

____ - ____

Father: Living
Mother: Living

                       _Henry E. Gable _______|
                      | (1924 - 2012) m 1951  |
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                      |                       |______________________|_____________________
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|                     |                                               _____________________
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|                     |                        ______________________|_____________________
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|                     |_Donna A. Brenner _____|
|                        m 1951               |
|                                             |                       _____________________
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|                                             |______________________|_____________________
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|                                              _Floyd Howard Hoover _|_____________________
|                                             | (1897 - 1971)                              
|                      _Harold Loyd Hoover ___|
|                     | (1923 - 1990) m 1946  |
|                     |                       |                       _____________________
|                     |                       |                      |                     
|                     |                       |_Ada Belle Hoffman ___|_____________________
|                     |                         (1897 - 1958)                              
                      |                                               _John M. Brickel ____
                      |                                              | (1867 - 1940) m 1893
                      |                        _Herl Clair Brickel __|_Olive R. Boyer _____
                      |                       | (1896 - 1965) m 1916   (1871 - 1949)       
                      |_Helen Louise Brickel _|
                        (1926 - 2013) m 1946  |
                                              |                       _Lucian Auker _______+
                                              |                      | (1855 - 1934) m 1880
                                              |_Mabel Frances Auker _|_Frances Benner _____
                                                (1894 - 1981) m 1916   (1859 - 1940)       


[10342] living - details excluded


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George Calvert (Sir)


1579 - 15 Apr 1632

Father: Leonard Calvert
Mother: Alicia Crosland

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 _Leonard Calvert ____|
| (1550 - 1611) m 1579|
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|--George Calvert 
|  (1579 - 1632)
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|_Alicia Crosland ____|
  (1557 - ....) m 1579|
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[1760] From the book "George Calvert and Cecilius Calvert, Barons Baltimore ofBaltimore" by Wm. Hand Browne, Dodd, Mead and Company, New York, 1890.p3. Age 14, "entered Trinity College, Oxford, as a commoner, and tookhis bachelor's degree in 1597." "His college studies ended, he travelledon the Continent, where it is probable that he made his firstacquaintance of Sir Robert Cecil, afterward his patron and the founder ofhis fortunes...."
p.4 "In 1605 Calvert received his master's degree at Oxford..."
p. 5 " Calvert was a member of two of these commissions [on Ireland andthe success of James I policy on conformity with religion and obedienceto the law of England] ....they dwell especially on the harmful influenceof the Jesuits; a point worth noting, as we shall se later that his son and successor entertained a strong dislike and suspicion of that order."
pp 12-13. Browne lays the groundwork for Calvert's fall out of favorwhen the King's marriage plans to the Spanish Infanta fell through andBuckingham switched to promoting the French side-which Calvert stronglyopposed. "...Calvert wisely took the advantage of this transient gleamof fair weather to steer the bark of his fortunes out of the perilousseas of political life. He avowed to the king that he had become aconvert to the faith of Rome, and asked to be allowed toresign hissecretaryship and retire to private life." "His request was granted.Calvert, according to the custom of the time, negotiated with Sir AlbertMorton to vacate the secretaryship in his favour for the sum of #L6,000.The king, whose old affection for him had returned, retained him in thePrivy Council, notwithstanding his change of religion; and on February16th, 1625, elevated him to the Irish peeriage as Baron Baltimore ofBaltimore, in the County of Longford."
"As early as 1609 he had been a member of the second Virginia company[with his friend Sir Robert Cecil] and was also one of the provisionalcouncil for the management of the affairs of that colony after therevocation of the charter [in 1623], and one of the eighteen councillorsof the New England Company in 1622."
p.16 "Calvert, in 1620, purchased a plantation on the island [NewFoundland] from Sir William Vaughan, which he named Avalon (It is notabsolutely certain whether this name was given by Baltimore or one of theearliest adventurers. His settlement was usually called Ferryland, andfrom this his letters are dated,) from the consecrated spot to whichpious legend referred the introduction of Christianity into Britain. Hesent out a number of colonists with proper implements and supplies, andplaced his plantation in charge of a Captain Wynne....These cheerfulreports were confirmed by the account of Captain Richard Whitbourne,whose "Westward Hoe for Avalon" was published in 1622." p 17 "In 1622Calvert applied for a patent, and received a grant of the whole island.This, however, was superceded by a regrant in March, 1623, conveying tohim the southeartern peninsula, which was erected into the province ofAvalon by a royal charter issued April 7th.
Calvert, his family (minus Cecilius) and his 2nd wife visited Avalon in1626, 1627.
p. 24 "..he was forced to see [in 1629] that he had been deceivedd byfalse representations, and that his colony, on which he had spent, inall, about twenty thousand pounds, was a failure"
"In 1637 [5 years after he died], on the alleged ground that the Calvertshad abandoned Avalon and forfeited the charter, the island was granted tothe marquis of Hamilton, the earls of Pembroke and Holland, and Sir DavidKirke." p. 32 ""In 1663 Avalon [after a protracted legal battle] wasdelivered to Swanley, Baltimore's governor, and seems to have prosperedfairly well." "From this time on the history of Avalon is almost ablank. The subsequent proprietaries seem to have neglected italtogether; and in 1754 it was decided that the proprietary rights hadlapsed from long disuse, the charter was annuled, and Avalon as a distictprovince ceased to exist, though the name is still retained."
p33 "Calvert first introduced in America the palatinate form ofgovernment in which powers virtually royal are vested in a single person."

