Gwenllian verch Aron


ABT 1026 - ____

Family 1 : Iorwerth ap Cadwgan
  1. +Dyddgu verch Iorwerth


[7540] [S166] Sharon Bearce


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Robert De Keith Sir

____ - ____

Father: John Keith
Mother: Jean \ Johanna Stewart

Family 1 : Unknown Troup
  1. +William Keith 1st Earl Marischal

                                                                                                       _William De Keith __________________________+
                                                                                                      | (1231 - 1271) m 1261                       
                                                         _Edward De Keith Marischal Of Scotland_______|_Barbara de Seton __________________________
                                                        | (1280 - 1346) m 1305                          (1216 - ....)                              
                           _William De Keith ___________|
                          | (1315 - 1410) m 1347        |
                          |                             |                                              ____________________________________________
                          |                             |                                             |                                            
                          |                             |_Isabella De Synton _________________________|____________________________________________
                          |                               (1285 - ....) m 1305                                                                     
 _John Keith _____________|
| (.... - 1375) m 1373    |
|                         |                                                                            _Alexander (Lord of Cowie) Baron Fraser ____+
|                         |                                                                           | (1284 - 1332) m 1316                       
|                         |                              _John Fraser ________________________________|_Mary De Bruce _____________________________
|                         |                             | (1317 - ....)                                 (.... - 1323)                              
|                         |_Margaret Fraser ____________|
|                            m 1347                     |
|                                                       |                                              ____________________________________________
|                                                       |                                             |                                            
|                                                       |_Mary unknown _______________________________|____________________________________________
|                                                         (1320 - ....)                                                                            
|--Robert De Keith Sir
|                                                                                                      _James Stewart 5th High Steward of Scotland_+
|                                                                                                     | (1243 - 1309)                              
|                                                        _Walter Stewart 6th High Steward of Scotland_|_Cecilia of Dunbar _________________________
|                                                       | (1293 - 1326) m 1315                                                                     
|                          _Robert II King Of Scotland _|
|                         | (1316 - 1390) m 1355        |
|                         |                             |                                              _Robert I Bruce Of Scotland_________________+
|                         |                             |                                             | (1274 - 1329) m 1295                       
|                         |                             |_Marjorie, Princess, Bruce __________________|_Isabel Of Mar _____________________________
|                         |                               (.... - 1316) m 1315                          (.... - 1302)                              
|_Jean \ Johanna Stewart _|
  (.... - 1404) m 1373    |
                          |                                                                            _William Mure ______________________________+
                          |                                                                           | (1265 - 1348) m 1289                       
                          |                              _Adam More __________________________________|_Margaret De Lindsay _______________________
                          |                             | (1290 - 1380)                                 (1267 - ....)                              
                          |_Elizabeth More (Mure) ______|
                            (1320 - ....) m 1355        |
                                                        |                                              ____________________________________________
                                                        |                                             |                                            
                                                        |_Joanna (Janet) Danzielstour ________________|____________________________________________
                                                          (1295 - 1330)                                                                            



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Anna Maria Driver


3 Dec 1764 - 1849

Family 1 : Peter Acker Jr.
  1. +Elizabeth Sarah Aucker
  2.  Ann Ocker
  3.  Mary Acker
  4.  Peter Acker II


[9803] [S433] Acker, Casper Descendants


HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6-WIN95 (Jan 18 2000) on 01/26/2025 12:32:26 PM Pacific Standard Time.

William Paulet

[16607] [16608] [16609] [16610] [16611] [16612] [16613] [16614]

