Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine

[5127] [5128] [5129] [5130]

1121-1123 - 31 Mar 1204

Family 1 : Louis Capet VII
  1. +Agnes Capet
  2.  Mary (Marie) Capet Of France
  3. +Alix (Alice) of France
Family 2 : Henry II Plantagenet Of England
  1. +Matilda Plantagenet
  2. +Eleanor Plantagenet
  3. +John I Lackland King Of England


[5127] Eleanor was a beautiful and strong woman of great ability, a patron o fthe arts and a master politician. She had sophisticated tastes,surrounded herself with troubadours, and founded a literary court. Herideals helped establish the idea ofromantic "courtly love."

She instigated revolt among her sons against their father Henry II, whohad Eleanor imprisoned for 16 years. After her imprisonment, Henry openly lived in adultery with his mistress "The Fair Rosamond," whom many later chroniclers claimed was mysteriously murdered by a jealous Eleanor.

After Henry II's death, Eleanor ruled as Regent, while Richard I was on crusade.

Eleanor has been immortalized by Katherine Hepburn's portrayal of her in the film, "The Lion in Winter."

Eleanor also appears as a character in Shakespeare's play KING JOHN


Eleanor of Poitou, Queen consort first of King Louis VII of France and then of King Henry II of England. Daughter and heiress of GuillaumeX, Duke of Aquitaine, she married Louis in 1137 shortly before his accession to the throne. She accompanied him on the Second Crusade from1147 to 1149. Eleanor bore Louis two daughters, but in 1152 theirmarriage was annulled. Soon afterward Eleanor married Henry, Duke ofNormandy and Count of Anjou, uniting her vast possessions with those ofher husband. Louis VII feared this powerful combination, and when Henry ascended the English throne in 1154, the stage was set for a long struggle between the English and French kings. Eleanor bore Henry three daughters and five sons, and two of the latter, Richard I and John,became kings of England. Because of Henry's infidelities, especially his relationship with Rosamond, Eleanor's relations with her husband grew strained, and in 1170 she established a court of her own at Poitou. She supported her sons in their unsuccessful revolt against Henry in 1173 andwas held in confinement by Henry until 1185. Her efforts helped Richardsecure the throne in 1189. While Richard was on the Third Crusade andlater held captive in Europe from 1190 to 1194, Eleanor was active in forestalling the plots against him by his brother John and in collecting the ransom for his release. She brought about a reconciliation between the two brothers, and on Richard's death in 1199 she supported John's claims to the throne over those of Arthur I of Bretagne. Eleanor's court at Poitou was the scene of much artistic activity and was noted for its cultivation of courtly manners and the concept of courtly love. She wasthe patroness of such literary figures as Wace, Benoît de Sainte-More,and Chrestien de Troyes. In literature Eleanor has appeared as the jealous murderess of the fair Rosamond, but she was apparently innocent of this crime. She was an able and strong-minded woman.

