__ | _____________________|__ | _John Bloomfield ____| | (1590 - 1640) | | | __ | | | | |_____________________|__ | _Thomas Bloomfield __| | (1617 - 1684) m 1640| | | __ | | | | | _Basil Becon ________|__ | | | (1570 - 1650) | |_Elizabeth Becon ____| | (1593 - 1680) | | | __ | | | | |_____________________|__ | | |--Sarah Bloomfield | (1643 - 1689) | __ | | | _____________________|__ | | | _Edward Waters ______| | | (1560 - 1620) m 1613| | | | __ | | | | | | |_____________________|__ | | |_Mary Withers _______| (1613 - 1686) m 1640| | __ | | | _____________________|__ | | |_Alice Burton _______| (1590 - 1660) m 1613| | __ | | |_____________________|__
_____________________________ | ________________________________|_____________________________ | __________________________| | | | | _____________________________ | | | | |________________________________|_____________________________ | _John De St John ____| | (.... - 1302) m 1259| | | _____________________________ | | | | | ________________________________|_____________________________ | | | | |__________________________| | | | | _____________________________ | | | | |________________________________|_____________________________ | | |--John De St John | (1273 - 1329) | _Herbert II FitzHerbert _____+ | | (1130 - 1204) m 1196 | _Peter (Piers) FitzHerbert _____|_Lucy Of Hereford De Pitres _ | | (.... - 1235) m 1203 (.... - 1219) | _Reginald Fitzpiers ______| | | (1210 - 1286) m 1229 | | | | _Robert Fitzrichard _________+ | | | | (1116 - 1134) | | |_Alice De Warkworth Fitzrobert _|_____________________________ | | m 1203 |_Alice Fitzpiers ____| (.... - 1305) m 1259| | _____________________________ | | | ________________________________|_____________________________ | | |_Alice Amice De Stanford _| (.... - 1265) m 1229 | | _____________________________ | | |________________________________|_____________________________
JOHN DE ST. JOHN, son and heir, was aged 28-30 in October 1302 (g). Heserved with his father in his 2nd campaign in Gascony (h). Summoned forservice in Flanders, 1297, and against the Scots, 1299 onwards till 1328(a). Summoned to Parliament 29 December 1299, by writ directed Johanni deSancto Johanne juniori, from 12 November 1303 to 5 August 1320 omitting"juniori," and 14 March 1321/2 to 10 October 1325 with the addition of"de Basyng," whereby he is held to have become LORD ST. JOHN (of Basing).A banneret, January 1303/4. In 1316, Keeper of the Peace, Hants; in 1321,ordered not to attend the meeting of the "Good Peers"; in January 1321/2he was going to the Marches of Wales on service; Odiham castle wascommitted to him in 1322; summoned for service in Gascony and Guienne,1324 and 1325, and appointed a commissioner for defence of the coast ofHants. He evidently attached himself to the Queen's party on her returnto England. He married, 1stly, v.p., Isabel (said to be daughter of SirHugh [DE COURTENAY), who was living in February 1322/3. He married,2ndly, Alice ----. He died shortly before 4 April 1329. His widow hadwrit for her dower, 15 October; and, 22 June 1333, licence to marry (ashis 2nd wife) Sir Reynold DE PAVELY, who died in 1347, presumablysurviving her. [Complete Peerage XI:325-6, (transcribed by DaveUtzinger)]
(g) His father's inq.p.m.
(h) Having, in 1316, for their good service there and elsewhere, aquittance of half his father's and his own debts to the Exchequer for thetime they were there. Possibly it was the son and not the father who washostage for the release of the King of Sicily.
(a) He was more than once thanked for his good service there. He was JoinWarden of Galloway 1306-8; in 1309 Keeper of Bothwell Castle. It isprobably he who was in Scotland in 1296 with Henry de Percy; and wassetting out for Scotland with the King in 1322.
