

____ - ____

Father: Gail Ditzler
Mother: Patricia Fisher

Family 1 : Living
  1.  Living
  2.  Living
  3.  Living

                      |  |
                      |  |   __
                      |  |  |  
                      |  |__|__
 _Gail Ditzler _______|
|                     |
|                     |      __
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|                     |  |__|__
|                     |        
|_Patricia Fisher ____|
                      |      __
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                      |   __|__
                      |  |     
                         |   __
                         |  |  


[10754] living - details excluded


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____ - ____

Father: Cleman Luvester Sawyer
Mother: Margaret Eileen Bailey

Family 1 : Living

                                                                                _James Newton M Sawyer _______+
                                                                               | (1826 - ....) m 1846         
                                                    _Harvey Washington Sawyer _|_Harriet Elizabeth Henderson _
                                                   | (1857 - 1930) m 1881        (1823 - 1899)                
                           _Marion Clifton Sawyer _|
                          | (1890 - 1961) m 1916   |
                          |                        |                            ______________________________
                          |                        |                           |                              
                          |                        |_Mary Eliza McPhaill ______|______________________________
                          |                          (1862 - 1925) m 1881                                     
 _Cleman Luvester Sawyer _|
| (1919 - ....) m 1941    |
|                         |                                                     ______________________________
|                         |                                                    |                              
|                         |                         ___________________________|______________________________
|                         |                        |                                                          
|                         |_Lyda May Bell _________|
|                           (1896 - 1985) m 1916   |
|                                                  |                            ______________________________
|                                                  |                           |                              
|                                                  |___________________________|______________________________
|                                                                               ______________________________
|                                                                              |                              
|                                                   ___________________________|______________________________
|                                                  |                                                          
|                          ________________________|
|                         |                        |
|                         |                        |                            ______________________________
|                         |                        |                           |                              
|                         |                        |___________________________|______________________________
|                         |                                                                                   
|_Margaret Eileen Bailey _|
  (1921 - ....) m 1941    |
                          |                                                     ______________________________
                          |                                                    |                              
                          |                         ___________________________|______________________________
                          |                        |                                                          
                                                   |                            ______________________________
                                                   |                           |                              


[11684] living - details excluded


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Christian Barter


ABT 1530 - ____

Father: James Barter
Mother: Margaret UNKNOWN

                      |  |
                      |  |   __
                      |  |  |  
                      |  |__|__
 _James Barter _______|
| (1500 - 1565) m 1525|
|                     |      __
|                     |     |  
|                     |   __|__
|                     |  |     
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |   __
|                        |  |  
|                        |__|__
|--Christian Barter 
|  (1530 - ....)
|                            __
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|                         __|__
|                        |     
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |   __
|                     |  |  |  
|                     |  |__|__
|                     |        
|_Margaret UNKNOWN ___|
  (1505 - ....) m 1525|
                      |      __
                      |     |  
                      |   __|__
                      |  |     
                         |   __
                         |  |  


[31416] [S1120]


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Charles Boyd

____ - ____

Father: William L. Boyd
Mother: Mary E. Howell

                       _John W. Boyd _______|
                      | (1874 - 1952) m 1898|
                      |                     |                              _______________________
                      |                     |                             |                       
                      |                     |_____________________________|_______________________
 _William L. Boyd ____|
| (1901 - 1977) m 1920|
|                     |                                                    _Nathaniel H. Dismore _+
|                     |                                                   | (1802 - 1889) m 1836  
|                     |                      _Nathaniel Hamilton Dismore _|_Sarah Parks __________
|                     |                     | (1850 - 1895) m 1875          (1810 - 1880)         
|                     |_Cora Emma Dismore __|
|                       (1876 - 1956) m 1898|
|                                           |                              _______________________
|                                           |                             |                       
|                                           |_Susan E. Clark _____________|_______________________
|                                             (1856 - 1897) m 1875                                
|--Charles Boyd 
|                                                                          _______________________
|                                                                         |                       
|                                            _____________________________|_______________________
|                                           |                                                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |                              _______________________
|                     |                     |                             |                       
|                     |                     |_____________________________|_______________________
|                     |                                                                           
|_Mary E. Howell _____|
   m 1920             |
                      |                                                    _______________________
                      |                                                   |                       
                      |                      _____________________________|_______________________
                      |                     |                                                     
                                            |                              _______________________
                                            |                             |                       