Renowned in her time for being the most beautiful woman in Europe, the wife of two Kings and mother of three, Eleanor of Aquitaine was one ofthe great heroines of the Middle Ages. At a time when women were regarded as little more than chattel, Eleanor managed to defy convention as she exercised power in the political sphere and crucial influence over her husbands and sons. Eleanor of Aquitaine was born into a Europe dominated by feudalism. In the twelfth century there was no concept of nationhood or patriotism, and subjects owed loyalty to their ruler, rather than thestate. Europe was split into principalities called feudatories, each under the rule of a king, duke, or count, and personal allegiance, orfealty, was what counted. This was expressed in the ceremony of homage, in which a kneeling vassal would place his hands between those of his overlord and swear to render him service and obedience. In this martial world dominated by men, women had little place. The Church's teachings might underpin feudal morality, yet when it came to the practicalities of life, a ruthless pragmatism often came into play. Kings and noblemen married for political advantage, and women rarely had any say in how they or their wealth were to be disposed in marriage. Upon marriage, a girl's property and rights became invested in her husband, to whom she owed absolute obedience. It is fair to say, however, that there were women who transcended the mores of society and got away with it: the evidence suggests that Eleanor of Aquitaine was one such. There were then, as now, women of strong character who ruled feudal states and kingdoms, as Eleanor did; who made decisions, ran farms and businesses, fought lawsuits, and even, by sheer force of personality, dominated theirhusbands. Poitou was the most northerly of Eleanor's feudatories: its northern border marched with those of Brittany, Anjou, and Touraine, andits chief city was Poitiers. Perched on a cliff, with impressive ramparts, this was the favourite seat of its suzerains. To the east wasthe county of Berry, and to the south the wide sweep of the duchy ofAquitaine, named "land of waters" after the great rivers that dissectedit: the Garonne, the Charente, the Creuse, the Vienne, the Dordogne, and the Vézère. The duchy also incorporated the counties of Saintonge,Angoulême, Périgord, the Limousin, La Marche, and the remote region ofthe Auvergne. In the south, stretching to the Pyrenees, was the wine-producing duchy of Gascony, or Guienne, with its bustling port ofBordeaux, and the Agenais. All these lands comprised Eleanor's inheritance. The Aquitanian lordships and their castles were controlledby often hostile and frequently feuding vassals, who paid mere lipservice to their ducal overlords and were notorious for their propensity to rebel and create disorder. These turbulent nobles enjoyed a luxuriousstandard of living compared with their unwashed counterparts in northern France, and each competed with his neighbour to establish in his castle asmall but magnificent court. Renowned for their elegance, their shavenfaces and long hair, the Aquitanian aristocracy were regarded bynortherners as soft and idle, whereas in fact they could be fierce andviolent when provoked. Self-interest was the dominant theme in theirrelations with their liege lords: successive dukes had consistently failed to subdue these turbulent lords or establish cohesion within their own domains.
The authority of the dukes of Aquitaine held good, therefore, only in theimmediate vicinities of Poitiers, their capital, and Bordeaux. Al-thoughthey claimed descent from Charlemagne and retained his effigy on the coinage of Poitou, they did not have the wealth or resources to extend their power into the feudal wilderness beyond this region, and since their military strength depended upon knight service from their unrulyvassals, they could not rely upon this. Consequently, Aquitaine laggedbehind northern France in making political and economic progress.

Nevertheless, the duchy was wealthy, thanks to its lucrative export tradein wine and salt, and it was a land in which the religious life flourished. Its rulers erected and endowed numerous fine churches and abbeys, notably the famous abbey at Cluny-"a pleasaunce of the angels"-and the Aquitanian Romanesque cathedrals in Poitiers and Angoulême,built in a style typified by elegant archways with radiating decoration and lively but grotesque sculptures of monsters and mythical creatures.

[5128] [S228] Susan Cary

[5129] [S228] Susan Cary

[5130] [S166] Sharon Bearce


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Olive Jane Cain


1837 - 1907

Father: John Cain
Mother: Olive Dismore

Family 1 : Benjamin Crouch Alverson
  1. +Lucinda Catherine Alverson
  2. +Margarett L. Alverson
  3. +Luther Otto Alverson
  4.  William L. Alverson
  5. +Benjamin Emmet Alverson
  6. +Mary Ellen Alverson

                                             _Unknown Cain _______|_____________________
                       _Michael Cain _______|
                      | (1761 - 1856) m 1796|
                      |                     |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     |                     
                      |                     |_____________________|_____________________
 _John Cain __________|
| (1797 - 1869) m 1820|
|                     |                                            _____________________
|                     |                                           |                     
|                     |                      _____________________|_____________________
|                     |                     |                                           
|                     |_Elizabeth Warman ___|
|                       (.... - 1859) m 1796|
|                                           |                      _____________________
|                                           |                     |                     
|                                           |_____________________|_____________________
|--Olive Jane Cain 
|  (1837 - 1907)
|                                                                  _Richard Dismore Jr._+
|                                                                 | (1696 - ....) m 1720
|                                            _Robert Dismore _____|_Mary Bembridge _____
|                                           |                                           
|                      _Henry Dismore Sr.___|
|                     | (1753 - 1816) m 1780|
|                     |                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     |                     
|                     |                     |_Olive Unknown ______|_____________________
|                     |                                                                 
|_Olive Dismore ______|
  (1800 - 1881) m 1820|
                      |                                            _____________________
                      |                                           |                     
                      |                      _____________________|_____________________
                      |                     |                                           
                      |_Martha Smith _______|
                        (1760 - ....) m 1780|
                                            |                      _____________________
                                            |                     |                     