(d) In Nov 1326 he and (his brother) Sir Edward, with William la Zouche(Lord Zouche) brought to the Queen, in the Bishop of Hereford's palace,four sealed bags containing rolls and memoranda of the Chancery, whichthey had taken in Swansea castle; and which were delivered to the keeperof the Chancery.
_Ralph de Conches de Toeni _____+ | (1030 - ....) m 1076 _Ralph de Conches de Toeni __________|_Elizabeth Isabel de Montfort __ | (.... - 1126) m 1113 (1030 - 1102) _Roger III Standardbearer of Normandy, de Toeni _| | (1104 - ....) | | | _Waltheof, EARL of Northumbria _+ | | | (1046 - 1076) m 1070 | |_Alice (Judith) De Huntington _______|_Judith of Lens ________________ | m 1113 (1054 - 1086) _Ralph V "de Conches" de Toeni ____| | (1130 - 1162) m 1156 | | | _Baldwin II Hainault ___________ | | | (1056 - 1098) m 1083 | | _Baldwin III, Count of Hainault _____|_Ida (Alix) De Loraine _________ | | | (1088 - 1119) m 1107 (1065 - ....) | |_IDA (Gertrude) De Hainault _____________________| | (.... - 1162) | | | _Gerhard Von Wassenberg ________ | | | (.... - 1131) m 1091 | |_Yolande De Guelders Von Wassenberg _|_Clemence De Poitou ____________ | (1089 - 1122) m 1107 (1060 - 1129) | |--Roger V de Conches de Toeni | (1156 - 1239) | ________________________________ | | | _____________________________________|________________________________ | | | _________________________________________________| | | | | | | ________________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________________________|________________________________ | | |_Margaret De Harcourt De Beaumont _| (1125 - 1185) m 1156 | | ________________________________ | | | _____________________________________|________________________________ | | |_________________________________________________| | | ________________________________ | | |_____________________________________|________________________________
U.S. President Zachary Taylor is a descendant.
Roger, called de Toeni or de Conches; accompanied Richard I on 3rdCrusade; hisremaining Norman fiefs captured from him by the King ofFrance by 1204; marriedConstance, daughter of Richard de Beaumont,Vicomte of Beaumont, and died c Jan
1208/9. [Burke's Peerage]
ROGER DE TOENI IV, styled also DE CONCHES, sonand heir, was only a littleboy at his father's death, and took no part in affairs until after theaccession of Richard I. On 25 November 1189 he was with the King atWestminster; on 6 December at Dover; and doubtless he crossed toCalaiswith Richard on 12 December. On 2 January 1189/90 at Verneuil Rogerde Toenyand Gilbert Crespin of Tillières in the King's presence madegifts to St. Evroul;and as they were about to leave for Jerusalem and hadnot their seals with them, the King at their request confirmed theagreement with his own seal. Roger with his brothers and kinsfolk called"de Cornebu" [sic, recte Tornebu] reached Acre about 8 June 1191. On 7September 1191 he distinguished himself in Richard's victory at Arsuf.
He was with the King at Jaffa (Joppa) on 10 January1191/2; and in June hefought in the battle when Richard captured the Saracen convoy atEl-Khuweilfe. His subsequent movements are obscure, but on 6 January1193/4 he was with the King at Speyer. At Michaelmas 1196 he owed 40 s.for hisscutage for the King's ransom, 40 s. for the 2nd scutage for thearmy of Normandy and 40 s. for the 3rd scutage for the army of Normandyafter the King's return from Germany. In June or July 1197 he was one ofthose who swore at Les Andelys on behalf of Richard to observe the treatywith the Count of Flanders. At Michaelmas 1198 he owed Ð272 in Normandyfor the balance of the tallage on his land there for the King's ransom,as well as other sums. On 7 April 1199 (the day after Richard's death) hewas at Le Vaudreuil with the Archbishop of Canterbury and other magnates.In the new reign he continued to enjoy royal favour andwas faithful toJohn.
