_______________________________ | ________________________________________|_______________________________ | _Gilbert de Gaunt ___________________| | (1048 - 1094) m 1071 | | | _______________________________ | | | | |________________________________________|_______________________________ | _Hugh de Montfort ____| | (1078 - ....) | | | _______________________________ | | | | | ________________________________________|_______________________________ | | | | |_Alice de Montfort __________________| | (1050 - ....) m 1071 | | | _______________________________ | | | | |________________________________________|_______________________________ | | |--Thurstane de Montfort | (1133 - 1187) | _______________________________ | | | _Roger De Beaumont Seigneur Of Beaumont_|_______________________________ | | (.... - 1094) | _Robert De Beaumont Of Meulan________| | | (.... - 1118) m 1096 | | | | _Waleran III, Count of Meulan _+ | | | | (.... - 1069) | | |_Adeline De Meulan _____________________|_Oda de Conteville ____________ | | (0994 - 1088) |_Adeline De Beaumont _| | | _HENRY I Capet King Of France__+ | | (1008 - 1060) | _Hugh "The Great" Magnus de Crepi ______|_Anna of Kiev _________________ | | (1057 - 1102) m 1064 (1036 - 1075) |_Isabelle (Elisabeth) de Vermandois _| (1085 - 1131) m 1096 | | _Herbert IV de Vermandois _____ | | (1032 - 1080) m 1059 |_Adelaide de Vermandois ________________|_Adela de Vexin Of Valois _____ (1050 - ....) m 1064 (1032 - 1080)
______________________________ | _Peter Folger _______|______________________________ | m 1644 _Eleazer Folger Sr.__| | (1648 - 1716) m 1671| | | ______________________________ | | | | |_Mary Morrill _______|______________________________ | m 1644 _Peter Folger _______| | (1674 - 1707) | | | _Thomas Gardner ______________+ | | | (1592 - 1674) m 1616 | | _Richard Gardner Sr._|_Margaret Frier ______________ | | | (1623 - 1688) (1594 - 1659) | |_Sarah Gardner ______| | m 1671 | | | _Samuel Shattuck _____________ | | | | |_Sarah Shattuck _____|______________________________ | (.... - 1724) | |--Daniel Folger | (1701 - ....) | _Peter Coffin ________________ | | (.... - 1627) | _Tristram Coffin Sr._|_Joan Thember ________________ | | (1605 - 1681) | _Stephen Coffin Sr.__| | | (1652 - 1734) | | | | _Robert Stevans Esq.__________ | | | | | | |_Dionis Stevens _____|______________________________ | | |_Judith Coffin ______| (.... - 1760) | | _Quilluame William Bon Coeur _+ | | (1600 - ....) m 1620 | _George Bunker Sr.___|_Joanne Unknown ______________ | | (.... - 1658) (1592 - ....) |_Mary Bunker ________| (1652 - 1724) | | _Thomas Godfrey ______________ | | m 1629 |_Jane Godfrey _______|_Elizabeth Meade _____________ (1624 - 1662)
[23206] Lost at sea.