from notes of Paul Tobler: (addended by Wm. Hand Browne)
Notes for George Calvert:
1606 Became private secty to Sir Robert Cecil
Clerk of the Crown, (also assize in County Clare, Ireland)
1613 Clerk to the Privy Council
1617 Order of knighthood
1618 Principal Secty of State for England
1620 Lord of the Treasury
1620 Commissioner for the office of treasurer
Bought Avalon in Newfoundland
1624 Became Roman Catholic & Resigned all Preferments with the
Title Baron Baltimore.
1625 Retired from public life.
1629 Returned to England & requested patent N of VA to Mountains.
20 Jun 1632 Patent granted & Cecilius became 2nd Baron of Baltimore.
1632 Buried Dunstan's in the West, London, England
According to Descendants of Virginia Calverts:
From the inscription which George, Lord Baltimore, had placed on thetomb of his first wife, Ann (Mynne) Calvert, and from other sources, itis learned that he was the son of Leonard and Grace or Alicia (Crossland)Calvert, daughter of Thomas and Joanna (Hawksworth) Crossland, ofCrossland Hill, Yorkshire.

Thomas Crossland died Aug., 1587; and Joanna, his wife, died July, 1575.
George Calvert was born about 1579/80, in or near the village ofDanby Wiske, near the town of North Allerton, in North Riding, Yorkshire,England, son of Leonard, son of John and Margerie Calvert. This LeonardCalvert, father of George, was born about 1550 (estimated). He was acounty gentleman, apparently in easy circumstances, who owned land andraised cattle. He married about 1575 (estimated) Grace (or Alicia)Crossland, daughter of Thomas and Joanna (Hawksworth) Crossland ofCrossland Hill, Yorkshire. (See Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire) anddescended from Roger de Crossland, of the time of Henry III.
1595. George Calvert entered Trinity College, Oxford as a commoner.
1597. Took his degree of B.A.
1604. Married "Thursday, Nov. 22, Mr. George Calvert of St. Martinsin the Felds, Gent., and Mrs. Anne Mynne of Bexley, Hertfordshire, at St.Peter's, Cornhill, London." (Parish Rec.)
1605. Received his first Master's Degree at Oxford. Became M.P.for Bosnay, Cornwall, and Private Secretary for Robert Cecil, Earl ofSalisbury, and appointed by King James I Clerk of the Crown and of Assizein County Clare, Ireland, an office said to resembe that of AttorneyGeneral.
1609. Member of Second Virginia Company, and one of the ProvisionalCouncil for that Colony.
1613. Clerk of Privy Council.
1617. Sept. 29, Knighted by King James I.
1618. Secretary of State. Received life pension of 1,000(pounds)per year. Obtained a grant of the Province of Avalon in New Foundland.
1619. Made Principal Secretary of State
1621. August 8, his wife, Anne Mynne Calvert died.
1621. Feb. 18. The king granted him a manor of 2300 acres in countyLongford, Ireland. "These lands were held under the condition that allsettlers upon them should take the oath of supremacy and 'be coformablein point of religion'; and when Calvert, four years later made professionof the Roman Catholic faith, he surrendered his patent and received itback wit the religious clause omitted. These Longford estates were thenerected into the manor of Baltimore, from which he took his baronialtitle." (William Hand Browne's "George and Cecilius Calvert," p.11)
1622. Was one of eighteen Commissioners of the New England Company.
1623. March, a re-grant of the southeastern peninsula of NewFoundland which was erected into the Province of Avalon by Royal Charter,in which Lord Baltimore was given a palatinate or quasi-royal authorityover the province, which was held in capite, by knight's service, withthe condition of giving the king or his successors a white horse wheneverhe or they should visit those parts.
1623. Became a Roman Catholic and offered to resign as Secretary ofState. He was retained as Member of the Privy Council.
1624. Member of the Council for winding up the affairs of theVirginia Company. Also M.P. for Oxfordshire.
1625. Resigned as Principal Secretary of State, Feb 9. Feb. 16,created Irish Peer with the title of Baron Baltimore, of Baltimore.(Note. No county is named in the enrollment of the Baltimore Patent.There was not and is not any place of that name in county Longford, whichis the county usually assiged to this creation, but the chartered town ofBaltimore, county Cork, the only place of that name in Ireland was thenone of considerable size.) (The Genealogical Peerage of the UnitedKingdom, Vol. 1,p.226.)
1627. Second wife called "Dame Joane Baltimore" by her husband in adeed. Lord Baltimore visited Avalon this year, where he had spect some25,000(Pounds) in improvements. In a letter at this time he writes:" bound for a long journey to a place which I have had a longdesire to visit, and have now the opportunity and leave to do it. It isNewfoundland, I mean, which, it imports me, more that curiousity only, tosee, for I must either go and settle it in better order, or give it overand lose all the charge I have been at hitherto for other men to buildtheir fortunes upon. And I had rather be esteemed a fool by some for thehazard of one month's journey, than to prove myself one certainly for sixyears past if the business be now lost for the want of a little pains andcare."
