | | | |_______________________________________________________| | | | | __________________________________________________ | | | | |_____________________________|__________________________________________________ | | |--William II De Albini | (1010 - 1066) | __________________________________________________ | | | _Ranulph (Ranulf) De Bayeux _|__________________________________________________ | | (1017 - 1047) | _Simon De Saint Liz Earl of Huntingdon and Northampton_| | | (1090 - 1111) m 1090 | | | | _Richard Normandy III, Duke Of Normandy __________+ | | | | (.... - 1035) | | |_Alice, Alix of Normandy ____|__________________________________________________ | | (1021 - ....) |_Matilda (Maud) de Senlis De Saint Liz _| (.... - 1140) | | __________________________________________________ | | | _Walthe Of Of Huntingdon ____|__________________________________________________ | | (1065 - 1076) m 1070 |_Maud of Northumberland _______________________________| (.... - 1131) m 1090 | | _Lambert II Von Boulogne, Of Lens, Count Of Lens _ | | (1054 - ....) m 1053 |_Judith Of Normandy _________|_Adeliza Of Normany Countess Of Aumale____________ (1054 - 1086) m 1070 (1029 - 1082)
!William d'Aubigny, Seigneur of Aubigny (subsequently Saint-Martind' Aubigny), Normandy; married by 1048 sister of Grimald de Plessis.[Burke's Peerage]
Aubigny, Alibini, etc., Earls of Arundel
Saint-Martin d'Aubigny: Manche, arr. Coutances, cant. Periers.
The early history of the family will be found in The Complete Peerage, surname Mowbray, new ed., vol. ix, pp. 366-7. The details of their benefactions to the abbey of Lessay as confirmed by a charter of HenryII, 1185-1188, identify St-Martin d' Aubigny with the Aubigny which was the caput of their Norman honour; thus the "ecclesiam de Folgeriis" is Feugeres 2 1/2 kil. SE of Aubigny, the "feria Sancti Christofori" mentioned in conjunction with the "forum Albinneii" is St-Christophe- d'Aubigny, a parish now united to that of St-Martin, and "Marchesis" is Marchesieux, 5 kil. NE of Aubigny. There is no trace of a feudal castle at Aubigny itself, but Gerville found nearby at Le Mesnil-Vigot the remains of a considerable castle with a well-defined motte, then known as "le chateau de St-Clair". [Origins of SomeAnglo-Norman Families]
!The following info was provided in a post-em by Curt Hofemann, curt_hofemann@yahoo.com:
A few more dribs & brabs:
Seigneur of Aubigny (Albiniacum) [Ref: CP IX:366, Holloway p20]
(in conjunction with son Roger) benefactor of the Abbey of Lessay [Ref: CP IX:366]
William d'Aubigny, first of the name, married the sister of Grimoult [Ref: McBride citing the Harleian Society, Vol 80, "Knights of Edward I" Vol 1 (A to E), with additions from Crispin and Macary, p6-7]
William d'Aubigny, of St. Martin d'Aubigny, who married the sister of Grimauld de Plessis, (some reconstructions make him older brother instead) [Ref: TAF 21 May 2002] Note: the village of Saint Martin d'Aubigny is 16 km. west of St-Lo and 15 km. north of Coutances, in Normandy. The other (unrelated) Aubigny/Albini line is from St. Aubin Aubigné, a different town... Curt
married bef 1048: [Ref: Holloway p20], names: William D'AUBIGNEY & ___ PLESSIS [Ref: CP IX:366, Holloway p20]
Research note: As to the link to the Saint Sauvieur line, there is nothing to it - just a guess based on the names of William and Nigel occuring in both families. [Ref: TAF 21 May 2002] Would love to see an expansion/basis of this... Curt
!Note: Holloway = _The Genealogy of Mary Wentworth, Who Became the Wife of William Brewster_ by Naomi D. Holloway, LDS Film #1738313.
