_____________________ | __________________________|_____________________ | ________________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |__________________________|_____________________ | _Ruben Rich Carter __| | (1877 - ....) m 1909| | | _____________________ | | | | | __________________________|_____________________ | | | | |________________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |__________________________|_____________________ | | |--Alice Norene Carter | (1912 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Leander Alexander Parks _|_____________________ | | (1819 - 1907) m 1848 | _John Washington Parks _| | | (1849 - 1928) m 1888 | | | | _Andrew Henderson ___+ | | | | (1791 - 1823) m 1811 | | |_Emily Louisa Henderson __|_Mary (Polly) Maben _ | | (1817 - 1893) m 1848 (1794 - ....) |_Edna Hazel Parks ___| (1891 - 1987) m 1909| | _____________________ | | | __________________________|_____________________ | | |_Sarah Rinehart ________| (1852 - ....) m 1888 | | _____________________ | | |__________________________|_____________________
_________________________________________ | _______________________________________|_________________________________________ | _John De Cherleton _________________| | (.... - 1374) | | | _________________________________________ | | | | |_______________________________________|_________________________________________ | _Edward De Cherleton __________| | (.... - 1421) m 1399 | | | _Edmond De Stafford _____________________+ | | | (1272 - 1308) m 1298 | | _Ralph De Stafford ____________________|_Margaret Basset ________________________ | | | (1301 - 1372) (1280 - 1336) | |_Joan De Stafford __________________| | | | | _Hugh D'Audley Earl Of Staffordshire_____+ | | | (1289 - 1347) m 1317 | |_Margaret D'Audley ____________________|_Margaret De Clare ______________________ | (1312 - 1347) (1292 - 1342) | |--Joyce De Cherleton | (.... - 1446) | _________________________________________ | | | _Thomas De Holland Earl Of Kent________|_________________________________________ | | | _Thomas de Holland Earl Of Kent 2nd_| | | (1350 - 1397) | | | | _Edmund Plantagenet K, Earl Of Kent 1____+ | | | | | | |_Joan Plantagenet _____________________|_Margaret Wake __________________________ | | |_Eleanor (Alianore De Holland _| (1373 - 1405) m 1399 | | _Edmund Fitzalan ________________________+ | | (.... - 1326) | _Richard FitzAlan Earl Of Arundel 10th_|_Alice De Warenne _______________________ | | (1313 - 1376) m 1345 |_Alice Fitzalan Of Arundel, Lady____| (1352 - 1416) | | _Henry Plantagenet Earl Of Lancaster 3rd_+ | | (1281 - 1345) m 1297 |_Eleanor Plantagenet __________________|_Maud Chatworth _________________________ (1311 - 1372) m 1345 (.... - 1322)
_Gilbert (Crispin) De Brionne _+ | (.... - 1040) m 1024 _RICHARD, 1st Earl de Clare FitzGilbert _______________|_Constance De Eu ______________ | (1024 - 1089) m 1054 (1009 - ....) _Robert Fitzrichard De Clare ___________| | m 1112 | | | _Walter "The Elder" Giffard ___+ | | | (.... - 1084) m 1025 | |_Rohese Giffard _______________________________________|_Ermentrude Agnes Flaitel _____ | (1034 - ....) m 1054 (1014 - ....) _Walter Fitzrobert __| | (.... - 1198) m 1148| | | _Ranulph (Ranulf) De Bayeux ___ | | | (1017 - 1047) | | _Simon De Saint Liz Earl of Huntingdon and Northampton_|_Alice, Alix of Normandy ______ | | | (1090 - 1111) m 1090 (1021 - ....) | |_Matilda (Maud) de Senlis De Saint Liz _| | (.... - 1140) m 1112 | | | _Walthe Of Of Huntingdon ______ | | | (1065 - 1076) m 1070 | |_Maud of Northumberland _______________________________|_Judith Of Normandy ___________ | (.... - 1131) m 1090 (1054 - 1086) | |--Robert FitzWalter | (.... - 1235) | _______________________________ | | | _______________________________________________________|_______________________________ | | | _Richard De Lucy _______________________| | | (1098 - 1179) m 1109 | | | | _______________________________ | | | | | | |_______________________________________________________|_______________________________ | | |_Maud De Lucy _______| (1128 - ....) m 1148| | _Gilbert (Crispin) De Brionne _+ | | (.... - 1040) m 1024 | _RICHARD, 1st Earl de Clare FitzGilbert _______________|_Constance De Eu ______________ | | (1024 - 1089) m 1054 (1009 - ....) |_Rohese FitzRichard De Clare ___________| (.... - 1121) m 1109 | | _Walter "The Elder" Giffard ___+ | | (.... - 1084) m 1025 |_Rohese Giffard _______________________________________|_Ermentrude Agnes Flaitel _____ (1034 - ....) m 1054 (1014 - ....)
Robert fitz Walter, Leader of the Magna Charta Barons 1215, of Woodham,d. 9 Dec 1235, Lord of Dunmow Castle; m. Rohese. [Magna Charta Sureties]
Robert Fitz Walter, feudal Lord of Woodham Walter; foremost of the 25Barons (magnates rather than peers of Parliament) enforcing the MagnaCarta; killed at the siege of Damietta, Egypt, 9 Dec 1235. [Burke'sPeerage]
Robert's daughter Maud (or Matilda) was the basis of the legendary Maid Marion of Robin Hood. Leader of the Barons against King John.