"So in June of this year of 1627 he visited Avalon inperson, arriving at the end of July. Though he came at the mostfavorable season, and remained for but a month or two, so that he couldscarcely have had time to visit the interior of the island, we cannot butthink that when he compared the reality with Whitbourne's glowingdescriptions and his onw fancy pictures built upon them, hisdisappointment must have been sharp." (Wm.Hand Browne)
All behind his little plantation lay a region of wildsavagery, or bleak and hopeless desolation, and in front was the wild,stormy and inhospitable sea. The brief northern summer bid from him theworst enemy of all, the long pitiless northern winter.
Departing after a short visit, he spent thewinter in England preparing for his return, which he made in thefollowing summer, bringing with him Lady Joane Baltimore, all his familyexcept his eldest son, Cecilius, and about forty colonists, so that thewhole colony was raised to about one hundred souls. Unexpected troublesbeset him. He wrote to Lord Buckingham "I came to build, and sett, andsowe, but am falne to fighting with Frenchmen, who have heere disquietedme and many other of his Majesties subjects fighting in this land." Hecontinues: "One De la Rade of Dieppe, with three ships and four hundredmen, many of them gentlemen here have told us, came first into a harbourof mine called Capebroile, not above a league from the place where I amplanted, and there surprising divers of the fishermen in thier shallopsat the harbour's mouth, within a short time after possessed themselves oftwo English ships within the ahrbour, with all their fishes andprovisions, and had done the liek to the rest in that place had I notsent them assistance with two ships of mine, one of them 360 tons andtwenty-four pieces of ordnance, and another, a bark of sixty tons withthree or four small guns in her, and about a hundred men aboard us inall," etc. By the ship that carried this letter, young Leonard Calvertand Peaseley returned to England, where Leonard petitioned the king thathis father might have a share in certain prizes taken from the French bythe ships Benediction and Victory.
1628. The dangers and discomforts of life at Avalon seem to havebeen too much for Lady Baltimore, and in 1628 she sailed for Virginia adnremained for some time at Jamestown, as is known from a letter ofBaltimore's in which he asks letters from Privy Council to the Governorof Virginia instructing him to facilitate Lady Baltimore's return toEngland.
1629. Lord Baltimore arrived in Jamestone October 1629. He wasreceived coldly by the Virginians. He was tendered the oath ofAllegiance which he could not take on account of his religious faith,though he offered to take a modified form of it. To this the Virginianswould not agree, and he departed for England where he sought King CharlesI, who had succeeded his father, James I, in 1625, for a new grant ofland. King Charles continued his father's friendship for Lord Baltimoreand granted him the territory which later became Maryland.
1629. There is but one account of the death of Lady Baltimore byshipwreck. It is found in a fragment of unknown origin among the papersin Sir Hans Sloane's Collection in the British Museum in London, and isnumbered 3662, pp. 24-6, and dated 1670. The following excerpt is dated1629 in the margin, and since the next marginal date is 1631, it isinferred that the events recorded took place in the years 1629 and 1630.Lord Baltimore went "to Virginia in the year 1629, where he found a muchbetter climate (than New Foundland), and leaving his lady and some of hischildren by her there, comes himself to England to secure a Patent ofsome part of that Continent, and smoe while after sends for his Lady, whotogether with her children that were left whit her, were unfortunatelycast away in their return; in which ship his lordsip lost a great dealof plate and other goods of a great value." (Lady Baltimore sailed on theSt. Claude which was wrecked off the English coast before October, 1630.)
1632. Apr. 15, Lord Baltimore was buried in the Chancel of St.Dunstan's before the Charter to Maryland had passed the Great Seal, sothe charter was issued in the name of his son and heir, Cecil, thesecond Lord Baltimore, under the Great Seal dated 20th June, 1632, just afew weeks after his father's death. (for the will of Lord Baltimore seePart I)
