_Nathan Sharpless Marshall M.D._+ | (1832 - 1914) m 1860 _Rush Roberts Marshall ________|_Anna Maria Price ______________ | (1865 - 1890) m 1887 (1834 - 1894) _Charles Nathan Marshall _| | (1890 - ....) m 1917 | | | ________________________________ | | | | |_Catherine Mary "Mamie" Rauch _|________________________________ | (1868 - 1950) m 1887 _Rush Holley Marshall _| | (1918 - ....) m 1945 | | | ________________________________ | | | | | _Alfred Nathaniel Holley ______|________________________________ | | | (1870 - 1918) | |_Mittie Ruth Holley ______| | (1897 - ....) m 1917 | | | ________________________________ | | | | |_Georgia Stevens ______________|________________________________ | (1872 - ....) | |--Living | | ________________________________ | | | _______________________________|________________________________ | | | _John H. Clark ___________| | | (1885 - 1950) | | | | ________________________________ | | | | | | |_______________________________|________________________________ | | |_Nell Louise Clark ____| (1923 - ....) m 1945 | | ________________________________ | | | _______________________________|________________________________ | | |_Rose McMahan ____________| (1898 - ....) | | ________________________________ | | |_______________________________|________________________________
[27936] living - details excluded
_Bethel Basset ______ | (0870 - ....) _Norman Of Basset ___|_____________________ | (0915 - ....) m 0945 _Osmond de Basset ___| | (0960 - ....) m 0990| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _FOUQUE De Basset ___| | (1015 - ....) m 1040| | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--THURSTAN "The Norman" Basset | (1050 - 1086) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
Confederate General Robert E. Lee and President Thomas Jefferson are descendants.
President George Washington, George Herbert Walker Bush, George W. Bushand Gen. Douglas MacArthur, are descendants.
"Immediately after the Norman conquest," says Collins, "arose into power and importance, more especially in the midland counties, the great baronial family of Basset," descended from Thurstan the Norman. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage, Ltd., London, 1883, p. 26, Basset, Barons Basset, of Drayton]
[13292] Marina BELER is the 8th great-grandmother of U.S. President John Adams.
Notes for Leonard Calvert: from Paul Tobler
According to Descendants of Virginia Calverts:
...Leonard, son of John and Margerie Calvert. This Leonard Calvert,father of George, was born about 1550 (Estimated). He was a countrygentleman, apparently in easy circumstances, who owned land and raisedcattle. He married about 1575 (estimated) Grace (or Alicia) Crossland,daughter of Thomas and Joanna (Hawksworth) Crossland of Crossland Hill,Yorkshire. (See Foster's Visitations of Yorkshire) and descended fromRoger de Crossland, of the time of Henry III.
More About Leonard Calvert:
Fact 7: Member of Flemish family long settled in Yorkshire, England
From the book "George Calvert and Cecilius Calvert, Barons Baltimore ofBaltimore" by Wm. Hand Browne, Dodd, Mead and Company, New York, 1890.
"He acquired the estate of Kiplin, in the same valley [Swale-near thetown of Danby Wiske], in the latter part of Elizabeth'sreign."[Brøderbund Family Archive #17, Ed. 1, Birth Records: UnitedStates/Europe, Birth Records AAI Birth Records Extraction, Date ofImport: 31 May 1999, Internal Ref. #]
Individual: Calvert, Leonard
Birth date: Abt. 1550
Birth place: ENG
CD# 100
Family Archive #17, Ed. 1, Birth Records: United States/Europe, Birth Records AAI Birth Records Extraction
Date of Import: 31 May 1999
Family Archive #17, Ed. 1, Birth Records: United States/Europe, Birth Records AAI Birth Records Extraction
Date of Import: 31 May 1999
Maryland Genealogist
From the book "George Calvert and Cecilius Calvert, Barons Baltimore of Baltimore" by Wm. Hand Browne, Dodd, Mead and Co
_Humphrey IV De Bohun ____________________+ | (1143 - 1182) m 1175 _Henry De Bohun _____________________|_Margaret of Scotland ____________________ | (1177 - 1220) m 1178 (1144 - 1201) _Humphrey V De Bohun 2nd Earl Hereford & Essex_| | (1208 - 1275) m 1226 | | | _Geoffrey IV Fitzpiers ___________________+ | | | (.... - 1213) | |_Maud Heiress of Essex Fitzgeoffrey _|_Beatrice De Saye ________________________ | (1181 - 1236) m 1178 (1169 - 1197) _Humphrey VI De Bohun _| | (1225 - 1298) | | | __________________________________________ | | | | | _Raoul I De Lusignan Count d'Eu______|__________________________________________ | | | (1164 - 1219) m 1191 | |_MAUD d' Lusignan De Eu _______________________| | (1208 - 1241) m 1226 | | | _HENRY Count d' Eu, Lord