[137] Ky Death Index has her Date of Death as 8 Jan 1911

[134] [S21] Marjorie Mears

[135] [S22] Brian Coleman icsco@icsco.win.net

[136] [S23] Church Cemeteries of Breckinridge and Meade Counties (KY)

[34315] [S21] Marjorie Mears


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Hephzibah Gardner

5TH 1 MO 1718 - 27TH 6 MO 1795

Father: Samuel Gardner
Mother: Patience Swain

Family 1 : Zaccheus Macy
  1.  Mary Macy
  2.  Hannah Macy
  3. +Phebe Macy
  4.  Richard Macy
  5.  Hepsibah Macy
  6.  Priscilla Macy
  7.  Ruth Macy
  8.  Deborah Macy
  9.  Latham Macy

                                                                      _Thomas Gardner _____+
                                                                     | (1592 - 1674) m 1616
                                             _Richard Gardner Sr.____|_Margaret Frier _____
                                            | (1623 - 1688)            (1594 - 1659)       
                       _James Gardner ______|
                      | (1664 - ....)       |
                      |                     |                         _Samuel Shattuck ____
                      |                     |                        |                     
                      |                     |_Sarah Shattuck ________|_____________________
                      |                       (.... - 1724)                                
 _Samuel Gardner _____|
|                     |
|                     |                                               _Edward Starbuck ____+
|                     |                                              | (1604 - ....)       
|                     |                      _Nathaniel Starbuck Sr._|_Katherine Reynolds _
|                     |                     | (1635 - ....) m 1662     (1609 - 1690)       
|                     |_Mary Starbuck ______|
|                                           |
|                                           |                         _Tristram Coffin Sr._+
|                                           |                        | (1605 - 1681)       
|                                           |_Mary Coffin ___________|_Dionis Stevens _____
|                                             (1645 - ....) m 1662                         
|--Hephzibah Gardner 
|                                                                     _____________________
|                                                                    |                     
|                                            _Richard Swain _________|_____________________
|                                           | (1595 - 1682)                                
|                      _John Swain Sr.______|
|                     | (1633 - 1714) m 1660|
|                     |                     |                         _____________________
|                     |                     |                        |                     
|                     |                     |_Elizabeth Basselle ____|_____________________
|                     |                       (.... - 1657)                                
|_Patience Swain _____|
                      |                                               _____________________
                      |                                              |                     
                      |                      ________________________|_____________________
                      |                     |                                              
                      |_Mary Wyer __________|
                         m 1660             |
                                            |                         _____________________
                                            |                        |                     


[981] [S130] The History of Nantucket Island, Alexander Starbuck 1924

[982] [S130] The History of Nantucket Island, Alexander Starbuck 1924


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Christen Haldimann

1564 - ____

Father: Lorenz Haldimann

                      |  |
                      |  |   __
                      |  |  |  
                      |  |__|__
 _Lorenz Haldimann ___|
| (1514 - 1565)       |
|                     |      __
|                     |     |  
|                     |   __|__
|                     |  |     
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |   __
|                        |  |  
|                        |__|__
|--Christen Haldimann 
|  (1564 - ....)
|                            __
|                           |  
|                         __|__
|                        |     
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |   __
|                     |  |  |  
|                     |  |__|__
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                      |  |     
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                         |  |  



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William Keith 9th Earl Marischal