George Calvert was a good linguist, a ready writer, and possessingexecutive talent, says Rev. Edward Neill, A.B., in his The Founders ofMaryland. "His accomplishments won for him the notice and friendship ofSir Robert Cecil, Queen Elizabeth's Principal Secretary of State, who hadno small part in securing to King James the succession to the throne ofEngland. Through his recommendations George Calvert was appointed Clerkof the Privy Council of King James, 1613." (Richardson's Sidelights onMaryland History.)
William Hand Browne, in his George and Cecilius Calvert says: "Theking, whose old affection for him had returned, retained him in the PrivyCouncil notwithstanding his change of religion; and on February 16,11625, elevated him to the Irish Peerage as Baron Baltimore ofBaltimore." (See Letters Patent, Part I.) Within a few weeks from theissue of this Patent, King James died, but his successor, Charles I, didnot withdraw his favor from the late Secretary.
George Calvert wrote a remarkably illegible hand. It has beenmentioned that King Charles told him that he "writ as fair a hand to lookupon from afar off, as any man in England; but that when any one camenear it, they were not able to read a word."
George Calvert was not, like Buckingham, a man of brilliant talentand boundless confidence in his own abilities, nor was he one of thosewho found the most attractive fishing in troubled waters. His talentswere solid; he was cautious, laborious, exact, of unimpeachableintegrity, and a true lover of his country.
More About George Calvert:
Burial: 15 April 1632, St. Dunstan's Ch., London, Eng.16
Colonial Families of the United States of America: Volume 2
page 164
GEORGE CALVERT, 1st Lord of Baltimore, b. circa 1580; d. 15th Apr. 1632;became private secretary to Sir Robert CECIL; was appointed by the King,Clerk of the Crown and Assize in Co. Clare, Ireland; in 1613, appointedClerk to the Privy Council; knighted in 1617. In 1619 was made PrincipalSecretary of State. Was member of Parliament from Yorkshire in 1621. 18thFeb. 1621, the King granted him a manor of 2300 acress in Co. Langford,Ireland, which was erected into the Manor of Baltimore, from which hederived his baronial title. Elevated to the Irish Peerage as BaronBaltimore, 16th Feb. 1625; m. (firstly) circa 1605, Anne MYNNE, [p.164]d. 8th Aug. 1622, dau. of John MYNNE, Esq., of Hertingfordbury, andElizabeth WROTH, his wife, dau. of Sir Thomas WROTH of Durance inEnfield, Middlesex, Knight; m. (secondly) Joan–as mentioned in legalpapers; her surname unknown.
Maryland Historical Society; Fund Publications, 16-20. Volume IV1880-1884 The last chapter is of Sir George "A Paper read before theMaryland Historical Society, April 14, 1884, by Lewis W. Wilhelm, A.B.,Fellow in History, Johns Hopkins University.
Just to highlight a few things in the book:
Page 26: "It was in the summer of 1606, that Calvert received from KingJames the reversion of an important clerkship in Ireland and so becameofficially identified with the country from which two decades later hereceived his title of "baron.""
Page 76: "The year 1622 was made memorable to Calvert by its vicissitudesof joy and sorrow, of worldly prosperity and of domestic unhappiness. Inthe midst of his pleasurable anticipations upon the Spanish Match, hisspirits were cast into gloom by the sudden death of his amiable wife, onAugust 8, after an illness of but two days, at the age of 52 years,leaving behind her eleven young children....The oldest child, Cecilius,who became the heir of his father's fortune and title, was but sixteenyears old; Leonard and George a decade after this time emigrated to thecolony of Maryland; of Francis and Henry very little is known; John, bornon the eve of his mother's death, is said to have died in youth. Of thefive daughters little is known, save their names; Anne, the eldest,married Mr. William Peasley, and Grace became the wife of Sir RobertTalbot of County Kildare, Ireland; Dorothy, Elizabeth and Helen completedthe family."
Page 89: ".....being infinitely addicted to the Roman Catholic faith,having been converted thereunto by Count Gondomar & Count Arundel, whosedaughter Secretary Calvert's son had married. If Calvert's oldest son,Cecilius, did marry Lady Arundel at the time of the Spanish negotiationsthen some excellent authorities have made some amazing errors. Accordingto Kennedy, Cecilius Calvert, in 1623, was but 17 years old, andaccording to Neill, in "Terra Mariae," Anne Arundel, in this year, wasbut eight years old. Such youthful marriages are certainly not usual inEngland."
Page 151: "....on Sunday, April 15, 1632, in the midst of his largefamily, he [Sir George] passed away in death."
In the preface, he gives Dr. William Hand Browne, credit for reviewing ofhis manuscript, along with others. The chapter contains about 160 pagesand as mentioned, is about as much as I have read. Mrs. O'Gorman quotes abit from Dr. Browne, in her book.
I got this book on Inter-Library loan from the John M. Olin Library atWashington University, 6600 Millbrook Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63130.
Louise Shaw []