1484 - 10 Mar 1572

Father: John Paulet
Mother: Alice Paulet

Family 1 : Elizabeth Capel
  1.  Giles Paulet
  2. +John Paulet

                       _John Paulet ________|
                      | (1426 - 1493)       |
                      |                     |                                ________________________
                      |                     |                               |                        
                      |                     |_______________________________|________________________
 _John Paulet ________|
| (1452 - 1525)       |
|                     |                                                      ________________________
|                     |                                                     |                        
|                     |                      _______________________________|________________________
|                     |                     |                                                        
|                     |_Eleanor Roos _______|
|                       (1432 - 1509)       |
|                                           |                                ________________________
|                                           |                               |                        
|                                           |_______________________________|________________________
|--William Paulet 
|  (1484 - 1572)
|                                                                            _John Paulett __________+
|                                                                           | (1349 - 1391)          
|                                            _Thomas Paulet ________________|_Elizabeth Credy _______
|                                           | (1377 - 1407) m 1404            (1351 - 1415)          
|                      _William Paulet _____|
|                     | (1405 - 1488)       |
|                     |                     |                                _Henry Burton __________
|                     |                     |                               | (1352 - ....)          
|                     |                     |_Margaret Burton ______________|_Alice De Boys _________
|                     |                       (1384 - 1428) m 1404            (1362 - ....)          
|_Alice Paulet _______|
  (1456 - ....)       |
                      |                                                      _John Denebaud _________
                      |                                                     | (1350 - 1390)          
                      |                      _John Denebaud Lord of Hinton _|________________________
                      |                     | (1388 - ....)                                          
                      |_Elizabeth Denebaud _|
                        (1414 - 1497)       |
                                            |                                _Richard le Arcedeckne _
                                            |                               | (1344 - 1400)          
                                            |_Florence le Arcedeckne _______|________________________
                                              (1392 - ....)                                          


XIII. 1. WILLIAM PAULET, or POWLETT, son and heir of Sir Jo hn PAULET,K.B., of Basing, Hants, and of Nunney, Somerset , by Alice, daughterof Sir William PAULET (ancestor of th e Earls Poulett), of Hinton St.George, Somerset, was bor n probably about 1483; Sheriff of Hants,1511-12, 1518-19 a nd 1522-23; a Commissioner to review and muster atSouthamp ton and Portsmouth troops proceeding overseas, 2 May 1512 and 18 April 1514, and to enquire as to imparkation of land s in Hants,28 May 1517; knighted 1523-25; succeeded his fa ther at Basing, 5January 1524/5; joint Master of the King' s wards, 3 November 1526,and sole, 21 December 1534-July 1 540, becoming Master of the Court ofWards, 26 July 1540-1 8 November 1542, and of the Court of Wards andLiveries, 2 0 November 1542-30 April 1554; M.P. for Hants, 1529-36;Sur veyor General of all possessions in the King's hands by th eminority of heirs, also Surveyor of the King's widows an d Governor ofall idiots and naturals in the King's hands , 14 January 1530/1;Comptroller of the Household, May 1532 -October 1537; attended theKing to France at his meeting w ith Francis I, October 1532; JointCommissoner to depose th e Queen Consort, Katherine, April 1533; amember of the Duk e of Norfolk's mission to France, May-August 1533;was on e of the jurors to try Bishop Fisher and Sir Thomas More, J uneand July 1535, and the supposed accomplices of the Quee n Consorts,Anne Boleyn, May 1536, and Katherine Howard, De cember 1541; Keeper ofPamber Forest, Hants, 7 February 153 5/6; Surveyor of the King'swoods, before 1536-37, and Mast er of the same, 23 June 1541. At thetime of the Pilgrimag e of Grace he was with the Duke of Norfolk atAmpthill, Oct ober 1536, when he was in charge of musters. Treasurerof t he Household, 18 October 1537-March 1538/9. He was created , 9March 1538/9, BARON SEYNT JOHN, i.e. ST. JOHN, and too k his seat, 28April following. He accompanied the King t o meet Anne of Cleves atBlackheath, 3 January 1539/40; wa s a Commissioner to enquire into thedisorder at Calais , 9 March following; P.C. in 4 reigns, 19 November1542 til l his death; nominated, K.G. 23 April, and installed 6 Ma y1543; Lord Chamberlain of the Household, circa 16 May 154 3-October1545; Commissioner to treat for a marriage betwee n Prince Edward andMary, Queen of Scots, 17 June 1543. Dur ing the Boulogne campaign of1544 he supervised the embarka tion of the army at Dover and himselfserved at the siege , where he was responsible for victualling. He wasGreat Ma ster (Lord Steward) of the Household, circa November 1545-February 1549/50, and Lord President of the Council probabl y(certainly before 27 January 1546/7) for the same period ; ChiefJustice in Eyre, South of Trent, 17 December 1545-F ebruary 1549/50.As an executor of Henry VIII (with a legac y of Ð500) he retained hishigh offices and became Joint Go vernor of Edward VI, at whoseCoronation, 20 February 1546/ 7, he bore the Second Sword; was for afew months, 6 March- October 1547, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal;Keeper and Cap tain of St. Andrew's Castle, Hamble, for life, 17 July1547 ; Lieutenant or Keeper of Alice Holt and Woolmer Forests, H ants,for life, 27 July 1548, becoming joint Keeper (with h is son, Lord St.John), 29 January 1560/1. For his suppor t of Warwick after theoverthrow of the Protector Somerset , October 1549, he was created, 19January 1549/50, EARL O F WILTSHIRE, with a large grant of lands, 26January follow ing, chiefly in that co. On 3 February 1549/50 hebecame Lo rd High Treasurer, an office which he held (through 3 reigns) till his death 22 years later. On the final fall of th e Protector(Somerset) he was further created, 11 October 1 551, MARQUESS OFWINCHESTER; and on 1 December following h e was Lord High Steward forthe trial of the said Protector . Lord Lieutenant of Hants, 16 May1552 and 24 May 1553. A s one of the signatories, 21 June, to theletters patent, 1 6 June 1553, settling the Crown on Lady Jane Grey,he was w ith her adherents in the Tower after the King's death, 6 July. When, however, her cause was declining, he supported th eproclamation of Queen Mary, 19 July, in London, begged he r pardon, 2August, was sworn of her Council, 13 August, an d even presided at thetrial of Sir Andrew Dudley and other s, 19 August 1553. By that Queen(as well as by her success or) he was confirmed in his office, 30September, bearing t he Orb at her Coronation, 1 October 1553. Havingreceived P hilip of Spain at Southampton, 20 July, he was one of those noblemen who, in the name of the whole realm, gave Quee n Mary tohim at their marriage in Winchester Cathedral, 2 5 July 1554. He wasappointed Lieutenant of the forces in L ondon and the adjacent shires,12 April-29 October 1558; Sp eaker of the House of Lords, 4 March1558/9 and 5-25 Octobe r 1566; Lord Lieutenant of Hants, 26 May 1559,and of Hant s and Middlesex, 20 November 1569, also Joint LordLieutena nt of London, 20 November 1569. He married, about 1509, Elizabeth, 1st daughter of Sir William CAPEL, sometime (1503 ) Lord Mayorof London, by Margaret, daughter of Sir John A RUNDELL, of Lanherne,Cornwall. She died 25 December 1558 , in London, and was buried 5February 1558/9 at Basing. H e died 10 March 1571/2 at his house atBasing (which he ha d rebuilt with great magnificence), aged about 88,and wa s buried at Basing. [CP 12[2]:757-62]