On 15 and 18 August 1199 at Les Andelys he was one of John's sureties whoswore to observe his treaties with the Count of Boulogne and the Count ofFlanders. On 22 September 1199 the King granted him at Le Mansthe manorof Saham (Norf.), for 140 librates of land which he owed him forhishomage when he (John) was Count of Mortain. In May 1200 he was one ofthe sureties whowere named in the treaty with France and gave bonds toPhilip. He thenrecovered his castle of Conches, which had been taken bythe King of France inSeptember1199. On 5 February 1202/3 at Rouen Johnremitted Ð200 which Roger owed for the balance of tallage on his land forKing Richard's ransom and Ð100 which Richard had lent him for fortifyinghis house at Tosni. In 1203 the King of France recaptured his castle ofTosni; and in 1204 Roger finally lost all hisNorman lands, being one ofthose excluded by Philip from the terms of the pacification. In Englandhe continued to attest royal charters until his death and to enjoy royalfavour.
On 27 March 1204 the King at Windsor granted him land to the value of Ð76and 15 pence at St. Botulf and a fair; on 9 November 30 librates of landin Norfolk; and on 30 November 30 librates in Devon. On 7 December 1205Walter de Clifford was ordered to restore the castle of Boskeret toRoger. At Michaelmas 1208 he rendered account for 10 marks for thediversion of aroad which passed through the middle of the court of thecanons of Westacre. Together withWilliam, Earl of Salisbury, he became asurety for John de Mohun, later than Michaelmas 1208. He founded thelittle nunnery of St. Giles in the Wood, near Flamstead.
He married Constance, daughter of Richard DE BEAUMONT,SEIGNEUR OFBEAUMONT-LE-VICOMTE, FRESNAY AND STE-SUZANNE, hereditary vicomte of Maine(usually styled VICOMTE DE BEAUMONT). Constance, whose sisterErmengardmarried William the Lion, King of Scotland, brought her husbandin free marriage the manor of Ailrichescot (South Tawton) in De
Roger, called de Toeni or de Conches; accompanied Richard I on 3rdCrusade; his remaining Norman fiefs captured from him by the King ofFrance by 1204; married Constance, daughter of Richard de Beaumont,Vicomte of Beaumont, and died c Jan 1208/9. [Burke's Peerage]
ROGER DE TOENI IV, styled also DE CONCHES, son and heir, was only alittle boy at his father's death, and took no part in affairs until afterthe accession of Richard I. On 25 November 1189 he was with the King atWestminster; on 6 December at Dover; and doubtless he crossed to Calaiswith Richard on 12 December. On 2 January 1189/90 at Verneuil Roger deToeny and Gilbert Crespin of Tillières in the King's presence made giftsto St. Evroul; and as they were about to leave for Jerusalem and had nottheir seals with them, the King at their request confirmed the agreementwith his own seal. Roger with his brothers and kinsfolk called "deCornebu" [sic, recte Tornebu] reached Acre about 8 June 1191. On 7September 1191 he distinguished himself in Richard's victory at Arsuf. Hewas with the King at Jaffa (Joppa) on 10 January 1191/2; and in June hefought in the battle when Richard captured the Saracen convoy atEl-Khuweilfe. His subsequent movements are obscure, but on 6 January1193/4 he was with the King at Speyer. At Michaelmas 1196 he owed 40 s.for his scutage for the King's ransom, 40 s. for the 2nd scutage for thearmy of Normandy and 40 s. for the 3rd scutage for the army of Normandyafter the King's return from Germany. In June or July 1197 he was one ofthose who swore at Les Andelys on behalf of Richard to observe the treatywith the Count of Flanders. At Michaelmas 1198 he owed Ð272 in Normandyfor the balance of the tallage on his land there for the King's ransom,as well as other sums. On 7 April 1199 (the day after Richard's death) hewas at Le Vaudreuil with the Archbishop of Canterbury and other magnates.In the new reign he continued to enjoy royal favour and was faithful toJohn. On 15 and 18 August 1199 at Les Andelys he was one of John'ssureties who swore to observe his treaties with the Count of Boulogne andthe Count of Flanders. On 22 September 1199 the King granted him at LeMans the manor of Saham (Norf.), for 140 librates of land which he owedhim for his homage when he (John) was Count of