From "A Chesapeake family their slaves, A study in historicalarchaeology" Anne Elizabeth Yentsch, Cambridge University Press. P. 53" the early 1600's when George Calvert began to move in Stuartcircles after serving James I in Ireland. James I reward services withhonor, knighted George Calvert in 1617, and awarded him an Irishbaronetcy in February 1624/25. The status, prestige, and politicalpowers of the Calvert family were on the rise. Still, the family was notamong the greatest English nobility and did not possess the wealth of thearistocratic families that maintained major estates like Boxworth orChatsworth. The aristocracy at that time evaluated its members accordingto a variety of cultural criteria including length of pedigree andlocation. The Calvert baronetcy was recent and Irish, not English; thefamily seat of Kiplin was in Yorkshire, distant from Court.....Drawn bythe Calvert's future prospects and the family's Catholic faith, ThomasARUNDEL (Lord ArundeL at Wardour) asked the second Lord Baltimore, theyoung Cecilius, to we daughter Anne. The couple were married in 1527/28and may have lived briefly at Arundel's own home, Wardour Castle inWiltshire, before settling at Hook Manor on the Wardour estate. ThereAnne gave birth to three daughters, and infant George (1634-6) andfinally Charles, the third Lord Baltimore. Charles had two sons,Cecilius (who died at 13) and Benedict Leonard (Sr.) born in Maryland. Bythat time the Calvert family was politically allied through a network ofmarriage and financial alliances with some of the most talented familiesin England. George Calvert forged the initial connections when he becamea junior secretary to Sir Robert Cecil (1563-1612) \, who rose to be theEarl of Salisbury and was principal Secretary of State of James I. Amongthe circle of families linked to the Calverts were the ARUNDELS, theSOMERSETS, the powerful Irish TALBOTS (Lords Tyrconnel), thediplomatically astute and fiscally prudent HYDES (Earls of Rochester andClarendon), and the literary, mathematical and political DIGGES. Thethird Lord Baltimore built upon this network during his Marylandresidence (1661-84), using the mechanisms of judicious land grants,marriages, and political appointments to create his own small cadre ofprominent Catholic families in Maryland, including the SEWALLS, TALBOTS,DIGGES, DARNALLS, LEES, LOWES. Maryland's Catholic gentry reciprocatedby providing strong and effective political support and service, andgradually the lines extended to include other wealthy families includingthe Easter Shore dynasty of Quaker LLOYDS."
"In this book James W. Foster gives some of the family background. Hestates that George was born and a died a Roman Catholic. He then goes onto explain what it meant to be a Roman Catholic in the late 16th andearly 17th century,
in England. The writer states that the Calverts were NOT from themigration of Flemish weavers attracted to Yorkshire, because of its famefor wool growing. Based on the evidence of wills and inventories, theCalverts of Yorkshire in the 16th century were tenant farmers,husbandmen, and yeomen of standing, and in the case of Leonard of Kiplin,gentlemen when that term signified superior social position. The writergives George's birth date as abt. 1580 at Kiplin. Further that his fatherwas Leonard son of John, who was a tenant of Philip Lord Wharton. Hismother (the writers opinion after much study of evidence, was Alice,
daughter of John Crosland of Crosland near Almondbury in the West Riding.Her family's arms were quartered with Calvert arms by the second LordBaltimore, indicating that she was an heiress in her own right, having nobrothers. She died
early and Leonard remarried. This is supported by the record of theYorkshire High Commission showing that Leonard Calvert and wife "GRACE"in 1592 were summoned by the Commission to answer charges of religiousnonconformity.
Grace Crosland is the daughter of Thomas, of Crosland Hill nearAlmondbury. She was baptized at Almondbury on Feb. 8, 1573, and could nothave been a mother in 1580. She is also mentioned in her father's willwho died in 1587. Any relationship has never been established, becausethere were so many Crosland's and Catholic records were not kept until1600. Couples were married privately and their children baptizedsurreptitiously by priests who traveled by night and hid by day. In theyears 1580 to 1594 Leonard and Grace were frequently pressed to conformto Anglican practice. Leonard submitted a
certificate that he had conformed and 2 yrs. later gave bond that he andhis wife (name not stated) would communicate within a given time. Thishappened several times and then the records are silent. He was eitherimprisoned or paid a