[16608] [S936] Gedcom File provided by

[16609] [S937] [Plantagenet Descent]

[16610] [S938] Descendant of.....

[16611] [S938] Descendant of.....

[16612] [S945] [Ancestry of Jesse James (Outlaw)]

[16613] [S936] Gedcom File provided by

[16614] [S939] [Plantagenet Descent]


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Lucille Redman


14 Feb 1921 - ____

Family 1 : Samuel Marshall Wells


[27927] No issue.


HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6-WIN95 (Jan 18 2000) on 01/26/2025 12:32:26 PM Pacific Standard Time.

Avarilla W. Turman

1 Jun 1880 - ____

Father: Return Jonathan Turman
Mother: Paulina A. Wible

                           _Thomas Turman __________|
                          | (1796 - 1863) m 1818    |
                          |                         |                      ____________________________
                          |                         |                     |                            
                          |                         |_____________________|____________________________
 _Return Jonathan Turman _|
| (1837 - ....) m 1864    |
|                         |                                                _William White II___________+
|                         |                                               | (1748 - 1811) m 1773       
|                         |                          _William White ______|_Mary Johnson ______________
|                         |                         | (1776 - 1873) m 1797  (1753 - ....)              
|                         |_Susannah Lavinia White _|
|                           (1801 - 1875) m 1818    |
|                                                   |                      _Hezekiah James Balch ______+
|                                                   |                     | (1750 - 1821) m 1772       
|                                                   |_Ann Wilkes Balch ___|_Susannah Lavinia Garrison _
|                                                     (1776 - 1832) m 1797  (1758 - 1834)              
|--Avarilla W. Turman 
|  (1880 - ....)
|                                                                          ____________________________
|                                                                         |                            
|                                                    _____________________|____________________________
|                                                   |                                                  
|                          _________________________|
|                         |                         |
|                         |                         |                      ____________________________
|                         |                         |                     |                            
|                         |                         |_____________________|____________________________
|                         |                                                                            
|_Paulina A. Wible _______|
   m 1864                 |
                          |                                                ____________________________
                          |                                               |                            
                          |                          _____________________|____________________________
                          |                         |                                                  
                                                    |                      ____________________________
                                                    |                     |                            



