__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _William De Bourdon _| | (1203 - ....) | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Ivetta De Bourdon | (1230 - ....) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
__ | __|__ | _John Gilpin ________| | (1536 - 1591) | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _Thomas Gilpin ____________________| | (1576 - 1635) m 1608 | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |_Thomazen Everard ___| | (1545 - ....) | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Sylvanus Gilpin | (1600 - 1679) | __ | | | __|__ | | | _Robert Gibson ______| | | (1558 - 1615) | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Dorothy Elizabeth Burgess Gibson _| (1586 - 1637) m 1608 | | __ | | | __|__ | | |_Dorothy Burgess ____| (1560 - 1617) | | __ | | |__|__
_Hugh Hamilton ___________________+ | (1664 - 1728) m 1687 _Alexander Hamilton of Knock and Newtown Hamilton _|_Mary Ross _______________________ | (1690 - 1768) m 1728 (1674 - 1737) _Hugh Hamilton ________| | (1730 - ....) | | | _Robert Maxwell of Finnebrogue____+ | | | | |_Isabella Maxwell _________________________________|__________________________________ | (1708 - ....) m 1728 _Hugh Hamilton ______| | (1790 - 1865) m 1816| | | __________________________________ | | | | | _Hans Widman Wood _________________________________|__________________________________ | | | | |_Isabella Wood ________| | (.... - 1834) | | | _Henry King ______________________ | | | (1680 - 1739) m 1722 | |_Frances King _____________________________________|_Isabella Wingfield ______________ | (.... - 1764) | |--Alexander Hamilton | (1825 - ....) | __________________________________ | | | ___________________________________________________|__________________________________ | | | _John Staples _________| | | | | | | __________________________________ | | | | | | |___________________________________________________|__________________________________ | | |_Elizabeth Staples __| (1798 - ....) m 1816| | _Robert Molesworth, 1st Viscount _ | | | _Richard Molesworth _______________________________|_Letitia Coote ___________________ | | (1676 - 1758) |_Henrietta Molesworth _| (1745 - 1813) | | __________________________________ | | |_Mary Jenney Ussher _______________________________|__________________________________ (.... - 1763)
__ | __|__ | __| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | _William I de , Earl of Warenne Warenne _| | (0950 - ....) | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | | | __ | | | | |__|__ | | |--Rodulf (Ralph) De Warenne | (0998 - 1074) | __ | | | __|__ | | | __| | | | | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | |_Beatrice de Torta ______________________| (0960 - ....) | | __ | | | __|__ | | |__| | | __ | | |__|__
RODULF (e) DE WARENNE derived his name from the hamlet of Varenne (dept.Seine-Inférieure) on the little river Varenne in Normandy. His parentageis unknown. He is said to have held land outside the walls of Rouen underRobert I, Duke of Normandy (died 1035), and the Cartulary of the abbey oftheHoly Trinity on the Mont de Rouen proves that he held a considerableterritoryon both banks of the Seine upstream from Rouen. He also heldland at Vascoeuil(dept. Eure), which he gave about 1053 to the abbey ofSt. Pierre de Préaux (b), and in the pays de Caux, north of Rouen, wherehe sold 4 churches with tithes to the Holy Trinity in 1059, and gaveanother church, also with tithes, in 1074.He married Beatrice, whosemother was almost certainly a sister of Gotmund Rufus DE VASCOEUIL,daughter of Tesselin, Vicomte of Rouen. She was living about 1053.[Complete Peerage XII/1:491-2, XIV:603, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
(e) His christian name is Latinised both as Rodulfus and as Radulfus(Ralph), This confusion occurs in other families (eg. the founder of the"Tancarvilles")and is probably due to two somewhat similar names havingbeen assimilated intoone; eg. Ranulf (from Hrabenwulf) and Randolf (fromRandwulf). Scribes were then likely to change Rodulfus when copyingearly charters.
(b) Before May1055 Rodulf sold to the monks land at Blosseville andEauplet, on the right bank of the Seine, and Sotteville on the left bank.Subsequently he sold them allhis rights in Blosseville, Mesnil-Esnard,Neuvillette, Lescure and Eauplet.
[From "The Origins of Some Anglo-Norman Families"]
For this identification see Mr. Loyd's paper 'The Origin of the Family ofWarenne' in Yorkshire Arch. Journal, vol. xxxi, pp. 97-113. The hamletof Varenne lies on the river Varennec. 2 miles S of Arques and c. 13miles N of Bellencombre. The latter place, arr. Dieppe, cant.Bellencombre, where there was a castle, became the caputof the Warennehonour in Normandy.