fine to be released. The next entry is dated Oct. 9, 1592 and states thathe will have no Catholic servants or Catholic teacher for his childrenand would buy a Book of Common Prayer, a Bible in English and acatechism, to lie open in his house "for everyone to read." His childrenwere to be put to school in York and not to leave without license fromthe Archbishop of York. Two of these children were George andChristopher, 10 and 12 years old. One of the relatives who appears inhistorical records is Ralph EWENS. He died without children in 1611. Inhis will he list his uncle, Leonard CALVERT and his wife, unnamed,
his grandmother, "Mistress Margerie CALVERT," his uncle and auntANTHWAITE, and his cousins George, Christopher and Samuel CALVERT.Another family allied with the CALVERTS were the SMITHSONS. George'ssister Dorothy married Christopher SMITHSON of Moulton, North Riding.Their daughter Grace married into the CONYERS family. Sons of Christopherand Grace SMITHSON were
named Leonard, Calvert and George. Guess I've written enough. Cousins,buy the book. It is worth the money. James W. Foster spent many years inEngland
and the Maryland Archives researching the Calvert family. Theinformation is well documented. BUY THE BOOK. Your Calvert Cousin, VickiK.
George Calvert
T. RADULPI EWENS. In the name of the ternall God my Creator of JesesChrist my redeemer and Savio and of that eternall sactifyinge Spirittproceedinge from both I raphe Ewens of Greyes Inne in the Countie ofMidd' Esquie' beinge in bodie weake but in sence aud memorie in allapparaunce perfect doe make this my last will and testament in writingeto remaine inviolable for ever. ............
Item whereas Samuell Calvert gent my cosen german siandes indebted untome in the some of Threescore poundes wth condicon for the payment offortie poundes or thereaboutes my will is that my Executrix shall withintenne dayes after demaund thereof made deliver the saide bonde and make agood and lawful estate thereof by p're of Attorney unto my cosen Mr.George Calvert to be by him disposed to theis uses (that is to saic)First uppon receipt of the saide some to repaie to the said SamuellCalvert as my legacie Twentie pounds of the said debte And the residuethereof to be bestowed uppon my twoe sisters and their children accordingto the discretion of the said George Calvert.
Item I give to my saide two sisters and their children by waie of addiconAll my apparell of doth stuffe and silke except my lynnen and my bestgownd wth my meawnge is my said Executrix shall keep and dispose. Item Igive to Raphe Grinsell my gocsonne Tenne poundes. Item I geve to bepicked and valued out of my printed bookes soe many as will amount to thesome of Twentie poundes to be given to the children of my sister Hartford& my sister Downes the same to be chosen and appointed by Mr DoctorLayfield and my cosen Mr George Calvert for wch paines to be taken by MrDoctor Layfield I give him as a remembraunce Twentie Shillinges to makehim a ringe with the word Memento.
I give unto the right honorable the Lord Stanhopp my late deere worthie,religious and honorable Master and friende a cupp of Five poundes wththis poesie Grati pignus. Item I geve to the right Hoble Ladie Stanhopemy late honorable Mris a Ringe of fortie shillinges wth this poesieMemento. Item I give to the Hoble knight Sr Charles Stanhope sonne to thesaid Lord Stanhope A ringe of Thirtie shillinges wth this poesie R. E.Famulista. Item I give to the twoe daughters of the Lord Stanhope toeither of them a ringe of twentie shillinges a peece wth this wordMemento.
Item I geve unto my cosen George Calvert a ringe of Fortie Shillinges wththis word Memento. Item I geve unto my cosen his wife a ringe of Twentieshillinges wth the same poesie. Item I geve unto my uncle Mr. LeonardCalvert a Ringe of fortie shillinges and to my Aunt his wife a ringe ofTwentie shillinges. And to my deere and lovinge grandmother Mrs MargerieCalvert a ringe of Fortye shillinges. And to my brother Richard's wife aringe of twentie shillinges. And to my neece their daughter a ringe ofTwenties shillinges. And to my cosen Christopher Calvert a ringe ofTwentie shillinges.
And to my Aunt Saulkeld my Aunt Barlowe my unckle and my Aunt Branthwaiteto ech of them Ringes of Twentie shillinges a peece. Item I geve to mycosen Mr. Robert Branthwaite and his wife to him a ringe of Fortieshillinges...
He had alvays an eye to business, so that there was hardly a foreignenterprise prosecuted in which he had not an interest, colonization beinga specialty with him. He was one of the original associaates of theVirginia Company, and continued so till 1620. In 1609 and 1614 he putmoney in the East India Company. In 1622 he was a member of the NewEngland Company. In 1620 he bought an extensive plantation inNewfoundland, and in 1623 he secured a charter for this, creating it aprovince, and giving him almost royal honors and prerogatives. Avalon,however, failing him in his expectations, he secured from King Charlesthe gift of a section of Virginia, extending also into North Carolina,and called Carolana; but finding he wouki have trouble in securing theactual possession he relinquished it. And then in the year 1632 we findhim obtaining the province of Maryland, though dying before the gift wasfinally completed.

