__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Charles Irish ______| | | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Living | | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Imina Nolan ________| | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
[10700] living - details excluded
__________________________ | _________________________|__________________________ | ______________________| | | | | __________________________ | | | | |_________________________|__________________________ | _John Caskey __________| | (1920 - 1985) m 1954 | | | __________________________ | | | | | _________________________|__________________________ | | | | |______________________| | | | | __________________________ | | | | |_________________________|__________________________ | | |--Living | | __________________________ | | | _________________________|__________________________ | | | _Alfred Bruce Snyder _| | | (.... - 1921) m 1921 | | | | __________________________ | | | | | | |_________________________|__________________________ | | |_Marjorie Jean Snyder _| (1924 - ....) m 1954 | | __________________________ | | | _William Henry Lawrence _|__________________________ | | (1842 - 1926) m 1881 |_Elsie E. Lawrence ___| (1892 - 1985) m 1921 | | _Leander Alexander Parks _ | | (1819 - 1907) m 1848 |_Mary Melvina Parks _____|_Emily Louisa Henderson __ (1854 - 1950) m 1881 (1817 - 1893)
[12294] living - details excluded
"At the very beginning of 1632, Mr. Bachiler left England for Boston in New England. He sailed on the 9th of March 1631/2, in the vessel called the "William and Francis", from London." He was admitted a freeman on May 6, 1635.
!DEATH: "The Rev. Bachiler was buried on 31 October 1656 in the Allhallows Staining Church cemetery, in London, England." NH Genealogica l Record 8:1, 1991
Name variations
The Great Migration Begins, Vol. I-III, by Robert C. Anderson NEHGS
ONLINE (at http://www.newenglandancestors.org):
ORIGIN: South Stoneham, Hampshire
MIGRATION: 1632 on William and Francis [WJ 1:93]
REMOVES: Ipswich (supposedly) 1636, Yarmouth 1637/8, Newbury 1638,
Hampton 1639, Portsmouth 1644
RETURN TRIPS: To England permanently by late 1650 or early 1651
CHURCH MEMBERSHIP: Member of Lynn, Newbury and Hampton churches during
his ministry in those places (but see COMENTS for further discussion).
FREEMAN: 6 May 1635 [MBCR 1:371].
EDUCATION: Matriculated about 1581 at Oxford from St. John's College, and
received his B.A. 3 February 1585/6 [ Foster 1:53].
OFFICES: On 28 June 1641 at Saco four men were chosen as arbitrators ina
dispute between GEORGE CLEEVE and JOHN WINTER , and in case those four
men could not agree, Stephen Bachiler was to be "an umpire for the final
ending of the said controversies" [Trelawny Papers 269-72, 319].
ESTATE: Many secondary sources state that Bachiler was granted fifty
acres at Ipswich in February 1636, but evidence of this has not been
found in the town or colony records. On 6 July 1638 Bachiler was granted
land at Newbury [Newbury Town Records].
"Steven Bachiler sometimes of Hampton" was granted seven parcels of
landat Hampton: nine and a half acres of upland for a house lot; five
acres of upland added to the house lot; four acres of swampy ground;
eleven acres of meadow; four acres of meadow; two hundred acres of
upland, meadow & marsh for afarm; and eight acres of upland in the East
Field [NEHGR 46:160-61, citing Hampton town records].
On 20 April 1647 "Steven Bachiler late of Hampton in the County of
Norfolk in New England & now of Strabery Bank for ... love and affection
towards my four grandchildren John, Stephen & William Samborn &
Nathaniell Batchiller all now or lately of Hampton" deeded to grandson
John Samborne "all of my dwelling house & land or ground whether arable,
meadow & pasture or other ground with their appurtenances together with
all the buildings,commons, profits, privileges & immunities whatsoever
to the same or any partthereof belonging or in any wise appertaining,
the greater part thereof being now or lately in the tenure, possession or
occupation of the said John Samborn & other part thereof not yet
particularly appointed by the town &c. (excepting out of this grant the
land with the appurtenances which I formerly soldto William Howard &
Thomas Ward)," said John Samborne to pay Ð20 apiece to each of the other
three grandchildren [NHPLR 13:221].
BIRTH: About 1561 (aged 70, 23 June 1631 [Waters 520]; aged 71, 5 June
1632 [WJ 1:93]; about 76, late March 1636/7 [WJ 1:313]).
DEATH: Buried 31 October 1656 at All Hallows Staining, London [NHGR
MARRIAGE: (1) By about 1590 [Anne?] _____, who was closely related in
some way to Reverend John Bate, Bachiler's successoras vicar of Wherwell
[see COMENTS]; she died sometime between about 1610 and1624. (Although
this first wife's given name is stated to be "Anne" by many authorities,
there is no record evidence to support this.)
