[12131] living - details excluded
[10026] living - details excluded
______________________________________________________________________ | _____________________|______________________________________________________________________ | _____________________| | | | | ______________________________________________________________________ | | | | |_____________________|______________________________________________________________________ | _Marcos aguilar _____| | | | | ______________________________________________________________________ | | | | | _____________________|______________________________________________________________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | ______________________________________________________________________ | | | | |_____________________|______________________________________________________________________ | | |--Mia aguilar | | _Paul Fredrick Buehrer , (2nd Cousin 1x Removed Of J.barley-Speciale)_ | | (1918 - 1991) | _Terry Paul buehrer _|_Cora Blanche (Blanche) Sharp ________________________________________ | | (1946 - 1995) (1918 - 1995) | _Living______________| | | | | | | _Robert Roy Pugh Jr___________________________________________________+ | | | | (1913 - 1975) m 1933 | | |_Sandra L. Pugh _____|_Eleanore Mae kennedy ________________________________________________ | | (.... - 2021) (1913 - 1991) |_Living______________| | | ______________________________________________________________________ | | | _____________________|______________________________________________________________________ | | |_ wife ______________| | | ______________________________________________________________________ | | |_____________________|______________________________________________________________________
_John Baldwin _______+ | (1568 - 1637) m 1590 _John Baldwin _______|_Hannah Birchard ____ | (1619 - 1681) m 1640 (1570 - ....) _John Baldwin _______| | (1640 - 1706) m 1663| | | _Nicholas Camp ______ | | | (1605 - 1658) | |_Mary Camp __________|_Sarah Elliot _______ | (1621 - 1652) m 1640 (1598 - 1672) _Thomas Baldwin _____| | (1663 - 1741) m 1692| | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Hannah Bruen _______| | (1642 - 1685) m 1663| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Mary Baldwin | (1696 - 1787) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Abigail Lay ________| (1673 - ....) m 1692| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
[14368] Ancestor of U.S. President Rutherford B. Hayes.
_Maurice FitzRobert FitzHarding or de Berkeley, lord of Berkeley _+ | _Thomas De Berkeley lord of Berkeley_|_Alice de Berkeley _______________________________________________ | (1170 - 1243) _Maurice De Berkeley lord of Berkeley___| | (1218 - 1281) m 1242 | | | __________________________________________________________________ | | | | |_Joan De Somery _____________________|__________________________________________________________________ | (1195 - 1276) _Thomas de Berkeley, 1st Lord _| | (.... - 1321) m 1267 | | | _John I Lackland King Of England__________________________________+ | | | (1167 - 1216) | | _Richard FitzRoy of Chilham__________|_Suzanne Plantagenet de Warenne __________________________________ | | | (1186 - 1232) m 1207 | |_Isabel Fitzroy Fitzrichard De Chilham _| | (1223 - 1276) m 1242 | | | _Foubert (Robert) De Douvres _____________________________________ | | | (.... - 1205) m 1198 | |_Rohese (Rose) De Douvres ___________|_Isabel De Briwere _______________________________________________ | (1198 - 1265) m 1207 (.... - 1233) | |--Maurice De Berkeley 2nd Lord | (1271 - 1326) | _William "Walkelin" (Walchaline) De Ferrers ______________________+ | | (.... - 1189) | _William De Ferrers _________________|_Sybil De Braose _________________________________________________ | | (1170 - 1247) m 1192 | _William De Ferrers ____________________| | | (1193 - 1252) m 1238 | | | | _Hugh De Keveloic ________________________________________________+ | | | | (1147 - 1181) | | |_Agnes of Chester ___________________|_Bertrada De Montford ____________________________________________ | | (1174 - 1247) m 1192 |_Joan De Ferrers ______________| m 1267 | | _Saher IV De Quincy ______________________________________________+ | | (1155 - 1219) m 1173 | _Roger De Quincy ____________________|_Margaret De Harcourt De Beaumont ________________________________ | | (1176 - 1264) m 1218 (1157 - ....) |_Margaret De Quency ____________________| (.... - 1280) m 1238 | | _Alan Macdonald __________________________________________________+ | | (.... - 1234) |_Helen (Elena) Galloway _____________|_Unknown De Lacey ________________________________________________ (1208 - 1245) m 1218
Acceded: 16 Aug 1308 As Lord Berkeley Of Berkeley Castle.
Died Imprisoned At Wallingford Castle, Berkshire.