This feudal lord, upon the assessment of the scutage of Scotland in the13th of John [1212], had the king's especial writ of acquittal for sixty-three knights' fees and a half, which were of his own proper inheritance; and for thirty knights' fees, and a third part which he had acquired by marriage. But the next year he was forced to fly with his family into France in order to avoid being arrested upon the first disposition of the barons to revolt; and was soon afterwards charged with treason and rebellion, when his house, called Baynard Castle, in the city of London, was demolished by order of the king.
"The primary occasion of these discontents," say Dugdale, "is by some thus reported: viz., -- that this Robert Fitz-Walter having a very beautiful dau. called Maude, residing at Dunmow, the king frequently solicited her chastity but,never prevailing, grew so enraged that he caused her to be privately poisoned, and that she was buried at the south side of the quireat Dunmow, between two pillars there."
FitzWalter, however, is said, subsequently, to have made his peace with King John by the great prowess and valour he displayed at a tournament, held in Normandy before the kings of France and England, where, running atilt with his great lance, he overthrew his rival at the first course,which act of gallantry caused the English monarch to exclaim, "By God's Tooth, he deserves to be a king who hath such a soldier of his train;"and afterwards, ascertaining the name of the victorious knight, he immediately sent for him and, having restore his barony, gave him liberty to repair his castle of Baynard. In the 17th of King John, FitzWalter had so far regained the confidence of the crown that he was appointed governor of the castle at Hertford; but soon after, arraying himself under the baronial banner,his lands were all seized and those in Cornwall committed to Prince Henry, the king's son; a course of proceeding that had the immediate effect of riveting the haughty baron to the cause which he had espoused, while his high rank, tried courage, and acknowledged abilities soon gave him a lead amongst his compeers. We find him, therefore, amongst the first commissioners nominated to treat with the king when it was agreed that the city of London should be delivered up to the barons, and twenty-five of those powerful feudal chiefs chosen to govern there alm. The insurrectionary lords subsequently assembled at St. Edmundsbury, and there pledged themselves, by solemn oath at the high altar, that, if the king refused to confirm the laws and liberties granted by Edward the Confessor, they would withdraw their allegiance from him and seize upon his fortresses. After which, forming themselves into a regular army, they appointed this Robert FitzWalter their general with the title of Marshal of the army of God and the Church, and under his command they eventually extorted the Great Charters of Freedom from Johnon the plains of Runnymede, when FitzWalter was elected one of the celebrated twenty-five appointed to see the faithful observance of thoselaws. He continued, during the remainder of John's reign, equally firm to his purpose; and after the accession of Henry III until the battle ofLincoln, where the baronial army sustained a signal defeat under his command.
_____________________ | _John Rolfe _________|_____________________ | (1555 - 1625) m 1578 _Henry Rolfe ________| | (1585 - 1643) m 1621| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Honor Unknown ______|_____________________ | (1557 - 1619) m 1578 _John Rolfe _________| | (1632 - 1681) m 1656| | | _Richard Rolfe ______+ | | | (1545 - 1567) m 1565 | | _Richard Rolfe ______|_Elizabeth Unknown __ | | | (1567 - 1598) m 1593 (1545 - 1598) | |_Honour Rolfe _______| | (1593 - 1650) m 1621| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Agnes Rolfe ________|_Alice Unknown ______ | (1572 - 1639) m 1593 (1549 - 1604) | |--Mary Rolfe | (1681 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Robert Scullard ____|_____________________ | | (1590 - 1617) | _Samuel Scullard ____| | | (1616 - 1647) m 1641| | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Alice Scullard _____|_____________________ | | (1575 - 1617) |_Mary Scullard ______| (1641 - 1687) m 1656| | _Thomas Kent ________+ | | (1550 - 1605) m 1585 | _Richard Kent _______|_Ellen Pyle _________ | | (1586 - 1654) m 1618 (1560 - 1609) |_Rebecca Kent _______| (1622 - 1684) m 1641| | _____________________ | | |_Mary Drew __________|_____________________ (1586 - 1635) m 1618
!NAME:World Family Tree Vol. 1, Ed. 1, World Family Tree
Vol. 1, Ed. 1, Brøderbund Software, Inc., Release date:
November 29, 1995
!BIRTH:World FamilyTree Vol. 1, Ed. 1, World Family Tree
Vol. 1, Ed. 1, Brøderbund Software, Inc., Release date:
November 29, 1995
!DEATH:World Family Tree Vol. 1, Ed. 1, World Family Tree
Vol. 1, Ed. 1, Brøderbund Software, Inc., Release date:
November 29, 1995
_____________________ | _____________________|_____________________ | __________________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _Joseph H Steel ____________| | (1819 - 1890) m 1857 | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |__________________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Samuel J Steel | (1859 - 1869) | _Unknown Johnson ____ | | (1747 - ....) | _William Johnson ____|_____________________ | | (1775 - 1855) | _James Luther Johnson Sr._| | | (1800 - 1882) m 1822 | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Mary Hosic _________|_____________________ | | (1776 - 1855) |_Therrissa Zenobia Johnson _| (1829 - 1913) m 1857 | | _____________________ | | | _James Watson _______|_____________________ | | |_Hannah Watson ___________| (1794 - 1875) m 1822 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
Sullivan County Indiana Cemetery Records
Sullivan County Indiana Cemetery Records
Sullivan County Indiana Cemetery Records