______________________ | _William Henry Connell Sr._|______________________ | (1912 - 1997) m 1947 _Robert Connell _____| | (1938 - 2006) | | | _Stanley Abram Auker _+ | | | (1892 - 1972) m 1916 | |_Wanda Iona Auker _________|_Nora Etta Barnhart __ | (1920 - 2000) m 1947 (1896 - 1945) _Living______________| | | | | ______________________ | | | | | ___________________________|______________________ | | | | |_Living______________| | | | | ______________________ | | | | |___________________________|______________________ | | |--Living | | ______________________ | | | ___________________________|______________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | ______________________ | | | | | | |___________________________|______________________ | | |_Living______________| | | ______________________ | | | ___________________________|______________________ | | |_____________________| | | ______________________ | | |___________________________|______________________
[10110] living - details excluded
______________________________ | _____________________|______________________________ | __________________________| | | | | ______________________________ | | | | |_____________________|______________________________ | _Living______________| | | | | ______________________________ | | | | | _____________________|______________________________ | | | | |__________________________| | | | | ______________________________ | | | | |_____________________|______________________________ | | |--Living | | ______________________________ | | | _Everett McMillen ___|______________________________ | | (1870 - 1924) m 1894 | _Ernest William McMillen _| | | (1906 - 1978) m 1939 | | | | _Robert Newton Parks _________+ | | | | (1844 - 1929) m 1871 | | |_Daisy Bell Parks ___|_Florence Parthena Henderson _ | | (1877 - 1955) m 1894 (1845 - 1918) |_Living______________| | | ______________________________ | | | _____________________|______________________________ | | |_Lenora Iva Shaw _________| (1918 - 1946) m 1939 | | ______________________________ | | |_____________________|______________________________
[12201] living - details excluded
_Raymond De Bourgogne _______________________+ | (1065 - 1107) m 1087 _ALFONSO VII of Castile & Leon _______|_Urraca Alfonsez Of Castile & Leon __________ | (.... - 1157) m 1124 (1082 - 1126) _Alfonsez Sancho III King Of Castile _| | (.... - 1158) m 1151 | | | _____________________________________________ | | | | |_Berenguela Raimundo De Barcelona ____|_____________________________________________ | (1116 - ....) m 1124 _Alfonso Sanchez VIII King Of Castile _| | (1155 - 1214) m 1177 | | | _Ramiro II Moncon ___________________________ | | | (1070 - ....) | | _Garcie IV of Navarre ________________|_Elvira Diaz ________________________________ | | | (1100 - 1150) (1077 - ....) | |_Blanca Princess Of Navarre __________| | (1133 - 1156) m 1151 | | | _Gilbert De La Aigle ________________________+ | | | (1070 - ....) | |_Marguerite Aigle ____________________|_Julienne de Perche _________________________ | (1104 - 1141) (1070 - ....) | |--Blanca "Blanche" Alphonsa | | _FOULQUES V Count D'anjou King Of Jerusalem _+ | | (1092 - 1143) m 1110 | _Geoffrey V The Fair, Plantagenet ____|_ERMENGARDE (Ermentrude) De Maine ___________ | | (1113 - 1151) m 1128 (.... - 1126) | _Henry II Plantagenet Of England______| | | (1133 - 1189) m 1152 | | | | _Henry I Beauclerc King Of England __________+ | | | | (1068 - 1135) m 1100 | | |_Empress Matilda Lady O Fthe English _|_Matilda "Atheling" of Queen Of Scotland ____ | | (1904 - 1167) m 1128 (1079 - 1118) |_Eleanor Plantagenet __________________| (1162 - 1214) m 1177 | | _____________________________________________ | | | ______________________________________|_____________________________________________ | | |_Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine _______| (.... - 1204) m 1152 | | _____________________________________________ | | |______________________________________|_____________________________________________
Ancestral File (R)
Of Canterbury, England.
From the "selvage1" database at WorldConnect. Please contact PetersonC@missouri.edu with corrections and additions.
Arthur Wayne Pass
Arthur Wayne Pass
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Edmund Chandler ____| | (1587 - 1662) m 1630| | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Mary Chandler | (1642 - 1662) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_ Unknown ___________| (1610 - 1662) m 1630| | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Capt. John James Corker _| | (1554 - ....) | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Capt. William Corker | (1584 - 1677) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_ dorcas Dorothy Bishop___| (1558 - ....) | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _John Inskeep _______| | (1650 - ....) | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Ann Inskeep | (1680 - 1733) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Sarah ______________| (1653 - ....) | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
__ | __|__ | _Reginhart Count Of Ringelheim __| | (0828 - ....) | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _THEODORIC Count of Ringlehiem _____| | (0853 - 0920) | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |_Matilda Countess Of Ringelheim _| | (0833 - ....) | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Mathilde of Ringelheim | (0877 - 0968) | __ | | | __|__ | | | _________________________________| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_LUDMILLA Ragnhildis of Ringleheim _| (0858 - ....) | | __ | | | __|__ | | |_________________________________| | | __ | | |__|__
Sources: RC 92, 134, 321, 338, 372; Kraentzler1260, 1477; 1517; Coe, AF,A.
Second wife of Henry the Fowler. RC 338 says born about 900, which would be rather young (9) for a normal marriage age. It adds, "Mathilda's birthdate would seem to imply that she was the daughter of Gisela (of Lorraine ), but this is not certain." K. calls her Mathilde von Sachsen.