_______________________ | ______________________|_______________________ | _Alvin Louis Kershaw __| | (1919 - ....) m 1944 | | | _______________________ | | | | |______________________|_______________________ | _Living______________| | | | | _______________________ | | | | | _Eric Denton Bridges _|_______________________ | | | (1892 - 1967) m 1914 | |_Doris Elnora Bridges _| | (1920 - ....) m 1944 | | | _Luther Otto Alverson _+ | | | (1865 - 1949) | |_Mary Olive Alverson _|_Melvina Saunders _____ | (1892 - 1993) m 1914 (1865 - 1941) | |--Living | | _______________________ | | | ______________________|_______________________ | | | _______________________| | | | | | | _______________________ | | | | | | |______________________|_______________________ | | |_Living______________| | | _______________________ | | | ______________________|_______________________ | | |_______________________| | | _______________________ | | |______________________|_______________________
[15918] living - details excluded
_____________________ | ________________________|_____________________ | _Robert W Hooper ____| | (1884 - 1940) m 1916| | | _____________________ | | | | |________________________|_____________________ | _Justin Hooper ______| | (1918 - ....) m 1943| | | _John W Sawyer ______+ | | | (1840 - 1887) m 1859 | | _Young Garrison Sawyer _|_Nancy Mahala Maben _ | | | (1877 - 1946) m 1895 (1833 - 1907) | |_Hattie May Sawyer __| | (1900 - 1988) m 1916| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Sissie Gilmer _________|_____________________ | (1879 - 1962) m 1895 | |--Living | | _____________________ | | | ________________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |________________________|_____________________ | | |_Virginia Callow ____| m 1943 | | _____________________ | | | ________________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |________________________|_____________________
[11717] living - details excluded
John Cicill (Spelled Cissel and Cecil) the immigrant from Wales, Englandin 1658, died in 1698 and left a will in St. Mary's County naming wifeMary (possibly Calvert), and sons John, William, Thomas, Richard, Robert,Edward and James (Liber PC 1, page 104, film 144424) From the book"Colonial Settlers, St. Clement's Bay 1734-1780, St. Mary's County,Maryland" by Mary Louise Donnelly, states "John Cissell (Cecil), aCatholic, immigrated to the Province of Maryland in 1658 from Wales,England (Patents 4:29). He married Mary __________. Upon his arrival,John Cissell was a man of means as he purchased a number of tracts in St.Mary's County. He became possessor of 150 acres of "White Acre" which on12-Nov-1652 had been patented for William Brough on 25-Nov-1642, who diedin 1651leaving his total estate to his wife Sarah (w 1:37). By 1707 thesons of John Cissell owned this acreage. John Cissell purchased 100acres of "Cadloe" as did his brother William, which was patented on4-Nov-1650 for Joseph Cadloe, who died in 1652. John Cissell alsoobtained 100 acres of "Long Neck" which on 10-Jun-1681 had been surveyedfor John Addison who moved to Prince Georges County, Maryland. JohnCissell, a gunsmith, wrote his will on 28-Apr-1698 and it was probated on6-Jun-1698. To his sons Joh, William, Thomas, he left 150 acres of "WhiteAcre." To his sons Richard and Robert he left 100 acres of "Long Neck".His son Edward was to receive the home plantation "Poplar Neck" after thedeath of Mary. If Edward died without heirs it was to pass to hisyoungest son James. On 26-Jul-1698 the estate of John Cissell wasappraised and valued at L75.11.oo (inv 16;200.)From Salisbury FamilyGenealogy: In 1658 John, came to Maryland t look after his family'sinterests. (see notes on his father.) John settled in St. Mary's Co.!John Cicill (spelled Cissel and Cecil), the immigrant from Wales,England in 1658, died in 1698 and left a will in St. Mary's County namingwife Mary ? (possibly Calvert), and sons John, William, Thomas, Richard,Robert, Edward and James (Liber PC 1 page 104, film 144424).
William Cicell, son of John and Mary, died in St. Mary's County leavingArthur, Luke, Margaret, Ann, Matthew and Clare.
Thomas Cissell, son of John and Mary, died in 1724 leaving a son, John,and a brother James. James Cissel, son of John and Mary, died in 1717leaving James, Mary and Ruth.
Thomas Sissell, the immigrant in 1675, died in St. Mary's County in 1701and left a will naming son, George, son-in-law James Thompson, brother,George and daughter-in-law, Betty.
