_____________________ | _____________________|_____________________ | _Floyd Howard Hoover _| | (1897 - 1971) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _Harold Loyd Hoover ___| | (1923 - 1990) m 1946 | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Ada Belle Hoffman ___| | (1897 - 1958) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Living | | _____________________ | | | _John M. Brickel ____|_____________________ | | (1867 - 1940) m 1893 | _Herl Clair Brickel __| | | (1896 - 1965) m 1916 | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Olive R. Boyer _____|_____________________ | | (1871 - 1949) m 1893 |_Helen Louise Brickel _| (1926 - 2013) m 1946 | | _John W. Auker ______+ | | (1823 - 1900) m 1848 | _Lucian Auker _______|_Elizabeth Landis ___ | | (1855 - 1934) m 1880 (1821 - 1895) |_Mabel Frances Auker _| (1894 - 1981) m 1916 | | _Thomas Benner ______+ | | (1830 - 1889) |_Frances Benner _____|_Mary Auker _________ (1859 - 1940) m 1880 (1834 - 1877)
[10314] living - details excluded
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _David Baker ________| | | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Emmaline Baker | (1852 - 1892) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Katherine Pryor ____| | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
[28628] She died in childbirth.
_Henry Darcy ________+ | (1294 - ....) _Thomas Darcy _______|_____________________ | (1330 - ....) _Thomas Darcy _______| | (1360 - ....) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _Robert Darcy _______| | (1391 - 1449) m 1425| | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Unknown Tirel ______| | (1365 - ....) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Robert Darcy | (1429 - 1469) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Alice FitzLangley __| (1395 - 1448) m 1425| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
He is designated "of Maldon, Danbury, and Canewdon, Esses." He was knight of the shire for Essex, 1450-1451; and sheriff of Essex and Hertfordshire. He was knighted at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth Wydeville, wife of King Edward IV, on May 26, 1465
Title: Plantagenet Ancestry of Seventeenth-Century Colonists. Second Edition, Author: Faris, David, Publication: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1999
________________________________ | __________________________|________________________________ | _John De St John ______| | (.... - 1302) m 1259 | | | ________________________________ | | | | |__________________________|________________________________ | _John De St John _____| | (1273 - 1329) | | | _Peter (Piers) FitzHerbert _____+ | | | (.... - 1235) m 1203 | | _Reginald Fitzpiers ______|_Alice De Warkworth Fitzrobert _ | | | (1210 - 1286) m 1229 | |_Alice Fitzpiers ______| | (.... - 1305) m 1259 | | | ________________________________ | | | | |_Alice Amice De Stanford _|________________________________ | (.... - 1265) m 1229 | |--Hugh De St John | (1310 - ....) | ________________________________ | | | __________________________|________________________________ | | | _Hugh De Courtenay ____| | | | | | | ________________________________ | | | | | | |__________________________|________________________________ | | |_Isabel De Courtenay _| | | ________________________________ | | | __________________________|________________________________ | | |_Eleanor Le Despenser _| (.... - 1328) | | ________________________________ | | |__________________________|________________________________
HUGH (DE ST. JOHN), LORD ST. JOHN, 2nd but 1st surviving son and heir(h), was going to Gascony in June 1329, and in March 1331/2 was one ofthe Keepers of Hants; King's yeoman in January 1332/3 (i). In 1335 he wassummoned against the Scots, but never to Parliament. He married Mirabel----; and died shortly before 25 October 1335. His widow had licence tomarry again, 8 May 1336, and had married, 2ndly, before 10 March 1336/7,when they had assignment of her dower, Thomas DE ASPALE, of Kent. Theywere both living June 1355. [Complete Peerage XI:326-7, (transcribed byDave Utzinger)]
(h) According to Boxgrove, he had an elder brother William, b. 13 June1309, who dsp. His father's Inq.p.m. states Hugh's age as 19 on 26 May1329, but he was still under age on 16 Oct 1331, though presumably 21 by22 Jan 1331/2.
