_____________________ | _____________________|_____________________ | ______________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _Charles Edgar Lee __| | (1915 - ....) | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |______________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Living | | _John W. Auker ______+ | | (1823 - 1900) m 1848 | _Lucian Auker _______|_Elizabeth Landis ___ | | (1855 - 1934) m 1880 (1821 - 1895) | _Stanley Abram Auker _| | | (1892 - 1972) m 1916 | | | | _Thomas Benner ______+ | | | | (1830 - 1889) | | |_Frances Benner _____|_Mary Auker _________ | | (1859 - 1940) m 1880 (1834 - 1877) |_Wanda Iona Auker ___| (1920 - 2000) | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Nora Etta Barnhart __| (1896 - 1945) m 1916 | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
[10089] living - details excluded
[11674] living - details excluded
_Henry Adams ________+ | (1531 - 1596) m 1549 _John Adams ______________|_Rose _______________ | (1555 - 1604) m 1575 (1536 - ....) _Henry Adams __________| | (1583 - 1646) m 1586 | | | _John Stone _________ | | | (1528 - 1597) m 1555 | |_Katherine (Agnes) Stone _|_Agnes Barton _______ | (1556 - 1615) m 1575 _Samuel Adams _______| | (1617 - 1689) m 1646| | | _____________________ | | | | | _Henry Fussell Squire ____|_____________________ | | | (1563 - 1649) m 1586 | |_Edith Fussell Squire _| | (1587 - 1670) m 1586 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Charlotte Mackrell ______|_____________________ | (1565 - 1660) m 1586 | |--Samuel Adams | (1642 - 1647) | _____________________ | | | __________________________|_____________________ | | | _______________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |__________________________|_____________________ | | |_Mary Eglesfield ____| (1616 - 1650) m 1646| | _____________________ | | | __________________________|_____________________ | | |_______________________| | | _____________________ | | |__________________________|_____________________
_John Allred ________+ | (1571 - 1633) m 1589 _William Allred _____|_Anne Taylor ________ | (1594 - 1660) m 1625 (1571 - 1638) _John Allred ________| | (1637 - 1701) m 1659| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Alice Tongue _______|_____________________ | (1595 - 1660) m 1625 _Solomon Allred _____| | (1680 - 1754) m 1710| | | _William Pemberton __ | | | (1581 - 1642) m 1602 | | _John Pemberton _____|_Ann Heaton _________ | | | (1614 - 1642) (1583 - 1642) | |_Ellen Pemberton ____| | (1638 - 1684) m 1659| | | _Thomas Smith _______ | | | (1591 - 1648) | |_Margaret Smith _____|_____________________ | (1615 - 1642) | |--Elizabeth Allred | (1713 - 1738) | _George York ________+ | | (1595 - 1664) m 1615 | _Richard York _______|_Ellen Unknown ______ | | (1620 - 1660) m 1642 (1596 - 1652) | _Richard York _______| | | (1650 - 1695) m 1682| | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Mary Unknown _______|_____________________ | | (1620 - 1660) m 1642 |_Ann Elizabeth York _| (1688 - 1756) m 1710| | _____________________ | | | _Jeremiah Seymour ___|_____________________ | | (1630 - 1683) m 1651 |_Ann Seymour ________| (1652 - 1694) m 1682| | _____________________ | | |_Ann Unknown ________|_____________________ (1630 - 1694) m 1651
_PETER De Arderne ________________________________+ | (.... - 1292) _John De Arderne _____________________________________|_Margery Unknown _________________________________ | (1266 - 1308) (1245 - ....) _John De Arderne ____| | (.... - 1349) m 1325| | | _Gruffudd ap Madog (Gruffydd MAELOR II) Griffith _+ | | | (1218 - 1269) | |_Margaret "Margery-Margred" Verch Gruffudd (Griffith)_|_Emma D'Audley ___________________________________ | (1267 - ....) (1218 - ....) _John (Peter) De Arderne _| | (1325 - 1379) m 1355 | | | __________________________________________________ | | | | | _Hugh Of Kinderton De Venables _______________________|__________________________________________________ | | | (1256 - ....) m 1295 | |_Alice De Venables __| | m 1325 | | | __________________________________________________ | | | | |_Agatha De Vernon ____________________________________|__________________________________________________ | (.... - 1350) m 1295 | |--Blanche De Arderne | (.... - 