Some claims have been made that John Cicill, son of John, the immigrantin 1658, was
the same John, of Prince Georges County, who married Elizabeth Sollers,and it has also been proposed that William, John the emigrant's son, wasalso living in Prince George's Co., but these claims have never beenproven.
This information comes from "The Cecil Family of Maryland" by Walter V.Ball,
book call #929.273 C322b. Also from the will of John a copy of which isin
From the book "Colonial Settlers, St. Clement's Bay 1734-1780, St. Mary'sCounty, Maryland" by Mary Louise Donnelly, states "John Cissell (Cecil),a Catholic, immigrated to the Province of Maryland in 1658 from Wales,England (Patents 4:29). He married Mary_______. Upon his arrival JohnCissell was a man of means as he purchased a numer of tracts in St.Mary's County. He became the possessor of 150 acres of "White Acre" whichon 11/12/1652 had been patented to Samuel Harris; 200 acres of "PoplarNeck" which had been patented for William Brough on 11/25/1642, who diedin 1651 leaving his total estate to his wife Sarah (w 1:37). By 1707 thesons of John Cissell owned this acreage. John Cissell purchased 100 acresof "Cadloe" as did his brother William, which was patented on 11/4/1650for Joseph Cadloe, who died in 1652. John Cissell also obtained 100 acresof "Long Neck" which on 6/10/1681 had been surveyed for John Addison whomoved to Prince George's County.
John Cissell, a gunsmith, wrote his will on 4/28/1698 and it was probatedon 6/6/1698. To his sons John, William and Thomas, he left 150 acres of"White Acre." To his sons Richard and Robert he left 100 acres of "LongNeck". His son Edward was to receive the home plantation "Poplar Neck"after the death of his wife. If Edward died without heirs it was to passto his youngest son James. On 7/26/1698 the estate of John Cissell wasappraised and valued at L75.11.oo (inv 16;200)
Elise Greenup Jourdan, in "Early Families of Southern Maryland, Volume 1"1992, states that "the Cecils and Cissells were prolific families whosettled in Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania in the 17th century. Theirdescendants pioneered lands in Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, Illinois andmany other states. " Generally, Cecil is used for the Protestant linesand Cissell for the Catholic, but there are many spellings used in anassortment of records that are not consistent.
From Paul Tobler's research
John and family had a sailing vessel called the "Martha Constant" thatplyed between Barbados Colony and the Maryland Colony, plus visits toNevis, Virgin Islands. Some of these sailings could have been made forthe transport of indentured servants. Barbados dated from 1627 with theBritish, Maryland dated 1632 and Nevis dated from 1627-28 with theBritish.
from Karen Salisbury: In Colonial Settlers of St. Clement's Bay1734-1780, St. Mary's County, Md, by Mary Louise Donnelly, Will: Probated16 June 1698, Appraised 26 July 1698, ...Ship Martha Constant...
Whis the James Cissell who is litsted in Hottens "Lists of Emigrants toAmerica 1600-1700" on p 452, has a James Cissel, with 22 acres of Land inSt. Michael's Parish, Barbadoes with 1 hired servant, 0 bought servants,16 negroes?
from Paul Tobler:
Property that John B. Cecil owned was called "Cadloe", "Longneck"
"White Acres", "Poplar Neck"
3)a. Cadloe he had originally obtained 100 acres upon arrival.
3)b. Longneck of 100 acres was added.
3)c. White Acres of 150 acres was added.
3)d. Poplar Neck of 200 acres was added.
Therefore he had a minimum of 550 acres of property.
The home place was on "Poplar Neck" where they lived with the residence
Where Mary Shircliff supposedly died at St. Clement's Bay, MD is maybe
5 miles due west of White Point Beach on the north shore of the Potomac
River in present day St. Mary's Co., MD. It is on my Rand Mcnallyroadmap.
Is this the same John Cincill? who witnessed a will in Barbados
Paul Tobler tobler@omniglobal.net
cites "Colonial Settlers, St. Clement's Bay, 1734-1780, St. Mary's Co, MD," by Mary Louise Donnelly, claims he came from Wales, England and cites patent 4:29.