Known As Maurice "The Magnanimous"
Sir Maurice de Berkeley, b. Apr 1281, d. 31 May 1326, Lord Berkeley ofBerkeley Castle; m. (1) 1289, neither being over eight years of age, Evala Zouche. [Magna Charta Sureties]
(They must have been married in early 1289, because Eva had to have beenborn bef. 25 Mar 1280 (nine months after her father's latest possibledeath date).
Maurice de Berkeley,1st/2nd Baron Berkeley; b. April 1271; took part inScottish Wars 1295-1318; at Siege of Carlaverock July 1300, called toParliament 1308 in his father's lifetime by a series of writs worded tohim as "Maurice de Berkeley", which by a later interpretation would havemeant that he was made Lord (Baron) Berkeley in a separate creation tothat of his father, but in fact there is no record of his having takenhis seat, Warden Gloucester 1312, Capt Berwick 1315, Commissioner toScotland 1316, Chief Justiciar of South Wales 1316, Seneschal ofAquitaine1320, joined the Earl of Lancaster's insurrection against EdwardII and his favourites the Despensers 1321 but was captured and imprisonedin Wallingford Castle. [Burke's Peerage]
MAURICE (DE BERKELEY), LORD DE BERKELEY, son and heir, who "may beecalled Maurice the Magnanimous," born April 1281 (b). He distinguishedhimself in the Scottish wars, 1295-1318, and was at the siege ofCarlaverock in July 1300. He was summoned to Parliament v.p., from 16August 1308 to 15 May 1321 by writs directed Mauricio de Berkeleye,whereby he may be held to have become LORD BERKELEY, though there is noactual record of his having satin Parliament. He held several importantposts, v.p., being Warden Of Gloucester, 1312; Capt. of Berwick, 1315;one of the Commissioners to Scotland, 1316; ChiefJusticiar of South Wales1316, and Seneschal of Aquitaine, 1320. Shortly afterwards he joined theEarl of Lancaster in the rebellion against Edward II and the Despenserfamily, and within 6 months of his father's death was sent prisonertoWallingford Castle, 20 Jan 1321/2, where he d. about a year afterwards.
He m. 1stly 1289 (neither party being aged over 8), Eve, sister ofWilliamla Zouche (Lord Zouche of Haryngworth), and daughter of Eon laZouche, by Millicent,sister and coheir of George de Cauntelo, Lord ofAbergavenny, daughter of William de Cauntelo, of Calne, co. Wilts andAston Cantlow, co. Warwick. She d. 6 Dec 1314, and was buried in PortburyChurch, Somerset. He m. 2ndly, about 1316, Isabel, daughter of Gilbert deClare, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, byhis 1st wife Alice, daughter ofHugh XI, called le Brun, Sire de Lusignan, Count of la Marche andAngouleme (uterine brother of Henry III). He d. as aforesaid, 31 May 1326, and was buried at Wallingford, but removed to St.Augustine's,Bristol(c). Inq.p.m. Feb 1326/7. His widow, who was b. 10 Mar1262/3, dsp 1333. [Complete Peerage II:128-9, XIV:87]
(b) This makes him a father at the age of 14, for which Smyth quotes theBiblical precedents of Solomon and Ahaz, each a father at 11 and of King Josiah at 14, and adds that his own "small reading could parallel more than a dozen other parents which have been Fathers and Mothers at14years". The date of birth appears to rest on his being found to be 40yearsold in 1321 in two inquisitions on his father's death, "and" saysSmyth "he best knew his own age that sett it down." It is however now recognised that the age of men in middle life being a matter of little practical importance,is seldom given with any degree of accuracy in theinquisitions. His birth (as the elderson of his parents) would more probably be in 1271 than in 1281, ie.after some 4, rather than some 14,years of thei
_William I Longsword Normandy _______+ | (.... - 0942) _Richard I The Fearless Count Of Normandy _|_Sprota Of Senlis ___________________ | (0933 - 0996) _Robert D'evreux ________________| | (0964 - 1035) | | | _Herfastus (or Herbastus) de Crepon _ | | | | |_Gunner Of Crêpon ________________________|_Cyrid Unknown ______________________ | (.... - 1031) _Richard d'Evreux ___________| | (0986 - 1067) | | | _____________________________________ | | | | | ___________________________________________|_____________________________________ | | | | |_Havlive de ROUEN _______________| | (0968 - ....) | | | _____________________________________ | | | | |___________________________________________|_____________________________________ | | |--Agnes d' Evereux | (.... - 1087) | _SUNIFRED, Count de Urgel ___________+ | | (0878 - 0948) m 0920 | _Raymond II Borrell, Count of Barcelona ___|_Richilde de Rouergue _______________ | | (.... - 0992) m 0968 (0892 - 0954) | _RAYMOND Borrell I of Barcelona _| | | (0972 - ....) | | | | _Raimond III Toulouse _______________+ | | | | (0921 - ....) m 0946 | | |_Ledgarde de Rouergue _____________________|_Garsinde Bertha De Gascogne ________ | | (0954 - 0997) m 0968 (.... - 0972) |_Godehilde\Adelaida Borrell _| (.... - 1077) | | _Arnaud-I Count of Comminges ________+ | | (0898 - 0957) m 0940 | _Roger I Count of Carcassonne _____________|_Arsinde Countess of Carcassonne ____ | | (0945 - 1012) m 0970 (0920 - ....) |_Ermensinde of Carcassonne ______| (0975 - ....) | | _Bernard II Comte de Melgueil _______ | | (0933 - 0989) |_Adelaide de Saintonge Melgueil ___________|_Senegunde __________________________ (.... - 1011) m 0970 (0937 - ....)
_Augustine Fyshe ____+ | (1525 - 1579) m 1550 _John Fyshe _________|_Henrietta Unknown __ | (1555 - 1623) m 1578 (1535 - 1579) _Thomas Fyshe _______| | (1584 - 1673) m 1609| | | _William Craddock ___ | | | (1530 - ....) | |_Margaret Craddock __|_____________________ | (1555 - 1630) m 1578 _Nathaniel Fish _____| | (1618 - 1694) m 1656| | | _William Sprigge ____+ | | | (1524 - 1603) m 1546 | | _William Sprigge ____|_Elizabeth Unknown __ | | | (1550 - 1616) m 1576 (1530 - 1577) | |_Mary Sprigge _______| | (1586 - 1673) m 1609| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth Smyth ____|_____________________ | (1550 - ....) m 1576 | |--Samuel Fish | (1668 - 1692) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Lydia Miller _______| (1640 - 1729) m 1656| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _RALPH de ' Limesy __| | (1026 - 1086) | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--ALAN de ' Limesy | (1058 - ....) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Hawise _____________| (1030 - ....) | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
_Henry Lyman ________+ | (1496 - ....) _John Lyman _________|_Aliceia Hyde _______ | (1516 - 1587) m 1539 (1492 - ....) _Henry Lyman ________| | (1552 - 1605) m 1576| | | _William Gerard _____ | | | | |_Margaret Gerard ____|_____________________ | (1518 - ....) m 1539 _Richard Lyman ______| | (1580 - 1642) m 1608| | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth Rande ____| | (1559 - 1587) m 1576| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Sarah Lyman | (1618 - 1691) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _Roger Osborne ______| | | (1561 - ....) m 1588| | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Sarah Osborne ______| (1584 - 1641) m 1608| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
Birth: ABT 1633 in Roxbury, Suffolk County, MA, USA
Condit Robison book says Sarah's surname was Lyman. Ward in Branford by1650; Newark by 1667
Census: Hartford County, CT, USA
_Caleb Mendenhall ___+ | (1746 - 1825) m 1770 _Moses Mendenhall ___|_Susanna James ______ | (1772 - 1839) m 1803 (1744 - 1825) _Samuel Mendenhall __| | (1805 - 1871) m 1828| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Rachel Woolas ______|_____________________ | m 1803 _Nicholas Mendenhall _| | (1839 - 1919) m 1874 | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Phebe Miller _______| | (1802 - 1901) m 1828| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Howard Newton Mendenhall | (1881 - 1965) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Mary Olive Talmadge _| m 1874 | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Robert Stevans Esq._| | | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Dionis Stevens | | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
The History of Nantucket Island, Alexander Starbuck 1924
__ | __|__ | _William White ______| | (1720 - ....) | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _William White II____| | (1748 - 1811) m 1773| | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |_Mary Molly Rankin __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Hugh White | (1786 - ....) | __ | | | __|__ | | | _Unknown Johnson ____| | | (1747 - ....) | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Mary Johnson _______| (1753 - ....) m 1773| | __ | | | __|__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__|__