__________________________ | ___________________________________|__________________________ | _William Jackson Fry (Moses) _| | | | | __________________________ | | | | |___________________________________|__________________________ | _John Carlton Moses _| | (1926 - 1995) | | | __________________________ | | | | | ___________________________________|__________________________ | | | | |_Pauline Devora Dexter _______| | (1905 - 1963) | | | __________________________ | | | | |___________________________________|__________________________ | | |--Living | | __________________________ | | | _Zollicoffer Lammertine Zoe Cohee _|__________________________ | | (1866 - 1936) m 1893 | _Marvin Edward Cohee _________| | | (1908 - 1990) | | | | __________________________ | | | | | | |_Jessie Candaisy Lesco ____________|__________________________ | | (1875 - 1957) m 1893 |_Living______________| | | _Richard Henry Hopkins ___+ | | (1848 - 1907) | _Guy Alexander Hopkins ____________|_Lillie Hopkins __________ | | (1888 - 1941) (1857 - ....) |_Jeannette Lavisa Hopkins ____| (1908 - ....) | | _William Edmand Stephens _ | | (1855 - 1903) m 1875 |_Lillian L Hopkins ________________|_Emma J Henderson ________ (1890 - 1936) (1857 - ....)
[25459] living - details excluded
_____________________________________________ | _John De Somery _______________________________________|_____________________________________________ | (1125 - 1195) m 1150 _Ralph De Somery ______________________________________| | (1151 - ....) m 1181 | | | _Ralph Paynel _______________________________+ | | | (1100 - 1153) m 1126 | |_Hawise Paynell _______________________________________|_Agnes (Hawise) De Ferrers __________________ | m 1150 (1105 - ....) _Roger De Somery ____| | (1208 - 1273) m 1228| | | _GILBERT "The Marshall" Fitzrobert __________+ | | | (1075 - 1130) | | _John Fitzgilbert Marshall, The Marshall ______________|_Unknown de Venuz ___________________________ | | | (.... - 1165) (1090 - ....) | |_Margaret Marshall ____________________________________| | (1160 - 1242) m 1181 | | | _____________________________________________ | | | | |_Sibyl De Salisbury ___________________________________|_____________________________________________ | | |--Joan De Somery | (1236 - 1282) | _William De Albini 1st Earl of Arundel_______+ | | (.... - 1176) | _William De Albini Earl of Sussex, 2nd Earl of Arundel_|_ADELIZA, Adela of Louvain Queen Of England _ | | (1140 - 1193) m 1174 | _William De Albini Earl of Sussex, 3rd Earl of Arundel_| | | (1165 - 1221) | | | | _____________________________________________ | | | | | | |_Maud (Matilda) De Saint Hilary _______________________|_____________________________________________ | | (1132 - 1193) m 1174 |_Nicole De Albini ___| (1210 - 1240) m 1228| | _Ranulph "De Gernon" De Meschines ___________+ | | (1099 - 1163) m 1141 | _Hugh De Keveloic _____________________________________|_Maud Fitzrobert ____________________________ | | (1147 - 1181) (1120 - 1189) |_Mabel De Keveloic ____________________________________| (1173 - ....) | | _Simon II Le Chauve De Montfort _____________+ | | (1121 - 1181) |_Bertrada De Montford _________________________________|_Amice De Beaumont __________________________
[4963] FTM CD194, MA & ME Fam., V1, pg 154
[4964] Royl.Desc.500 Immigrants, Roberts, pg 389
John Kahlerl (jbkaherl@aol.com)
[18970] Ancestor of U.S. President Rutherford B. Hayes.
David Buchroeder (george-Rocks@telus.net or Buchroeder@telus.net or aussie_man@fastmail.fm)
_____________________ | _____________________|_____________________ | _Ralph Hemingway ____| | (1609 - 1678) m 1634| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _Joshua Hemingway ___| | (1643 - ....) m 1665| | | _____________________ | | | | | _John Hewes _________|_____________________ | | | (1577 - 1621) | |_Elizabeth Hewes ____| | (1610 - 1684) m 1634| | | _Robert Foote _______+ | | | (.... - 1607) m 1576 | |_Mary Foote _________|_Joan Brooke ________ | (1584 - 1601) (1559 - 1598) | |--Joanna Hemingway | (1670 - 1748) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Joanna Evans _______| (1645 - 1678) m 1665| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
_____________________ | _____________________|_____________________ | _____________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _Daniel J Saunders __| | (1772 - 1830) m 1793| | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Katherine Saunders | (1799 - 1894) | _Drury Stith Sr._____+ | | (1670 - 1741) m 1694 | _Drury Stith Jr._____|_Susanna Bathurst ___ | | (1695 - 1740) m 1717 (1674 - 1745) | _Richard Stith ______| | | (1727 - 1802) m 1756| | | | _William Buckner ____+ | | | | (1668 - 1716) m 1687 | | |_Elizabeth Buckner __|_Catherine Ballard __ | | (1700 - 1777) m 1717 (1668 - 1709) |_Martha Stith _______| (1775 - 1843) m 1793| | _____________________ | | | _John Hall __________|_____________________ | | (1710 - ....) m 1730 |_Lucy Cocke Hall ____| (1736 - 1815) m 1756| | _Robert Bolling _____+ | | (1681 - 1746) |_Ann Bolling ________|_Anne Cocke _________ (1713 - ....) m 1730 (1682 - 1749)
_Thomas Stanley _____+ | (1483 - 1521) m 1503 _Peter Stanley ______|_Anne de Hastings ___ | (1520 - 1583) (1485 - 1550) _John Stanley _____________| | (1572 - 1619) m 1589 | | | _Richard Masterson __ | | | (1514 - 1553) m 1539 | |_Joane Masterson ____|_Joane Bechyog ______ | (1535 - 1572) (1518 - 1553) _Thomas Stanley _____________| | (1603 - 1663) m 1630 | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Susan Lancock ____________| | (1574 - 1619) m 1589 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Caleb Stanley | (1641 - 1717) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _Daniel Tritton ___________| | | (1585 - 1614) m 1607 | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Bennet (Benedicta) Tritton _| (1609 - 1664) m 1630 | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Alice Goldhatch Goldwich _| (1587 - 1638) m 1607 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
New Englan Families and Genealogical Memorial: Vol IV
Page 232
Fourth child of Timothy and Elizabeth Stanley, the emigrants, left anancient Bible, now in the possession of Theoodore Stanley (No. 374),printed in 1633, containing the following:--
"Record of the Stanley Family."