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Caroline turner


29 Apr 1831 - 8 Apr 1906

Father: Amaziah turner
Mother: Mary Ann Rossetter

Family 1 : Danforth White Kennedy
  1. +Nelson A. Kennedy
  2.  Martha Kennedy
  3.  Lyman A. Kennedy
  4.  Olive Kennedy
  5.  Irvin Kennedy

                      |  |
                      |  |   __
                      |  |  |  
                      |  |__|__
 _Amaziah turner _____|
| (.... - 1878)       |
|                     |      __
|                     |     |  
|                     |   __|__
|                     |  |     
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |   __
|                        |  |  
|                        |__|__
|--Caroline turner 
|  (1831 - 1906)
|                            __
|                           |  
|                         __|__
|                        |     
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |   __
|                     |  |  |  
|                     |  |__|__
|                     |        
|_Mary Ann Rossetter _|
  (1810 - 1853)       |
                      |      __
                      |     |  
                      |   __|__
                      |  |     
                         |   __
                         |  |  


[33469] [S1130] Mike Powell Gedcom


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Hawise De Vitre

[6175] [6176] [6177] [6178]

1069-1078 - ____

Father: Andre Seigneur de Vitre
Mother: Agnes De Mortaigne

Family 1 : Robert De Ferrers
  1.  Maud De Ferrers
  2. +Robert De Ferrers
  3. +Agnes (Hawise) De Ferrers

                                                                                                                      _Baldwin II of Blois ___________________________+
                                                                         _Jean (John) de Conteville _________________|________________________________________________
                                                                        | (0965 - ....)                                                                               
                            _Harlevin (Herluin) de Burgh de Conteville _|
                           | (1001 - 1066) m 1035                       |
                           |                                            |                                             ________________________________________________
                           |                                            |                                            |                                                
                           |                                            |____________________________________________|________________________________________________
 _Andre Seigneur de Vitre _|
| (.... - 1139) m 1079     |
|                          |                                                                                          _THORGILS (Thorkils -Sprakalegg) Styrbjornsson _+
|                          |                                                                                         | (0936 - 1020) m 0978                           
|                          |                                             _FULBERT De Falaise ________________________|_SIGRID Sprakling ______________________________
|                          |                                            | (0978 - ....) m 1003                         (0953 - ....)                                  
|                          |_Arlette Herleve De Falaise ________________|
|                            (1003 - 1050) m 1035                       |
|                                                                       |                                             ________________________________________________
|                                                                       |                                            |                                                
|                                                                       |_DODA De Falaise ___________________________|________________________________________________
|                                                                         (0980 - ....) m 1003                                                                        
|--Hawise De Vitre 
|                                                                                                                     _Jean (John) de Conteville _____________________+
|                                                                                                                    | (0965 - ....)                                  
|                                                                        _Harlevin (Herluin) de Burgh de Conteville _|________________________________________________
|                                                                       | (1001 - 1066) m 1035                                                                        
|                           _Robert de Mortaigne _______________________|
|                          | (.... - 1095) m 1054                       |
|                          |                                            |                                             _FULBERT De Falaise ____________________________+
|                          |                                            |                                            | (0978 - ....) m 1003                           
|                          |                                            |_Arlette Herleve De Falaise ________________|_DODA De Falaise _______________________________
|                          |                                              (1003 - 1050) m 1035                         (0980 - ....)                                  
|_Agnes De Mortaigne ______|
   m 1079                  |
                           |                                                                                          _Hugh Montgomery _______________________________+
                           |                                                                                         | (0975 - 1056) m 0999                           
                           |                                             _Roger De Montgomery _______________________|_Josceline de Ponteaudemer _____________________
                           |                                            | (1005 - 1094) m 1030                         (0980 - 1068)                                  
                           |_Maud "Matilda" De Montgomery ______________|
                             (.... - 1085) m 1054                       |
                                                                        |                                             _Guillaume I D' Alencon ________________________+
                                                                        |                                            |  m 1015                                        
                                                                        |_Mabel de Talvas De Alencon ________________|_Hildeburge (Bildeburge) De Beaumont ___________
                                                                          (1005 - ....) m 1030                         (.... - 1067)                                  


[6175] President George Washington, George Herbert Walker Bush, George W. Bushand Gen. Douglas MacArthur, are descendants.