C1665 - 27 May 1712

Father: George Keith 8th Earl Marischal
Mother: Mary Hay

Family 1 : Mary Drummond
  1. +Anne Keith

                                                                                                                                _William Keith Master of Marischal_+
                                                                                                                               | (.... - 1580)                     
                                                                      _George Keith 5th Earl Marischal_________________________|_Elizabeth Hay ____________________
                                                                     | (1553 - 1623) m 1580                                                                        
                                   _William Keith 6th Earl Marischal_|
                                  | (1585 - 1635) m 1609             |
                                  |                                  |                                                          ___________________________________
                                  |                                  |                                                         |                                   
                                  |                                  |_Margaret Home __________________________________________|___________________________________
                                  |                                    (.... - 1598) m 1580                                                                        
 _George Keith 8th Earl Marischal_|
| (.... - 1694) m 1662            |
|                                 |                                                                                             _Esme Stuart 1st Duke of Lennox____+
|                                 |                                                                                            | (.... - 1583) m 1572              
|                                 |                                   _John Erskine 2nd or 23rd Earl of Mar, 1st Lord Cardross_|_Catherine de Balsac ______________
|                                 |                                  | (.... - 1634) m 1580                                                                        
|                                 |_Mary Erskine ____________________|
|                                   (.... - 1648) m 1609             |
|                                                                    |                                                          _Esme Stuart 1st Duke of Lennox____+
|                                                                    |                                                         | (.... - 1583) m 1572              
|                                                                    |_Marie Stuart ___________________________________________|_Catherine de Balsac ______________
|                                                                       m 1580                                                                                     
|--William Keith 9th Earl Marischal
|  (.... - 1712)
|                                                                                                                               _Peter Hay 4th of Megginch_________+
|                                                                                                                              | (.... - 1596) m 1554              
|                                                                     _George Hay of Kinfauns, 1st Earl of Kinnoull____________|_Margaret Ogilvy __________________
|                                                                    | (.... - 1634)                                                                               
|                                  _George Hay 2nd Earl of Kinnoull__|
|                                 | (.... - 1644)                    |
|                                 |                                  |                                                          ___________________________________
|                                 |                                  |                                                         |                                   
|                                 |                                  |_________________________________________________________|___________________________________
|                                 |                                                                                                                                
|_Mary Hay _______________________|
  (1633 - 1701) m 1662            |
                                  |                                                                                             _Robert Douglas ___________________+
                                  |                                                                                            | (.... - 1587)                     
                                  |                                   _William Douglas 6th Earl of Morton______________________|_Jean Lyon ________________________
                                  |                                  | (1582 - 1648) m 1604                                                                        
                                  |_Ann Douglas _____________________|
                                                                     |                                                          _George Keith 5th Earl Marischal___+
                                                                     |                                                         | (1553 - 1623) m 1580              
                                                                     |_Ann Keith ______________________________________________|_Margaret Home ____________________
                                                                       (.... - 1684) m 1604                                      (.... - 1598)                     


[20428] [S207] Stirnet.com


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Gilbert Peche II Lord Pecche

[24177] [24178]

Abt 1306-1324 - BEF 24 Aug 1349

Father: Gilbert Peche Lord Pecche
Mother: Isolde (Iseult) Unknown

Family 1 : Joan Deingoldesthorpe
  1. +Katherine Pecche

                                                                                 _GILBERT Pecche _____+
                                                                                | (1145 - 1212)       
                                                           _Hamon Pecche _______|_ALICE FitzWalter ___
                                                          |                       (1159 - 1213)       
                              _Gilbert (of Corby) Pecche _|
                             | (.... - 1291) m 1265       |
                             |                            |                      _Richard Peverel ____+
                             |                            |                     | (1159 - ....)       
                             |                            |_EVE Peverel ________|_____________________
                             |                              (1195 - 1266)                             
 _Gilbert Peche Lord Pecche _|
| (.... - 1322)              |
|                            |                                                   _____________________
|                            |                                                  |                     
|                            |                             _____________________|_____________________
|                            |                            |                                           
|                            |_Joan de Creye (Grey) ______|
|                               m 1265                    |
|                                                         |                      _____________________
|                                                         |                     |                     
|                                                         |_____________________|_____________________
|--Gilbert Peche II Lord Pecche 
|  (.... - 1349)
|                                                                                _____________________
|                                                                               |                     
|                                                          _____________________|_____________________
|                                                         |                                           
|                             ____________________________|
|                            |                            |
|                            |                            |                      _____________________
|                            |                            |                     |                     
|                            |                            |_____________________|_____________________
|                            |                                                                        
|_Isolde (Iseult) Unknown ___|
  (1286 - ....)              |
                             |                                                   _____________________
                             |                                                  |                     
                             |                             _____________________|_____________________
                             |                            |                                           
                                                          |                      _____________________
                                                          |                     |                     


[24177] [S228] Susan Cary

[24178] [S166] Sharon Bearce


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