_____________________ | _____________________|_____________________ | _Richard Barker _____| | (1505 - 1561) m 1539| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _John Barker ________| | (1540 - 1588) m 1562| | | _____________________ | | | | | _John Barker ________|_____________________ | | | (1490 - ....) | |_Alice Barker _______| | (1510 - 1560) m 1539| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Margaret Abbes _____|_____________________ | (1498 - 1510) | |--Margaret Barker | (1565 - ....) | _Robert Malle _______ | | (1460 - 1556) | _John Mawle _________|_Alice UNKNOWN ______ | | (1488 - 1561) m 1510 | _John Mawle _________| | | (1512 - 1579) | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Christine Unknown __|_____________________ | | (1490 - 1560) m 1510 |_Margaret Mawle _____| (1540 - 1590) m 1562| | _____________________ | | | _George Abbes _______|_____________________ | | (1495 - 1554) |_Margaret Abbes _____| (1520 - 1586) | | _____________________ | | |_Elizabeth UNKNOWN __|_____________________ (1490 - ....)
_Robert De Bruce 4th Lord of Annandale_+ | (.... - 1245) _Robert de Bruce 'the Competitor', 5th Lord of Annandale_|_Isabel de Huntingdon _________________ | (1210 - 1295) m 1246 (1206 - 1251) _John de Bruce ______| | | | | _Gilbert De Clare _____________________+ | | | (.... - 1230) m 1217 | |_Isabel De Clare ________________________________________|_Isabel Marshall ______________________ | (1226 - 1254) m 1246 (1200 - 1240) _Robert de Bruce ____| | (.... - 1332) | | | _______________________________________ | | | | | _________________________________________________________|_______________________________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | _______________________________________ | | | | |_________________________________________________________|_______________________________________ | | |--Thomas Bruce 1st of Clackmannan | (.... - 1384) | _______________________________________ | | | _________________________________________________________|_______________________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _______________________________________ | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________|_______________________________________ | | |_Helena Vipont ______| | | _______________________________________ | | | _________________________________________________________|_______________________________________ | | |_____________________| | | _______________________________________ | | |_________________________________________________________|_______________________________________
Stirnet.com note:
Thomas's ancestry is unclear. TSP (Elgin & Ailesbury) starts off with the following sentence: "Of the origins of the Bruces of Clackmannan and the exact nature of their connection with the Royal House of Bruce, so far no certain evidence has been discovered." Various (but not all) sources appear to share the view that his father was a Sir Robert Bruce who was killed at the battle of Dupplin Moor in 1332 but the parentage of that Sir Robert varies, some identifying him as a natural son of King Robert I who fitted that description (and, some say, was created Earl of Ross for life) although TSP (Elgin & AIlesbury) reports that this "is not only unfounded but can be positively disproved". We connect to a different Sir Robert (in a way that is consistent with the second sentence of TSP (Elgin & Ailesbury) which reads "Several theories have been put forward on this subject, of which the oldest, and the one which has been the tradition of the family from early times, is that the House of Clackmannan was descended from John, younger son of Robert de Brus, fifth Lord of Annandale, the Competitor'.") but it should be noted that this is by no means certain.
_Baldwin I of Blois ______________+ | _Baldwin II of Blois ___________________________|__________________________________ | _Jean (John) de Conteville _| | (0965 - ....) | | | __________________________________ | | | | |________________________________________________|__________________________________ | _Harlevin (Herluin) de Burgh de Conteville _| | (1001 - 1066) m 1035 | | | __________________________________ | | | | | ________________________________________________|__________________________________ | | | | |____________________________| | | | | __________________________________ | | | | |________________________________________________|__________________________________ | | |--Robert de Mortaigne | (.... - 1095) | _STYRBJORN "The Strong" Olaffsen _+ | | (.... - 0986) | _THORGILS (Thorkils -Sprakalegg) Styrbjornsson _|_THYRA Haraldsdatter _____________ | | (0936 - 1020) m 0978 (0950 - 1000) | _FULBERT De Falaise ________| | | (0978 - ....) m 1003 | | | | __________________________________ | | | | | | |_SIGRID Sprakling ______________________________|__________________________________ | | (0953 - ....) m 0978 |_Arlette Herleve De Falaise ________________| (1003 - 1050) m 1035 | | __________________________________ | | | ________________________________________________|__________________________________ | | |_DODA De Falaise ___________| (0980 - ....) m 1003 | | __________________________________ | | |________________________________________________|__________________________________
President George Washington, George Herbert Walker Bush, George W. Bushand Gen. Douglas MacArthur, are descendants.
