

____ - ____

Family 1 : Living


[9410] living - details excluded


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James Samuel Ashmore

[510] [511]

4 Nov 1742 - 1802

Father: Richard Ashmore
Mother: Margery Lindley

Family 1 : Elizabeth Balch
  1.  Hezekiah Ashmore
  2.  Joshua Bloomer Ashmore
  3.  Rhoda Ashmore
  4.  Elizabeth Ashmore
  5.  James Ashmore , Jr.
  6.  Hannah Ashmore
  7.  Samuel Clabourn Ashmore
  8. +Margaret (Peggy) Ashmore
  9.  William Ashmore
  10.  Amos B Ashmore

                                                                   _Unknown Ashmore ____
                                             _John Ashmore _______|_____________________
                                            | (1613 - 1675)                             
                       _John Ashmore _______|
                      | (1655 - ....)       |
                      |                     |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     |                     
                      |                     |_____________________|_____________________
 _Richard Ashmore ____|
| (1707 - 1747) m 1736|
|                     |                                            _Thomas Purnell _____+
|                     |                                           | (1613 - 1694) m 1655
|                     |                      _John Purnell _______|_Elizabeth Dorman ___
|                     |                     | (1654 - 1743) m 1694  (1635 - 1694)       
|                     |_Mary Purnell _______|
|                       (1690 - 1748)       |
|                                           |                      _John Smith _________+
|                                           |                     | (1620 - 1677) m 1667
|                                           |_Director Smith _____|_Joyce Unknown ______
|                                             (1662 - 1694) m 1694  (1635 - ....)       
|--James Samuel Ashmore 
|  (1742 - 1802)
|                                                                  _____________________
|                                                                 |                     
|                                            _John Lindley _______|_____________________
|                                           | (1615 - 1641)                             
|                      _James Lindley ______|
|                     | (1641 - 1714) m 1669|
|                     |                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     |                     
|                     |                     |_Alice Lindley ______|_____________________
|                     |                       (1628 - 1645)                             
|_Margery Lindley ____|
  (1712 - ....) m 1736|
                      |                                            _____________________
                      |                                           |                     
                      |                      _Thomas Walsmith ____|_____________________
                      |                     | (1625 - ....)                             
                      |_Alice Walsmith _____|
                        (1644 - 1691) m 1669|
                                            |                      _____________________
                                            |                     |                     
                                            |_Unknown Walsmith ___|_____________________
                                              (1620 - ....)                             


[510] There is increasing evidence that James Ashmore was not the son of Walter Ashmore but instead the son of Walter's brother Richard Ashmore. Mary Sewell and Grover Pope seem to have a good handle on this story and pretty well proved it.

Apparently, James owned property which straddled the NC/SC border. At least some of his sons --William, Samuel, and Amos, left TN, and went to GA and AL, returned to TN, then left for KY, and then IL.


James Ashmore, along with Joshua Hadley (according to the author of "Sketches of Western North Carolina Historical and Biographical" by Cyrus L. Hunter states that James Ashmore and Joshua Hadley were half brothers), Robert Caruthers, Robert Davis, Benjamin Cochran, John White, James White, William White, Jun., (brothers) and William White (cousin) son of widow White, were involved in destroying the ammunition on May 2, 1771. The information can be found in the Colonial Records of North Carolina Vol. 9 and the London Rolls. The group became known as the "Black Boyys of Cabarrus", protesting the unreasonable taxas being imposed upon the people. They sought relief from Governor, but getting no help, burned a gunpowder train that was on it's way to General Waddell, which was to be used against them. Ashmore gave a deposition asking for a pardon for the above nine men 22 June 1771. Council meeting 27 Novwember 1771 request for pardon sent to His Majesty.