1429) | __________________________________________________ | | | ______________________________________________________|__________________________________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | __________________________________________________ | | | | | | |______________________________________________________|__________________________________________________ | | |_Cicely De Bredbury ______| (1327 - ....) m 1355 | | __________________________________________________ | | | ______________________________________________________|__________________________________________________ | | |_____________________| | | __________________________________________________ | | |______________________________________________________|__________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ | _______________________________|_________________________________________________ | _________________________________________| | | | | _________________________________________________ | | | | |_______________________________|_________________________________________________ | _Richard De Lucy _____________| | (1098 - 1179) m 1109 | | | _________________________________________________ | | | | | _______________________________|_________________________________________________ | | | | |_________________________________________| | | | | _________________________________________________ | | | | |_______________________________|_________________________________________________ | | |--Aveline De Lucy | (1123 - ....) | _Godfrey De Brionne _____________________________+ | | (0953 - 1015) m 0985 | _Gilbert (Crispin) De Brionne _|_Hawise de Guines _______________________________ | | (.... - 1040) m 1024 (0958 - ....) | _RICHARD, 1st Earl de Clare FitzGilbert _| | | (1024 - 1089) m 1054 | | | | _William Hieme Count De Eu ______________________+ | | | | (0970 - ....) m 1007 | | |_Constance De Eu ______________|_Beatrice le Goz ________________________________ | | (1009 - ....) m 1024 (0985 - 1014) |_Rohese FitzRichard De Clare _| (.... - 1121) m 1109 | | _Osbern-I de Bolbec _____________________________ | | (0945 - 1035) m 0985 | _Walter "The Elder" Giffard ___|_Wevia Avelina (Duvelina) FitzRichard de Crepon _ | | (.... - 1084) m 1025 (0948 - ....) |_Rohese Giffard _________________________| (1034 - ....) m 1054 | | _Gerald De Fleitel ______________________________ | | (0985 - ....) |_Ermentrude Agnes Flaitel _____|_Unknown D'evreux _______________________________ (1014 - ....) m 1025 (0990 - ....)
Poet Robert Frost is a descendant
U.S. President James Monroe is a descendant.
John FitzGilbert, styled also John the Marshal, 1st son and heir [of Gilbert], a party to the suit afore said, succeeded to his father's lands and office in or shortly before 1130, when he owed 22.13.4 marks for them. He then held land in Wiltshire, and owed 40 marks silver for the office of supplying fodder for the royal horses in his charge, as well as 30 marks silver for the land and daughter of Walter Pipard. He was with Henry I in Normandy in 1137 and in England in 1138, in which year he fortified the castles of Marlborough and Ludger shall. In 1140 he held Marlborough for the King, and captured Robert FitzHubert, who had taken the royal castle of Devizes. After Stephen had been taken prisoner at Lincoln, John joined the Empress, with whom he was at Reading in May, at Oxford in July, and at Winchester in Aug-Sep 1141, where in the final rout he was cut off and surrounded in Wherwell Abbey, but escaped with the loss of an eye and other wounds (b). In 1142 he was again with the Empress at Oxford, and some 2 years later at Devizes. In 1144 he was raiding the surrounding country form Marlborough Castle and oppressing the clergy. He was with Maud's son Henry at Devizes in 1149 and 1153; and in 1152 Newbury Castle was defended by his constable against Stephen. After Henry's accession John was granted Crown lands in Wiltshire worth 82 marks per annum, including Marlborough Castle; but he had to surrender the castle in 1158. He was present at the Council of Clarendon in 1164; soon after which he sued Thomas Becket for part of his manor at Pagham,in Sussex. John was a benefactor to the priory of Bradenstoke, the abbey of Troarn, and the Templars.
