_____________________ | _Nathaniel Barnard Sr._|_____________________ | (1642 - ....) _John Barnard _______| | (1670 - ....) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Mary Barnard _________|_____________________ | (1648 - ....) _Robert Barnard _____| | m 1726 | | | _Thomas Macy Sr._____ | | | | | _John Macy Sr._________|_Sarah Hopott _______ | | | (1655 - 1691) (1612 - 1682) | |_Sarah Macy _________| | (1677 - 1748) | | | _Richard Gardner Sr._+ | | | (1623 - 1688) | |_Deborah Gardner ______|_Sarah Shattuck _____ | (1658 - ....) (.... - 1724) | |--Hepzibah Barnard | (1736 - 1822) | _Tristram Coffin Sr._+ | | (1605 - 1681) | _Stephen Coffin Sr.____|_Dionis Stevens _____ | | (1652 - 1734) | _Stephen Coffin Jr.__| | | (1675 - ....) m 1693| | | | _George Bunker Sr.___+ | | | | (.... - 1658) | | |_Mary Bunker __________|_Jane Godfrey _______ | | (1652 - 1724) (1624 - 1662) |_Hepzabeth Coffin ___| m 1726 | | _____________________ | | | _Thomas Look __________|_____________________ | | m 1669 |_Experience Look ____| (1672 - 1759) m 1693| | _George Bunker Sr.___+ | | (.... - 1658) |_Elizabeth Bunker _____|_Jane Godfrey _______ (1646 - ....) m 1669 (1624 - 1662)
_William de Ferrers Lord Ferrers Of Groby_+ | (1271 - 1324) _Henry De Ferrers _____________|_Ellen De Segrave ________________________ | (1303 - 1343) m 1327 _William De Ferrers 3rd Baron of Gorby_| | m 1354 | | | _Theobald De Verdon ______________________ | | | (1278 - 1316) m 1308 | |_Isabel (Elizabeth) de Verdon _|_Elizabeth De Clare ______________________ | (.... - 1349) m 1327 (1295 - 1360) _Henry De Ferrers ___| | m 1371 | | | __________________________________________ | | | | | _______________________________|__________________________________________ | | | | |_Margaret de Ufford ___________________| | (1330 - 1368) m 1354 | | | __________________________________________ | | | | |_______________________________|__________________________________________ | | |--William De Ferrers | (1372 - 1445) | _MICHAEL De Poynings _____________________+ | | (1272 - 1314) | _Thomas Poynings ______________|_Margaret (Margery) Bardolf ______________ | | (1294 - 1339) m 1317 | _Luke (Lucas) de Poynings _____________| | | (1325 - 1376) | | | | _Richard de Rokesley _____________________ | | | | (1269 - ....) | | |_Agnes de Rokesley ____________|_Joan Criol ______________________________ | | (1299 - ....) m 1317 (1275 - ....) |_Joan de Hoo ________| (.... - 1394) m 1371| | _John De St John _________________________+ | | (1273 - 1329) | _Hugh De St John ______________|_Isabel De Courtenay _____________________ | | (1310 - ....) |_Isabel De St John ____________________| (1330 - ....) | | __________________________________________ | | |_Mirabel (Muriel Wake _________|__________________________________________ (1310 - ....)
William Ferrers, baptized Luton, co. Bedford, 25 Apr 1372, d. 18 May 1445, 5th Baron Ferrers of Groby; m. (1) aft. 10 Oct 1388, Philippa deClifford, daughter of Sir Roger de Clifford, Lord of Clifford, and Maud Beauchamp, daughter of Thomas, Earl of Warwick, living 4 July 1405; m.(2) Margaret, daughter of John de Montagu, Earl of Salisbury; m. (3) by 26 Oct 1416, Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Standisshe, widow of John deWrottesley and of William Botiller. [Ancestral Roots]
WILLIAM (DE FERRERS], LORD FERRERS OF GROBY, son and heir, born in the manor house of Hoo, and baptized at Luton, Beds, 25 April 1372. The Kingtook his homage and he had livery of his father's lands, 16 May 1394, the escheator in cos. Warwick and Leicester being ordered to take his fealty.On 9 July following he had livery of the lands, knights' fees, and advowsons, which Joan, his mother, had held for life in dower or otherwise of his inheritance. In September 1394 he attended the King to Ireland. He had livery of one-third of the manor of Bredfield, Suffolk,14 February 1395/6, and of one-third of the manor and advowson of Dalhamin that county, 14 May following, his homage, on both occasions, being respited, and his fealty ordered to be taken by the escheator in co.Suffolk. He was summoned to Parliament from 30 November 1396 to 13 January 1444/5, by writs directed Willelmo de Ferraiis de Groby (latterlychivaler). As one of the Lords temporal, he swore on the altar of the shrine of St. Edward at Westminster, 30 September 1397, to maintain all the statutes, &c., made in the preceding session of Parliament; gave his assent, in Parliament, 23 October 1399, to the secret imprisonment of Richard II; and sealed the exemplifications of the Acts settling the succession to the Crown, 7 June and 22 December 1406.