Sullivan County Indiana Cemetery Records
Sullivan County Indiana Cemetery Records
Sullivan County Indiana Cemetery Records
_ROLLO " Rolf the Ganger " Ragnvaldsson ___+ | (0870 - 0931) m 0886 _William I Longsword Normandy ___________________|_Poppa De Valois Of Normandy_______________ | (.... - 0942) _Richard I The Fearless Count Of Normandy _| | (0933 - 0996) | | | _Herbert I Count Of Senlis ________________+ | | | (0849 - ....) | |_Sprota Of Senlis _______________________________|_Beatrice (Bertha) De Paris De Morvois ____ | (0862 - ....) _Richard II Normandy Duke Of Normandy _| | (.... - 1026) | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | | _Herfastus (or Herbastus) de Crepon _____________|___________________________________________ | | | | |_Gunner Of Crêpon ________________________| | (.... - 1031) | | | ___________________________________________ | | | | |_Cyrid Unknown __________________________________|___________________________________________ | | |--Richard Normandy III, Duke Of Normandy | (.... - 1035) | _Paskwitan Count de Rennes ________________+ | | (0875 - 0930) | _Jubel Juhel Berenger ___________________________|_Unknown de Bayeaux _______________________ | | (.... - 0970) (0880 - ....) | _Conan Le Tort I Duke Of Bretagne _________| | | (0937 - 0992) m 0980 | | | | _Henry I, Duke of Saxony, King of Germany _+ | | | | (0876 - 0936) m 0909 | | |_GERBERG "Abbess" de Saxony _____________________|_Mathilde of Ringelheim ___________________ | | (0913 - 0984) (0877 - 0968) |_Judith Of Brittany ___________________| (0982 - 1017) | | _Foulques II "Le Bon" Comte D'anjou _______+ | | (0909 - 0958) | _GEOFFREY I Grisconelle "Grisegonnelle" D'Anjou _|_Gerberge (Gerberga) Du Maine _____________ | | (0958 - 0987) (0913 - ....) |_Ermengarde Irmgard D'Anjou _______________| (0952 - 0992) m 0980 | | _Robert Of Meux Of Troyes Vermandois ______+ | | (0920 - ....) |_Adelaide De Vermandois _________________________|_ADELAIDE De Challons, Burgundy ___________ (.... - 0976) (0905 - 0987)
Robert contributed to the restoration of Henry King of France to his throne, and received from the gratitude of that monarch, the Vexin, as an additional to his patrimonial domains. In the 8th year of his reign, curiosity or devotion induced him to undertake a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, where the fatiges of the journey and the heat of the climate so impaired his consitution he died on his way home.
Some sources call him Robert I the Magnificent!
Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, maintained by Brian Tompset, University
Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, maintained by Brian Tompset, University
________________________ | _Arthur Thompson ____|________________________ | (1628 - 1701) m 1660 _Robert Thompson ____| | (1663 - 1697) m 1685| | | _John Baptist Carberry _ | | | | |_Susanna Carberry ___|_Elizabeth Barber ______ | (1638 - 1710) m 1660 _George Thompson ____| | (1690 - 1749) m 1709| | | _Martin French _________ | | | | | _James French _______|________________________ | | | (1650 - ....) | |_Mary French ________| | (1670 - 1724) m 1685| | | _William Meekin ________ | | | (.... - 1695) | |_Elizabeth Meekin ___|_Margaret Beard ________ | | |--Robert Thompson | (1720 - 1807) | _Richard Medley ________ | | (1577 - ....) m 1600 | _John Medley ________|_Susannah Rhodes _______ | | (1615 - 1676) m 1642 | _William Medley _____| | | (1650 - ....) m 1674| | | | _William Thompson ______ | | | | (1597 - 1648) m 1636 | | |_Elizabeth Thompson _|_Anne Unknown __________ | | m 1642 (.... - 1667) |_Rebecca Medley _____| (1682 - 1743) m 1709| | ________________________ | | | _George Reynolds ____|________________________ | | |_Ann Reynolds _______| (1650 - 1696) m 1674| | ________________________ | | |_Dorothy Unknown ____|________________________
1790 Census shows 2 males over 16 and 1 female over 16
Robert THOMPSON and Clement HAYDEN, his nephew, were sureties for theadministration of the estate of George HAYDEN in 1756.
Will of Robert Thompson, Sept 14, 1804. Copied from the Hall of records,Annapolis, Maryland. Liber JJ #3 folio 137.