He m., 1stly, Aline, who may have been the daughter and heir of Walter Pipard. He is said to have repudiated her circa 1141, and he m., 2ndly, Sibyl, sister of Patrick de Salisbury, 1st Earl of WIltshire, and daughter of Walter de Salisbury, hereditary sheriff of Wiltshire and constable of Salisbury Castle, by Sibyl, daughter of Patrick de Chaources (Chaworth). John d. in 1165, before Michaelmas. [Complete PeerageX:Appendix G:93-95]
(b) According to the poem, John escaped from Winchester on foot to Marlborough, and there assembled troops, with which he inflicted much loss on the King and his partisans, and when Stephen marched towards Ludgershall, the Marshal waylaid and defeated the royal forces. After this Patrick de Salisbury (whom the poet prematurely makes an Earl) is said to have made many attacks on the Marshal, with the King's support; until the feud was settled by John repudiating his 1st wife and marrying Patrick's sister.
John Marshal, whom the Gesta Stephani rather unkindly describes as 'a limb of hell and the root of all evil' was a man who loved warfare, and played the game of politics with great success. At first he supported Stephen but, when he began to realise the failings of the King and the potentialities of Matilda's party, he changed sides. Almost immediately he proved by a consummate act of bravery and hardihood, that he was worthhaving: escorting Matilda to safety in his castle at Ledgershall, John found that the party was going dangerously slowly because Matilda was riding side-saddle, so he persuaded her to ride astride, and stopped behind to delay the pursuers at Wherwell. His force was soon overpoweredby the numbers of the enemy, and John took refuge with one of his knights in the Abbey. The opposing party promptly set fire to the church, and John and his knight had to take cover in the tower, John threatening to kill his knight if he made any move to surrender. As the lead of the roof began to melt and drop on the two soldiers, putting out one of John's eyes, the enemy moved off, convinced that they were dead. They escaped, in a terrible state, but triumphant, to John's castle.
He plainly expected his children to be as tough as himself, as an incident of the year 1152, when William was about six, will show. King Stephen went to besiege Newbury Castle, which Matilda had given John to defend; the castellan, realising that provisions and the garrison were both too low to stand a long siege, asked for a truce to inform his master. This was normal practice, for if the castellan were not at once relieved, he could then surrender without being held to have let his master down. Now John had not sufficient troops to relieve the castle, so he asked Stephen to extend the truce whilst he, in turn, informed his mistress, and agreed to give William as a hostage, promising not to provision and garrison the castle during the truce. This he promptly did,and when he received word from Stephen that the child would be hung if he did not at once surrender the castle, he cheerfully replied that he had hammer and anvils to forge a better child than William. [Who's Who in the Middle Ages, John Fines, Barnes & Noble Books, New York, 1995]
John Mareschall, attaching himself to the fortunes of Maud against King Stephen, was with Robert, the consul, Earl of Gloucester, at the siege of Winchester Castle, when the party of the empress sustained so signal a defeat. Upon the accession of Henry II, however, in 1154, his fidelity was amply rewarded by considerable grants in the co. Wilts; and in the10th of that monarch's reign, being then marshal, he laid claim, for the crown, to one of the manors of the see of Canterbury from the prelate,Thomas à Becket, who about that period, had commenced his contest with the king. To this John s. his son and heir, John Mareschall. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage, Ltd., London, 1883, p. 357, Marshal, Barons Marshal]
_Ebenezer Hopkins ___+ | (1699 - 1784) m 1727 _Nehemiah Hopkins ___|_Susannah Messenger _ | (1730 - 1814) m 1752 (1704 - 1745) _Matthew Hopkins ____| | (1772 - 1820) m 1795| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Tryphena Smith _____|_____________________ | (1731 - 1803) m 1752 _William Augustus Hopkins _| | (1796 - 1861) m 1816 | | | _____________________ | | | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | | |_Mercy Mead _________| | (1779 - 1800) m 1795| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Edwin Joel Hopkins | (1835 - 1924) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Ruinda Dunn ______________| (1798 - 1886) m 1816 | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _John Hussey _________| | (1417 - ....) m 1430 | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--William Hussey | (1443 - 1496) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Elizabeth Sheffield _| (1419 - ....) m 1430 | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
_____________________________ | _Gabriel Partridge __|_____________________________ | (1515 - 1557) m 1543 _Barthelmew Partridge _| | (.... - 1598) m 1567 | | | _____________________________ | | | | |_Margerie ___________|_____________________________ | (1521 - ....) m 1543 _John Partridge _____| | (1578 - 1652) m 1619| | | _John (The Fugitive) Greene _+ | | | (1470 - 1520) m 1495 | | _John Greene ________|_Elizabeth Unknown __________ | | | (1506 - 1595) (1475 - ....) | |_Pernell Greene _______| | (1541 - 1597) m 1567 | | | _John Wright ________________ | | | (1488 - 1551) m 1508 | |_Katherine Wright ___|_Olive Hubbard ______________ | (1512 - 1593) (.... - 1560) | |--William Partridge | (1622 - 1688) | _____________________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________________ | | | _Francis Hogg _________| | | (1557 - ....) | | | | _____________________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________________ | | |_Jane Hogg __________| m 1619 | | _____________________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________________ | | |_______________________| | | _____________________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________________
age 70 at death
Ancestor of U.S. President Rutherford B. Hayes.