[1758] [S375] From the book "George Calvert and Cecilius Calvert, Barons Baltimore of Baltimore" by Wm. Hand Browne, Dodd, Mead and Co

[1759] [S376] "George Calvert and Cecilius Calvert, Barons Baltimore of Baltimore" by Wm. Hand Browne, Dodd, Mead and Company, New Yor


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S. E. Cecil


ABT 1840 - ____

Father: Matthew Joseph Cecil
Mother: Angelina Hagen

                                                                       _Matthew Cissell _____+
                                                                      | (1706 - ....) m 1727 
                                               _John Baptist Cissell _|_Mary Thompson _______
                                              | (1737 - 1799) m 1773                         
                         _Matthew Cissell ____|
                        | (1775 - 1846) m 1795|
                        |                     |                        _John Baptist Brewer _+
                        |                     |                       | (1715 - 1790)        
                        |                     |_Susannah Ann Brewer __|_Elizabeth Goddard ___
                        |                       (1743 - 1799) m 1773                         
 _Matthew Joseph Cecil _|
| (1811 - 1865) m 1835  |
|                       |                                              ______________________
|                       |                                             |                      
|                       |                      _______________________|______________________
|                       |                     |                                              
|                       |_Sarah Howard _______|
|                         (1780 - 1837) m 1795|
|                                             |                        ______________________
|                                             |                       |                      
|                                             |_______________________|______________________
|--S. E. Cecil 
|  (1840 - ....)
|                                                                      ______________________
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|                       |                     |
|                       |                     |                        ______________________
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|                       |                     |_______________________|______________________
|                       |                                                                    
|_Angelina Hagen _______|
  (1819 - ....) m 1835  |
                        |                                              ______________________
                        |                                             |                      
                        |                      _______________________|______________________
                        |                     |                                              
                                              |                        ______________________
                                              |                       |                      


[29566] [S338] GEDCOM File : Thomas Mattingly II


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Emeline De Longespee

[4285] [4286] [4287]

ABT 1250 - 1291

Father: Stephen de Longespee
Mother: Emeline de Ridelisford (Riddesford)

Family 1 : Maurice FitzMaurice
  1. +Juliana FitzMaurice FitzGerald
  2.  Annabelle Fitzmaurice FitzGerald
  3.  Gerald Fitzmaurice FitzGerald

                                                                                                    _Geoffrey V The Fair, Plantagenet ____+
                                                                                                   | (1113 - 1151) m 1128                 
                                                                _Henry II Plantagenet Of England___|_Empress Matilda Lady O Fthe English _
                                                               | (1133 - 1189)                       (1904 - 1167)                        
                                        _William de Longespee _|
                                       | (1152 - ....) m 1200  |
                                       |                       |                                    _Walter I Fitzrichard De Clifford ____+
                                       |                       |                                   | (1115 - 1190) m 1135                 
                                       |                       |_Rosamund (Joan) De Clifford ______|_Margaret de Toeni ___________________
                                       |                         (.... - 1176)                       (1109 - 1185)                        
 _Stephen de Longespee ________________|
| (1210 - 1275) m 1244                 |
|                                      |                                                            _Patrick De Salisbury ________________+
|                                      |                                                           | (1120 - 1168) m 1152                 
|                                      |                        _William FitzPatrick De Salisbury _|_Ela (or Adelia), de Talvace Talvas __
|                                      |                       | (1154 - 1196)                       (1120 - 1174)                        
|                                      |_Ela Fitzpatrick ______|
|                                        (1180 - 1261) m 1200  |
|                                                              |                                    ______________________________________
|                                                              |                                   |                                      
|                                                              |_Eleanor "Alianore" de Vitre ______|______________________________________
|                                                                (1158 - 1232)                                                            
|--Emeline De Longespee 
|  (1250 - 1291)
|                                                                                                   ______________________________________
|                                                                                                  |                                      
|                                                               ___________________________________|______________________________________
|                                                              |                                                                          
|                                       _______________________|
|                                      |                       |
|                                      |                       |                                    ______________________________________
|                                      |                       |                                   |                                      
|                                      |                       |___________________________________|______________________________________
|                                      |                                                                                                  
|_Emeline de Ridelisford (Riddesford) _|
  (1220 - 1276) m 1244                 |
                                       |                                                            ______________________________________
                                       |                                                           |                                      
                                       |                        ___________________________________|______________________________________
                                       |                       |                                                                          
                                                               |                                    ______________________________________
                                                               |                                   |                                      


