_______________________ | ______________________|_______________________ | _Alvin Louis Kershaw __| | (1919 - ....) m 1944 | | | _______________________ | | | | |______________________|_______________________ | _Living______________| | | | | _______________________ | | | | | _Eric Denton Bridges _|_______________________ | | | (1892 - 1967) m 1914 | |_Doris Elnora Bridges _| | (1920 - ....) m 1944 | | | _Luther Otto Alverson _+ | | | (1865 - 1949) | |_Mary Olive Alverson _|_Melvina Saunders _____ | (1892 - 1993) m 1914 (1865 - 1941) | |--Living | | _______________________ | | | ______________________|_______________________ | | | _Edgar Plummer ________| | | | | | | _______________________ | | | | | | |______________________|_______________________ | | |_Living______________| | | _______________________ | | | ______________________|_______________________ | | |_Living________________| | | _______________________ | | |______________________|_______________________
[15925] living - details excluded
_John Bartram _______+ | (.... - 1697) m 1683 _William Bartram ____|_Elizabeth Unknown __ | (.... - 1712) m 1696 (.... - 1723) _John Bartram _______| | (1699 - 1777) m 1723| | | _James Hunt _________ | | | (1654 - ....) | |_Elizabeth Hunt _____|_Elizabeth Chambers _ | (.... - 1701) m 1696 (1660 - ....) _Isaac Bartram ______| | (1725 - 1801) m 1747| | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Mary Maris _________| | (.... - 1727) m 1723| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Mary Bartram | (1770 - 1770) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Sarah Elfreth ______| (1730 - 1778) m 1747| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
Roots Web (http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com)
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Melchoir Broenneman _| | (1605 - ....) | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Melchoir Brenneman | (1631 - 1672) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |______________________| | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
[9373] Imprisoned 1659, Castle of Thun for his Mennonite beliefs.
Central PA Connections
Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouet: Manche, arr. Mortain.
Documentary proof that James de Sancto Hilario took his name from this place has been given in 'Early Yorkshire Charters', vol. v, pp. 86-7.James was the son of Harculf de St. James, taking his name from St.James-de-Beuvron (arr. Avranches) nearby. Gerville described the remains of the castle at St-Hilaire in 1827. [Origins of Some Anglo-Norman Families]
Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999
Ancestral Roots Of Sixty Colonists Who Came To New Englan d Between 1623 And 1650
Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom; GE Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Ltd
Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups - google.com
The Origins of Some Anglo-Norman Families, by Lewis C Loyd, 1999
Ancestral Roots Of Sixty Colonists Who Came To New Englan d Between 1623 And 1650
__________________________________________________ | _Herbert II "The Chamberlain" Fitzpeter _|__________________________________________________ | (1070 - 1129) _Herbert I FitzHerbert __________| | (1106 - 1155) m 1072 | | | _Etienne (Stephen Henry), Count de Blois Chartres_ | | | (1045 - 1102) m 1081 | |_Emma of Blois __________________________|_Adela of England ________________________________ | (1088 - ....) (1062 - 1137) _Herbert II FitzHerbert _____| | (1130 - 1204) m 1196 | | | _Hugh Le (Corbeau) Corbet ________________________ | | | (1020 - 1081) m 1045 | | _Roger Fitzcorbet _______________________|__________________________________________________ | | | (1048 - 1134) m 1088 | |_Sibyl Corbet ___________________| | m 1072 | | | __________________________________________________ | | | | |_________________________________________|__________________________________________________ | | |--Peter (Piers) FitzHerbert | (.... - 1235) | _Roger De Pitres _________________________________+ | | (1045 - 1086) | _Walter FitzRoger _______________________|_Eunice De Baalun ________________________________ | | (.... - 1129) m 1087 (1036 - ....) | _Miles De Petres III FitzWalter _| | | (1092 - 1143) m 1121 | | | | _Drew "Dru" Miles De Baalun ______________________ | | | | (1052 - ....) | | |_Berta Emma De Baalun ___________________|__________________________________________________ | | (1067 - 1091) m 1087 |_Lucy Of Hereford De Pitres _| (.... - 1219) m 1196 | | _Geoffrey De Newmarche ___________________________ | | (1018 - ....) | _Bernard De Neufmarche __________________|_Ada De Hugleville _______________________________ | | (1050 - 1093) (1025 - ....) |_Sybil De Neufmarche ____________| (.... - 1143) m 1121 | | _Osbern FitzRichard le Scrope ____________________+ | | (.... - 1146) |_Nest FitzRichard Verch Osborn __________|_Nest Verch Griffith Gruffydd ____________________ (1075 - 1163) (1059 - 1076)
Lord of Bladen/Lord of Berstaple
Peter Fitz-Herbert, Baron of Barnstable in Devonshire, the honor of which he obtained from King John with fifteen knight's fees, part of the lands of William de Braose, and he was made Governor of Pickering Castle inYorkshire, and Sheriff of that county by the same monarch. This Peter was one of the barons named in Magna Carta and, by his signature, fourth in rank amongst the barons.