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Thomas Clarke

____ - ____

Father: Michael Clarke
Mother: Margaret Unknown

                      |  |
                      |  |   __
                      |  |  |  
                      |  |__|__
 _Michael Clarke _____|
| (1630 - 1665)       |
|                     |      __
|                     |     |  
|                     |   __|__
|                     |  |     
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |   __
|                        |  |  
|                        |__|__
|--Thomas Clarke 
|                            __
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|                         __|__
|                        |     
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |   __
|                     |  |  |  
|                     |  |__|__
|                     |        
|_Margaret Unknown ___|
                      |      __
                      |     |  
                      |   __|__
                      |  |     
                         |   __
                         |  |  



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Rose Davis


1559 - 23 Jun 1596

Family 1 : Edward Allerton
  1. +Isaac Allerton


[15753] [S166] Sharon Bearce


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William De Beauchamp

[14642] [14643] [14644]

ABT 1358 - 8 May 1411

Family 1 : Joan D'arundel FitzAlan
  1. +Joan De Beauchamp


[14642] Baron Abergavenney; m. Joan Fitz Alan. (Weis 120-35)

This William [Beauchamp] was first cousin once-removed to the 3rd Earl ofPembroke (of the 1339 creation) through his mother Katharine Mortimer,sister of Agnes Mortimer who had married the 1st Earl of Pembroke of the1339 creation. It has been asserted that there was no connection betweenhim and the Walter de Beauchamp or Hugh de Beauchamp who had been inpossession of Abergavenny over 200 years earlier. On the other hand ithas been suggested that Walterand Hugh were sons of Walter de Beauchampof Elmley, Worcestershire and brothers of William de Beauchamp, Sheriffof Hereford 1160-69. Now the William Beauchamp who came into possessionof Abergavenny in 1389 was fourth son of Thomas Beauchamp, 11th Earl ofWarwick (of the 1088 creation) who descended from Williamde Beauchamp, ofElmley, Worcestershire, whoflourished in the early 13th century. Someblood connection between the two lots of Beauchamps may therefore haveexisted.

Sir William Beauchamp, 1st LordBergavenny, KG (1375 or 1376); b c1330-40;served Hundred Years War; Capt Calais 1383, called to Parliament by writ23 July 1392 as Lord Bergavenny, Justiciary South Wales and Govenor ofPembroke 1399, entailed 20 Feb 1395/6 AbergavennyCastle on himself andhis wife and their male issue with remainder to his brother Thomas, defacto 12th Earl of Warwick, and the latter's heirs male in perpetuity.[Burke's Peerage]


William Beauchamp, cousin (ie. son of a sister of the grandmother) (c) ofthe last owner, (but in no way connected with any of the former ownersprevious to the marriage of his maternal aunt with the then lord),Succeeded to the Castle and Honour of Abergavennyby virtue of the entail,made by John Hastings, Earl of Pembroke. He was 4th son of Thomas, Earlof Warwick, by Katharine, daughter of Roger (Mortimer), Earlof March. Heserved under the gallant Chandos,and subsequently, in the wars withFrance, with great distinction, and in 1375/6 was, by Edward III,nominatedK.G. In 1383 he was Captain of Calais. Having succeeded, asabove mentioned, to the lands of Abergavenny, he was summoned toParliament 23 July 1392-18 December 1409 as a Baron [Lord Bergavenny, orBeauchamp de Bergavenny], all the writs being directed "WillelmoBeauchamp de Bergavenny," appointed Justiciary of South Wales andGovernor of Pembroke in 1399; by deed, 20 February 1395/6, he entailedthe Castle, &c., of Abergavenny on himselfand his wife, and their issuemale, with remainder to his brother Thomas, Earlof Warwick and his heirsmale forever.