[4285] [S228] Susan Cary

[4286] [S228] Susan Cary

[4287] [S166] Sharon Bearce


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Benjamin Mendenhall


14 Apr 1662 - 13 Apr 1740

Father: Thomas Mildenhall
Mother: Joane Strode

Family 1 : Ann Pennell
  1.  Ann (I) Mendenhall
  2. +Benjamin Mendenhall
  3.  Joseph Mendenhall
  4. +Moses Mendenhall
  5.  Hannah Mendenhall
  6.  Samuel Mendenhall
  7.  Rebecca Mendenhall
  8. +Ann Mendenhall
  9.  Nathan Mendenhall
  10. +Robert Mendenhall

                       _Thomas Mildenhall __|
                      | (1590 - 1673)       |
                      |                     |                      ______________________
                      |                     |                     |                      
                      |                     |_____________________|______________________
 _Thomas Mildenhall __|
| (1633 - 1682) m 1649|
|                     |                                            ______________________
|                     |                                           |                      
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|                     |_____________________|
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|                                           |                      ______________________
|                                           |                     |                      
|                                           |_____________________|______________________
|--Benjamin Mendenhall 
|  (1662 - 1740)
|                                                                  _Edward Strode _______+
|                                                                 | (1515 - 1555) m 1547 
|                                            _William Strode _____|_Alice Whiting _______
|                                           | (1555 - 1592) m 1580  (1517 - 1593)        
|                      _William Strode Jr.__|
|                     | (1589 - 1666)       |
|                     |                     |                      _Geoffrey Upton ______+
|                     |                     |                     | (1511 - 1583) m 1550 
|                     |                     |_Elizabeth Upton ____|_Mary Hone ___________
|                     |                       (1556 - 1629) m 1580  (1520 - ....)        
|_Joane Strode _______|
  (1635 - 1682) m 1649|
                      |                                            _Edward Barnard ______+
                      |                                           | (1555 - ....) m 1579 
                      |                      _Edward Barnard _____|_Christian Whitcombe _
                      |                     | (1585 - 1641) m 1606  (1560 - ....)        
                      |_Joane Barnard ______|
                        (1607 - 1649)       |
                                            |                      _John Smithes ________+
                                            |                     | (1551 - 1626) m 1588 
                                            |_Jane Smithes _______|_Joan Bickombe _______
                                              (1590 - 1658) m 1606  (1570 - ....)        


[1009] Benjamin emigrated to America in 1682 with William Penn along with brothers
John and Moses and sister Mary. He settled in Chester County, Pennsylvania,
where his Will is recorded. Records indicate that he was a wheelwright and
in 1714 was a member of the Provincial Assembly of Pennsylvania.

[1007] [S134] FGS from Thomas A. Valentine, Roswell, Georgia FGS from W. Dean Leonard, San Jose, California

[1008] [S134] FGS from Thomas A. Valentine, Roswell, Georgia FGS from W. Dean Leonard, San Jose, California

[34267] [S134] FGS from Thomas A. Valentine, Roswell, Georgia FGS from W. Dean Leonard, San Jose, California


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Samuel E Sawyer

ABT 1865 - ____

Father: Joseph H Sawyer
Mother: Parmelia J (Pancey) Unknown

                                                      _James Sawyer _______|_____________________
                                                     | (1784 - 1850) m 1804                      
                                _Thomas D Sawyer ____|
                               | (1815 - 1894) m 1839|
                               |                     |                      _Michael Henderson __+
                               |                     |                     | (1752 - 1850) m 1775
                               |                     |_Hannah Henderson ___|_Hannah Barnett _____
                               |                       (1785 - 1870) m 1804  (1755 - 1849)       
 _Joseph H Sawyer _____________|
| (1841 - 1920) m 1863         |
|                              |                                            _____________________
|                              |                                           |                     
|                              |                      _____________________|_____________________
|                              |                     |                                           
|                              |_Adeline A Stokes ___|
|                                (1813 - 1893) m 1839|
|                                                    |                      _____________________
|                                                    |                     |                     
|                                                    |_____________________|_____________________
|--Samuel E Sawyer 
|  (1865 - ....)
|                                                                           _____________________
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|                               _____________________|
|                              |                     |
|                              |                     |                      _____________________
|                              |                     |                     |                     
|                              |                     |_____________________|_____________________
|                              |                                                                 
|_Parmelia J (Pancey) Unknown _|
  (1844 - 1875) m 1863         |
                               |                                            _____________________
                               |                                           |                     
                               |                      _____________________|_____________________
                               |                     |                                           
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