_Thomas Adams _______+ | (1422 - ....) _John Adams _________|_Marie Upton ________ | (1452 - ....) m 1474 (1424 - ....) _John Adams _________| | (1482 - 1557) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Jane Rannelegh _____|_____________________ | (1454 - ....) m 1474 _John Adams _________| | (1502 - 1575) m 1529| | | _____________________ | | | | | _John Stebbing ______|_____________________ | | | (.... - 1490) | |_Catherine Stebbing _| | (1484 - ....) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Richard Adams | (1530 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _John Squire ________| | | (.... - 1572) m 1504| | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Margery Squire _____| (1504 - ....) m 1529| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Margaret Unknown ___| m 1504 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
_Thomas Crabtree ____+ | (1610 - 1656) _Samuel Crabtree __________|_Rebecca Unknown ____ | (1637 - 1700) (1610 - 1659) _James Thomas Crabtree __| | (1656 - 1751) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth Holden Unknown _|_____________________ | _William Crabtree ___| | (1682 - 1756) m 1703| | | _____________________ | | | | | _UNKNOWN Webber ___________|_____________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth Sarah Webber _| | (1660 - 1759) | | | _____________________ | | | | |___________________________|_____________________ | | |--Grace Crabtree | (1711 - 1774) | _Edmund Halstead ____ | | | _Charles Edmond Halstead __|_____________________ | | (1620 - ....) | _James Halstead _________| | | (1651 - 1750) m 1686 | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Katherina Preston ________|_____________________ | | (1629 - 1700) |_Jane Halstead ______| (1687 - 1759) m 1703| | _____________________ | | | ___________________________|_____________________ | | |_Grace Courtney _________| (1651 - 1756) m 1686 | | _____________________ | | |___________________________|_____________________
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Diego Gomez De Toledo _| | (1334 - ....) m 1355 | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Sancha De Ayala | (1355 - 1418) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Inez Alfonsa De Ayala _| (1338 - ....) m 1355 | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
In the year 1371 Doña Constanza, daughter of the deceased (anddethroned) King of Castile, Don Pedro WalchelineI (The Cruel) went toEngland to become the bride of King Edward III's son, John of Gaunt,Duke of Lancaster. Among the young Castilian ladies of aristocraticbirth who accompanied her was Doña Sancha de Ayala, daughter of DonDiego (or Día-) Gómez de Guzmán (or de Toledo) and his wife, Doña Inésde Ayala.
About 1373 Doña Sancha married an English knight, Sir Walter Blount,of the Blounts of Sodington, county Worcester. On 26 February in thefirst year of King Richard II's reign (1378), the Duke of Lancaster,who claimed the thrones of Castile and Leon in right of his wife,granted to Sir Walter and Sancha (for their good service to him) anannuity of 100 marks a year; this grant was confirmed "for their livesin survivorship" by King Richard, April 26, 1399. Records revealpayments to Sancha at various times; once (2 January 1380) her namewas associated with that of "Phelippe Chaucy", i.e., Philippa Chaucer,wife of the author of the Canterbury
Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer. On this occasion she was described by theDuke of Lancaster as "our very dear attendant" (nostre trescherecompaigne) "dame Senche Blount".
Sir Walter figured prominently in the affairs of England during thetimes of Edward III and Henry IV. He was a close associate of John ofGaunt, and the latter made him an executor of his will and left him asmall legacy. In 1367, Sir Walter accompanied the Black Prince and theDuke of Lancaster (John of Gaunt) upon the expedition into Spain toaid Peter the Cruel, King of Castile, and was at the battle of Marjaraon April 3, 1367 which restored Peter to his throne. Sir Walter fellat the battle of Shrewsbury, July 21, 1403, wherein, being standardbearer, he was arrayed in the same style of armour as his royal masterand was slain in single combat by Earl Douglas who believed he was incombat with the king himself. Sir Walter was slain in the course ofthe battle of Shrewsbury, July 21, 1403, and Shakespeare, who drew hisfacts mainly from Holinshed's "Chronicles" immortalized him in hisHenry IV though he called him Sir Walter Blunt.
Three years after her husband's death, Dame Sancha founded a chantryin the Hospital of St. Leonard, Alkmonton, county Derbyshire. Herson-in-law, John Sutton, (husband of Constance Bount) died on August29, 1406. On November 23 following, Dame Sancha was granted commissionof the keeping of all the lands late of John Sutton, tenant in chief,during the minority of his six-year-old son and heir, John Sutton; herduties included "finding a competent maintenace for the heir,maintaining the houses and buildings and supporting the charges." Inthe same month the escheator in Worcestershire was ordered "to take ofConstance who was the wife of
John Sutton an oath etc. and in the presence of Sancha who was thewife of Walter Blount knight, to whom the king has committed the wardthereof, or of her attorneys, to assign the said Constance dower ofthe said John's lands."