He m. Joan, sister and eventually (1415) coheir of Thomas FitzAlan, Earlof Arundel, daughter of Richard, Earl of Arundel, by Elizabeth,daughterof William Bohun, Earl of Northampton. He d. 8 May 1411. Willdated 25 Apr 1408, in which he directs to be buried at the Black Friars,Hereford, probated at Lambeth. Inq.p.m. 5 June 1411 at Hereford. Hiswidow, who was b. 1375, held theCastle and Honour of Abergavenny in dowertill her death. She d. 14 Nov 1435. Will dated 10 Jan 1434, probated 19Nov 1435. In it she directs to be buried byher husband. Inq.p.m. at theGuildhall, London, 15Dec 1435. [Complete PeerageI:24-6, (transcribedpartially by Dave Utzinger)]

(c) His precise relationship to the Earls of Pembroke is that hismother's sister, Agnes Mortimer (wife of Laurence, Lord Hastings, createdEarl of Pembroke), was mother of John, Earlof Pembroke (who, in 1372,executed in his favour, the deed of entail), and grandmother of JohnHastings, who d. unmarried in 1389

[14643] [S226] Dave Anthes (

[14644] [S166] Sharon Bearce


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ORDGAR Of England

[8311] [8312]

ABT 0917 - ____

Family 1 :
  1. +ELFRIDA (Aelfthyth) Queen Of England


[8311] !Colonial and Revolutionary Lineages of America (973 d2ah) Vol. 2

[8312] [S166] Sharon Bearce


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Matilda Erdington

[19175] [19176]

1266 - ____

Father: Henry Erdington
Mother: Matilda (Maud) De Somery

Family 1 : John Hamelin
  1. +Isabel Hamelin

                            |                     |
                            |                     |                      __________________________________________
                            |                     |                     |                                          
                            |                     |_____________________|__________________________________________
 _Henry Erdington __________|
| (1238 - 1282)             |
|                           |                                            __________________________________________
|                           |                                           |                                          
|                           |                      _____________________|__________________________________________
|                           |                     |                                                                
|                           |_____________________|
|                                                 |
|                                                 |                      __________________________________________
|                                                 |                     |                                          
|                                                 |_____________________|__________________________________________
|--Matilda Erdington 
|  (1266 - ....)
|                                                                        _John De Somery __________________________
|                                                                       | (1125 - 1195) m 1150                     
|                                                  _Ralph De Somery ____|_Hawise Paynell __________________________
|                                                 | (1151 - ....) m 1181                                           
|                            _Roger De Somery ____|
|                           | (1208 - 1273)       |
|                           |                     |                      _John Fitzgilbert Marshall, The Marshall _+
|                           |                     |                     | (.... - 1165)                            
|                           |                     |_Margaret Marshall __|_Sibyl De Salisbury ______________________
|                           |                       (1160 - 1242) m 1181                                           
|_Matilda (Maud) De Somery _|
  (1245 - ....)             |
                            |                                            __________________________________________
                            |                                           |                                          
                            |                      _____________________|__________________________________________
                            |                     |                                                                
                            |_Amibel De Chacombe _|
                              (1235 - 1268)       |
                                                  |                      __________________________________________
                                                  |                     |                                          


[19175] [S228] Susan Cary

[19176] [S166] Sharon Bearce


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Johann kaltenbach


13 Dec 1786 - ____

Father: Sebastian kaltenbach
Mother: Ursula Scherzinger

                                                                        _Christian Kaltenbach _
                                                                       | (1650 - 1714)         
                                                  _George Kaltenbach __|_Agatha Schindler _____
                                                 | (1674 - 1724)         (.... - 1699)         
                         _Hans Jakob Kaltenbach _|
                        | (1715 - 1784)          |
                        |                        |                      _______________________
                        |                        |                     |                       
                        |                        |_Katharina Stratz ___|_______________________
                        |                          (1685 - 1722)                               
 _Sebastian kaltenbach _|
| (1748 - 1814) m 1779  |
|                       |                                               _______________________
|                       |                                              |                       
|                       |                         _____________________|_______________________
|                       |                        |                                             
|                       |_Katharina Schindler ___|
|                         (1722 - 1781)          |
|                                                |                      _______________________
|                                                |                     |                       
|                                                |_____________________|_______________________
|--Johann kaltenbach 
|  (1786 - ....)
|                                                                       _______________________
|                                                                      |                       
|                                                 _____________________|_______________________
|                                                |                                             
|                        ________________________|
|                       |                        |
|                       |                        |                      _______________________
|                       |                        |                     |                       
|                       |                        |_____________________|_______________________
|                       |                                                                      
|_Ursula Scherzinger ___|
  (1753 - 1814) m 1779  |
                        |                                               _______________________
                        |                                              |                       
                        |                         _____________________|_______________________
                        |                        |                                             
                                                 |                      _______________________
                                                 |                     |                       