Mortain. In May 1200 hewas one of the sureties who were named in the treaty with France and gavebonds to Philip. He then recovered his castle of Conches, which had beentaken by the King of France in September 1199. On 5 February 1202/3 atRouen John remitted Ð200 which Roger owed for the balance of tallage onhis land for King Richard's ransom and Ð100 which Richard had lent himfor fortifying his house at Tosni. In 1203 the King of France recapturedhis castle of Tosni; and in 1204 Roger finally lost all his Norman lands,being one of those excluded by Philip from the terms of the pacification.In England he continued to attest royal charters until his death and toenjoy royal favour. On 27 March 1204 the King at Windsor granted him landto the value of Ð76 and 15 pence at St. Botulf and a fair; on 9 November30 librates of land in Norfolk; and on 30 November 30 librates in Devon.On 7 December 1205 Walter de Clifford was ordered to restore the castleof Boskeret to Roger. At Michaelmas 1208 he rendered account for 10 marksfor the diversion of a road which passed through the middle of the courtof the canons of Westacre. Together with William, Earl of Salisbury, hebecame a surety for John de Mohun, later than Michaelmas 1208. He foundedthe little nunnery of St. Giles in the Wood, near Flamstead.
He married Constance, daughter of Richard DE BEAUMONT, SEIGNEUR OFBEAUMONT-LE-VICOMTE, FRESNAY AND STE-SUZANNE, hereditary vicomte of Maine(usually styled VICOMTE DE BEAUMONT). Constance, whose sister Ermengardmarried William the Lion, King of Scotland, brought her husband in freemarriage the manor of Ailrichescot (South Tawton) in Devon, which Henry Ihad given in free marriage with her grandmother, his illegitimatedaughter Constance, to Roscelin de Beaumont, styled Vicomte de Beaumont.She seems to have possessed considerable influence and to have enjoyedfavour with John; but the King of France confiscated her Norman lands.Roger was living, 29 December 1208, but died shortly afterwards, probablyin January 1208/9. His widow had Stratfield restored to her after hisdeath. She was living in 1226 across the seas. [Complete PeerageXII/1:765-9, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
_____________________ | _________________________|_____________________ | _Ellis Holcombe ______| | (1499 - 1585) m 1528 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_________________________|_____________________ | _Thomas H. Holcomb ____| | (1526 - ....) | | | _____________________ | | | | | _________________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth Sunderham _| | (1503 - 1590) m 1528 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_________________________|_____________________ | | |--Christopher Holcomb | (1559 - 1620) | _____________________ | | | _John Trethurffe ________|_____________________ | | (1451 - 1510) | _Thomas Trethurffe ___| | | (1478 - ....) | | | | _Hugh De Courtenay __+ | | | | (1427 - 1471) | | |_Elizabeth De Courtenay _|_Margaret Carminow __ | | (1447 - ....) (1422 - ....) |_Margaret Trenthurffe _| (1535 - 1576) | | _____________________ | | | _________________________|_____________________ | | |______________________| | | _____________________ | | |_________________________|_____________________
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _William ap Jenkin __| | (1505 - ....) | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Elizabeth Jenkin | (1557 - ....) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Elizabeth Mathew ___| | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
_Unknown Johnson ____ | (1747 - ....) _William Johnson ____|_____________________ | (1775 - 1855) _Calvin Johnson _____| | (1802 - 1862) m 1830| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Mary Hosic _________|_____________________ | (1776 - 1855) _Joseph Alexander Johnson _| | (1832 - 1884) m 1850 | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Sarah McGill _______| | (1801 - 1864) m 1830| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Nancy Johnson | (1866 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _William H Owens ____| | | (1809 - 1903) m 1825| | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Eliza Ellen Owens ________| (1833 - 1918) m 1850 | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Easter H Unknown ___| (1807 - 1878) m 1825| | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