"I give and bequeath unto my son Charles Thompson all that part or parcelof land which I purchased of John Baptist Thompson being part of a tractof land called Scotland, bounded and running agreeable to the bounds andcourses which appears at large in a deed which said John Baptist Thompsongave me of the same---All the said land after the death of my wifeElizabeth (except what may be included by a certain marsh herein aftermore particularly described) to him and his heirs and of signsforever---also I give and bequeath unto my son Bennett Thompson his heirsand of signs forever all the tract or parcel of land whereon I now livewhich was conveyed to me by George Thompson and William Thompson beingpart of a tract of land called "Rocky Point" and called in their deed ofconveyance ("The Brothers Sat") Brothers Sal together with all the righttittle interest or claim which said deed hath invested me with to anyland or lands whatever. The said land to include the whole of a certainMarsh or Branch lying on the North side thereof up to the road that leadsto Newtown and it is my meaning that he may said son Bennett or his heirsmay run a fence from the beginning boundary of the land of Scotlandstanding at the side of a branch of a creek called St. Mathias Creek,along the edge of said Marsh or branch so as to include the same asentirely aforesaid---Also I give and bequeath unto my son James Thompsonthe sum of 100 lbs current money of Maryland to be raised and levied outof my personal Estate after the death of my wife Elizabeth----Also I giveand bequeath unto my son Ignatius Thompson the sum of 5 shillings currentmoney---I give and bequeath unto my daughter Susanna Lee the sum of 5shillings current money-I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Greenwellthe sum of 5 shillings current money-I give and bequeath to daughterEleanor Hall's son, William Nottingham, the sum of 10 lbs current money.I give and bequeath to my grandson, Hugh Hopewell, the sum of 10 lbscurrent money.
The same together with the aforesaid bequeath 10 lbs to William Nottingham
to be raised and levied out of my personal estate. Lastly I give and
bequeath unto my aforesaid son Bennett Thompson whom I constitute and
appoint sole Executor of this my last will and testament all the remaining
part of my estate whatsoever after the deceased of my wife, Elizabeth and
its my will and meaning that she shall possess and enjoy the whole of my
estate both real and personal during her natural life, in such manner asto
make no waste thereof further than necessary for sufficient support and
maintenance and after her decease to be distributed as above bequeathedand
so that my Negro Harry may be at liberty to choose his master at amoderate
and reasonable value---and I do hereby utterly revoke and annual all other
wills or bequests made by me in any former will acknowledge this and no
other to be my last will and testament. In witness thereof I havehereunto
sat my hand and seal this 14th day of September 1804
Joseph Marman
Thomas Maryman
Ethilbert Cecil
Robert Died January 15th, 1807
Robert Thompson of St. Mary's county Maryland took the Oath of
Fidelity and support to the state of Maryland before Richard Barnes,
as certified by Richard Barnes at Leonardstown, MD on March 2, 1778.
The Oaths of Allegiance for SMC. MD., in Special publication of the
National Genealogical society, NO. 15, Washington DC 1957,as taken
from the J. Thomas Scharf collection, deposited in the Maryland
Historical society. Robert Thompson name appears on page 2. The
tittle of the Publication NO. 15 is "Special Aids to Genealogical
Research on Southern Families" This reference can also be found in
"National Genealogical Society Quarterly Vol.. XLI., NO. 3 Sept 1953
pg. 70. Also in Book "Catholic Families of Southern Maryland" by
Timothy J. O'Rourke, pg 81 list both Robert Thompson and Athanatius
Thompson as those who took the Oath from SMC. MD. (also listed is
several other Thompson's. Athanatius would be the son of this Robert)
Information gained by the DAR report tells us that Elizabeth Thompson
wife of Robert died after 1804 (as she is mentioned in her husbands
Bennett Thompson son of Robert died after April 9th 1835 (this is from
the will date) that his wife unknown died before 1835 as she is NOT mentioned in Bennetts
Thomas Thompson son of Bennett was born abt. 1795 SMC. MD (age 21 when
married) died before Dec 30, 1833 (estate records) and his wife Maria
Peacock b. abt 1800 died prior to 12/30 1833 (not mentioned in estate
records) married 5/1/1816 taken from (Maryland marriage records Vol 1,
pg 405).
Charley More CharleyMoore@cs.com from will
Paul Tobler tobler@omniglobal.net
Terri McConaughy at mccon@n-connect.net
Donelly, probate records JJ#3:137
Randy Dunavan [randyd@texramp.net]