Gwenllian verch Aron (ABT 1026 - ____)
Gwilym ap Aron (ABT 1190 - ____)
George Peabody Artis (ABT 1868 - 12 Mar 1934)
Augusta Sophia Artmeyer (____ - ____)
Blanche Of Artois (____ - ____)
Robert I Capet Of Artois, Count Of Artois (Sep 1216 - 9 Feb 1250)
Henry Artrobus (ABT 1468 - 1501-1559)
Thomas Artrobus (1450 - ____)
Elizabeth Arundel (ABT 1451 - ____)
Elizabeth Arundel (1484 - 20 FEB 1512-1513)
John Arundel (1474 - 8 Feb 1545)
John Fitzalan Arundel Lord Arundel (BEF 1349 - 1379)
Margaret Arundel (ABT 1464 - 8 Dec 1519)
Matilda De (Tideshall) D' Arundel (ABT 1244 - 1309)
Thomas Arundel (1502 - 26 Feb 1552)
Matthew Arundel-Howard (1535 - 1598)
Thomas Arundel-Howard (1560 - 7 Nov 1639)
Elizabeth De Arundell (1427 - ____)
Ellen Arundell (ABT 1450 - UNKNOWN)
John Arundell (ABT 1372 - ABT 1436)
John Arundell (7 Jan 1421 - 5 MAR 1450-1451)
Thomas Arundell (ABT 1454 - 1 Oct 1485)
Thomas De Arundell (ABT 1394 - 24 Jun 1443)
Thomasine Arundell (1458 - ____)
Francis Asbyll (ABT 1574 - BEF 10 Jul 1614)
Alice Ashford (ABT 1480 - ____)
Amias Ashford (ABT 1541 - ____)
Baldwin Ashford (ABT 1511 - ____)
UP (John Allen - Sarah Bailey )
BACK (Laura Armour - Gwenlain verch Aron )
NEXT (Emdyne Ashford - Elizabeth Ashmore )