_Gospatrick I Dunbar _+ | (1040 - 1074) m 1057 _Gospatric, 2nd Earl Of Dunbar _|_Aethelreda England __ | (1062 - 1138) m 1087 (1042 - ....) _Gospatrick, 3rd Earl of Dunbar Earl of Lothian_| | (.... - 1166) | | | _Arkil Morel _________ | | | (1050 - 1095) | |_Sybil Morel ___________________|______________________ | (1076 - ....) m 1087 _Waldeve, 4th Earl of Dunbar Earl of Lothian_| | (.... - 1182) | | | ______________________ | | | | | ________________________________|______________________ | | | | |_Derdere Unknown _______________________________| | | | | ______________________ | | | | |________________________________|______________________ | | |--Patrick Dunbar 5th Earl of Dunbar, Earl of Lothian | (1152 - 1232) | ______________________ | | | ________________________________|______________________ | | | ________________________________________________| | | | | | | ______________________ | | | | | | |________________________________|______________________ | | |_Aline Unknown ______________________________| | | ______________________ | | | ________________________________|______________________ | | |________________________________________________| | | ______________________ | | |________________________________|______________________
[4327] Earl of Dunbar & March 7
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Thomas Gerard ______| | (1605 - 1673) m 1634| | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Ann Gerard | (1642 - 1676) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Susannah Snow ______| m 1634 | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
Linda Reno, lrena@erols.com
This Ann could be a sister or cousin of this Thomas and not a daughter, since whe was not with the family when Thomas transported himself, his wife and 5 children.
Linda Reno, lrena@erols.com
Linda Reno, lrena@erols.com
_____________________ | _Richard Knowles ____|_____________________ | (1614 - 1670) m 1639 _John Knowles _______| | (1640 - 1675) m 1670| | | _George Bowers ______+ | | | (1590 - 1656) m 1615 | |_Ruth Bower _________|_Barbara Smythe _____ | (1616 - 1687) m 1639 (1595 - 1644) _Edward Knowles _____| | (1671 - 1740) m 1700| | | _____________________ | | | | | _Edward Bangs _______|_____________________ | | | (1591 - 1677) m 1636 | |_Apphia Bangs _______| | (1651 - 1722) m 1670| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Rebecca Unknown ____|_____________________ | (1615 - 1677) m 1636 | |--Mercy Knowles | (1704 - 1759) | _Richard Ridley _____ | | (1604 - 1633) | _Albany Ridley ______|_____________________ | | (1620 - ....) | _Mark Ridley ________| | | (1659 - 1767) | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Ann Ridley _________| (1671 - 1711) m 1700| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
_____________________ | _Unknown Prince _____|_____________________ | (1540 - ....) _Thomas Prence ______| | (1575 - 1630) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _Thomas Prence ______| | (1600 - 1673) m 1624| | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Hannah Prence | (1634 - 1698) | _William Brewster ___ | | (1505 - ....) m 1532 | _William Brewster ___|_Maude Mann _________ | | (1535 - 1590) m 1565 (1510 - 1558) | _William Brewster ___| | | (1566 - 1644) m 1593| | | | _William Smythe _____ | | | | (1494 - 1560) m 1533 | | |_Mary Smythe ________|_ Unknown ___________ | | (1535 - 1567) m 1565 (1505 - ....) |_Patience Brewster __| (1600 - 1634) m 1624| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Mary Unknown _______| (1568 - 1627) m 1593| | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
_Umberto II, Conte di Savoia, Comte De Maurienne _+ | (1070 - 1103) m 1090 _Amadeo III of Savoy _______________|_Gisele De Bourgogne De Burgundy _________________ | (1060 - 1133) _Humbert III "Le Savoy" Savoy ___________| | (1136 - ....) m 1176 | | | __________________________________________________ | | | | |_Mathilda (Matilda) "Maud" D'Albon _|__________________________________________________ | _Thomas (Tomaso) I de Maurienne ____________| | (1177 - ....) m 1195 | | | _William IV Comte De Macon et De Vienne __________+ | | | (1090 - 1155) | | _Girard Comte De Vienne ____________|_Poncette, Heiress, De Traves ____________________ | | | (1130 - 1184) (1090 - ....) | |_Beatrix De Macon _______________________| | (1160 - 1230) m 1176 | | | __________________________________________________ | | | | |_Guigonne Maurette De Salins _______|__________________________________________________ | (1140 - 1184) | |--Amadeus IV Count Savoy | (1197 - 1253) | __________________________________________________ | | | ____________________________________|__________________________________________________ | | | _William (Gulliaume) I, Count de Geneva _| | | (1130 - ....) m 1177 | | | | __________________________________________________ | | | | | | |____________________________________|__________________________________________________ | | |_Marguerite-Beatrix De Faucigny De Genevre _| (1180 - 1236) m 1195 | | _Umberto II, Conte di Savoia, Comte De Maurienne _+ | | (1070 - 1103) m 1090 | _Amadeo III of Savoy _______________|_Gisele De Bourgogne De Burgundy _________________ | | (1060 - 1133) |_Agnes De Maurienne Of Savoy ____________| (1138 - 1180) m 1177 | | __________________________________________________ | | |_Mathilda (Matilda) "Maud" D'Albon _|__________________________________________________
[26009] Death: 24 Jun 1253