Paul Tobler tobler@omniglobal.net
_____________________ | _____________________|_____________________ | _Ludwig II der Hesse _| | (1469 - 1509) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _Philipp I "Magnamimous" Landgrave _| | (1504 - 1567) m 1523 | | | _Eberhard IV ________+ | | | (1388 - 1419) | | _Ludwig I ___________|_____________________ | | | (1412 - 1450) | |_Matilde _____________| | (1436 - 1495) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Mathilde Palatine __|_____________________ | | |--Georg I Landgrave Darmstadt Hesse | (1547 - 1596) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | ______________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Christine of Saxony _______________| m 1523 | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |______________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
_____________________ | _Richard Higgins ____|_____________________ | (1609 - 1675) m 1634 _Benjamin Higgins ___| | (1640 - 1691) m 1661| | | _Edmund Chandler ____ | | | (1587 - 1662) m 1610 | |_Lydia Chandler _____|_ Unknown ___________ | (1613 - 1650) m 1634 (1590 - 1632) _Richard Higgins ____| | (1664 - 1732) m 1695| | | _____________________ | | | | | _Edward Bangs _______|_____________________ | | | (1591 - 1677) m 1636 | |_Lydia Bangs ________| | (1642 - 1706) m 1661| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Rebecca Unknown ____|_____________________ | (1615 - 1677) m 1636 | |--Joshua Higgins | (1695 - 1768) | _Giles Hamblin ______+ | | (1590 - 1689) | _James Hamblin ______|_Susan Ashley _______ | | (1605 - 1690) m 1632 (1584 - 1673) | _Jonathan Hamlin ____| | | (1644 - 1718) m 1667| | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Ann Scott __________|_____________________ | | (1610 - 1690) m 1632 |_Sarah Hamlin _______| (1671 - 1743) m 1695| | _____________________ | | | _Augustine Bearse ___|_____________________ | | (1618 - 1686) m 1639 |_Sarah Bearse _______| (1646 - 1712) m 1667| | _____________________ | | |_Mary UNKNOWN _______|_____________________ (1624 - 1678) m 1639
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Mortogh (More) O'Brian _| | (1050 - 1119) | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Lafracoth O'Brian | (1076 - ....) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Dubhehoblaigh __________| (1056 - ....) | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
_____________________ | _____________________|_____________________ | _Benjamin R. Piper __| | (1835 - 1899) m 1857| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _L. D. Piper _____________| | (1885 - 1962) m 1911 | | | _William Roy ________ | | | (1768 - 1815) m 1810 | | _Charles Henry Roy __|_Mary T. Bertier ____ | | | (1811 - 1860) m 1831 (1793 - 1870) | |_Georgeanna Roy _____| | (1842 - 1916) m 1857| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Sarah Jane Smith ___|_____________________ | (1815 - 1883) m 1831 | |--Theodore B. Piper | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Augusta Sophia Artmeyer _| m 1911 | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
[27616] RESEARCH S0254 - Electrical Engineer for Montana Power, Co. After retirement he and his wife operated a cafe.
[27615] CHIL @E4189@
Roots Web (http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com)
_____________________ | _____________________|_____________________ | _______________________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _____________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_______________________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Annabell M Pugh | (.... - 2016) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _______________________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Helen Carpenter ____| (1901 - 1946) | | _Aaron pugh _________+ | | (1813 - 1888) m 1837 | _Moses pugh _________|_Mary Jane Jackson __ | | (1843 - 1917) (1817 - 1885) |_Gertrude Lela Pugh Carpenter _| (1876 - 1905) | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
Newspapers.com - News-Journal - 19 Jan 1986 - Page 11
Mike Powell Gedcom
Newspapers.com - News-Journal - 19 Jan 1986 - Page 11
________________________ | _____________________|________________________ | ______________________| | | | | ________________________ | | | | |_____________________|________________________ | _Loyd M. Swain _________________| | m 1938 | | | ________________________ | | | | | _____________________|________________________ | | | | |______________________| | | | | ________________________ | | | | |_____________________|________________________ | | |--Pam Swain | | _James William Dismore _+ | | (1805 - ....) m 1824 | _James H. Dismore ___|_Eliza Leathers ________ | | (1832 - 1882) m 1869 (1805 - ....) | _Otis Emmett Dismore _| | | (1870 - 1960) m 1905 | | | | ________________________ | | | | | | |_Phydelia Sprague ___|________________________ | | (1842 - 1922) m 1869 |_Irene Ellen Catherine Dismore _| (1918 - 1993) m 1938 | | ________________________ | | | _____________________|________________________ | | |_Alzada Greer ________| (1880 - 1937) m 1905 | | ________________________ | | |_____________________|________________________
[25655] An extract from Thomas Stobie's GEDCOM created 28 Mar 2003. Thomas canbe contacted at stobie@sprynet.com.
Phillips, Weber, Kirk & Staggs families of the Pacific Northwest