____________________________________ | ______________________________________|____________________________________ | _Robert De Lumley ______________| | (1292 - 1325) | | | ____________________________________ | | | | |______________________________________|____________________________________ | _Marmaduke De Lumley _| | (1314 - 1365) | | | _Marmaduke "Lord Kilton" De Thweng _ | | | (1240 - 1294) | | _Marmaduke De Thweng _________________|_Lucy (Lucia) De Brus ______________ | | | (1256 - 1322) (1240 - ....) | |_Lucia (Lucy) de Twenge ________| | | | | _Robert De Ros Sir__________________+ | | | (1223 - 1285) | |_Isabel De Ros _______________________|_Isabel De Albini __________________ | (1256 - ....) (1249 - 1301) | |--Ralph Lumley | (1360 - ....) | ____________________________________ | | | ______________________________________|____________________________________ | | | _Thomas De Holland Earl Of Kent_| | | | | | | ____________________________________ | | | | | | |______________________________________|____________________________________ | | |_Margaret De Holland _| (1340 - 1365) | | _Edward I "Longshanks" Plantagenet _+ | | (1239 - 1307) m 1299 | _Edmund Plantagenet K, Earl Of Kent 1_|_Marguerite Le Hardi Of France______ | | (1279 - 1317) |_Joan Plantagenet ______________| | | ____________________________________ | | |_Margaret Wake _______________________|____________________________________
_____________________ | _____________________________|_____________________ | _Robert Tyler _______| | (1637 - 1673) m 1663| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________________|_____________________ | _Robert Tyler _______| | (1671 - ....) m 1694| | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Joanna Ravens ______| | (1649 - 1675) m 1663| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________________|_____________________ | | |--Jane Tyler | (1709 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Massiott Duvall ____________|_____________________ | | (1604 - ....) | _Mareen Duvall ______| | | (1630 - 1694) m 1673| | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Margaret Orbin _____________|_____________________ | | (1608 - ....) |_Susannah Duvall ____| (1676 - 1716) m 1694| | _____________________ | | | _Benois (Benjamin) Brasseur _|_____________________ | | (1610 - 1663) m 1642 |_Susannah Brasseur __| (1655 - 1692) m 1673| | _Philip Richford ____ | | (1595 - ....) |_Mary Richford ______________|_____________________ (1621 - ....) m 1642
Ancestral File (R)
_John Of Devon De Warren _+ | (1459 - 1518) _John Warren ________|_Elizabeth _______________ | _Christopher Warren _| | | | | __________________________ | | | | |_____________________|__________________________ | _William Warren _____| | (.... - 1588) m 1559| | | __________________________ | | | | | _Percival Leigh _____|__________________________ | | | (1453 - ....) | |_Margaret Leigh _____| | (.... - 1575) | | | __________________________ | | | | |_Jane Gerrard _______|__________________________ | (1487 - ....) | |--Christopher Warren | (1558 - 1587) | __________________________ | | | _____________________|__________________________ | | | _Thomas Marble ______| | | | | | | __________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|__________________________ | | |_Ann Marble _________| (1534 - ....) m 1559| | __________________________ | | | _____________________|__________________________ | | |_____________________| | | __________________________ | | |_____________________|__________________________
U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt is a descendant.
Richard Warren's wife was not Elizabeth (Juett/Jewett/Jonatt) Marsh. Richard Warren's parents have not been identified, and he has no documented descent from Sir John de Warrene, Charlemagne, or anybody else. Royal descent might be very likely for Richard Warren, given his surname and apparent financial soundness in Plymouth; but his parents will have to be identified first before any such claim can be officially made.