[6176] [S228] Susan Cary

[6177] [S228] Susan Cary

[6178] [S166] Sharon Bearce


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Joseph Warren

[20224] [20225]

ABT 1596 - ABT 22 Jul 1596

Father: JOHN 'the Middle' Warren
Mother: ELIZABETH Scarlet

                                                                             _John Of Devon De Warren _+
                                                                            | (1459 - 1518) m 1477     
                                                    _Robert De Warren ______|_Eleanor Gerard __________
                                                   | (1485 - ....) m 1513     (1459 - ....)            
                             _JOHN De Warren ______|
                            | (1525 - 1576) m 1563 |
                            |                      |                         _Robert De Legh __________+
                            |                      |                        | (1429 - 1479)            
                            |                      |_Margaret Isabel Leigh _|_Isabel De Stanley _______
                            |                        (1440 - ....) m 1513     (1409 - ....)            
 _JOHN 'the Middle' Warren _|
| (1552 - 1613) m 1584      |
|                           |                                                __________________________
|                           |                                               |                          
|                           |                       ________________________|__________________________
|                           |                      |                                                   
|                           |_Agnes (Ann) Howlett _|
|                             (1527 - 1567) m 1563 |
|                                                  |                         __________________________
|                                                  |                        |                          
|                                                  |________________________|__________________________
|--Joseph Warren 
|  (1596 - 1596)
|                                                                            __________________________
|                                                                           |                          
|                                                   ________________________|__________________________
|                                                  |                                                   
|                            _John Scarlet ________|
|                           | (1529 - 1614)        |
|                           |                      |                         __________________________
|                           |                      |                        |                          
|                           |                      |________________________|__________________________
|                           |                                                                          
|_ELIZABETH Scarlet ________|
  (1561 - 1603) m 1584      |
                            |                                                __________________________
                            |                                               |                          
                            |                       ________________________|__________________________
                            |                      |                                                   
                            |_Margaret Martin _____|
                              (1533 - 1625)        |
                                                   |                         __________________________
                                                   |                        |                          


[20224] Fifty Great Migration Colonists, Threlfall, 1990, p. 484

[20225] [S166] Sharon Bearce


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Francis Israel West


ABT 18 Sep 1760 - ____

Father: William West
Mother: Jane West

                                                                   _Francis West _______
                                                                  | (1606 - 1692) m 1639
                                             _Thomas West ________|_Margery Reeves _____
                                            | (1646 - 1706)         (1608 - 1692)       
                       _Thomas West ________|
                      | (1687 - 1728) m 1713|
                      |                     |                      _John Thomas ________
                      |                     |                     | (1621 - 1692) m 1648
                      |                     |_Elizabeth Thomas ___|_Sarah Pitney _______
                      |                       (1652 - 1728)         (1627 - 1683)       
 _William West _______|
| (1714 - 1799) m 1734|
|                     |                                            _____________________
|                     |                                           |                     
|                     |                      _____________________|_____________________
|                     |                     |                                           
|                     |_Mary Presbury ______|
|                       (1694 - 1728) m 1713|
|                                           |                      _____________________
|                                           |                     |                     
|                                           |_____________________|_____________________
|--Francis Israel West 
|  (1760 - ....)
|                                                                  _Francis West _______
|                                                                 | (1606 - 1692) m 1639
|                                            _Thomas West ________|_Margery Reeves _____
|                                           | (1646 - 1706)         (1608 - 1692)       
|                      _Abner West _________|
|                     | (1683 - 1756) m 1707|
|                     |                     |                      _John Thomas ________
|                     |                     |                     | (1621 - 1692) m 1648
|                     |                     |_Elizabeth Thomas ___|_Sarah Pitney _______
|                     |                       (1652 - 1728)         (1627 - 1683)       
|_Jane West __________|
  (1716 - 1799) m 1734|
                      |                                            _____________________
                      |                                           |                     
                      |                      _Thomas Look ________|_____________________
                      |                     |  m 1669                                   
                      |_Jane Look __________|
                        (1680 - 1756) m 1707|
                                            |                      _George Bunker Sr.___+
                                            |                     | (.... - 1658)       
                                            |_Elizabeth Bunker ___|_Jane Godfrey _______
                                              (1646 - ....) m 1669  (1624 - 1662)       


