[15685] Founded Christ's College and St. John's College
[34616] _UID6F668270B505D511B01BB5D248919A396529
Acker, Casper Descendants
______________________________ | ___________________________|______________________________ | _________________________| | | | | ______________________________ | | | | |___________________________|______________________________ | _William Hershel Crawley ___| | m 1929 | | | ______________________________ | | | | | ___________________________|______________________________ | | | | |_________________________| | | | | ______________________________ | | | | |___________________________|______________________________ | | |--Vivian Ialene Crowley | | ______________________________ | | | ___________________________|______________________________ | | | _Lee Henry Lawrence _____| | | m 1904 | | | | ______________________________ | | | | | | |___________________________|______________________________ | | |_Bertha Elizabeth Lawrence _| (1908 - ....) m 1929 | | _James Newton M Sawyer _______+ | | (1826 - ....) m 1846 | _Harvey Washington Sawyer _|_Harriet Elizabeth Henderson _ | | (1857 - 1930) m 1881 (1823 - 1899) |_Drury Elizabeth Sawyer _| (1887 - 1967) m 1904 | | ______________________________ | | |_Mary Eliza McPhaill ______|______________________________ (1862 - 1925) m 1881
_____________________ | _____________________|_____________________ | _Thomas Edward French _____| | (1562 - 1611) m 1587 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _William French _____| | (1602 - 1681) m 1669| | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Anne (or Agnes) Olmstead _| | (1566 - 1623) m 1587 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Abigail French | (1673 - 1674) | _Thomas Lothrop _____+ | | (1536 - 1606) m 1574 | _John Lothrop _______|_Mary Howell ________ | | (1584 - 1653) m 1610 (1540 - 1587) | _Thomas Lothrop ___________| | | (1612 - 1707) | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Hannah Howse _______|_____________________ | | (1594 - 1633) m 1610 |_Mary Anne Lothrop __| (1640 - 1679) m 1669| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Sarah Leonard ____________| (1607 - 1652) | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
_Henry Lyman ________+ | (1552 - 1605) m 1576 _Richard Lyman _____________|_Elizabeth Rande ____ | (1580 - 1642) m 1608 (1559 - 1587) _John Lyman __________| | (1623 - 1696) m 1653 | | | _Roger Osborne ______ | | | (1561 - ....) m 1588 | |_Sarah Osborne _____________|_____________________ | (1584 - 1641) m 1608 _Benjamin Lyman _____| | (1674 - 1723) m 1698| | | _____________________ | | | | | _John Plumb ________________|_____________________ | | | (1594 - 1648) m 1616 | |_Dorcas Plumb ________| | (1635 - 1725) m 1653 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Dorothy Wood ______________|_____________________ | (1598 - 1669) m 1616 | |--Elihu Lyman | (1720 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Eltweed Pomeroy ___________|_____________________ | | (1585 - 1671) m 1627 | _Medad Pomeroy _______| | | (1638 - 1716) m 1661 | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Margery (Mary) Rockett ____|_____________________ | | (1605 - 1656) m 1627 |_Thankful Pomeroy ___| (1679 - 1773) m 1698| | _THOMAS Woodward ____+ | | (1567 - 1592) | _HENRY Dorchester Woodward _|_ELIZABETH Tyrer ____ | | (1606 - 1685) m 1641 (1571 - 1613) |_Experience Woodward _| (1643 - 1686) m 1661 | | _Thomas Mather ______ | | (1575 - ....) m 1591 |_ELIZABETH Mather __________|_MARGARITE Abram ____ (1618 - 1690) m 1641 (1568 - ....)