He m. first, Alice, dau. of Robert Fitz Roger, a great baron in Northumberland, Lord of Warkworth and Clavering, and sister of John, to whom Edward I gave the surname of Clavering, Lord of Callaly in Northumberland. By this lady he had a son and heir, Reginald FitzPeter.
He m. secondly, Isabel, dau. and coheir of William de Braose, and widow of David Llewellin, Prince of Wales, and by the alliance acquired the lordships and castle of Blenlevenny and Talgarth in the county of Brecknock, with other possessions in Wales. He fortified his castle of Blenlevenny, and, dying in 1235, was s. by his son, Reginald FitzPeter, Lord of Blenlevenny, [John Burke, History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. IV, R. Bentley, London, 1834, p. 728, Jones, ofLlanarth]
Peter Fitz-Herbert, who, being very obsequious to King John, was reputed one of that prince's evil counsellors. In 1214, he was constituted governor of Pykering Castle, co. York, and sheriff of the shire; but afterwards falling off in his allegiance, his lands at Alcesterwere seized by the crown, and given to William de Camvill. Returning, however, to his duty upon the accession of Henry III, those lands were restored to him.
He m. 1st, Alice, dau. of Roger Fitz-Roger, a great baron in Northumberland, but by her had no issue; and 2ndly, the 3rd dau. and co-heir of William de Braose, Baron of Brecknock, and d. 1235, leaving a son, Herbert Fitz-Peter. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage, Ltd., London, 1883, p. 206, Fitz-Herbert, Baron Fitz-Herbert]
NOTE: Brian Tompsett has him married to Isabel de Ferrieres (de Ferrers) rather than to Isabelde Braose.
Bullet - 1215 -named in Magna Charta, King John advisor
He was one of the Pioneers of Stratford CT
The name of his wife is not known - evidently, she died before the family came from England to Boston in 1629
_____________________ | _Richard Higgins ____|_____________________ | (1609 - 1675) m 1634 _Benjamin Higgins ___| | (1640 - 1691) m 1661| | | _Edmund Chandler ____ | | | (1587 - 1662) m 1610 | |_Lydia Chandler _____|_ Unknown ___________ | (1613 - 1650) m 1634 (1590 - 1632) _Richard Higgins ____| | (1664 - 1732) m 1695| | | _____________________ | | | | | _Edward Bangs _______|_____________________ | | | (1591 - 1677) m 1636 | |_Lydia Bangs ________| | (1642 - 1706) m 1661| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Rebecca Unknown ____|_____________________ | (1615 - 1677) m 1636 | |--Abigail Higgins | (1715 - 1744) | _Giles Hamblin ______+ | | (1590 - 1689) | _James Hamblin ______|_Susan Ashley _______ | | (1605 - 1690) m 1632 (1584 - 1673) | _Jonathan Hamlin ____| | | (1644 - 1718) m 1667| | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Ann Scott __________|_____________________ | | (1610 - 1690) m 1632 |_Sarah Hamlin _______| (1671 - 1743) m 1695| | _____________________ | | | _Augustine Bearse ___|_____________________ | | (1618 - 1686) m 1639 |_Sarah Bearse _______| (1646 - 1712) m 1667| | _____________________ | | |_Mary UNKNOWN _______|_____________________ (1624 - 1678) m 1639
_____________________ | _____________________|_____________________ | _Edward Martyn ______| | (1600 - ....) m 1632| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _John Martyn ________| | (1634 - 1713) m 1671| | | _John Upham _________+ | | | (1525 - 1584) | | _Richard Upham ______|_Johane