About 1763, the citizens of western North Carolina in the Hillsborough District, heretofore peaceful and happy, began to feel " basic economis, social, and religious differences of the East (NC), which promoted sectional rivalry and conflict." )Lefler, Orange County 1752-1952). The principal conflict centered upon the domination of the Eastern planter aristocracy and the lack of representation in the government branches. Those who resisted the official extortion and inequitable taxes came to be known as 'Regulators", 1767-1771, declaring their own war with many acts of mischief and defiance. Walter Ashmore had signed a protest as early as 1768 (NC Colonial Records v. 7 page 935)

James Ashmore's official part in the War of the Regulators may be found in the North Carolina Colonial Records vol. 8 pp 622-623.

James Ashmore's Testimony

June 22, 1771: James Ashmore swears before Thos. Polk as follows: "North Carolina, Mecklenburg County. The deposition of James Ashmore, of full age, who being voluntarily sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almight God, voluntarily deposith and saith that he, this deponent, with a number of other persons, was convened at Andrew Logan's old plantation in consequence of an advertisement (set up by one James McCaul as it was said), when and where this Deponent was accosted by one James White, Junior, to know whether this Deponent thought it any harm to burn the powder then carrying through the county aforesaid, to the army then under the command of General Hugh Waddell, to which this deponent made answer that according to the reports pasing that of the Governor and his officers, that he did not think the bare burning of the powder any harm, and that then this deponent went home, and the day following, between the hours of ten and eleven o'clock in the forenoon, the deponent quit work on his plantation and went to look for his horses. When agout three-quarters of a mile from his house, this deponent was met by six men, disguised, in the road, whpo in appearance resembled Indians, but after some persuasion, consented consented in part and then went home with his horses and after returned with Joshua Hadley to a place about half a mile from this deponents house, where were assembled with himself nine persons, to- wit., James White, Junior, John White, Junior, William White, Robert Caruthers, Robert Davis, Benjamin Cochran, Joshua Hadley, and William White, son of sidow White, who all went thence disguised to Captain Phifer's old muster ground where they found and stopped the waggons and enquired for the powderthat was carrying to General Waddell. When in the waggon belonging to Col. Alexander they found the powderand took it out of the waggons, broke open the hogsheads and kegs that contained the powder, and set the same on fire and destroyed some blankets, leggins, kettles, and other things, and then dispersed soon after, having at this deponent first joining of them sworn him to secrecy as they informed who they all before, and further his deponent sayeth not.

James Ashmore's activity was pardoned at the New Bern Council on 27 November 1771 by Governor Tryon. James left the plitical hotbed; on 25 September 1771 James and Elizabeth sold their land to Hezekiah James Balch and moved to Georgia. On 7 June 1774 James and Elizabeth receive a land grant of 159 acres in St. Paul's Parish ( Georgia Folio 1077). On 1 February 1775 James and Elizabeth of Mecklenburg, North Carolina deed the St. Paul's Parish land to Robert Nielson and the money was received for them by Francis Ashmore.

Miscellaneous Ashmore/Hadley/Lindley/ Information

The will of Thomas Lindley, Orange County, North Carolina, probated 1782. Sons: William Jonathon, Thomas, John and (Jas. deceased). Daughters Katherine White, Ruth Hadley (wife of Joshua Hadley), Elinor Morris and Deborah Newlin.

The will of William Lindley, Orange County, North Carolina, probated 1784. Wife Mary, sons William, Thjomas and Samuel (all under 21 years), Daughters Ruth and Mary (under 18 years), Witness, Joshua Hadley, His brothers Jonathon and Thomas Lindley.

William Ashmore born 1766 and his wife Mary Hadden named their child William Lindlcy.

Joshua Hadley, Senior, will 1815 Book A page 271, Chatham County, North Carolina, Walter Ashmore is mentioned in Joshua Hadley's will.