_OLAF Sihtricson King Of Dublin ______________+ | _Ragnhildir (Ranult) ingen Olaf Of Dublin _|_Maelcorcre of Leinster Dlnlaing O'muiredaig _ | (1030 - ....) (1000 - ....) _Gruffudd ap Cyan ______| | (1055 - 1137) m 1095 | | | ______________________________________________ | | | | |___________________________________________|______________________________________________ | _Owain Gwynedd Ap Gruffudd _| | (1100 - 1170) m 1125 | | | _Edwin Ap Gronwy _____________________________+ | | | (1020 - 1073) m 1040 | | _Owain Ap Edwin ___________________________|_Iwerydd Verch Cynfyn ________________________ | | | (1044 - 1105) (1024 - ....) | |_Angharat verch Owain __| | (1065 - 1162) m 1095 | | | _Ednywain I Ap Neiniad _______________________+ | | | (.... - 1079) | |_Morwyl Verch Ednywain ____________________|_Gwerful Verch Lluddica ______________________ | (1000 - 1070) | |--Gwenllian verch Owain | (1125 - ....) | ______________________________________________ | | | _Trahaearn Ap Caradog _____________________|______________________________________________ | | (1039 - 1081) | _Llwarch Trahaearn _____| | | (.... - 1129) m 1098 | | | | _Gruffydd Griffith Ap Llewellyn ______________+ | | | | (.... - 1063) | | |_Nest Verch Griffith Gruffydd _____________|_Ealdgyth Unknown ____________________________ | | (1059 - 1076) (.... - 1070) |_Gwladus Verch Llywarch ____| (1100 - ....) m 1125 | | _Cadwgan ap Elystan __________________________+ | | (0975 - ....) m 1020 | _Iorwerth ap Cadwgan ______________________|_Efa verch Gwrgan ____________________________ | | (1020 - ....) (0999 - ....) |_Dyddgu verch Iorwerth _| (1060 - 1089) m 1098 | | ______________________________________________ | | |_Gwenllian verch Aron _____________________|______________________________________________ (1026 - ....)
_Robert I Reynolds __+ | (1477 - ....) _Robert II Reynolds ___|_____________________ | (1505 - 1580) m 1526 _Christopher Tillman Reynolds _| | (1530 - ....) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Agnes Hall ___________|_____________________ | (1505 - 1570) m 1526 _Thomas Reynolds ____| | (1563 - 1604) m 1592| | | _____________________ | | | | | _______________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Clarissa Huntington __________| | (1534 - 1602) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_______________________|_____________________ | | |--Cecily Reynolds | (1601 - 1677) | _Henry Phippen ______+ | | (1500 - 1562) m 1527 | _John Fitzpen Phippen _|_Alice Pierce _______ | | (1528 - 1583) m 1548 (1495 - ....) | _Robert Fitzpen Phippen _______| | | (1555 - 1589) m 1580 | | | | _Robert II Holton ___ | | | | (1503 - ....) m 1525 | | |_Anne Holton __________|_Constance Pierce ___ | | (1525 - 1600) m 1548 (1504 - 1635) |_Cecily Phippen _____| (1575 - 1604) m 1592| | _Robert II Jordaine _ | | (1499 - 1589) m 1529 | _Thomas Jordan ________|_Jane Coker _________ | | (1528 - ....) m 1547 (1510 - ....) |_Cecily Jordan ________________| (1554 - 1603) m 1580 | | _____________________ | | |_Agnes Burte __________|_____________________ (1532 - ....) m 1547
Cecily came to America with her Aunt Joan and Captain Pierce. They
arrived in America in 1610 aboard the "Swan"
At the age of 14, she married THOMAS BAILEY. They had the one daughter,
JORDAN. These folks had one son, RICHARD, and along with the PIERCE
family were survivors of the Jamestown Massacre of 1622. Not long after
the Massacre, SAMUEL JORDAN died. Samuel died leaving Cecily with one
additional daughter and another soon to be delivered. Within three or
four days of SAMUEL JORDAN's death, CICELY seemingly agreed to become, in
due course, the wife of Rev. GREVILLE POOLEY. She apparently consented,
feeling the need for a protector, subject to the engagement being kept
secret due to the timeliness of Sameul's death and her pregnancy.
However, Rev. Pooley spread the word of the engagement and this so ired
the young wido that she refused to go through with the wedding. Rev.
Pooley sought to hold her to her promise. But, WILLIAM FARRAR, the
administrator of her late husband's estate, was also a contender for her
hand, and the successful one, causing the first breach of promise suit in
America. The case reached London where the Council for Virginia returned
it to Virginia, "not knowinge how to decide so nice a difference" and
desired "the resolution of Civill Lawiers". The matter was resolved,
January 1624, when POOLEY withdrew his suit and gave bond that he would
make no further claim. Thereafter, FARRAR and CICELY REYNOLDS BAILEY
JORDANwere married for, at court held May 2, 1625, FARRAR's bond as
administrator was ordered cancelled. The couple had five children.
married PETER MONTAGUE. PETER had come to Jamestown in 1621 aboard the
"Charles" at the age of 18. PETER andCICELY had seven children. PETER
MONTAGUE married THOMAS PARKER. There were no childrenfrom this
marriage, and PARKER died in 1663 in Isle of Wight, Virginia. He was the
father of at least 16 children by two former wives. We have no idea what
happened to CICELY after that, except that she must have had some family
!The following is from the book "the Farrars" by William B. and Ethyl
Farrrar-- CICILY FARRAR-- Interesting accounts of Cicily Jordan Farrar
are found wheneverthe genealogy of the Farrrar family is given. Below are
portions of two stories.