Of Hastings _____+ | | | (1155 - ....) | |_ALICE Countess De Eu _______________|_Maud De Warenne Plantagenet _____________ | (1180 - 1246) m 1191 (1154 - 1212) | |--Margery (Or Eleanor), Alianore De Bohun | (1246 - 1313) | __________________________________________ | | | _Reginald De Braose _________________|__________________________________________ | | | _William de Braose Lord Of Abergavenny_________| | | | | | | _Llywelyn 'the Great', Prince of Wales ___ | | | | (1173 - 1240) | | |_Gwladus Dou "The Dark Eyed"_________|__________________________________________ | | (.... - 1251) |_Eleanor De Braose ____| | | _John Fitzgilbert Marshall, The Marshall _+ | | (.... - 1165) | _William Marshall Earl Of Pembroke 4_|_Sibyl De Salisbury ______________________ | | (1146 - 1219) m 1189 |_Eva De Marshall ______________________________| (1206 - 1246) | | _Richard Strongbow Fitzgilbert, De Clare _+ | | (1130 - 1176) m 1171 |_Isabel De Clare Countess Strigoil___|_Aoife Macmurrough Of Leinster____________ (1174 - 1220) m 1189
Margery (or Eleanor), heiress of 1/4 hundred of Bisley, co. Gloucester.[Ancestral Roots]
He [Theobald de Verdun] married, before 6 November 1276, Margery (c). Hedied 24 August 1309 at Alton, aged about 61, and was buried 13 October inCroxden Abbey, in that co. [Complete Peeerage XII/2:249-50, (transcribedby Dave Utzinger)]
(c) By right of his wife he held 1/4 of the hundred of Bisley, co.Gloucester.
From: Douglas Richardson (royalancestry@msn.com)
Subject: Margeryde Bohun, wife of Theobald de Verdun (Was: A New BohunDaughter Discovered)
This is the only article in this thread
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Newsgroups: soc.genealogy.medieval
Date: 2002-01-11 15:41:47 PST
Dear Newsgroup ~
Today I had the opportunity to further research the matter of Theobald deVerdun's wife, Margery.
VCH Gloucester 11 (1976): 12 indicates about 1170, Hugh, Earl of Chester,granted the fee of Bisley, co. Gloucester to Humphrey de Bohun,son-in-law of Miles of Hereford. Humphrey was to hold the property forthe service of 3 knights fees out of the 5 owed for the fee.
VCH Gloucester 11 (1976): 1 further shows that in 1274, the Hundred Rollsshow that the hundred of Bisley was held by Peter Corbet (in rightof hiswife, Joan), Tibbald le Botiler (in right of his wife, Margery), andRichard le Eyer. Half of the profits belonged to Peter, the other halfwas sharedequally by Tibbald and Richard.
In 1303, a total of 2 3/4 fees in Bisley and Stroud were held from theearl of Hereford. including parts of Bisley manor, which fees were in thepossession respectively of Joan Corbet, Tibbald de Verdun, and Richard ofBisley [Reference: FeudalAids, 2 (1900): 251].
In 1309, at Theobald de Verdun's death, it was recorded that he owned acapital messuage and lands at Bisley, co. Gloucester "in free marriage ofthe earl of Hereford by service of rendering 1 lb. cummin yearly."[Reference: Cal. IPM, vol. 5 (1908): 96].
The above information, taken together with the abstract of the legalcaseI posted earlier today, make it clear that Theobald de Verdun's wife,Margery, was the daughter of Humphrey de Bohun,and that she had a 1/4share of the manor and hundred of Bisley, co. Gloucester in freemarriage. Also, it appears that Margery was married previously to acertain Robert de W., who evidently died prior to 1274, without maleissue. For an abstract of the legal case, see my earlier post which isshown below.
As to which Humphrey de Bohun was Margery's father, it appears that thecorrect Humphrey is the Humphrey de Bohun, born say 1230, died 1265, whomarried before 1249 Eleanor, daughter of William deBreuse, lord ofAbergavenny, by Eve, daughter of William le Marshal, Earl of Pembroke.This Humphrey was never Earl of Hereford, he having died in his father'slifetime. This would explain why Theobald de Verdun's statements refer tohim only as "one Humphrey" and not as "Humphrey, Earl of Hereford."
It is unusual that a high born marriage for a Bohun woman should haveescaped the attention of so many people prior to this time. Thissituationappears to have been caused by the tangled history of the hundred andmanor of Bisley, co. Gloucester,which properties had multiple owners. Itis fortunate indeed that a record of Theobald de Verdun's statementsregarding his wife's parentage were preserved in the Yearbooks of EdwardI and that his inquisition clearly show that he acquired the property atBisley in free marriage, held under the Earls of Hereford.
Given that some 40 odd immigrants descend from Theobald de Verdun and hiswife, Margery de Bohun, this new discovery doubtless affects the ancestryof a good many people here in the newsgroup.
