Patron For The Building Of Tintern Abbey
Acceded: 1170. Interred: St. Davids. Prominent Welsh Prince.
AKA Rhys ap Gruffydd "The Lord Rhys" Lord of South Wales. Known as both the Prince & the Lord of Deheubarth.
2 MAR 1187/88 Agreed to "take up the Cross" & visit the Holy Land. His wife discouraged him & ultimately caused him not to do so
Title: Garner, Lorraine Ann "Lori"
! Publication: P.O. Box 577, Bayview, ID 83803 Her sources included, but may not be limited to: Burke's Landed Gentry, Burke's Dormant & Extinct Peerage, Burke's Peerage of American Presidents, Debrett's Peerage, Oxford histories & "numerous other reference works" (very good to excellent, although she has a tendency to follow Burke's !Hardcopy notes of Lori Garner Elmore).
! Title: History of Wales from the Earliest Times to the Edwardian Conquest Note: Author: J.E. Lloyd
!Publication: 2 vols, 3rd ed, London, 1939
!Title: Dictionary of Welsh Biography down to 1940 Author: J.E. Lloyd & R.T. Jenkins
!Publication: Oxford, 1959 Title- Kings & Queens of Great Britain: a Genealogical Chart Showing their Descent & Relationships. Author: Anne Taute, compiler, J. Brooke-Little, editor
!Publication: Richmond Herald Title- Dictionary of National Biography
!Title: University of Hull Royal Database (England) Note: Author: Brian Tompsett, Dept of Computer Science, Publication: copyright 1994, 1995, 1996 (usually reliable but sometimes includes hypothetical lines, mythological figures, etc)
_Roger de Verdun __________________ | _Robert de Estuteville _________________________|___________________________________ | (.... - 1090) _Robert de Estuteville Baron of Cottingham_| | (1050 - 1107) m 1070 | | | _Hugh De Talbot Baron de Cleuville_ | | | (1000 - ....) | |_Jeanne de Talbot ______________________________|_Marie De Meulan __________________ | (1005 - ....) _Robert II D' Estuteville ______________| | (1085 - 1116) m 1110 | | | ___________________________________ | | | | | _Ives (Ivo) II (Count of Sur-Oise) De Beaumont _|___________________________________ | | | (1005 - ....) m 1034 | |_Adeliza (Alice) De Beaumont ______________| | (1035 - 1091) m 1070 | | | ___________________________________ | | | | |_Adelaide de Gournay ___________________________|___________________________________ | (1000 - 1099) m 1034 | |--John De Stuteville | (1110 - ....) | ___________________________________ | | | ________________________________________________|___________________________________ | | | _Hugh (Saxon Thane) Fitzbaldrick __________| | | (1045 - ....) | | | | ___________________________________ | | | | | | |________________________________________________|___________________________________ | | |_Erneburga (Erenburga) De FITZ Baldric _| (1093 - ....) m 1110 | | ___________________________________ | | | ________________________________________________|___________________________________ | | |___________________________________________| | | ___________________________________ | | |________________________________________________|___________________________________
[26624] John de Stuteville is a descendant of Charlemagne and Alfred the Great
_Richard Tupper _____ | (1520 - ....) _Henry Tupper _______|_____________________ | (1550 - 1625) m 1575 _Thomas Tupper ______| | (1578 - 1676) m 1634| | | _____________________ | | | | |_ UNKNOWN ___________|_____________________ | (1555 - ....) m 1575 _Thomas Henry Tupper _| | (1638 - 1706) m 1661 | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Anne Hodgson _______| | (1586 - 1676) m 1634| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Israel Tupper | (1666 - 1745) | _Thomas Mayhew ______+ | | (1509 - 1590) m 1575 | _Matthew Mayhew _____|_Alice Waterman _____ | | (1550 - 1614) m 1587 (1520 - 1586) | _Thomas Mayhew ______| | | (1593 - 1682) m 1632| | | | _Edward Barter ______+ | | | | (1526 - 1574) m 1549 | | |_Alice Barter _______|_Edith UNKNOWN ______ | | (1540 - 1614) m 1587 (1530 - 1576) |_Martha Mayhew _______| (1641 - 1717) m 1661 | | _John Galland _______ | | (1550 - ....) | _Edward Galland _____|_____________________ | | (1578 - 1639) m 1601 |_Jane Galland _______| (1602 - 1682) m 1632| | _____________________ | | |_Annis Willmot ______|_____________________ (.... - 1638) m 1601