_FOUQUE De Basset __________________+ | (1015 - ....) m 1040 _THURSTAN "The Norman" Basset _______________|____________________________________ | (1050 - 1086) m 1075 _Ralph Basset __________________| | (1076 - 1120) m 1110 | | | ____________________________________ | | | | |_Thurstine __________________________________|____________________________________ | m 1075 _Thomas Basset ___________________| | (1110 - 1182) m 1150 | | | ____________________________________ | | | | | _Robert Le Brus _____________________________|____________________________________ | | | (1030 - 1098) m 1072 | |_Agatha De Brus ________________| | (1079 - ....) m 1110 | | | _Alain III de Bretagne _____________+ | | | (0997 - 1040) m 1033 | |_Gunnora (Emma) Brittany ____________________|_Berthe de Chartres de Blois _______ | (.... - 1094) m 1072 (1015 - 1085) | |--Alan Bassett | (1165 - 1233) | _Henry I Beauclerc King Of England _+ | | (1068 - 1135) | _Rainald (Reginald) FitzRoy de Dunstanville _|_Sibyl Corbet ______________________ | | (1090 - 1175) m 1110 | _Alan Reginald De Dunstanville _| | | (1110 - 1156) | | | | ____________________________________ | | | | | | |_Adelina De Lisle ___________________________|____________________________________ | | (1090 - 1124) m 1110 |_Adeliza (Alice) de Dunstanville _| (.... - 1184) m 1150 | | _Robert de Mortaigne _______________+ | | (.... - 1095) m 1054 | _William De Mortaigne Earl Of Cornwall ______|_Maud "Matilda" De Montgomery ______ | | (1084 - 1140) (.... - 1085) |_Beatrice De Mortaigne _________| (1114 - 1162) | | ____________________________________ | | |_Isabel Fitz Richard De Clare _______________|____________________________________
Bullet 1215 Named In Magna Charta, King John Advisor
Basset, of Wycombe, Bucks, by Aline, daughter and coheir of Philip deGai. [Burke's Peerage]
Sheriff of Rutland.[jweber.FTW]
Martha Irwin (marirw@yahoo.com)
_____________________ | _______________________|_____________________ | _Edward Borlase _____| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_______________________|_____________________ | _John Borlase _______| | (1526 - 1593) | | | _____________________ | | | | | _______________________|_____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | | _____________________ | | | | |_______________________|_____________________ | | |--Anne Borlase | (1556 - 1627) | _____________________ | | | _Sir William Lytton ___|_____________________ | | | _Sir Robert Lytton __| | | (.... - 1551) | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_Audrey Booth _________|_Margaret Hopton ____ | | (1452 - ....) |_Anne Lytton ________| (1533 - 1620) | | _____________________ | | | _Sir Anthony Cavalery _|_____________________ | | |_Frances Cavalery ___| | | _____________________ | | |_______________________|_____________________
E.P. Isham 1984, An Index of the Ishams in England and America.
G.B. Roberts 1989, Ancestors of American Presidents. Date of death
Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 28, 343-345, 1920. Will
written 3 December 1627, proved 1 January 1627. This names two
daughters (and their husbands) and three sons.
Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 18, 87, 1910.
A.L. Langston and J.O. Buck 1986, Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor
Charlemagne's Descendants, pp. 165-166.
From the "selvage1" database at WorldConnect. Please contact PetersonC@missouri.edu with corrections and additions.
_John Punch _________ | (1612 - 1683) _John Bunch _________|_Unknown Unknown ____ | (1637 - 1704) (1612 - ....) _John Bunch ____________| | (1666 - 1729) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | _John Bunch _________| | (1690 - 1742) m 1715| | | _____________________ | | | | | _Edward Bates _______|_____________________ | | | (1624 - 1680) | |_Mary Temperance Bates _| | (1668 - 1735) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--Lucretia Bunch | (1718 - 1774) | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | | _Anthony Harrison ______| | | (1662 - 1699) | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |_Rebecca Harrison ___| (1699 - 1770) m 1715| | _____________________ | | | _Henry Bernard ______|_____________________ | | (1630 - ....) |_Rebecca Bernard _______| (1660 - 1699) | | _____________________ | | |_Martha Eales _______|_____________________ (1640 - ....)
