_____________________ | _Thomas Cromwell ____|_____________________ | (1485 - 1540) m 1513 _Gregory Cromwell _____| | (1514 - 1551) m 1537 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth Wykes ____|_____________________ | (1489 - 1527) m 1513 _Henry Cromwell _____| | (1538 - 1604) m 1560| | | _John Seymour III____+ | | | (1450 - 1491) | | _John Seymour IV_____|_Elizabeth Darrell __ | | | (1476 - 1536) (1454 - ....) | |_Elizabeth Seymour ____| | (1511 - 1552) m 1537 | | | _Henry Wentworth ____+ | | | (.... - 1500) m 1476 | |_Margaret Wentworth _|_Anne De Saye _______ | (1474 - 1550) (1448 - ....) | |--Frances Cromwell | | _John Paulet ________+ | | (1452 - 1525) | _William Paulet _____|_Alice Paulet _______ | | (1484 - 1572) (1456 - ....) | _John Paulet __________| | | (1510 - 1576) m 1528 | | | | _William Capell _____+ | | | | (1428 - 1515) | | |_Elizabeth Capel ____|_Margaret Arundel ___ | | (1480 - 1558) (1464 - 1519) |_Mary Paulet ________| (1542 - 1592) m 1560| | _Robert Willoughby __ | | (1450 - 1502) m 1472 | _Robert Willoughby __|_Blanche Champernon _ | | (1473 - 1521) (1452 - 1476) |_Elizabeth Willoughby _| (1514 - 1552) m 1528 | | _Thomas Grey ________+ | | (1451 - 1501) m 1474 |_Dorothy Grey _______|_Cicely Bonville ____ (1480 - 1552) (1461 - 1530)
[Plantagenet Descent]
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Descendant of.....
[Plantagenet Descent]
_William Montgomery _____________________________ | (0950 - 0994) _Hugh Montgomery _____________________|_Sibell De Crepon _______________________________ | (0975 - 1056) m 0999 (0952 - ....) _Roger De Montgomery _______________________| | (1005 - 1094) m 1030 | | | _Tourude Turchetil De Harcourt __________________+ | | | (0951 - 1027) m 0979 | |_Josceline de Ponteaudemer ___________|_Wevia Avelina (Duvelina) FitzRichard de Crepon _ | (0980 - 1068) m 0999 (0948 - ....) _Roger "the Poitevin" De Montgomery _| | (1054 - 1123) m 1074 | | | _William De Belleme _____________________________+ | | | (0960 - 1026) m 0989 | | _Guillaume I D' Alencon ______________|_MATHILDE (Maud) Of Conde-Sur-Noirau ____________ | | | m 1015 (0975 - 1024) | |_Mabel de Talvas De Alencon ________________| | (1005 - ....) m 1030 | | | _Arnulf Raoul II De Beaumont Vicomte du Mayenne__+ | | | (.... - 1013) | |_Hildeburge (Bildeburge) De Beaumont _|_Erminsinde Erembruga De Montreveau _____________ | (.... - 1067) m 1015 (0965 - ....) | |--Avice De Lancaster | (1095 - 1149) | _________________________________________________ | | | ______________________________________|_________________________________________________ | | | _Alberic (Adalbert) III Count de la Marche _| | | | | | | _________________________________________________ | | | | | | |______________________________________|_________________________________________________ | | |_Ademonde (Almodis) de la Marche ____| (1055 - 1116) m 1074 | | _________________________________________________ | | | ______________________________________|_________________________________________________ | | |_Ponce of France ___________________________| | | _________________________________________________ | | |______________________________________|_________________________________________________
Sources: Falaise Roll, page 49; Kraentzler 1310; Ancestral File. AF: Avice de Lancaster, daughter of Roger de Montgomery. Birthdates from1054 to 1088 in different records; also source of death date. Probably allguesses. K:
Had Adelina _________ and William I as parents of Margaret. AF had William II and Avicede Lancaster as her parents. Think K. left out a generation, as did Falaise Roll, see below, with the Williams combined and the Adelinas/Advices combined. Roll: Adelina de Lancaster, reported to have been a daughter of Roger de Poitou, son of Roger de Montgomery, sometimes called earl of Lancaster. [Connection of Avice to Roger Montgomery II and wife Ademonde de la Marche was on the Ancestral File. Roger II was not the son of a Roger. Falaise Roll err? Is Avice the daughter of Robert de Pontieu, son of Roger Montgomery II? Dates indicate another generation needed here.]