(i) Royal Letter, no 2627. He received gifts from the King, in token ofspecial affection.
!The following is excerpted from a post to SGM, 26 Sep 2002, by DouglasRichardson:
From: Douglas Richardson (royalancestry@msn.com)
Subject: CP Addition: New Wake-Saint John Descent from King John andLlywelyn ap Iowerth
Newsgroups: soc.genealogy.medieval
Date: 2002-09-26 10:03:14 PST
MIRABEL (or MURIEL) WAKE, married HUGH DE SAINT JOHN, 2nd Lord Saint Johnof Basing de jure, of Basing, Upton, and Tonworth, co. Hants, Halnaker,Sussex, Tonge, Kent, etc., Keeper of Hampshire, King's yeoman, 2nd but1st surviving son and heir of John de Saint John, lst Lord Saint John ofBasing, by Isabel, daughter of Hugh de Courtenay, Knt., Baron ofOakhampton, Devon. He was born 26 May 1310. They had one son, Edmund [3rdLord Saint John], and two daughters, Margaret (wife of John de SaintPhilibert, Lord Saint Philibert) and Isabel. He was never summoned toParliament. He was going to Gascony in 1329. They received an indult forplenary remission in 1329. In 1339 he was summoned against the Scots.HUGH DE SAINT JOHN, 2nd Lord Saint John of Basing de jure, died shortlybefore 25 Oct. 1335. [Article from forthcoming Plantagenet Ancestry,edited by Douglas Richardson]
Roots Web (http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com)
__ | __|__ | _Nathaniel Hickman __| | (1600 - 1655) | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Thomas Hickman _____| | (1622 - 1683) m 1667| | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Thomas Hickman | (1660 - 1732) | __ | | | __|__ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Mary Pascal ________| (1647 - ....) m 1667| | __ | | | __|__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__|__
_Robert de Innes 8th of that ilk________________+ | _Alexander de Innes _______________|_Christian Barclay _____________________________ | (.... - 1398) _Walter de Innes 10th of that ilk__| | | | | ________________________________________________ | | | | |_Janet de Aberchirder _____________|________________________________________________ | _Robert Innes 11th of that ilk_| | | | | ________________________________________________ | | | | | _Hugh Fraser of Lovat______________|________________________________________________ | | | | |_Euphemia Fraser __________________| | | | | ________________________________________________ | | | | |___________________________________|________________________________________________ | | |--Margaret Innes | | _James Douglas 2nd Earl of Douglas, Earl of Mar_+ | | | _William Douglas 1st of Drumlanrig_|_Isabella Stewart ______________________________ | | | _William Douglas 2nd of Drumlanrig_| | | (.... - 1458) | | | | _Robert Stewart of Schanbothy and Innermeath____+ | | | | (.... - 1387) | | |_Elizabeth Stewart ________________|________________________________________________ | | |_Unknown Douglas ______________| | | _Robert Maxwell of Carlaverock__________________+ | | (.... - 1409) | _Herbert Maxwell of Carlaverock____|________________________________________________ | | (.... - 1420) m 1386 |_Jane Maxwell _____________________| | | _Walter Stewart of Garlies and Dalswinton_______+ | | |_Katherine Stewart ________________|________________________________________________ (.... - 1420) m 1386
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Richard Lewis ______| | (1832 - ....) | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Albert James Lewis | (1861 - 1928) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Martha Gee _________| | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
Thomas Mattingly II ged.com
Pittsylvania County VA - 1855 Death Register @ Rootsweb.com
Data of document see notes, data is transcribed for public use ingenealogy.
John Boyd Cecil's obit
Thomas Mattingly II ged.com
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Robert Emmet Sheldon __| | (1845 - 1917) m 1869 | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Flora Sheldon | (1872 - 1920) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Mary Elizabeth Butler _| (1850 - 1897) m 1869 | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__