[9799] living - details excluded
Gedcom File provided by
___________________________________________ | ___________________________|___________________________________________ | _John Grey ____________| | (1432 - 1460) m 1454 | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | |___________________________|___________________________________________ | _Thomas Grey ________| | (1451 - 1501) m 1474| | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | ___________________________|___________________________________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth Woodville __| | (1437 - 1492) m 1454 | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | |___________________________|___________________________________________ | | |--Eleanor Grey | (1478 - ....) | _JOHN Bonville ____________________________+ | | (1366 - 1396) m 1392 | _William Bonville _________|_ELIZABETH FitzRoger ______________________ | | (1393 - ....) m 1412 (1370 - 1414) | _William Bonville _____| | | (1442 - 1460) | | | | _Reynold De Grey __________________________+ | | | | (1362 - 1440) m 1378 | | |_Margaret Merriet De Grey _|_Margaret De Ros __________________________ | | (1393 - 1426) m 1412 (1366 - 1443) |_Cicely Bonville ____| (1461 - 1530) m 1474| | _Ralph De Neville Earl Of Westmoreland 1st_+ | | (1364 - 1426) m 1396 | _Richard De Neville _______|_Joan De Beaufort _________________________ | | (1400 - 1460) (.... - 1440) |_Catherine de Neville _| (1434 - 1504) | | _Thomas II De Montague ____________________+ | | (1388 - 1428) m 1405 |_Alice De Montague ________|_Eleanor (Alianore De Holland _____________ (1405 - 1462) (1373 - 1405)
Gedcom File provided by
Burke's Peerage, 1881
Gedcom File provided by
[Plantagenet Descent]
Descendant of.....
Descendant of.....
[Ancestry of Jesse James (Outlaw)]
Gedcom File provided by
[Plantagenet Descent]
Teresa Lynn (Truax) Clendinneng's Rootsweb GEDCOM
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Henry Howland ______| | (1564 - 1635) m 1590| | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--John Howland | (1598 - 1673) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Margaret Unknown ___| (1567 - 1629) m 1590| | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _James R. Humberstone _| | (1835 - 1911) | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--John Richard Humberstone | (1868 - 1921) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Rhoda King ___________| (1840 - 1926) | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
Mike Powell Gedcom
_Rognvald I "The Wise" "The More" Eysteinsson _+ | (0830 - 0894) m 0867 _ROLLO " Rolf the Ganger " Ragnvaldsson _|_Hilda Ragnhild Hrolfsdatter Countess of More _ | (0870 - 0931) m 0886 (0830 - ....) _William I Longsword Normandy _______| | (.... - 0942) | | | _Ragnvald Eysteinsson I The Wise Of More_______+ | | | (0872 - 0894) | |_Poppa De Valois Of Normandy_____________|_Ragnhild Hrolfsdottir ________________________ | m 0886 _Richard I The Fearless Count Of Normandy _| | (0933 - 0996) | | | _Pepin Seigneur II Of Peronne__________________+ | | | (0817 - 0840) | | _Herbert I Count Of Senlis ______________|_______________________________________________ | | | (0849 - ....) | |_Sprota Of Senlis ___________________| | | | | _______________________________________________ | | | | |_Beatrice (Bertha) De Paris De Morvois __|_______________________________________________ | (0862 - ....) | |--Emma Aelgifu Beauclerc Normandy | (0987 - ....) | _______________________________________________ | | | _________________________________________|_______________________________________________ | | | _Herfastus (or Herbastus) de Crepon _| | | | | | | _______________________________________________ | | | | | | |_________________________________________|_______________________________________________ | | |_Gunner Of Crêpon ________________________| (.... - 1031) | | _______________________________________________ | | | _________________________________________|_______________________________________________ | | |_Cyrid Unknown ______________________| | | _______________________________________________ | | |_________________________________________|_______________________________________________
Mother of Edward the Confessor.
Sources: A. Roots 1-19, 250-20; RC 242; Kings and Queens of Britain; AF; Onslow; Pfafman; Davis. Roots: Emma, daughter of Richard I, Duke of Normandy, and mother ofEdward the Confessor. Married (2) Canute "the Great," King of England, by whom she had Harthacanute, king of England. Davis: Emma, married (1) King Ehtelred the Unready and (2) King Cnut. Kings and Queens of Britain has her descending from the kings of Merciain one pedigree chart, but calls it "conjectural." She daughter of Richard Iin Saxon/Norman Succession chart in same book, page 221. Other spellings of name: Eadburh and Edburh. Second wife of Canute I.
!Took her 3 children to Normandy in 1013 to take refuge with her family during the climax o f the Danish invasion of England. [William I and the Conq. of Eng.]