Dame Sancha Blount made her will (still in existence) in 1415, anddied in 1418. She was buried beside her husband in the CollegiateChurch of St. Mary, The Neward, Leicester. Sancha de Ayala, LadyBount, the ancestress of several English settlers in America, wasdescended from some of the most illustrious Castilian families.Through her father she belonged to the House of Guzmán (also calledToledo) which produced many noble families in Spain and a series ofwives and mistresses for Spanish and Portuguese kings. Her mother,Inés de Ayala (by whose surname Sancha was known), was sprung from thegreat House of Ayala of Toledo, which traced its pedigree in themale line to the House of Haro, Lords of Biscay. The proof of Sancha'sparentage is contained in a family genealogy begun about 1385 by hermaternal uncle, Pedro López de Ayala, Grand Chancellor of Castile. Hestated that Doña Sancha "married a Knight of England, who was calledSir Walter Blount."
Sancha and Sir Walter had two children, Sir Thomas Blount andConstance. Sir Thomas was the father of two sons:
(1) Sir Walter Blount, 1st Lord Mountjoy, and:
(2) Sir Thomas Blount,
Sancha's older brother, Don Pedro Suåarez was the progenitor of muchof Europe's nobility. He married Doña Juana de Orozco, Lady of Pintoand had Inés de Guzmán or de Toledo. By her second husband, Don DiegoFernández de Córdoba, Marshal of Castile, she had a daughter, DoñaMaría Fernández. Maria, 4th Lady of Casarrubios del Monte; m. DonFadrique Enriquez and had Doña Juana Enríquez. Juana, married (1447)as his second wife, John II, King of Aragon and had Ferdinand II ofAragon, better known as Ferdinand V, The Catholic, King of Castile,who married the celebrated Queen Isabella of Castile and had severalchildren including:
Emperor Charles V (Charles I of Spain), ancestor of the Habsburg andBourbon Kings of Spain;
Juana "La Loca" ("the crazy"), Queen of Castile, who married Philipthe Handsome, Archduke of Austria;
Ferdinand I, who was progenitor of the Habsburg Holy Roman Emperorsand Emperors of Austria, all of the present European sovereigns(including Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain), most of the dethroneddynasties of Europe, the Calvert family of Maryland, a branch of theMorris family of Philadelphia, and the Custis-Lee family of theArlington Estate in Virginia; and
Catherine of Aragon who married first the Tudor Prince, Arthur andsecond, his brother, King Henry VIII of England.
NGSQ - National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 51, The SpanishAncestry of American Colonists, Milton Rubincam, Washington, D.C., Dec1963, pp. 235 - 236.
The English Ancestry of Anne Marbury Hutchinson and Katherine MarburyScott, Meredith B. Colket, Jr., The Mager Press, Philadelphia, PA,1936, p. 46.
Oratio Dyer Clark and of his wife Laura Ann King, Together with theancestry of Anne (Marbury) Hutchinson, Ancestress of Oratio DyerClark, John Edwin Salisbury, Verified and Enlarged by Martin &Allabdyob, Asbury Park, NJ, 1917, pp. 79 - 86.