Also known as Robert de BURGO, Count of Mortain(Mortagne) and Earl ofCromwell (in England). He was a half-brother to William "the Conqueror".Ancesrry and Progentry of Captain James Blount - Immigrant, by Robert F.Pfafman, p E-33 and 34.
Fought at Battle of Hastings
[7266] Title: Earl Of Cornwall
[34412] 1st Wife
Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Ancestral Roots Of Sixty Colonists Who Came To New Englan d Between 1623 And 1650
Ancestral Roots Of Sixty Colonists Who Came To New Englan d Between 1623 And 1650
Ancestral Roots Of Sixty Colonists Who Came To New Englan d Between 1623 And 1650
Ancestral Roots Of Sixty Colonists Who Came To New Englan d Between 1623 And 1650
_John Hopkines _______ | (1549 - 1593) _Stephen Hopkins ____|_Elizabeth Williames _ | (1581 - 1644) m 1599 (1552 - 1593) _John Hopkins _______| | (1614 - 1654) m 1636| | | ______________________ | | | | |_Constance Dudley ___|______________________ | (1580 - 1613) m 1599 _Stephen Hopkins ____| | (1631 - 1689) m 1656| | | ______________________ | | | | | _____________________|______________________ | | | | |_Jane Strong ________| | (1615 - 1679) m 1636| | | ______________________ | | | | |_____________________|______________________ | | |--Ebenezer Hopkins | (1668 - 1712) | ______________________ | | | _____________________|______________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | ______________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|______________________ | | |_Dorcas Bronson _____| (1633 - 1697) m 1656| | ______________________ | | | _____________________|______________________ | | |_____________________| | | ______________________ | | |_____________________|______________________
U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications,1889-1970
Birth date: Jul 1668
Birth place:
Death date: 1711
Death place:
Residence date:
Residence place: United States
U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications,1889-1970
Birth date: Jul 1668
Birth place:
Death date: 1711
Death place:
Residence date:
Residence place: United States
U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications,1889-1970
Birth date: Jul 1668
Birth place:
Death date: 1711
Death place:
Residence date:
Residence place: United States
U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications,1889-1970
Birth date: Jul 1668
Birth place:
Death date: 1711
Death place:
Residence date:
Residence place: United States
_Crinan The Thane _____________________________ | (.... - 1045) _Maldred Lord Of Allendale ___________|_Bethoc Of Scotland ___________________________ | (.... - 1045) _Gospatrick I Dunbar _____________________| | (1040 - 1074) m 1057 | | | _Uchtred ______________________________________ | | | | |_Ealdgyth Unknown ____________________|_Elfgifu Of England ___________________________ | (.... - 1070) _Fergus Macdonald Lord Of Galloway _| | (.... - 1166) | | | _Canute, "The Great" King Of England __________ | | | (0985 - 1035) m 1005 | | _Edred of England ____________________|_Emma Aelgifu Beauclerc Normandy ______________ | | | (1005 - ....) (0987 - ....) | |_Aethelreda England ______________________| | (1042 - ....) m 1057 | | | _______________________________________________ | | | | |______________________________________|_______________________________________________ | | |--Bethoc MacDonald | | _Richard Normandy III, Duke Of Normandy _______+ | | (.... - 1035) | _William I, The Conqueror of England _|_Herleva (Arlette), Officer Of The Househould _ | | (1028 - 1087) m 1053 (.... - 1050) | _Henry I Beauclerc King Of England _______| | | (1068 - 1135) m 1100 | | | | _BALDWIN V Count of Flanders __________________+ | | | | (1012 - 1067) m 1028 | | |_Matilda Of Flanders _________________|_ADAELE "Alix" (Adelaide Havoise) Capet _______ | | (1031 - 1083) m 1053 (.... - 1063) |_Unknown of England ________________| (1109 - ....) | | _DUNCAN I MacCrinan King Of Scotland __________+ | | (.... - 1040) m 1030 | _Malcolm III Caenmor Of Scotland______|_Sibyl Biornsson ______________________________ | | (1031 - 1093) m 1068 (1014 - 1040) |_Matilda "Atheling" of Queen Of Scotland _| (1079 - 1118) m 1100 | | _______________________________________________ | | |_Margaret (St.) The Exile Atheling ___|_______________________________________________ (1045 - 1093) m 1068