Best always, Douglas Richardson, Salt Lake City, Utah
_Henry Dismore Sr.___+ | (1753 - 1816) m 1780 _Henry C. Dismore Jr._|_Martha Smith _______ | (1785 - 1830) m 1804 (1760 - ....) _Nathaniel Dismore __| | (1806 - 1896) m 1829| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Nancy Donahew _______|_____________________ | (1785 - ....) m 1804 _Isaac Dismore ______| | (1831 - 1900) m 1852| | | _____________________ | | | | | ______________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Kesiah Coffman _____| | (1810 - ....) m 1829| | | _____________________ | | | | |______________________|_____________________ | | |--Margaret J. Dismore | (1867 - ....) | _____________________ | | | ______________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |______________________|_____________________ | | |_Elizabeth Coffman __| (1832 - 1868) m 1852| | _____________________ | | | ______________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |______________________|_____________________
1880 Federal Census of the United States
_John De Lee ________+ | (1430 - 1478) _Thomas Lee _________|_Elizabeth Corbin ___ | (1482 - ....) m 1505 (1434 - ....) _Humphrey Lee _______| | (1506 - 1588) m 1525| | | _Robert Morton ______ | | | (1455 - ....) | |_Johanna Morton _____|_____________________ | (1484 - 1526) m 1505 _Johannes (John) Lee ____| | (1528 - 1605) m 1553 | | | _Humphrey Blount ____+ | | | (1371 - ....) | | _John Blount ________|_____________________ | | | (1470 - ....) | |_Catherine Blount ___| | (.... - 1591) m 1525| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth Yee ______|_____________________ | (1470 - ....) | |--Jasper Lee | (1559 - 1605) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _John Romney ________| | | (1510 - ....) | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Joyce or Jocota Romney _| (1533 - 1609) m 1553 | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Bripton Berrington _| (1512 - ....) | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
[17807] No Children
_______________________ | _John Smith ______________|_______________________ | (1614 - 1710) m 1643 _Samuel Smith _________| | (1644 - 1719) m 1692 | | | _Samuel Hinckley ______+ | | | (1589 - 1662) m 1617 | |_Susannah Hinckley _______|_Sarah Soole __________ | (1625 - 1675) m 1643 (1600 - 1656) _Shubael Smith __________| | (1693 - 1768) m 1716 | | | _______________________ | | | | | __________________________|_______________________ | | | | |_Elizabeth Pierce _____| | (1665 - 1719) m 1692 | | | _______________________ | | | | |__________________________|_______________________ | | |--Elizabeth Smith | (1718 - 1739) | _Edward Fitz Randolph _+ | | (1607 - 1684) m 1637 | _Nathaniel Fitz Randolph _|_Elizabeth Blossom ____ | | (1642 - 1713) m 1662 (1620 - 1713) | _Samuel Fitz Randolph _| | | (1668 - 1754) m 1693 | | | | _Joseph Holloway ______ | | | | (1605 - 1647) m 1638 | | |_Mary Holley _____________|_Rose Allen ___________ | | (1640 - 1703) m 1662 (1621 - 1690) |_Prudence Fitz Randolph _| (1696 - 1766) m 1716 | | _______________________ | | | _Jeffery Jones ___________|_______________________ | | (1637 - 1717) |_Mary Jones ___________| (1672 - 1760) m 1693 | | _______________________ | | |_Safronie Walter _________|_______________________ (1643 - ....)
_Thomas Spencer _____+ | (1366 - 1435) m 1391 _Henry Spencer ______|_____________________ | (1392 - 1476) m 1410 _John Spencer _______| | (1412 - 1479) m 1443| | | _Henry Lincoln ______ | | | (1348 - ....) | |_Isabelle Lincoln ___|_____________________ | (1394 - ....) m 1410 _Thomas De Spencer __| | (1440 - ....) m 1443| | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Joan De Warsted ____| | (1415 - ....) m 1443| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Thomas Spencer | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Margaret Smith _____| (1452 - ....) m 1443| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
_____________________ | _William White ______|_____________________ | (1720 - ....) _William White II___________| | (1748 - 1811) m 1773 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Mary Molly Rankin __|_____________________ | _William White ______| | (1776 - 1873) m 1797| | | _____________________ | | | | | _Unknown Johnson ____|_____________________ | | | (1747 - ....) | |_Mary Johnson ______________| | (1753 - ....) m 1773 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--James Anderson White | (1805 - 1890) | _Hezekiah Balch _____+ | | (1685 - ....) | _James Balch ________|_Martha Ann Bloomer _ | | (1714 - 1779) m 1736 (1690 - ....) | _Hezekiah James Balch ______| | | (1750 - 1821) m 1772 | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Anne Goodwin _______|_____________________ | | (1719 - 1760) m 1736 |_Ann Wilkes Balch ___| (1776 - 1832) m 1797| | _____________________ | | | _David Garrison _____|_____________________ | | (1717 - 1789) m 1735 |_Susannah Lavinia Garrison _| (1758 - 1834) m 1772 | | _____________________ | | |_Mary Unknown _______|_____________________ (1729 - ....) m 1735