!Twice Queen Consort of England -- married first to Ethelred the Unready in 1002; secondly t o Canute the Great in 1017. [The Bruces and the Cumyns, p. 490]
!2nd wife of Aethelred. Married in Wessex in the summer of 1002 to strengthen the ties betwe en England and Normandy. [Chronicle of the Royal Family, p. 22-3]
!England, 1019. Queen Emma has a son, Harthacnut. Flanders, 1037. Emma, the widow of Cnut, flees after failing to oust Harold, the son of Cnu t by Aelfgifu, who has made himself king. [Chronicle of the Royal Family, p. 24]
!Emma is about 32 and Cnut is 22 at the time of their marriage. [Chronicle of the Royal Famil y, p. 24]
In 1017 King Knut commanded the widow of the late king Ethelred, Richard's daughter, to be brought to him so that she might become his wife. This was an admirable stroke of policy. It could hardly displease the English, promised well dynastically, and ensured the friendship of Duke Richard II of Normandy. He remained warmly attached to Aelfigu of Northampton for whom he made generous provision in Norway for their son Svein; but it was agreed that Emma was hi s queen and that her children by Knut should take precedence over her sons by Ehtelred and ex clude the children of Aelgifu from the royal succession. [A History of the Vikings, p. 372]
Within a few months of Ethelred's death, Emma astutely married Cnut. Emma remained strongly S candinavian in sympathy until her death in 1052 and her influence on affairs was never neglig ible. Herself the consort for a time of the lord of a great Scandinavian empire, she was late r to see reigning in England first Harthacnut, her son by Cnut, and then Edward, her son by E thelred. By her career and through her connections she formed a link between many of the pers onalities involved in the Anglo-Norman crisis of the 11th century. [The Norman Achievement, p. 30]
Dau. of Richard I the Fearless and Gonor de Crepon; m.1. Ethelred, King of England and was mo ther of Edmund and Edward the Confessor; m.2. Canute, King of Denmark. [Falaise Roll, Table I V] Regal rights in the fisheries of Bury St. Edmunds were made over to the monks, and by the sam e charter there were assigned, as a gift from Queen Emma, 4000 eels yearly from Lakenheath. [ Victoria History of Suffolk, p. 58] Dau. of Richard I, Duke of Normandy; m. Aethelred II and was mother of King Edward the Confes sor; m.2 Canute the Great, king of England by whom she had Harthacanute, King of England. [An cestral Roots, p. 2] Dau. of Richard I the Fearless and Gunnor of Crepon; m. 1002, Aethelred, King of England. [GR S 3.03, Automated Archives, CD#100] Dau. of Richard I, 3rd Duke of Normandy, and Emma of France; m. Ethelred II of England and wa s mother of Edward III the Confessor and Godiva who m. Godwin, Earl of Kent. [Genealogies o f the Warren and Abbott Families] King Cnut solved the problem of what to do with Aethelraed's heirs by marrying their mother , the redoubtable Emma of Normandy; it did not seem to matter to him that he already had a wife, Aelfgifu of Northampton, whom he had no intention of putting away. She was to be his Scan dinavian Queen, whilst Emma was his English consort. [Who's Who in the Middle Ages, p. 62]
__ | _______________________|__ | _____________________| | | | | __ | | | | |_______________________|__ | _____________________| | | | | __ | | | | | _______________________|__ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | __ | | | | |_______________________|__ | | |--Ignatius Thompson | | __ | | | _John Baptist Cissell _|__ | | (.... - 1698) m 1669 | _James Cissell ______| | | (1680 - 1717) | | | | __ | | | | | | |_Mary Shircliffe ______|__ | | (1647 - 1726) m 1669 |_Ruth Cissell _______| | | __ | | | _______________________|__ | | |_Rachel Adams _______| (1690 - 1717) | | __ | | |_______________________|__
FTM Family Archives CD #206, Maryland Probate Records 1674-1774
_______________________ | _John Wood __________________________|_______________________ | (1770 - 1826) m 1795 _Robert Crooke Wood __________| | (1799 - 1869) m 1829 | | | _______________________ | | | | |_Rebecca Wicham Crooke ______________|_______________________ | (1780 - ....) m 1795 _John Taylor Wood ___| | (1830 - 1904) m 1856| | | _Richard Taylor _______+ | | | (1744 - 1829) m 1779 | | _Zachary "Old Rough & Ready" Taylor _|_Sarah Danby Strother _ | | | (1784 - 1850) m 1810 (1760 - 1822) | |_Ann Margaret Mackall Taylor _| | (1811 - ....) m 1829 | | | _______________________ | | | | |_Margaret Mackall Smith _____________|_______________________ | (1788 - 1852) m 1810 | |--Eleanor Mackubin Wood | (1868 - ....) | _______________________ | | | _____________________________________|_______________________ | | | ______________________________| | | | | | | _______________________ | | | | | | |_____________________________________|_______________________ | | |_Lola Mackubin ______| (1834 - 1909) m 1856| | _______________________ | | | _____________________________________|_______________________ | | |______________________________| | | _______________________ | | |_____________________________________|_______________________