[33608] [S1130] Mike Powell Gedcom


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Frances Parker

ABT 1661 - ____

Father: Richard Parker
Mother: Mary Unknown

                      |  |
                      |  |   __
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                      |  |__|__
 _Richard Parker _____|
| (1630 - 1681) m 1656|
|                     |      __
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|                        |   __
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|--Frances Parker 
|  (1661 - ....)
|                            __
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|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |   __
|                     |  |  |  
|                     |  |__|__
|                     |        
|_Mary Unknown _______|
  (1618 - 1668) m 1656|
                      |      __
                      |     |  
                      |   __|__
                      |  |     
                         |   __
                         |  |  



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Priscilla Rawson

____ - 30 Apr 1791

Family 1 : James Coffin III



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Thomas Rogers


ABT 1571 - 1621

Father: William Rogers
Mother: Eleanor Unknown

Family 1 : Alice Cosford
  1.  Thomas Rogers
  2.  Richard Rogers
  3. +Joseph Rogers
  4.  John Rogers
  5.  Elizabeth Rogers
  6.  Margareta Rogers

                       _William Rogers _____|
                      | (1510 - 1553)       |
                      |                     |   __
                      |                     |  |  
                      |                     |__|__
 _William Rogers _____|
| (1540 - 1585) m 1569|
|                     |                         __
|                     |                        |  
|                     |                      __|__
|                     |                     |     
|                     |_Joan Unknown _______|
|                       (1515 - 1553)       |
|                                           |   __
|                                           |  |  
|                                           |__|__
|--Thomas Rogers 
|  (1571 - 1621)
|                                               __
|                                              |  
|                                            __|__
|                                           |     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |   __
|                     |                     |  |  
|                     |                     |__|__
|                     |                           
|_Eleanor Unknown ____|
  (1545 - 1607) m 1569|
                      |                         __
                      |                        |  
                      |                      __|__
                      |                     |     
                                            |   __
                                            |  |  


[30929] [S1120]


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Benjamin Smith

7 Jan 1658 - 4 Jul 1720

Father: John Smith
Mother: Susannah Hinckley

                      |                     |
                      |                     |                      __________________________
                      |                     |                     |                          
                      |                     |_____________________|__________________________
 _John Smith _________|
| (1614 - 1710) m 1643|
|                     |                                            __________________________
|                     |                                           |                          
|                     |                      _____________________|__________________________
|                     |                     |                                                
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |                      __________________________
|                                           |                     |                          
|                                           |_____________________|__________________________
|--Benjamin Smith 
|  (1658 - 1720)
|                                                                  _John Hynckleye __________+
|                                                                 | (1510 - 1577) m 1553     
|                                            _Robert Hinckley ____|_Johane Bills ____________
|                                           | (1537 - 1606) m 1575  (1515 - 1564)            
|                      _Samuel Hinckley ____|
|                     | (1589 - 1662) m 1617|
|                     |                     |                      __________________________
|                     |                     |                     |                          
|                     |                     |_Katherine Leese ____|__________________________
|                     |                       (1555 - 1605) m 1575                           
|_Susannah Hinckley __|
  (1625 - 1675) m 1643|
                      |                                            _John Soole ______________+
                      |                                           | (1540 - 1569) m 1565     
                      |                      _Thomas Soole _______|_Maria Whitfield _________
                      |                     | (1567 - 1614) m 1598  (1544 - 1569)            
                      |_Sarah Soole ________|
                        (1600 - 1656) m 1617|
                                            |                      _John Iddenden ___________+
                                            |                     | (1544 - 1588) m 1569     
                                            |_Mary Iddenden ______|_Christian Glover Mercer _
                                              (1573 - 1656) m 1598  (1548 - 1597)            



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Simon Warde


1200 - BEF 1262

Family 1 : Constance de Vescy
  1. +William Warde


[24018] [S166] Sharon Bearce


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