_Jan Pas _____________ | m 1830 _Arie Pas ___________|_Adriana Boer ________ | m 1866 _"Jan" John Pas _____| | | | | _Teunis Boer _________+ | | | (1815 - 1861) m 1838 | |_Ariaantje Boer _____|_Gerrigje Boelhouwer _ | m 1866 (1816 - 1889) _Arie "Harry" Jan Pas ___| | (1893 - 1987) m 1930 | | | ______________________ | | | | | _____________________|______________________ | | | | |_Maria van Eljk _____| | | | | ______________________ | | | | |_____________________|______________________ | | |--Arthur Wayne Pass | (1932 - 1920) | ______________________ | | | _____________________|______________________ | | | _George Guisler _____| | | (1883 - ....) | | | | ______________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|______________________ | | |_Dorothy Evelyn Guisler _| (1907 - 1993) m 1930 | | ______________________ | | | _____________________|______________________ | | |_Irene White ________| (1882 - ....) | | ______________________ | | |_____________________|______________________
[28097] ass, Arthur W. "Art", 88, of Zephyrhills, Florida, passed away on Friday, March 27, 2020. He was a US Air Force retired Veteran serving in the Vietnam War and was a recipient of the Purple Heart. Art was born in McKeesport, PA on February 5, 1932. He enjoyed spending time with his family and loved to travel. He is survived by 3 children, John W. Pass and wife Vicki, Cynthia Leal, and James W. Pass and wife Laura; 9 grandchildren, Jami, Jason, Joseph, Ashley, Sandra, Barbara, Karl, Sarah and Kelly; 13 great grandchildren, Ethan, Taylor, Gavin, Eden, Emma, Jace, Jaxon, Alexandria, Danielle, Johnny, John Robert, Christopher, and Kaitlan; brother, Van Pass; and sister, Evelyn Churchill. He was predeceased by his daughter, Susan Jane Pass, and son, Robert Pass. Private funeral services will be held by the family with burial at Florida National Cemetery.
Immigrated with Pilgrims from Leyden to Plymouth in 1630
The Great Migration Begins Vol. I-III, by Robert C. Anderson NEHGS ONLINE (at http://www.newenglandancestors.org): HENRY ROWLEY ORIGIN:
MIGRATION: 1632 FIRST RESIDENCE: Scituate REMOVES: Barnstable 1640
CHURCH MEMBERSHIP: "Goodman Rowly and his wife" were founding members of the Scituate church, 8 January 1634/5 [ NEHGR 9:279].
FREEMAN: Admitted 1 January 1634/5 [PCR 1:4, 32]. In the list of 7 March 1636/7 [PCR 1:53]. In the 1639 list of freemen, Henry Rowley appears under Scituate (lined out) and under Barnstable [PCR 8:175, 177]. In Barnstable section of 1658 and 29 May 1670 lists of freemen [PCR 5:277, 8:200].