"My Honoured Father. Timothy Stanly left it in writing that he was bornin the year of our Lord 1603, in March, and that my Mother was aboutthesame age. My Father, Timothy Stanly dyed in April 1648, being 45 yearsold.My hon'd Mother Elizabeth Stanly, alias Bacon, dyed Feb'y 23 1678,being about76 years of age. In the year 1642, I, Caleb Stanly, was born,in March. My wife, Hannah Stanly was born about one year and a halfafter.
The Age of Caleb Stanly's Children.
26 March 6 1664. My first child was born, a dafter.
27 Oct. 13, 1666. My dafter Hannah was born.
28 Oct. 24 1669. My dafter Elizabeth was born.
29 March 7 1672.3. My fourth child was born, a son. (Joseph).
30 Sept, 6 1674. My son Caleb was born.
My son Caleb, my dafters, Hannah and Elizabeth, was baptized by the Rev.Joseph Haynes.
My first bornand my other son, the one was still born, the other dyedwithin a few hours after it was burn, not baptized, Sept. 12 1683.
31, 32 Sept. 12 1683. My two twins were born, being dafters: one of themdyed the next day, and the other ofthem dyed the 19:h of the same month.
33, 34 June 14 1692. My two twins, Annaand Mary, were born and baptized(June 19 1692) not in the record.
May 2 1685. My son Roger Pitkins eldest child (Hannah) was born.
Augt. 19 1687,hisson Caleb was born, and both baptized (by Mr. Wm.Woodbridge.)
Dec. 301689, his dafter Mary was born.
Dec 14 1692, his dafter Rachel was born.
August 30, 1687, My son Wm. Pitkins eldest child was born, namedElizabeth, baptized bv Rev. Mr. Woodbridge.
August 19 1689, his 2d dafter was born, also named Elizabeth, as the 1stborn babe was dead.
Feb. 28 1691, his 3d dafter was born named Martha."
The above record is incomplete. He had subsequently two more "dafters,"viz.:
35 Feb. 24 1695, Abigail, m. James Church.
36July 1 1696, Ruth, m. James Bidwell, and 2d, probably a Palmer.
CalebStanley had three wives: 1st, Hannah, daughter of John Cowles, whodied February 4, 1690, aged 44 2d, September 24, 1690, Mrs. Sarah(Foster) Long, widow of Zechariah, whose first husband was BenjaminMoore. She died August 30, 1698, aged 44.3d, September 14, 1699, Mrs.,Lydia (Cole) Willson, widow of Dea. John, daughter of "John Cole thecarpenter." She died in 1732. Caleb Stanley died May5, 1718, aged 75.
November 14, 1688, Caleb Stanley was appointed to the very responsibleoffice of keeping the town's ammunition, and signs a promise to "keep itin safe custody for the use of the towne, extriordinary causalltyes onelyexcepted, and not to be disposed off without the order or aprobation ofsumof the selectmen of the towne." June 13, 1689, 14 lbs. were delivered"for thegreat guns when King William and Queen Mary was proclaimed inHartford." March22, 1700,the selectmen receive the ammunition from Capt.Caleb Stanley, and give him acquittal. It was "laid up in store in theSouth meeting??house," and consisted of 1326 wt. of lead and bullets, twobarrels and about 8 lbs. of gunpowder, 680 flints, etc.
June 3, 1718. Will of Capt. Caleb Stanley, dated March 7, 1716. Inventory402. 08. 03. Includes a gold ring 30s., a large silver tankard 17. 10.0., four silver spoons, one porringer and chain 4. 2. 6.
Fifth child of Timothy and Elizabeth Stanley, the emigrants, born inHartford, August 23, 1645; married Thomas, eldest son ofThomas andSarah(Hart) Porter, who were of the first settlers of Farmington, and receivedto the church there October 13, 1652. Their rank was sixth among thefamilies. He died in 1711; she survived him.