The American Genealogist, Vol. 25, No. 3, The Royal Ancestry ofthe Ludlows, Meredith B. Colket, Jr., Demorest, GA, Jan 1939, p. 138
From an ancient family of spanish grandness decended from Vela deArragon 1074
_Richard Fitzalan Earl Of Arundel_________+ | (1267 - 1302) _Edmund Fitzalan ________________________|_Alice Of Saluzzo ________________________ | (.... - 1326) (1271 - 1292) _Richard FitzAlan Earl Of Arundel 10th_| | (1313 - 1376) m 1345 | | | _William De Warenne ______________________+ | | | (.... - 1286) | |_Alice De Warenne _______________________|_Joan De Vere ____________________________ | (.... - 1293) _John Fitzalan Arundel Lord Arundel _| | (1349 - 1379) m 1357 | | | _Edmund Crouchback Leicester Plantagenet _+ | | | (1245 - 1296) m 1276 | | _Henry Plantagenet Earl Of Lancaster 3rd_|_Blanche Of Artois _______________________ | | | (1281 - 1345) m 1297 | |_Eleanor Plantagenet __________________| | (1311 - 1372) m 1345 | | | _Patrick Chatworth Sir____________________ | | | | |_Maud Chatworth _________________________|_Isabel De Beauchamp _____________________ | (.... - 1322) m 1297 | |--Ranulph FitzAlan | (1370 - ....) | __________________________________________ | | | _John Maltravers ________________________|__________________________________________ | | (1290 - 1364) m 1313 | _John Maltravers ______________________| | | m 1345 | | | | _Maurice De Berkeley 2nd Lord_____________+ | | | | (1271 - 1326) m 1289 | | |_Millicent (Ela) De Berkeley ____________|_Eva La Zouche ___________________________ | | (1300 - 1322) m 1313 (1289 - 1314) |_Eleanor Maltravers _________________| (1345 - 1404) m 1357 | | __________________________________________ | | | _________________________________________|__________________________________________ | | |_Welthiana ____________________________| (1315 - 1375) m 1345 | | __________________________________________ | | |_________________________________________|__________________________________________
____________________________________ | _______________________________________|____________________________________ | _____________________________________________| | | | | ____________________________________ | | | | |_______________________________________|____________________________________ | _Baldwin II Hainault ___| | (1056 - 1098) m 1083 | | | ____________________________________ | | | | | _______________________________________|____________________________________ | | | | |_____________________________________________| | | | | ____________________________________ | | | | |_______________________________________|____________________________________ | | |--Baldwin III, Count of Hainault | (1088 - 1119) | _Lambert I Louvain _________________ | | (0960 - 1015) m 0990 | _LAMBERT II "Baudry" Count Of Louvain _|_Gerberge De Lorraine ______________ | | (0991 - 1062) (0972 - ....) | _Henri II Count Of Loraine (Louvain) ________| | | (.... - 1077) | | | | _Gozelo Gonzelon I Count Of Verdun _+ | | | | (0967 - 1044) m 1003 | | |_Oda de Loraine _______________________|_Urracca Princess of Italy _________ | | (0995 - 1044) (0967 - ....) |_Ida (Alix) De Loraine _| (1065 - ....) m 1083 | | _Godizo Of The Betuwe ______________ | | (0985 - 1018) | _Eberhard Count Of The Betuwe _________|____________________________________ | | |_Adele "Alix" (Adelaide) Countess of Beteau _| (1023 - 1086) | | ____________________________________ | | |_______________________________________|____________________________________
_Joshua Hemingway ___+ | (1643 - ....) m 1665 _Joshua Hemingway ___|_Joanna Evans _______ | (1668 - 1754) m 1696 (1645 - 1678) _Joshua Hemingway ___________| | (1697 - 1754) m 1718 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Rebecca Stanhope ___|_____________________ | (1670 - ....) m 1696 _Isaac Hemingway ____| | (1730 - 1778) m 1754| | | _____________________ | | | | | _Joseph Morse _______|_____________________ | | | (1671 - 1709) m 1694 | |_Abiagil Morse ______________| | (1695 - 1739) m 1718 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth Sawtelle _|_____________________ | (1671 - ....) m 1694 | |--Sarah Hemingway | (1755 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _James Haven ________________| | | (1709 - 1762) | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Elizabeth Haven ____| (1736 - 1782) m 1754| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Sarah, Wife Of James Haven _| (1705 - 1762) | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
[23751] Died As An Infant
_____________________ | _John Mayo __________|_____________________ | (1570 - 1630) m 1595 _John Mayo __________| | (1597 - 1676) m 1620| | | _____________________ | | | | |_ Unknown ___________|_____________________ | (1572 - 1603) m 1595 _Nathaniel Mayo _____| | (1625 - 1661) m 1649| | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_ Unknown ___________| | (1600 - ....) m 1620| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Nathaniel Mayo | (1652 - 1709) | _Unknown Prince _____ | | (1540 - ....) | _Thomas Prence ______|_____________________ | | (1575 - 1630) | _Thomas Prence ______| | | (1600 - 1673) m 1624| | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Hannah Prence ______| (1634 - 1698) m 1649| | _William Brewster ___+ | | (1535 - 1590) m 1565 | _William Brewster ___|_Mary Smythe ________ | | (1566 - 1644) m 1593 (1535 - 1567) |_Patience Brewster __| (1600 - 1634) m 1624| | _____________________ | | |_Mary Unknown _______|_____________________ (1568 - 1627) m 1593
_Thomas Mildenhall __ | (1590 - 1673) _Thomas Mildenhall __|_____________________ | (1633 - 1682) m 1649 _Benjamin Mendenhall _| | (1662 - 1740) m 1689 | | | _William Strode Jr.