He married, 1stly, after 10 October 1388, Philippe, daughter of Sir Roger DE CLIFFORD, Lord of Westmorland, sometimes called LORD CLIFFORD, by Maud, daughter of Thomas (DE BEAUCHAMP), EARL OF WARWICK: she was living 4 July 1405. He married, 2ndly, Margaret, daughter of John (DE MOUNTAGU), EARL OF SALISBURY, by Maud, daughter of Sir Adam FRAUNCEYS, of London. He married, 3rdly (without royal licence), before 26 October 1416, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Robert DE STANDISSHE, of Ulnes-Walton, co.Lancaster, by Iseude, his wife. She had married, 1stly, 10 April 1385, John DE WROTTESLEY, of Wrottesley, co. Stafford, who was born 29 September 1379, and died 7 September 1402: and, 2ndly (settlement, 4 April 1404, Sir William BOTILLER, of Warrington and Layton, co. Lancaster, Cropwell Butler, Notts, & c., who died at the siege of Harfleur, 26 September 1415, and was buried in the Church of the Austin Friars at Warrington. M.I. She died in January or February 1441/2. He died 18 May 1445, aged 73. [Complete Peerage V:354-7, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
[34663] 3rd Husband & 3rd Wife
_William Fitzalan _____________________________________+ | (1115 - 1164) _William FitzAlan lord of Oswestry and Clun, Sheriff of Shropshire_|_Isabel de Saye Baroness of Clun_______________________ | (1141 - 1199) _John Fitzalan lord of Oswestry and Clun, Sheriff of Shropshire_| | (.... - 1240) | | | _______________________________________________________ | | | | |___________________________________________________________________|_______________________________________________________ | _John Fitzalan ______| | (.... - 1267) | | | _William De Albini Earl of Sussex, 2nd Earl of Arundel_+ | | | (1140 - 1193) m 1174 | | _William De Albini Earl of Sussex, 3rd Earl of Arundel_____________|_Maud (Matilda) De Saint Hilary _______________________ | | | (1165 - 1221) (1132 - 1193) | |_Isabel De Albini ______________________________________________| | (1221 - ....) | | | _Hugh De Keveloic _____________________________________+ | | | (1147 - 1181) | |_Mabel De Keveloic ________________________________________________|_Bertrada De Montford _________________________________ | (1173 - ....) | |--John Fitzalan | (1246 - 1272) | _______________________________________________________ | | | ___________________________________________________________________|_______________________________________________________ | | | _Theobald I Le Boteler _________________________________________| | | (1200 - 1230) | | | | _______________________________________________________ | | | | | | |___________________________________________________________________|_______________________________________________________ | | |_Maud De Verdun _____| (.... - 1283) | | _Bertram De Verdun ____________________________________+ | | (1132 - 1192) | _Nicholas De Verdun _______________________________________________|_Rohese Of Buckinghamshire ____________________________ | | (1169 - 1231) m 1200 (1147 - ....) |_Rohese De Verdun ______________________________________________| (1204 - ....) | | _Peter (Piers) FitzHerbert ____________________________+ | | (.... - 1235) m 1203 |_Joan Fitzpiers ___________________________________________________|_Alice De Warkworth Fitzrobert ________________________ (1183 - ....) m 1200
_____________________ | _George Hayes _______|_____________________ | (1655 - 1725) m 1683 _Daniel Hayes ________| | (1686 - 1756) m 1714 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Abigail Dibble _____|_____________________ | (1664 - 1725) m 1683 _Daniel Hayes _______| | (1716 - 1786) m 1724| | | _Nathaniel Holcomb __+ | | | (1648 - 1739) m 1669 | | _Nathaniel Holcomb __|_Mary Bliss _________ | | | (1673 - 1766) m 1695 (1651 - ....) | |_Martha Holcomb ______| | (1701 - 1725) m 1714 | | | _PETER Buell ________+ | | | (1644 - 1728) m 1670 | |_Martha Buell _______|_Martha Cogan _______ | (1675 - 1760) m 1695 (.... - 1686) | |--Ezekiel Hayes | (1724 - 1807) | _____________________ | | | _George Hayes _______|_____________________ | | (1655 - 1725) m 1683 | _Samuel Hayes ________| | | (1698 - 1787) m 1719 | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Abigail Dibble _____|_____________________ | | (1664 - 1725) m 1683 |_Abigail Hayes ______| (1723 - 1813) m 1724| | _Samuel Wilcoxson ___+ | | (1640 - 1712) m 1665 | _William Wilcoxson __|_Hannah Rice ________ | | (1668 - 1732) m 1699 (1645 - 1712) |_Elizabeth Wilcoxson _| (1700 - 1736) m 1719 | | _____________________ | | |_Elizabeth Wilson ___|_____________________ (1673 - 1746) m 1699
[12796] Great-grandfather of U.S. President Rutherford B. Hayes.
_____________________ | _____________________|_____________________ | _____________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _Joseph Sr. McCleave _| | (1771 - 1841) | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--John McCleave | (1797 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Thomas Chase _______|_____________________ | | (1724 - 1807) m 1751 | _James Chase Captain_| | | (1755 - ....) m 1775| | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Sarah Claghorn _____|_____________________ | | (1727 - 1805) m 1751 |_Sarah (Sally) Chase _| (1780 - 1842) | | _Jonathan Godfrey ___ | | (1701 - 1760) m 1725 | _Caleb Godfrey ______|_Mercy Nickerson ____ | | (1728 - ....) m 1752 (1707 - ....) |_Mercy Godfrey ______| (1755 - 1836) m 1775| | _Barnabas Pinkham ___+ | | (1699 - 1772) m 1720 |_Mary Pinkham _______|_Priscilla Gardner __ (1733 - ....) m 1752 (1698 - 1755)
[23274] AFN:1VZ2-FVP