_Henry De Ferrers _________________________________________________________+ | (1036 - 1101) _Robert De Ferrers ______________|_Berthe Roberts ___________________________________________________________ | (1062 - 1139) (1040 - ....) _Robert De Ferrers _________________________| | (1100 - 1160) m 1135 | | | _Andre Seigneur de Vitre __________________________________________________+ | | | (.... - 1139) m 1079 | |_Hawise De Vitre ________________|_Agnes De Mortaigne _______________________________________________________ | _William "Walkelin" (Walchaline) De Ferrers _| | (.... - 1189) | | | _William "The Elder" Peverel ______________________________________________+ | | | (1050 - ....) m 1071 | | _William "The Younger" Peveril __|_Adelina (Adeliza) Unknown ________________________________________________ | | | (.... - 1155) m 1112 (1055 - ....) | |_Margaret Peverel __________________________| | m 1135 | | | _Roger "the Poitevin" De Montgomery _______________________________________+ | | | (1054 - 1123) m 1074 | |_Avice De Lancaster _____________|_Ademonde (Almodis) de la Marche __________________________________________ | (1095 - 1149) m 1112 (1055 - 1116) | |--Henry De Ferrers | (1176 - ....) | _William de Braose (or Braiose or Briouse or Breuse or Brewes) of Bramber _ | | | _Philip De Braose _______________|_Eva De Braose ____________________________________________________________ | | (1073 - 1139) (1001 - 1080) | _William De Braose _________________________| | | (1112 - ....) | | | | _Judael of Totnes _________________________________________________________ | | | | | | |_Aenor De Totnes ________________|___________________________________________________________________________ | | (1084 - ....) |_Sybil De Braose ____________________________| | | _Walter FitzRoger _________________________________________________________+ | | (.... - 1129) m 1087 | _Miles De Petres III FitzWalter _|_Berta Emma De Baalun _____________________________________________________ | | (1092 - 1143) m 1121 (1067 - 1091) |_Bertha FitzPWalter de Piers, de Gloucester_| | | _Bernard De Neufmarche ____________________________________________________+ | | (1050 - 1093) |_Sybil De Neufmarche ____________|_Nest FitzRichard Verch Osborn ____________________________________________ (.... - 1143) m 1121 (1075 - 1163)
_THOMAS Tyrell ______+ | (1460 - 1490) m 1487 _WILLIAM Tyrell _____|_ELIZABETH LE Brun __ | (1490 - ....) m 1495 (1463 - 1493) _HUMPHREY THORTON Tyrell ____| | (1510 - 1548) m 1519 | | | _Thomas Bodley ______ | | | (1460 - ....) m 1486 | |_ELIZABETH Bodley ___|_JOAN Leech _________ | (1490 - ....) m 1495 (1464 - 1530) _GEORGE Tyrell ______________| | (1530 - 1571) m 1550 | | | _____________________ | | | | | _John Ingleton ______|_____________________ | | | (1475 - ....) | |_JANE Ingleton ______________| | (1510 - 1557) m 1519 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________|_____________________ | | |--WILLIAM Tyrell | (1560 - 1595) | _____________________ | | | _Thomas Montague ____|_____________________ | | (1452 - 1517) m 1485 | _Edward Montague ____________| | | (1485 - 1556) | | | | _William Dudley _____+ | | | | (1422 - 1505) m 1481 | | |_Agnes Dudley _______|_Christiana Darrel __ | | (1454 - 1559) m 1485 (1426 - 1504) |_ELEANOR ELIZABETH Montague _| (1525 - 1565) m 1550 | | _____________________ | | | _____________________|_____________________ | | |_Helen (Elenor Ellen) Roper _| (1500 - 1563) | | _____________________ | | |_____________________|_____________________
[19037] !http://www.gencircles.com/users/lknopke/1/data/01325.html
[21644] Ancestor of U.S. President Rutherford B. Hayes.
Marriage Church in St. Margaret Of Antioch
Church marriage records show the marriage of Samuel Smyth to Elizabeth Smyth. See excellent discussion in Paul W. Pringle, "The Wife of Lt.Samuel Smith of Wethersfield," "The American Genealogist, Vol 32," 1956:pg. 202.