__+ | | | (1589 - 1666) | |_Joane Strode _______|_Joane Barnard ______ | (1635 - 1682) m 1649 (1607 - 1649) _Robert Mendenhall __| | (1713 - 1785) m 1734| | | _____________________ | | | | | _Robert Pennell _____|_____________________ | | | | |_Ann Pennell _________| | (1668 - 1749) m 1689 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Hannah Hyandson ____|_____________________ | | |--Ann Mendenhall | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _Philip Taylor _______| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Phoebe Taylor ______| (1715 - 1761) m 1734| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Ann Conway __________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
_________________________________________ | _Fulk Count de Carbonais ______|_________________________________________ | (0915 - ....) _Ivres I De Belleme _| | (0940 - 0997) | | | _________________________________________ | | | | |_Rolais Countess de Carbonais _|_________________________________________ | (0919 - ....) _William De Belleme _| | (0960 - 1026) | | | _Guillaume I Comte de Ponthieu __________+ | | | (0910 - 0965) | | _HILDOUIN de Ponthieu _________|_Maude de sur Mer de Therouanne St. Pol _ | | | (0930 - 0981) (0918 - 0965) | |_Godchilde Ponthieu _| | (0944 - ....) | | | _________________________________________ | | | | |_HERSENDE de Montreuil ________|_________________________________________ | (0935 - 0970) | |--Warin Seigneur De Montagne | (0985 - 1026) | _________________________________________ | | | _______________________________|_________________________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _________________________________________ | | | | | | |_______________________________|_________________________________________ | | |_Hildeburg __________| (0965 - ....) | | _________________________________________ | | | _______________________________|_________________________________________ | | |_____________________| | | _________________________________________ | | |_______________________________|_________________________________________
Warin de Belleme, Seigneur de Domfront.
Warin de Bellesmes, Seigneur de Nogent, Mortagne and Belleme.
K. Varden Leasa
K. Varden Leasa
_____________________________ | ______________________________________________________________________|_____________________________ | _____________________| | | | | _____________________________ | | | | |______________________________________________________________________|_____________________________ | _Living______________| | | | | _____________________________ | | | | | ______________________________________________________________________|_____________________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | _____________________________ | | | | |______________________________________________________________________|_____________________________ | | |--Chloee wendorf | | _____________________________ | | | _Paul Fredrick Buehrer , (2nd Cousin 1x Removed Of J.barley-Speciale)_|_____________________________ | | (1918 - 1991) | _Terry Paul buehrer _| | | (1946 - 1995) | | | | _____________________________ | | | | | | |_Cora Blanche (Blanche) Sharp ________________________________________|_____________________________ | | (1918 - 1995) |_Living______________| | | _Robert B Pugh ______________+ | | (1886 - 1950) m 1911 | _Robert Roy Pugh Jr___________________________________________________|_Julia Alice "Jewel" brenot _ | | (1913 - 1975) m 1933 (1889 - 1918) |_Sandra L. Pugh _____| (.... - 2021) | | _Elmer Allen Kennedy ________+ | | m 1909 |_Eleanore Mae kennedy ________________________________________________|_Edith A stanton ____________ (1913 - 1991) m 1933 (1884 - 1933)
_John Wydeville _______ | (1288 - 1329) _John Wydeville _________|_Margery Oakley _______ | (1310 - 1378) (1288 - ....) _Richard Wydeville ____| | (1365 - 1441) | | | _John de Lyons ________+ | | | (1289 - 1349) m 1313 | |_Elizabeth Lyons ________|_Alice de Senlis ______ | (1330 - 1371) (1295 - ....) _Richard Wydeville ____________________| | (.... - 1469) | | | _______________________ | | | | | _John Thomas Bedlisgate _|_______________________ | | | (1314 - ....) | |_Joan Bedlisgate ______| | (1375 - 1448) | | | _William De Beauchamp _+ | | | | |_Mary De Beauchamp ______|_Joan De Bridport _____ | (1365 - ....) (1335 - ....) | |--Jacquetta Wydeville | (1444 - 1479) | _______________________ | | | _________________________|_______________________ | | | _Pierre De Luxembourg _| | | (1390 - ....) m 1416 | | | | _______________________ | | | | | | |_________________________|_______________________ | | |_Jacquette (Jacqueline) De Luxembourg _| (1416 - 1472) | | _______________________ | | | _________________________|_______________________ | | |_Margarite De Baux ____| (1394 - ....) m 1416 | | _______________________ | | |_________________________|_______________________
!MARRIAGE:Steve Riddle's Family Tree.FTW, Steve Riddle's
Family Tree.FTW