Altogether the Indians in the Massacre of 1622 slaughtered 14 men, women
and children, including six members of the Royal Council. Capt. Samuel
Jordan fortified Beggars' Bush, known later as Jordan's Journey, and he
lived there "despite the enemy. Jordan died a year later, and there wasa
rush for the hand of his beautiful young wife, led by the Rev. Greville
Pooley. Jordan had been in his grave only a day when Pooley sent Capt.
Isaac Madison to plead his suit. Cecily replied that she would as soon
take Pooley as any other, but as she was pregnant, she would not engage
herself she said,"until she was delivered."
But the amorous Reverend could not wait, and came a few days later with
Madison, telling her "he should contract himself to her" and spake these
words: "I, Greville Poooley, take thee Sysley, to be my wedded wife, to
have and to hold till death do us part and herto I plight thee my troth."
Then, holding her by the hand he spake these words, "I, Sysley, take thee
Greveille, to my wedded husband, to have and to hold till death do us
part." Cicily said nothing, but they drank to each other and kissed.
Then, showing some delicacy about her condition and the situation she
found herselfin, she asked that it might not be revealed that she did so
soon bestow her love after her husband's death.
Pooley promised, but was soon boasting of his conquest, very impetuously
for "Sysley" now enga
____________________________ | __________________________________|____________________________ | _____________________| | | | | ____________________________ | | | | |__________________________________|____________________________ | _Benjamin Sawyer _____| | (1776 - 1875) m 1800 | | | ____________________________ | | | | | __________________________________|____________________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | ____________________________ | | | | |__________________________________|____________________________ | | |--Theron Eusebius Sawyer | (1814 - 1869) | _William Henderson _________+ | | (1707 - ....) m 1722 | _Cairns Henderson ________________|_Florence Kearns ___________ | | (1724 - 1793) m 1749 (1705 - ....) | _Michael Henderson __| | | (1752 - 1850) m 1775| | | | _Andrew Robinson ___________+ | | | | (1700 - 1797) | | |_Elizabeth Robinson ______________|_Agnes Boal ________________ | | (1724 - 1805) m 1749 (1702 - 1792) |_Elizabeth Henderson _| (1783 - 1845) m 1800 | | _Hugh Barnett Sr.___________ | | (.... - 1798) | _Hugh Jr Barnett _________________|_Elizabeth Unknown _________ | | (1733 - 1786) m 1752 (.... - 1798) |_Hannah Barnett _____| (1755 - 1849) m 1775| | _Walter Ashmore ____________+ | | (1700 - 1792) m 1736 |_Elizabeth Charity "Edy" Ashmore _|_Margret "Margery" Lindley _ (1738 - 1775) m 1752 (1712 - 1767)
Theron Eusebius Sawyer and his wife, Harriet Hannah Stokes, were the first of
our pioneer ancestors to migrate to and settle in what was to become the State
of KS in 1861. Theron and Harriet Hannah were both born and raised in
Logan County, KY. They were married there in Ky. in 1836 and purchased
their farm there from the DavID Sawyer heirs in 1838. According to the census
records of that time, there were 11 children born of this marriage. Their
daughter Florence, died in infancy in 1856.
Theron and Harriet Hannah sold their farm there in Logan County, Ky. in 1858,
and with all their children left Logan County and migrated to Cass County, Mo.,
and then on into KS at Hickory Point in 1861 ---, and then to Indianola,
KS which was just north of Topeka.
After Theron died there in North Topeka, where he was the Postmaster, Harriet
Hannah moved with her remaining unmarried children to Brown County, KS,
where she bought land from the Union Pacific Railroad which was just open
prairie land at that time. She built their home there on the open prairie
land, and lived to see all her children married and settled in homes of their
own. She died there and is buried in the Comet Cemetery just outsIDe of
Fairview, KS which is located about l/2 mile from her home which she had
deeded to her son Samuel Henry Sawyer. Samuel Henry Sawyer was our ancestor
who first established his and our native born Sawyer Family in KS.