1900 United States Federal Census
________________________ | _____________________|________________________ | _Hugh Parsons _______________| | (1561 - 1642) m 1609 | | | ________________________ | | | | |_____________________|________________________ | _Joseph Cornet I Parsons _| | (1620 - 1683) m 1646 | | | ________________________ | | | | | _____________________|________________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth Bagshawe _________| | (1588 - ....) m 1609 | | | ________________________ | | | | |_____________________|________________________ | | |--Abigail Parsons | (1666 - 1689) | ________________________ | | | _Thomas Bliss _______|________________________ | | (.... - 1636) m 1582 | _Thomas Bliss _______________| | | (1585 - 1649) m 1614 | | | | ________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|________________________ | | |_Mary Bliss ______________| (1625 - 1711) m 1646 | | _Henry Huling __________ | | (1540 - 1609) | _John Hulines _______|_Joane _________________ | | (1565 - 1639) m 1588 (1544 - 1613) |_MARGARET Lawerence Hulines _| (1595 - 1684) m 1614 | | _William Lawrence ______+ | | (1542 - 1584) m 1559 |_Margaret Lawrence __|_Katherine De Beaumont _ (1559 - 1621) m 1588 (1532 - 1582)
_David Powell _______+ | (1717 - 1768) _James Powell _______|_Elizabeth chalfant _ | (1745 - 1829) (1722 - 1814) _David Powell _______| | (1770 - 1823) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Ann bailey _________|_____________________ | _Sylvanus Powell ____| | (1819 - 1900) | | | _____________________ | | | | | _Jesse W NEWPORT ____|_____________________ | | | (1745 - 1844) | |_Lydia Newport ______| | (1778 - 1844) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Sylvanus A. Powell | (1857 - 1925) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _Joseph bradbury ____| | | m 1828 | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Mary bradbury ______| (1832 - 1916) | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Eliza Strong _______| m 1828 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
Mike Powell Gedcom
___________________________ | _George Strong ______|___________________________ | (1563 - 1634) m 1578 _John Strong _______________| | (1580 - 1613) m 1609 | | | ___________________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth Unknown __|___________________________ | (1563 - ....) m 1578 _JOHN Strong ________| | (.... - 1699) m 1636| | | _Gualterus (Walter) Deane _+ | | | (.... - 1585) m 1565 | | _WILLIAM Deane ______|_Johannah (Joan) Walseley _ | | | (.... - 1634) m 1598 (1547 - 1597) | |_ELEANOR Deane _____________| | (1590 - 1654) m 1609 | | | ___________________________ | | | | |_MARGARET Wickham ___|___________________________ | (1579 - 1669) m 1598 | |--Hannah Strong | (1659 - 1693) | ___________________________ | | | _____________________|___________________________ | | | _Thomas Ford _______________| | | (.... - 1676) m 1616 | | | | ___________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|___________________________ | | |_Abigail Ford _______| (1619 - 1688) m 1636| | ___________________________ | | | _____________________|___________________________ | | |_Elizabeth "Lizzie" Charde _| (.... - 1643) m 1616 | | ___________________________ | | |_____________________|___________________________
Married William Clark on 15 July 1680.
__ | __|__ | _____________________| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Edward Teague ___________| | (1660 - 1697) m 1685 | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |_Betty Unknown ______| | (1630 - ....) | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Ann Martha Teague | (1688 - 1787) | __ | | | __|__ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Susannah Isabella Welch _| (1663 - 1741) m 1685 | | __ | | | __|__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__|__