[511] [S817] Ron Custer


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Anne Booth


EST 1490-1500 - ____

Father: William Booth

                                                                      _Robert Booth ___________+
                                                                     | (1384 - 1460) m 1409    
                                                _William Booth ______|_Dulcia Venables ________
                                               | (1420 - 1478) m 1444  (1393 - 1463)           
                       _George Booth __________|
                      | (1440 - 1483) m 1465   |
                      |                        |                      _________________________
                      |                        |                     |                         
                      |                        |_Maud Dutton ________|_________________________
                      |                          (1427 - 1505) m 1444                          
 _William Booth ______|
| (.... - 1519)       |
|                     |                                               _Baldwin II de Montfort _+
|                     |                                              | (1400 - 1475)           
|                     |                         _Robert de Montfort _|_Joanna Vernon __________
|                     |                        | (1430 - ....)         (1402 - ....)           
|                     |_Katherine de Montfort _|
|                       (1441 - 1483) m 1465   |
|                                              |                      _________________________
|                                              |                     |                         
|                                              |_Mary Stapleton _____|_________________________
|                                                (1434 - ....)                                 
|--Anne Booth 
|                                                                     _________________________
|                                                                    |                         
|                                               _____________________|_________________________
|                                              |                                               
|                      ________________________|
|                     |                        |
|                     |                        |                      _________________________
|                     |                        |                     |                         
|                     |                        |_____________________|_________________________
|                     |                                                                        
                      |                                               _________________________
                      |                                              |                         
                      |                         _____________________|_________________________
                      |                        |                                               
                                               |                      _________________________
                                               |                     |                         


[26119] [S166] Sharon Bearce


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Edmund Cartledge

[1247] [1248]

6 Jan 1688 - ____

Father: Edmund Cartledge
Mother: Mary Need

Family 1 : Ann Richardson

                      |  |
                      |  |   __
                      |  |  |  
                      |  |__|__
 _Edmund Cartledge ___|
| (1659 - 1703) m 1681|
|                     |      __
|                     |     |  
|                     |   __|__
|                     |  |     
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |   __
|                        |  |  
|                        |__|__
|--Edmund Cartledge 
|  (1688 - ....)
|                            __
|                           |  
|                         __|__
|                        |     
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |   __
|                     |  |  |  
|                     |  |__|__
|                     |        
|_Mary Need __________|
  (1661 - ....) m 1681|
                      |      __
                      |     |  
                      |   __|__
                      |  |     
                         |   __
                         |  |  


[1247] [S158] Phillip Auth's genealogy info

[1248] [S158] Phillip Auth's genealogy info


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Isabel Countess Lennox


ABT 1368 - 1458

Family 1 : Murdach Stewart 2nd Duke of Albany, Earl of Fife and Menteith, Regent
  1. +James Sir Stewart
  2. +Walter Stewart of Lennox, Master of Fife


[3524] [S212] Theresa Gyorok


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Elizabeth D'evereaux


ABT 1454 - 1516

Father: Walter D'evereaux
Mother: Anne (Agnes) De Ferrers

Family 1 : Richard Corbet
  1. +Robert Corbet

                                                                                  _Walter D'evereaux ______+
                                                                                 | (.... - 1402) m 1387    
                                                  _Walter D'evereaux ____________|_Agnes Crophull _________
                                                 | (1387 - 1420) m 1408            (.... - 1435)           
                            _Walter D'evereaux __|
                           | (1411 - 1459) m 1420|
                           |                     |                                _Thomas Bromwich ________
                           |                     |                               | (1361 - ....)           
                           |                     |_Elizabeth "Maude" Bromwich ___|_Catherine Oldcastle ____
                           |                       (1390 - ....) m 1408            (1362 - ....)           
 _Walter D'evereaux _______|
| (1432 - 1485) m 1454     |
|                          |                                                      _________________________
|                          |                                                     |                         
|                          |                      _John Merbury _________________|_________________________
|                          |                     | (1378 - 1438)                                           
|                          |_Elizabeth Merbury __|
|                            (1415 - ....) m 1420|
|                                                |                                _________________________
|                                                |                               |                         
|                                                |_Alice Pembridge ______________|_________________________
|                                                  (1382 - ....)                                           
|--Elizabeth D'evereaux 
|  (1454 - 1516)
|                                                                                 _Robert De Ferrers ______+
|                                                                                | (1357 - ....)           
|                                                 _Edmund De Ferrers ____________|_Margaret Le Despenser __
|                                                | (1387 - 1435)                   (1365 - 1415)           
|                           _William De Ferrers _|
|                          | (1412 - 1450)       |
|                          |                     |                                _Thomas De La Roche _____
|                          |                     |                               | (1372 - ....)           
|                          |                     |_Helena (Eleanor) De La Roche _|_Elizabeth Of Berminham _
|                          |                       (1389 - 1440)                   (1370 - ....)           
|_Anne (Agnes) De Ferrers _|
  (1437 - ....) m 1454     |
                           |                                                      _Robert Belknap _________
                           |                                                     | (1368 - 1400)           
                           |                      _Hamon Belknap ________________|_________________________
                           |                     | (1394 - 1429)                                           
                           |_Elizabeth Belknap __|
                             (.... - 1471)       |
                                                 |                                _Thomas Le Boteler ______
                                                 |                               | (1354 - 1398)           
                                                 |_Joan Le Boteler ______________|_Alice De Beauchamp _____
                                                   (1394 - ....)                   (1365 - 1443)           