______________________ | _____________________|______________________ | _____________________| | | | | ______________________ | | | | |_____________________|______________________ | _Benjamin Logan __________| | (1869 - ....) m 1890 | | | ______________________ | | | | | _____________________|______________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | ______________________ | | | | |_____________________|______________________ | | |--Mary Logan | (1895 - ....) | _James Sawyer ________ | | (1784 - 1850) m 1804 | _William J Sawyer ___|_Hannah Henderson ____ | | (1805 - 1886) m 1826 (1785 - 1870) | _John W Sawyer ______| | | (1840 - 1887) m 1859| | | | _Benjamin Sawyer _____ | | | | (1776 - 1875) m 1800 | | |_Lucinda Sawyer _____|_Elizabeth Henderson _ | | (1805 - 1849) m 1826 (1783 - 1845) |_Rebecca Florence Sawyer _| (1870 - 1938) m 1890 | | ______________________ | | | _John Maben _________|______________________ | | (1796 - 1881) m 1819 |_Nancy Mahala Maben _| (1833 - 1907) m 1859| | _Michael Henderson ___+ | | (1752 - 1850) m 1775 |_Nancy Henderson ____|_Hannah Barnett ______ (1801 - 1881) m 1819 (1755 - 1849)
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _John Munro _________| | (1535 - ....) m 1553| | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Euphemia Munro | (1553 - ....) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Margaret Munro _____| (1535 - ....) m 1553| | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
[20580] This individual was found on GenCircles at: http://www.gencircles.com/users/tmcarter/1/data/6 5764029
_Hans Ryeff _________ | (1528 - ....) _Jacob Ryeff ________|_Elsi Unknown _______ | (1565 - ....) (1530 - ....) _Jagli Jacob Reiff ___| | (1590 - 1633) m 1612 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Anna Buman _________|_____________________ | (1565 - ....) _Hans Heinrich Reiff _| | (1621 - 1689) | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Annali Tanner _______| | (1592 - 1650) m 1612 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Joseph Reiff | (1657 - 1720) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _Jorg Hitz ___________| | | (1590 - 1650) | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Anna Hitz ___________| (1617 - 1690) | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Elsbeth Oberholtzer _| (1590 - 1650) | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
_Richard Wingfield __+ | _Edward Wingfield __________________|_Honora O'Brien _____ | (.... - 1638) _Lewis Wingfield _______________________| | (.... - 1673) | | | _Edward Cromwell ____+ | | | (1560 - 1607) m 1593 | |_Anne Cromwell _____________________|_Frances Rugge ______ | (.... - 1636) (1562 - 1631) _Edward Wingfield ___| | (.... - 1727) | | | _____________________ | | | | | _Paul Gore, 1st Bart of Manor Gore _|_____________________ | | | (.... - 1629) | |_Sidney Gore ___________________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Isabella Wickliffe ________________|_____________________ | | |--Isabella Wingfield | (.... - 1764) | _____________________ | | | _Paul Gore, 1st Bart of Manor Gore _|_____________________ | | (.... - 1629) | _Arthur Gore, 1st Bart of Newtown Gore _| | | (.... - 1697) | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Isabella Wickliffe ________________|_____________________ | | |_Eleanor Gore _______| | | _Richard St. George _ | | (1555 - 1635) | _George St. George _________________|_Elizabeth St. John _ | | (1583 - 1660) (1566 - ....) |_Eleanor St. George ____________________| | | _Richard Gifford ____+ | | |_Katherine Gifford _________________|_Mary Duke __________ (1600 - ....)
[Plantagenet Descent]
Descendant of.....
Descendant of.....
Gedcom File provided by
[Plantagenet Descent]