Curt Hofemann, curt_hofemann@yahoo.com, provided the
following additional information on Rodulf, in a post-em:
Rodulf (Ralph) I de Warenne
K.S.B. Keats-Rohan "Poppaof Bayeux and her Family":
1027-35: first occurrence of Ralph de Warenne ina charter for Saint-Amand[p22]
c1050: grant of land in Vascoeuil by Ralph de Warenne and wife Beatrice;charter mentions Ralph's brother Godfrey and was attestedby Gotmund milesabbatis. Dateable to c1050 by a reference to Roger deBeaumontas Vicomteof Rouen [p22]
1050's: well known charters of early 1050s by which Ralph de Warenne andhis wife Beatrice were associated with the lands of Roger fitz BishopHugh of Coutances and his sons. [p23]
Research note:K-R p22 contradicts CP (& Holloway & Wagner) by statingRodulph/Ralph died before Beatrice. Beatrice is listed as living 1053(CP XII/1:492 & ES III:698) & dead before 1059 (CP XII/1:492, K-R p22,Moriarty p184, Wagner p46]. K-R states a grant "made by widow Beatrice"to Preaux of land near Dozule, Eure was "dated during the time of Williamson of Count Robert, suggesting that William had not yet begun the seriesof military achievements that enabled him to be detached from his fatherin such references, i.e. before c1054-60". To do: check CP's source ofthe 1074 grant. Also is the term "widow" K-R's or stated in the grant oftheland near Dozule?... Curt
RODULF (e) DE WARENNE derived his name from the hamlet of Varenne (dept.Seine-Inférieure) on the little river Varenne in Normandy. His parentageis unknown. He issaid to have held land outside the walls of Rouen underRobert I, Duke of Normandy (died 1035), and the Cartulary of the abbey
[From "The Origins of Some Anglo-Norman Families"]For this identificationsee Mr. Loyd's paper 'The Origin of the Family of Warenne' in YorkshireArch. Journal, vol. xxxi, pp. 97-113. The hamlet of Varenne lies on theriver Varenne c. 2miles S of Arques and c. 13 miles N of Bellencombre.The latter place, arr. Dieppe, cant. Bellencombre, where there was acastle, became the caput of the Warenne honour in Normandy.
The Origins of Some Anglo-Norman Families, by Lewis C Loyd, 1999
_Christopher Warren _+ | _William Warren _____|_Margaret Leigh _____ | (.... - 1588) m 1559 (.... - 1575) _Christopher Warren _| | (1558 - 1587) m 1579| | | _Thomas Marble ______ | | | | |_Ann Marble _________|_____________________ | (1534 - ....) m 1559 _Richard Warren _____| | (.... - 1628) m 1609| | | _____________________ | | | | | _THOMAS Webb ________|_____________________ | | | (1534 - ....) m 1554 | |_Alice Webb _________| | (1560 - 1585) m 1579| | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Nathaniel Warren | (1624 - 1667) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Elizabeth Unknown __| (.... - 1673) m 1609| | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
Mayflower Families in Progress (MFIP), Richard Warren of the Mayflower and His Descendants for Four Generations compiled by Robert S. Wakefield, FASG, Janice A. Beebe and others, Fifth Edition, publ. by General Society of MayflowerDescendants, 1995: Pg 7:
On 11 June 1653 Jane Collyare (Collier) on behalfof her grandchild Sara the wife of Nathaniel Warren, Elizabeth Warren and Nathaniel Warren agreed to let the court resolve their differences over certainlands of Mr. Richard Warren deceased. Nathaniel Warren became a Freeman 3 June 1657. On 1 June 1658, he was a Deputy from Plymouth, a position he frequently held. The Will of Nathaniel Warren Sr. of Plymouth, dated 29 June 1667,codicil dated 16 July 1667, names wife Sarah; dau. Hope who is lame; other children (not named); the codicil mentions mother Elizabeth Warren; brother Joseph Warren; sisters Mary Bartlett, Sr., Ann Little, Sarah Cooke, Elizabeth Church and Abigaill Snow.
A Little Commonwealth, by Demos, Pg 154:
When Nathaniel Warren wrote his will in 1667, he included a formal request to his overseers "to advise about and take care of my Children in reference to their marriage; That they be matched with such as may be fit for them in reference to their spiritual and outward Estate. Ref. Mayflower Descendants, II, 38.
Richard Warren Of the Mayflower, and Some of His Descendants, by Mrs. WashingtonA. Roebling, 1901,NEHGR Vol 55, pg 76-77:
Nathaniel Warren was born at Plymouth, and according to his deposition, in 1624. His home was at Eel River, andhe had land in the vicinity of the present Summer Street, Plymouth, near what was formerly called Prence's Bottom and bounded by the Town Brook and the ministerial lands. The last mentioned land is possibly that granted to him, 5 June, 1662, in consideration of being one of the first born children in the colony. After his death this land became the property of his son James. He was also the owner of a lot number five in the Namasket or Middleborough purchase; had rights in Punkateesett on Seconnett River, now in Rhode Island, as well as grants at Agawam and Manomett Ponds. Mr . Warren was a member of the Plymouth militia in 1643; was chosen surveyor of highways in 1654; and selectman in 1667. and representative to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1657-8-9, 1660, 1668-4-5. His will, executed 29 June 1667, with codicil thereto 16July, 1667, named wife Sarah and "children, diverse of them being young," mother, Mistress Elizabeth Warren, sister Mary Bartlett, Sen., Ann Little, Sarah Cooke, Elizabeth Church and Abigail Snow and appointed Captain Thomas Southworth, brother Joseph Warren and Lieutenant Ephraim Morton supervisors. He married 19 November 1645, Sarah Walker, who died at Plymouth, 24 November, 1645, and who was the grand-daughter of Jane Collier, wife of William Collier of Duxbury.
[24361] codicil dated 16 July 1667
[24362] d. bet. 7-16-1667 and 10-21-1667
John Kahlerl (jbkaherl@aol.com)
Warren MFIP, Ed 5, 1995, pg 2, 7
Grt.Mig. (Warren) NEHGS ONLINE Vol. I-III (2 Jul 2003)
Warren, by Mrs. Roebling, NEHGR 55:76-77
Mich. Blackwell, NEHGR 117:184 (1963)
Warren, by Mrs. Roebling, NEHGR 55:74 (1901)