[29911] [S1120]


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Lewis Wingfield (of Scurmore)

[13918] [13919]

____ - AFT 1 Sep 1673

Father: Edward Wingfield
Mother: Anne Cromwell

Family 1 : Sidney Gore
  1. +Edward Wingfield
  2.  Richard Wingfield

                                                                    _Lewis Wingfield ______+
                                                                   | (1469 - 1526)         
                                             _George Wingfield ____|_Margaret Noon ________
                       _Richard Wingfield __|
                      |                     |
                      |                     |                       _______________________
                      |                     |                      |                       
                      |                     |_Ratcliffe Gerrard ___|_______________________
                      |                       (.... - 1634)                                
 _Edward Wingfield ___|
| (.... - 1638)       |
|                     |                                             _______________________
|                     |                                            |                       
|                     |                      _Teige O'Brien _______|_______________________
|                     |                     | (.... - 1578)                                
|                     |_Honora O'Brien _____|
|                                           |
|                                           |                       _______________________
|                                           |                      |                       
|                                           |_Mor O'Brien _________|_______________________
|--Lewis Wingfield 
|  (.... - 1673)
|                                                                   _Gregory Cromwell _____+
|                                                                  | (1514 - 1551) m 1537  
|                                            _Henry Cromwell ______|_Elizabeth Seymour ____
|                                           | (1538 - 1604) m 1560   (1511 - 1552)         
|                      _Edward Cromwell ____|
|                     | (1560 - 1607) m 1593|
|                     |                     |                       _John Paulet __________+
|                     |                     |                      | (1510 - 1576) m 1528  
|                     |                     |_Mary Paulet _________|_Elizabeth Willoughby _
|                     |                       (1542 - 1592) m 1560   (1514 - 1552)         
|_Anne Cromwell ______|
  (.... - 1636)       |
                      |                                             _______________________
                      |                                            |                       
                      |                      _William Repps _______|_______________________
                      |                     | (1538 - ....)                                
                      |_Frances Rugge ______|
                        (1562 - 1631) m 1593|
                                            |                       _______________________
                                            |                      |                       
                                            |_Thomasine Townshend _|_______________________
                                              (1540 - ....)                                


[13918] [S936] Gedcom File provided by

[13919] [S939] [Plantagenet Descent]


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Blandina Dudley Wood


4 Jan 1834 - 2 Oct 1892

Father: Robert Crooke Wood
Mother: Ann Margaret Mackall Taylor

                                _John Wood __________________________|
                               | (1770 - 1826) m 1795                |
                               |                                     |                        _____________________
                               |                                     |                       |                     
                               |                                     |_______________________|_____________________
 _Robert Crooke Wood __________|
| (1799 - 1869) m 1829         |
|                              |                                                              _____________________
|                              |                                                             |                     
|                              |                                      _______________________|_____________________
|                              |                                     |                                             
|                              |_Rebecca Wicham Crooke ______________|
|                                (1780 - ....) m 1795                |
|                                                                    |                        _____________________
|                                                                    |                       |                     
|                                                                    |_______________________|_____________________
|--Blandina Dudley Wood 
|  (1834 - 1892)
|                                                                                             _Zachary Taylor _____+
|                                                                                            | (1707 - 1768) m 1737
|                                                                     _Richard Taylor _______|_Elizabeth Lee ______
|                                                                    | (1744 - 1829) m 1779    (1709 - ....)       
|                               _Zachary "Old Rough & Ready" Taylor _|
|                              | (1784 - 1850) m 1810                |
|                              |                                     |                        _William Strother ___+
|                              |                                     |                       | (1725 - 1808) m 1751
|                              |                                     |_Sarah Danby Strother _|_Sarah Bailey _______
|                              |                                       (1760 - 1822) m 1779    (.... - 1774)       
|_Ann Margaret Mackall Taylor _|
  (1811 - ....) m 1829         |
                               |                                                              _____________________
                               |                                                             |                     
                               |                                      _______________________|_____________________
                               |                                     |                                             
                               |_Margaret Mackall Smith _____________|
                                 (1788 - 1852) m 1810                |
                                                                     |                        _____________________
                                                                     |                       |                     


[12967] [S166] Sharon Bearce


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