Hyncleye ____ | | | (1556 - 1635) (1532 - 1608) | |_Judith Upham _______| | (1607 - ....) m 1632| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Maria UNKNOWN ______|_____________________ | (1560 - 1634) | |--Ann Martin | (1678 - 1759) | _____________________ | | | _Richard Esten ______|_____________________ | | (1586 - 1612) | _Thomas Esten _______| | | (1612 - 1691) m 1640| | | | _John Underwood _____+ | | | | (1560 - ....) m 1582 | | |_Agnes Underwood ____|_Unknown Underwood __ | | (1583 - 1634) (1553 - ....) |_Johanna Esten ______| (1645 - 1733) m 1671| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Ann Unknown ________| (1620 - 1686) m 1640| | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
_James Sawyer ________ | (1784 - 1850) m 1804 _William J Sawyer ___|_Hannah Henderson ____ | (1805 - 1886) m 1826 (1785 - 1870) _John W Sawyer ______| | (1840 - 1887) m 1859| | | _Benjamin Sawyer _____ | | | (1776 - 1875) m 1800 | |_Lucinda Sawyer _____|_Elizabeth Henderson _ | (1805 - 1849) m 1826 (1783 - 1845) _Young Garrison Sawyer _| | (1877 - 1946) m 1895 | | | ______________________ | | | | | _John Maben _________|______________________ | | | (1796 - 1881) m 1819 | |_Nancy Mahala Maben _| | (1833 - 1907) m 1859| | | _Michael Henderson ___+ | | | (1752 - 1850) m 1775 | |_Nancy Henderson ____|_Hannah Barnett ______ | (1801 - 1881) m 1819 (1755 - 1849) | |--Elmer Garrett Sawyer | (1902 - 1902) | ______________________ | | | _____________________|______________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | ______________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|______________________ | | |_Sissie Gilmer _________| (1879 - 1962) m 1895 | | ______________________ | | | _____________________|______________________ | | |_____________________| | | ______________________ | | |_____________________|______________________
__________________________________ | _______________________|__________________________________ | _Roger Wentworth _______| | (1384 - 1452) | | | __________________________________ | | | | |_______________________|__________________________________ | _Henry Wentworth ____| | (1426 - 1482) | | | _Philip Le Despenser _____________+ | | | (1313 - 1349) | | _Phillip Le Despenser _|_Joan De Cobham __________________ | | | (1342 - 1401) m 1364 (1319 - 1357) | |_Margaret Le Despenser _| | (1397 - 1478) | | | _Robert De Tibetot _______________+ | | | (1341 - 1372) m 1372 | |_Elizabeth De Tiptoft _|_Margaret Deincourt ______________ | (1343 - 1424) m 1364 (1344 - 1380) | |--Henry Wentworth | (.... - 1500) | _John, Sheriff of Norfolk Howard _+ | | (1310 - 1388) | _Robert Howard ________|_Alice De Bois Or De Bosco _______ | | (.... - 1388) (1310 - 1374) | _John Howard ___________| | | (1385 - ....) m 1410 | | | | _Robert Scales ___________________+ | | | | (1310 - ....) | | |_Margery De Scales ____|_Catherine de Ufford _____________ | | (1337 - ....) |_Elizabeth Howard ___| (1410 - 1475) | | __________________________________ | | | _______________________|__________________________________ | | |_Joan Walton ___________| (1393 - ....) m 1410 | | __________________________________ | | |_______________________|__________________________________
connection to Henry Wentworth father is not proven.
Found with parents of Philip Wentworth and Mary Clifford and with Henry Wentworth and Elizabeth Howard.