(2) Abbots Ann, Hampshire, 2 March 1623/4 Christian Weare, widow
[GDMNH 81]; she died before 26 March 1627.
(3) Abbots Ann, Hampshire, 26 March 1627 Helena Mason, widow (of
Reverend Thomas Mason) [GDMNH 81]; she was aged 48 in 1631, so born about
1583 [Waters 520]; died by 3 May 1647 [WP 5:153].
(4) by 14 February 1648 Mary (_____) Beedle, widow of Robert Beedle [
Kittery Hist 95-96]; she soon left her husband, and cohabited with George
Rogers at Kittery (see below).
With first wife
i NATHANIEL, b. say 1590; m. (1) Hester Mercer or LeMercier
[Batchelder Gen 110-15; NEHGR 27:36
[14530] Btw 1651 and 1654, returned to England
John Kahlerl (jbkaherl@aol.com)
Batchelder Geneal. by F. C. Pierce, pg 75-77, 83 (1898)
Winthrop, Maine by Stackpole, pg 677 (1925)
Batchelder Wills, FTM, pg 939-940 (2001)
Wing Family by C. P. Wing, pg 15-20 (1881)
Grt.Mig. (Steph.Bachiler) NEHGS ONLINE Vol. I-III (2002)
Geneal.Glean., Winge, NEHGR 45:237 (1891)
Rev.Steph.Bchldr, NEHGR 46:58-64, 157-161 (1892)
Rev.Steph.Bchldr, NEHGR 46:246-251, 345-350 (1892)
_____________________ | _____________________|_____________________ | ______________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _William Henry Connell Sr._| | (1912 - 1997) m 1947 | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |______________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Robert Connell | (1938 - 2006) | _John W. Auker ______+ | | (1823 - 1900) m 1848 | _Lucian Auker _______|_Elizabeth Landis ___ | | (1855 - 1934) m 1880 (1821 - 1895) | _Stanley Abram Auker _| | | (1892 - 1972) m 1916 | | | | _Thomas Benner ______+ | | | | (1830 - 1889) | | |_Frances Benner _____|_Mary Auker _________ | | (1859 - 1940) m 1880 (1834 - 1877) |_Wanda Iona Auker _________| (1920 - 2000) m 1947 | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Nora Etta Barnhart __| (1896 - 1945) m 1916 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
Wooster Daily Record, 1/28/06
Wooster Daily Record, 1/28/06
_Mareen Duvall Jr_____+ | (1680 - 1741) m 1701 _Jacob Duvall _______________|_Elizabeth Jacob _____ | (1715 - 1796) (1683 - 1752) _John Miles Duvall _______________| | (1745 - 1787) | | | ______________________ | | | | |_Mary Miles _________________|______________________ | (1719 - 1814) _Gabriel DuVall _____| | (1787 - 1827) m 1814| | | _James Tarleton ______ | | | (1660 - ....) | | _James Tarleton _____________|______________________ | | | (1721 - 1756) | |_Anne Rosella Philomena Tarleton _| | (1748 - 1823) | | | _John V Henning ______ | | | (1675 - 1748) | |_Ann Alisha Susanna Henning _|______________________ | (1716 - 1791) | |--Cyrus G DuVall | (1812 - 1893) | _Michael Krahenbuhl __+ | | (1706 - 1783) | _Joseph Grable ______________|_Mary Eby ____________ | | (1725 - 1810) (1710 - 1793) | _Joseph Grable ___________________| | | (1749 - 1804) | | | | _Hans Roland _________ | | | | (1691 - 1763) | | |_Mary Rowland _______________|_Anna Maria Rauscher _ | | (1725 - ....) (1698 - 1763) |_Mary Grable ________| (1793 - 1869) m 1814| | _Ludwig Miller _______ | | (.... - 1813) | _Samuel Miller ______________|_Barbara Grable ______ | | (1743 - 1827) (1725 - ....) |_Lydia Miller ____________________| (1774 - 1806) | | _Thomas Davidson _____ | | (1730 - 1796) |_Margaret Davidson __________|______________________ (1755 - 1837)
_KARL II (Charles) "The Bald", Holy Roman Emperor _+ | (0823 - 0877) m 0842 _LOUIS (Ludwig) III King Of France _________________|_ERMENTRUDE (Hermentrude) of Orleans ______________ | (.... - 0879) m 0875 (0830 - 0869) _Charles III (Karl) King Of France _________| | (0879 - 0939) m 0919 | | | _Bego II (Beggen) Count of Paris __________________ | | | (0822 - 0861) | |_ADBELAHIDE (Adelaide) Queen Of France. ____________|___________________________________________________ | (0855 - 0900) m 0875 _LOUIS IV Outremer King Of France _| | (0921 - 0954) m 0940 | | | _ALFRED "The Great" King Of England _______________+ | | | (0848 - ....) m 0868 | | _EDWARD I "The Elder" King Of England ______________|_EALHSWITH (Ealswith Alswitha) Queen Of England ___ | | | (0875 - 0924) m 0902 (.... - 0905) | |_EADGIFU (Ethelgild) Ogive Queen Of Franks _| | (0904 - 0951) m 0919 | | | ___________________________________________________ | | | | |_Aelflaed __________________________________________|___________________________________________________ | (0878 - 0919) m 0902 | |--MATILDE of France | (0946 - 1016) | _Liudulf Unknown Margrave of East Saxony___________ | | (0804 - 0866) | _OTTO 'The Illustrious' Von Sachsen Duke Of Saxony _|_Oda Unknown ______________________________________ | | (.... - 0912) (0796 - ....) | _Henry I, Duke of Saxony, King of Germany __| | | (0876 - 0936) m 0909 | | | | ___________________________________________________ | | | | | | |_HEDWIGE Empress Of Rome ___________________________|___________________________________________________ | | (0846 - 0903) |_GERBERG "Abbess" de Saxony _______| (0913 - 0984) m 0940 | | _Reginhart Count Of Ringelheim ____________________ | | (0828 - ....) | _THEODORIC Count of Ringlehiem _____________________|_Matilda Countess Of Ringelheim ___________________ | | (0853 - 0920) (0833 - ....) |_Mathilde of Ringelheim ____________________| (0877 - 0968) m 0909 | | ___________________________________________________ | | |_LUDMILLA Ragnhildis of Ringleheim _________________|___________________________________________________ (0858 - ....)
_____________________ | _Thomas Hatch _______|_____________________ | (1598 - 1646) m 1624 _Jonathan Hatch ______| | (.... - 1710) m 1646 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Lydia Gyles ________|_____________________ | (1600 - 1665) m 1624 _Joseph Hatch _______| | (1653 - 1735) m 1683| | | _____________________ | | | | | _Henry Rowley _______|_____________________ | | | (.... - 1673) m 1630 | |_Sarah Rowley ________| | (1625 - 1710) m 1646 | | | _William Palmer _____+ | | | m 1598 | |_Sarah Palmer _______|_Frances Blossom ____ | (.... - 1632) m 1630 (.... - 1637) | |--Ichabod Hatch | (1691 - 1754) | _Richard Allen ______+ | | (1563 - 1652) | _George Allen _______|_Margaret Wyott _____ | | (1578 - 1648) m 1624 (1564 - ....) | _James Allen _________| | | (1636 - 1714) | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Catherine Starke ___|_____________________ | | (1576 - 1670) m 1624 |_Amy Allen __________| (1663 - 1709) m 1683| | _Ralph Partridge ____ | | (1579 - 1665) m 1638 | _George Partridge ___|_Christian Sims _____ | | (1638 - 1695) m 1638 (1580 - ....) |_Elizabeth Partridge _| (1642 - 1722) | | _Stephen Tracy ______+ | | (1596 - 1653) m 1620 |_Sarah Tracy ________|_Tryphosa Lee _______ (.... - 1708) m 1638 (1597 - ....)
__ | _Jacob Meyli ________|__ | (1560 - 1602) _Johannes Meyli _______| | (1583 - 1650) m 1603 | | | __ | | | | |_____________________|__ | _Martin Meyli _______| | (1607 - 1658) m 1637| | | __ | | | | | _____________________|__ | | | | |_Elsbeth Hochstrasser _| | (1585 - 1618) m 1603 | | | __ | | | | |_____________________|__ | | |--Jacob Meyli | (1639 - 1661) | __ | | | _____________________|__ | | | _______________________| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |_____________________|__ | | |_Anna Bar ___________| (1618 - ....) m 1637| | __ | | | _____________________|__ | | |_______________________| | | __ | | |_____________________|__
Boehm Family of Lancaster Co., PA
_John Ruthven _______+ | _Patrick Ruthven ____|_____________________ | _William Ruthven 1st Lord_| | (.... - 1528) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Unknown Cranstoun __|_____________________ | _William Ruthven ______| | (.... - 1513) | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Isabel Levington ________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--William RUTHVEN 2nd Lord | (1500 - 1552) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Catherine Buttergask _| | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |__________________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
Ancestral File (TM)
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _John Waters ________| | (1641 - ....) m 1665| | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Martha "Susannah" Waters | (1667 - 1725) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Ann Lloyd __________| (1645 - ....) m 1665| | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
When Susanna died in 1725, she granted power of attorney to her sonHenry. He had the responsibility of relinquishing her dower. She alsodeeded land to her son David on Polecat Swamp
Religion: Quaker