[13134] [S166] Sharon Bearce


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John Drummond


____ - ____

Father: Malcolm Drummond

Family 1 : Mary Montefichet
  1. +Annabelle Drummond
  2. +John Drummond of Cargill and Stobhall, Justiciar of Scotland

                                             _Malcolm Beg of Drummond______|_________________________
                       _Malcolm Drummond ___|
                      |                     |
                      |                     |                               _________________________
                      |                     |                              |                         
                      |                     |_Ada of Lennox _______________|_________________________
 _Malcolm Drummond ___|
| (1315 - 1346)       |
|                     |                                                     _David Graham of Dundaff_+
|                     |                                                    |                         
|                     |                      _Patrick Graham of Kincardine_|_________________________
|                     |                     |  m 1260                                                
|                     |_Unknown Graham _____|
|                       (1295 - ....)       |
|                                           |                               _________________________
|                                           |                              |                         
|                                           |_Annabella of Strathearn _____|_________________________
|                                              m 1260                                                
|--John Drummond 
|                                                                           _________________________
|                                                                          |                         
|                                            ______________________________|_________________________
|                                           |                                                        
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |                               _________________________
|                     |                     |                              |                         
|                     |                     |______________________________|_________________________
|                     |                                                                              
                      |                                                     _________________________
                      |                                                    |                         
                      |                      ______________________________|_________________________
                      |                     |                                                        
                                            |                               _________________________
                                            |                              |                         


[3246] [S207]


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William de Haya of Erroll

____ - ____

Father: William de Haya of Erroll
Mother: Juliana de Soulis

Family 1 : Eva de Petenalin
  1. +David de Haya of Erroll, Sheriff of Forfar

                            |  |
                            |  |   __
                            |  |  |  
                            |  |__|__
 _William de Haya of Erroll_|
|                           |
|                           |      __
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|                           |   __|__
|                           |  |     
|                           |__|
|                              |
|                              |   __
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|                              |__|__
|--William de Haya of Erroll 
|                                  __
|                                 |  
|                               __|__
|                              |     
|                            __|
|                           |  |
|                           |  |   __
|                           |  |  |  
|                           |  |__|__
|                           |        
|_ Juliana de Soulis _______|
                            |      __
                            |     |  
                            |   __|__
                            |  |     
                               |   __
                               |  |  