OFFICES: Deputy for Barnstable to General Court, 29 August 1643 [PCR 2:59]. Barnstable constable, 2 March 1640/1, 1 June 1641 [PCR2:9, 15]. Petit jury, 6 June 1650 [PCR 7:49]. Barnstable surveyor of highways, 2 June 1646, 1 June 1647, 7 June 1653 [PCR 2:102, 115, 3:33]. Coroner's jury on body of Isaac Robinson Jr. of Barnstable, 22 October 1668 [PCR 5:7]. In Barnstable section of 1643 Plymouth list of men able to bear arms [PCR 8:193]. ESTATE: "_____ Rowly" was assessed 9s. in the Plymouth tax list of 25 March 1633, and 18s. in the list of 27 March 1634 [PCR 1:11, 28]. "Goodman Rowlye" had built a house by the time of Rev. John Lothrop's arrival in Scituate in September 1634; he later acquired a house built by Henry Cobb, and built a second house on his own lot [ NEHGR 10:42]. On 1 January 1637/8 Henry Rowley was one of the freemen of Scituate who complained that their proportionsof land were too small to subsist upon and with the others received upland, neck, and meadow between the North & South Rivers [PCR 1:72]. He was an original grantee of Seppekann, 22 January 1638/9 [PCR 1:108]. The inventory of the estate of "Henery Rowley of Saconeesett deceased" was exhibited at Plymouth court in July 1673, on the oath of Moses Rowley, and consisted of a debt ofÐ29 due from Jonathan Hatch "upon the repurchase of a parcel of land which the said Hatch sold to the said Henery Rowley with that limitation provided" [MD 24:137, citing PCPR 3:1:93; Scrapbook 101].
BIRTH: By about 1605 based on estimated date of marriage.
DEATH: Between 29 May 1670 [PCR 5:277] and July1673 (presentation of inventory).
MARRIAGE: (1) By about 1630 _____ _____,probably daughter of WILLIAM PALMER of Plymouth [TAG 32:40-41, but see COMENTS below]; she died by 1633. (2) Plymouth 17 October 1633 Anne (Elsdon) Blossom ("Anna, the late wife of Tho: Blossome") [PCR 1:16; TAG 63:74].
CHILDREN: With first wife i
SARAH, b. say 1630; m. Barnstable 11 April 1646 Jonathan Hatch [MD 5:171]. ii
MOSES, b. say 1632; m. Barnstable 22 April 1652 Elizabeth Fuller [PCR 8:47], daughter of Matthew Fuller [MF 4:10-12]. C
OMENTS: Florence Barclay, in her article on
WILLIAM PALMER of Plymouth, supplied the evidence in favor of the position that the mother of Moses Rowley was a daughter of William Palmer (see also PCR 3:45-46); she thought that Sarah Rowley who married Jonathan Hatch was a daughter of Henry Rowley, but not necessarily with the Palmer wife (which would imply yet another wife before the presumed _____ Palmer) [TAG 32:40-41]. There are many unresolved problems with this identification. Moses Rowley, who was certainly a son of Henry, married in 1652, which should place his birth no later than 1632, and probably somewhat earlier. Was Moses Rowley born in England or at Plymouth? If he was born at Plymouth, then Henry Rowley must have arrived before 1632, the earliest date which we may assume from surviving records. Since Rowley was not in Plymouth in 1627, he could have come in 1629 or 1630 when additions were made to the Plymouth population; but if this were the case he would have had to marry William Palmer's daughter immediately after getting off the boat, and even this just barely leaves enough time for Moses to b
John Kahlerl (jbkaherl@aol.com)
John Kahlerl (jbkaherl@aol.com)
_Richard Trott ______+ | (1495 - 1570) m 1543 _Robert Trott _______|_Joanna Scadding ____ | (1540 - 1599) m 1568 (1508 - 1577) _Richard Treat ______| | (1584 - 1669) m 1615| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Honoria Yumbert ____|_____________________ | (1536 - 1627) m 1568 _Robert Treat _______| | (1625 - 1710) m 1647| | | _Nicholas Gaylord ___ | | | (1500 - 1546) m 1527 | | _Hugh Gaylord _______|_Joan Sevenoak ______ | | | (1546 - 1614) (1500 - 1572) | |_Alice Gaylord ______| | (1594 - 1669) m 1615| | | _____________________ | | | | |_Alice Unknown ______|_____________________ | (1555 - 1629) | |--Samuel Treat | (1648 - 1717) | _Robert Tapp ________ | | (1515 - ....) | _Edmund Tapp ________|_____________________ | | (1550 - 1635) | _Edmund Tapp ________| | | (1592 - 1653) m 1612| | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Margaret Unknown ___|_____________________ | | (1550 - 1639) |_Jane Tapp __________| (1628 - 1703) m 1647| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Anne Unknown _______| (1583 - 1673) m 1612| | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________