Theodore Minthorn (11 Oct 1817 - 5 Nov 1866)
Unknown Turnbull of Minto (____ - ____)
Tina Anthina Marie Misrasi (____ - ____)
Tove Mistivojsdottir (ABT 0935 - ____)
Jim Mitchel (ABT 1835 - ____)
Richard Mitchel III (4 Jul 1710 - 7 Oct 1787)
Elizabeth Mitchell (ABT 1680 - 1731)
Elizabeth Mitchell (22 Jun 1820 - 3 Jan 1885)
James Mitchell (____ - ____)
James Mitchell (20 Feb 1715 - 10 May 1799)
Margaret Mitchell (ABT 1664 - 20 Jan 1735)
Marie Louise Mitchell (30 May 1921 - ____)
Richard Mitchell (____ - ____)
Richard Mitchell Jr. (CIR CA 1686 - 1722)
Samuel Mitchell (____ - ____)
Joane Mitton (AFT 1450 - ____)
John Mitton (ABT 1435 - 5 Nov 1495)
John Mitton (ABT 1465 - 16 FEB 1531-1532)
Joyce Mitton (ABT 1490 - ABT 1558)
Katherine Mitton (ABT 1565 - AFT 1612)
Richard Mitton (ABT 1370 - 10 Nov 1418)
William Mitton (28 Dec 1415 - ABT 1489)
John Mobberley (ABT 1144 - ____)
Margaret Mobberley (1282 - ____)
Mary Mobberley (ABT 1284 - AFT 1318)
Mary Mobberley (ABT 1320 - ____)
William Mobberley, Lord of Mobberley (1260 - 1327)
Elizabeth Mobberly (1287 - ____)
UP (Elizabeth Milhous - William Murray Sir)
BACK (Hiram Mills - John Minthorn )
NEXT (Ralph Mobberly - Henrietta Molesworth )