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Jane Garver

____ - ____

Family 1 : Jacob Auker



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Benjamin Kennedy


9 Apr 1734 - ____

Father: Robert Kennedy
Mother: Mary cady

Family 1 : Olive rude
  1. +Asa Kennedy

                                             _Hugh Kennedy _______|__
                                            | (1620 - 1685)          
                       _William Kennedy ____|
                      | (1657 - 1727)       |
                      |                     |                      __
                      |                     |                     |  
                      |                     |_Mary upton _________|__
                      |                       (1620 - 1687)          
 _Robert Kennedy _____|
| (1698 - 1783)       |
|                     |                                            __
|                     |                                           |  
|                     |                      _____________________|__
|                     |                     |                        
|                     |_Priscilla __________|
|                       (1634 - 1700)       |
|                                           |                      __
|                                           |                     |  
|                                           |_____________________|__
|--Benjamin Kennedy 
|  (1734 - ....)
|                                                                  __
|                                                                 |  
|                                            _____________________|__
|                                           |                        
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |                      __
|                     |                     |                     |  
|                     |                     |_____________________|__
|                     |                                              
|_Mary cady __________|
  (1704 - 1734)       |
                      |                                            __
                      |                                           |  
                      |                      _____________________|__
                      |                     |                        
                                            |                      __
                                            |                     |  


[33760] [S1130] Mike Powell Gedcom


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Rachel Paddock

1800 - ____

Father: Ebenezer Paddock
Mother: Keziah Case

                                                                     _Zacariah Paddock ___
                                                                    | (1635 - 1727) m 1712
                                              _Judah Paddock _______|_Deborah Sears ______
                                             | (1681 - 1770) m 1706   (1639 - 1732)       
                       _Rueben Paddock ______|
                      | (1707 - ....) m 1735 |
                      |                      |                       _David Alden ________+
                      |                      |                      | (1646 - 1719)       
                      |                      |_Alithea Alice Alden _|_Mary Southworth ____
                      |                        (1686 - 1774) m 1706   (1651 - 1719)       
 _Ebenezer Paddock ___|
| (1740 - 1830) m 1774|
|                     |                                              _____________________
|                     |                                             |                     
|                     |                       ______________________|_____________________
|                     |                      |                                            
|                     |_Rebecca Hand ________|
|                        m 1735              |
|                                            |                       _____________________
|                                            |                      |                     
|                                            |______________________|_____________________
|--Rachel Paddock 
|  (1800 - ....)
|                                                                    _____________________
|                                                                   |                     
|                                             ______________________|_____________________
|                                            |                                            
|                      _William Case Sr. Sr._|
|                     | (1716 - 1802) m 1741 |
|                     |                      |                       _____________________
|                     |                      |                      |                     
|                     |                      |______________________|_____________________
|                     |                                                                   
|_Keziah Case ________|
  (1755 - 1818) m 1774|
                      |                                              _____________________
                      |                                             |                     
                      |                       ______________________|_____________________
                      |                      |                                            
                      |_Marcey Osman ________|
                         m 1741              |
                                             |                       _____________________
                                             |                      |                     



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Nellie Fern Sawyer

17 Mar 1885 - 26 Mar 1963

Father: Samuel Henry Sawyer
Mother: Sarah Cordelia Sutton

Family 1 : John Cecil

                                                    _Benjamin Sawyer _____|_____________________
                                                   | (1776 - 1875) m 1800                       
                          _Theron Eusebius Sawyer _|
                         | (1814 - 1869) m 1836    |
                         |                         |                       _Michael Henderson __+
                         |                         |                      | (1752 - 1850) m 1775
                         |                         |_Elizabeth Henderson _|_Hannah Barnett _____
                         |                           (1783 - 1845) m 1800   (1755 - 1849)       
 _Samuel Henry Sawyer ___|
| (1854 - 1938) m 1882   |
|                        |                                                 _____________________
|                        |                                                |                     
|                        |                          ______________________|_____________________
|                        |                         |                                            
|                        |_Harriet Hannah Stokes __|
|                          (1814 - 1901) m 1836    |
|                                                  |                       _____________________
|                                                  |                      |                     
|                                                  |______________________|_____________________
|--Nellie Fern Sawyer 
|  (1885 - 1963)
|                                                                          _____________________
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|                         _________________________|
|                        |                         |
|                        |                         |                       _____________________
|                        |                         |                      |                     
|                        |                         |______________________|_____________________
|                        |                                                                      
|_Sarah Cordelia Sutton _|
  (1865 - 1937) m 1882   |
                         |                                                 _____________________
                         |                                                |                     
                         |                          ______________________|_____________________
                         |                         |                                            
                                                   |                       _____________________
                                                   |                      |                     



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